They accidentally broke into the mouse's nest.

They can't go in the direction of mice, because that means being swallowed by tens of thousands of mice.

So the only way is through the crevice of the corpse wall.

Wu Xingyun slowly picked up his gun and said to Ye Fan in a low voice: "get through!"

Ye Fan's face turned pale in an instant.

Both of them could see at the moment that it was the mouse that came back to the nest, not to look for food.

Two people in the dark, and was contaminated with a lot of smell around, the mouse could not find them for a while.

Or maybe the mice are full and don't really want to hunt now.

But if they stay here all the time, the end result will only be part of the corpse wall.

Wu Xingyun drank softly in a low voice: "hurry up!"

Ye Fan drilled into the crevice. He thought it was better to drill into the corpse wall.

The gap is very narrow. Ye Fan has to bend down to get in. When he gets in, he finds that it's a channel about three meters long.

The reason for the formation of the passage is that there is a fallen armrest. When the rats throw their bodies, the bodies are blocked on the armrest, so a small space is formed.

Ye Fan carefully took his own steps, trying not to make any sound, his body and some of the head rubbed, and has been full of blood hands in front of him, rubbed his face.

Ye fan used three seconds to drill out the gap. When he drilled out the gap, he heard a bang of gunshot.

Wu Xingyun shot, his back toward the gap, backward forward, but there are still a few mice found him, followed.

One of them tried to attack Wu Xingyun, who had no choice.

Plague is the most terrible thing. If you are bitten by this kind of mouse, you will lose your life here.

Wu Xingyun's marksmanship was accurate. He was killed with one shot. The fat mouse rolled twice on the ground. After a spasm in his limbs, he died.

But the gunfire alerted other mice, and more mice began to notice Wu Xingyun and attack him.

Bang bang!

The gunfire was deafening.

But no matter how many bullets there are, they are limited. What's more, Wu Xingyun doesn't have many bullets at all.

When he got out of the narrow passage, there were less than ten bullets left, but there were more and more mice.

Wu Xingyun doesn't plan to shoot any more casually. He pulls out the dagger and cuts off another mouse that tries to attack him.

But this kind of lethality is too small. When one mouse dies, there will be ten mice pouring in.

These mice with wisdom even know how to revenge!!

At first, only a dozen mice followed Wu Xingyun out of the crevice, but immediately, a dozen became hundreds, hundreds became thousands.

Mice, as if they were under command, rushed towards Wu Xingyun like the water breaking through a dam.

"Run Wu Xingyun pulls Ye Fan and runs to the other end of the tunnel.

The other end of the tunnel is about 300 meters away. Wu Xingyun trains all year round and runs very fast. Ye Fan can't keep up with Wu Xingyun and falls to the ground.

Wu Xingyun quickly reaches out to pull, but finds that Ye Fan's ankle has been bitten by a mouse.

Wu Xingyun stepped on the body of the mouse.

He trampled on the rat's intestines, but his teeth must bite Ye Fan tightly.

Wu Xingyun pulls Ye Fan up, and hundreds of mice have come through the cracks to keep up with them, and they are getting closer and closer.

Wu Xingyun continued to drag Ye Fan to run, but ye fan only felt that his whole leg seemed numb. He couldn't keep up with Wu Xingyun's step by jumping, and those mice were getting closer and closer.

Ye Fan pushed Wu Xingyun: "Brother Yun, run by yourself!"

Wu Xingyun was pushed by Ye Fan. When he looked back, he found that although the fat mouse was dead, it was still biting Ye Fan's leg. And this kind of mouse seems to be very powerful. Ye Fan's whole leg is stiff after being bitten, and he can't walk at all.

Without saying a word, Wu Xingyun turned around and put Ye Fan on his back and ran out of the tunnel.

In the process of running, Wu Xingyun can also shoot with his backhand to kill the mice trying to jump at him.

Although Ye Fan gave Wu Xingyun a push at the beginning to let him run quickly, once he was carried by Wu Xingyun, he would hold Wu Xingyun's neck tightly with both hands and try to cooperate with him instead of singing against him at this time.

Wu Xingyun sprint speed of 300 meters is very fast, with a person does not slow down, because he has never been lazy in weight-bearing practice.

Without the help of any thrusters, Wu ran out of the tunnel in 30 seconds.

Those mice did not follow up, they were very careful to stop at the entrance of the tunnel, with the awareness of not going beyond the thunder.When Wu Xingyun stood outside the tunnel with Ye Fan on his back, he looked back and watched the mice stop. A more ominous premonition rose in his mind.

Mice are very sensitive creatures. It is said that the sixth sense is extremely strong.

The mouse suddenly stops at the tunnel, which means that there will be more terrible creatures waiting for him.

Wu Xingyun counted his bullets. He had just used a lot of them when dealing with mice, and used some when running away with Ye Fan on his back. Now there are only two left.

Wu Xingyun turned back and looked at Ye Fan on his back. Ye Fan's head was already drooping on his shoulder, and his eyes began to lose light.

Plague is the most terrible thing in the interstellar world. Even ordinary mice can be deadly when infected, not to mention the mutant mice?

Wu Xingyun asked in a low voice, "how are you?"

Ye Fan snorted, his body has become hot.

Wu Xingyun took a few steps on his back, but he couldn't take Ye Fan any more, or both of them would be dead!

He has to make a choice.

Wu Xingyun carries Ye Fan to the side of the road, puts him down and touches his head. His forehead is very hot.

Wu Xingyun said: "those mice dare not go out of the tunnel. There must be something more terrible here I'll take you. We'll both die. "

Ye Fan murmured, knowing that this was the rhythm of his abandonment. He didn't have much resentment in his heart. On the contrary, he was grateful that Wu Xingyun didn't leave him in the rat nest. He whispered, "thank you Thank you for not Throw me in In the rat pile... "

Wu Xingyun saw that Ye Fan's lips were all cracked and wanted to get him some water to drink, but the kettle was lost in the sudden incident.

Wu Xingyun felt a little sorry, thought about it and said, "I'll come to you when I solve the danger. Don't be afraid. I won't leave you too far away. I'll be next to you."

Ye Fan knows that Wu Xingyun is probably embarrassed to say that he wants to leave his words behind, so this is a kind of euphemism.

Moreover, he looked down at his calf and felt that it was swollen and thicker than his thigh. It was obvious that he was infected. His whole body was unconscious and his brain became a bit numb. At the moment, he was aware of being a burden. At this time of chaos, the unknown soldier has done a lot to bring him here from the snowstorm cliff and carry him out of the rat nest.

Now that he is about to die, the soldier has no injuries all over. Abandoning himself is the best choice.

Ye Fan nodded, his voice was a little erratic: "OK Go ahead and be careful And Don't feel guilty... "

Wu Xingyun found that there seemed to be some green spots on Ye Fan's face. He didn't know what it was. He didn't approve of coming to the city, but now he is glad to choose a slightly larger County as his destination.

As long as you can make a quick decision, you can take ye fan to the hospital in the city and find medicine to treat him.

Although it's a great pleasure for the future night devil to die, Wu Xingyun thinks that the glory should be obtained by himself, not given to a group of mice or other things.

After Wu Xingyun put Ye Fan on the roadside, he walked towards the grass. It had just rained here, and there were mud pits all over the grass on the roadside. Wu Xingyun tied up his trousers tightly, rolled several times in the mud pit to make his smell match the surrounding environment, made some grass to make fake clothes, and finally made a circle to test the wind direction and go against the wind.

In this way, Wu Xingyun's only remaining odor will be taken away, and will not be discovered by sensitive species.

Wu Xingyun is convinced that there is no species on this planet whose perceptual acuity exceeds that of the night sky.

He had approached the night sky three times without being found, and ambushed him twice successfully. Although he did not have the ghost lock combat suit, Wu Xingyun believed that the dangerous life on this planet did not have the abnormal perception ability of the night sky.

Wu Xingyun lies in the grass and looks up at Ye Fan by the roadside in the distance.

Ye Fan has fallen to the ground and no one knows. He must solve the terrible threat on this road as soon as possible.

Soon, it was getting dark, and a dark shadow appeared on the road.

The shadow was about the size of a car, moving quickly and nimbly. If Wu Xingyun had not been paying attention to the surroundings, he would not have noticed the shadow in the dark.

When the shadow walked on the road, he lowered his body and carefully raised and lowered his limbs on the ground. According to his body shape, he should be a cat.

Soon, as it got closer and closer, Wu Xingyun quickly judged what the shadow was.

It's a huge black cat.

The black cat can't make a sound when walking. Its ears are flat and close to the tunnel mouth carefully.

Originally, those mutant mice are afraid of it!!

People are in the food chain of mice, and mice are in the food chain of this cat.

And look at the familiar posture of the cat, it may have gained a lot here, which is why the mice dare not easily get out of the hole.Wu Xingyun took a gun and aimed at the huge black cat.

Cats are solitary animals. If they hunt around here, there won't be many cats of this size nearby.

Wu Xingyun is not prepared to fight against such a large beast unless it tries to hurt Ye Fan.

Black cat gently went to fall on the roadside of Ye Fan side, it stretched out its nose, smell the faint Ye Fan.

Wu Xingyun also raised his gun in the grass and aimed at the black cat's eyes.

Black cat did not stick out his tongue to add Ye Fan's face. He straightened up and left Ye Fan's mouth.

Wu Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief. The cat's tongue is full of barbs. Even if the cat doesn't have any malice, as long as you lick it down, Ye Fan's face will be gone.

But the black cat went to stretch out its paw and pulled Ye Fan.

Ye Fan uttered a slight groan, and Wu Xingyun's heart came up to his throat.

But he saw that the black cat didn't extend its claws, just turned a punch around Ye Fan, stretched a stretch, and walked towards the tunnel entrance.

Until the black cat left Ye Fan, Wu Xingyun was relieved. He watched the black cat hide in the shadow, the black cat is very smart, the choice of the road is all black, and its body formed a perfect protective belt.

With the coming of night, some mice want to come out, one or two of them seem to smell the smell of dying people. They carefully walk out of the cave, look around, and then walk forward.

A dark figure jumped out of the darkness, perfect and smooth, elegant with killing.

Just for a moment, very fast, almost to Wu Xingyun did not see clearly, the black cat has gone back with its booty.

The other mice who were ready to come out saw the scene and all retracted into the tunnel and did not dare to come out again.

The black cat had three mice in its mouth and caught one playing between its two claws. The mice tried to run away, but they couldn't get out of the black cat's claws at all.

Finally, the black cat killed the four mice and seemed to be tired, so he began to chew in the middle of the road.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Cats are born to be ferocious predators, killing is their instinct, but at this time, Wu Xingyun would like to thank this cat very much.

It was this black cat who loved killing that saved him and ye fan. Otherwise, they would be chased out of the tunnel and killed by rats.

Wu Xingyun patiently waited until the black cat buried the endless delicious food in the soil before he came out of the grass and walked towards Ye Fan.

The cat was lying on the road, wagging its tail and watching two people pass by.

Wu Xingyun doesn't dare to walk too fast. With Ye Fan on his back, he may be able to avoid the attack of the mouse, but it is absolutely impossible to avoid the attack of the black cat, whose speed and killing skills are extremely proficient.

He worried that if he walked too fast, it would trigger the cat's chasing instinct. If the black cat suddenly came up to chase him, it would be bad.

But the cat was obviously still savoring its delicious meal, and it didn't mean to chase Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun, carrying Ye Fan on his back, walked a distance of more than 400 meters before he began to run wildly.

He ran all the way and soon arrived at the target city.

The city is very small, with only two streets, and it is also by the river. The hospital in the city is very conspicuous, and you can see it at a glance.

Wu Xingyun carries Ye Fan to the hospital. The hospital is not big. It has only five floors, and there is no one in it.

The whole city was like a dead city. He easily searched the drugs in the whole hospital and harvested five scalpels.

Wu Xingyun didn't know what would happen in the middle of the night. He didn't dare to stay in the unprotected place like the hospital, so he left with Ye Fan and chose to come to an armed police squadron stationed in the city.

There was no one inside, and the defense of the barracks was not much different from that of the hospital.

The armed police squadron was stationed here to guard the prison. Wu Xingyun found a circle in the camp and felt that the prison sentry was the safest place.

In order to prevent prisoners from escaping, escaping and attacking, the whole Sentry is fenced by steel. The wattage of the light bulb in the sentry is large enough to provide sufficient light, and there are shooting lights around the sentry to observe the situation from a commanding position.

The bad thing is that there's no bed, no TV, and it's not in line with what you want to hear in advance.

Wu Xingyun went to the barracks below to hold two quilts, removed a door panel, made a simple bed, put Ye Fan on the bed, and replenished enough ammunition in the local armory before he began to check Ye Fan's wound.

He also moved a TV, but there is no cable line, no radio. And he did not dare to leave Ye Fan for too long, asking for information, can only slow down.

All the way, he kept checking Ye Fan's signs of life, and there was no signs of exhaustion, so it was only now that everything was slightly guaranteed that he was convenient to start treatment. Wu Xingyun doesn't want to help Ye Fan deal with the wound when he suddenly jumps out a monster or something. That's the rhythm of both dying!Wu Xingyun put ye Fanping behind the temporary wooden bed and tried to roll up his trouser legs, but his legs were completely swollen and could not be rolled up at all, so he could only cut open his trouser legs.

Ye Fan's whole leg is blackened, and in his calf, the wound bitten by the mouse is already emitting yellow pus.

Wu Xingyun cut his wound and squeezed out the pus. He tried to bleed the black blood, but it didn't seem to work. So he could only suck out all the black blood with his mouth.

When these were done, he disinfected the wound with alcohol, and fed Ye Fan with a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs, anti fever drugs and antiviral drugs.

Wu Xingyun worried that he would be infected if he had just given Ye Fan black blood, so he swallowed a lot of medicine.

Finally, Wu Xingyun gave Ye Fan a bottle of drip.

Ye Fan has no sign of waking up, but his heart is beating all the time and there is no sign of dying.

When in the end he can wake up, wake up is to become an idiot or a fool, Wu Xingyun can only let fate.

With enough medicine, Wu Xingyun was not too worried about Ye Fan's injury. Even the next day, he felt that Ye Fan might not have enough oxygen. After sealing the sentry, he went to the hospital and dragged a bottle of oxygen for ye fan to use.

There are not many mutated creatures in the city. It seems that they have been eliminated in a round. When Wu Xingyun went out, he met the black cat once. The black cat fished for strange fish by the river. The strange fish was bigger than the black cat, but the black cat knew how to kill its prey and was born to kill artists.

Wu Xingyun once again thanks black cat for the information that there are strange fish in the river and they can't get near.

In this city, the biggest threat is the black cat and the mouse in the tunnel.

If the black cat is fed up with mice, it may go back to the city to eat people. Wu Xingyun thinks that with the skill, acuity and ambush ability of the black cat, it may be difficult for him to escape.

However, it is also possible that mice evolved higher wisdom, killed the black cat, and then captured the city.

On the fifth day, the sun disappeared out of thin air again.

This time, it disappeared for a long time and did not appear. Wu Xingyun calculated that the sun had not appeared for 36 hours, and a kind of white fog began to appear around.

There was a fishy smell in the fog.

Wu Xingyun is very confused. He doesn't know whether this kind of fog is the normal state of the earth or another variation phenomenon. He can only hope that ye fan, who has been in a half dead state, will wake up quickly and answer this question.

Ten days later, Wu Xingyun couldn't figure out whether it was night or day. Anyway, the sun never appeared, and sometimes there was white fog. Moreover, Ye Fan is often hot and cold, just like playing a fiddle.

When it's hot, Wu Xingyun just wipes his body with cold water. When it's cold, Wu Xingyun sleeps with him.

Finally, on the 15th day, Ye Fan's temperature kept constant. Wu Xingyun made a shop beside him. Just as he was sleepy, he suddenly heard Ye Fan hum.

So Wu Xingyun quickly looked at Ye Fan and saw that Ye Fan finally slowly opened his eyes.

He reached out and touched Ye Fan's forehead. Ye Fan's temperature was normal.

Wu Xingyun took a long breath and fell on the floor tired.

When ye fan wakes up, it means that his dangerous period has passed. It's Wu Xingyun's turn to have a good sleep.

When ye fan opened his eyes and saw everything around him, he found that he and Wu Xingyun were huddled in a small room. The room was very small. He could only put down a door panel and sleep on the bed made of the door panel. The man on the other side curled up in a smaller space. His eyes were black and thin. Just that bang was the sound of Wu Xingyun falling over in the moment when he opened his eyes.

Ye Fan first approached Wu Xingyun to have a look, and found that the other party only lifted the quilt on his body after sleeping. He found that all his clothes had been changed, from shirt to underwear, and even underwear were clean new clothes.

He couldn't help but look at the man on one side again. At that time, he thought he was destined to be abandoned, but this man recited himself from the rat nest.

Even after he said "it's OK, don't feel guilty", he still didn't abandon himself.

"You wait for me here, I'll be back soon." It's not comforting words, but the truth!

Ye Fan felt a warm current in his heart. He was ready to be abandoned and ready to die, but now he woke up, everything was beyond his expectation.

Ye Fan bowed his head slightly. He sniffed the smell in the air. He found that his sense of smell became very sharp. He could even smell the smell of the soldier in the air.

And - he remembers the trance of being in a coma.

When you are in a hot stove, someone helps you wipe your body.

In the ice hell, some people hold themselves and warm themselves with their body temperature.

Ye Fan bowed his head and sniffed himself.

Although those things have passed for many days, although his body has been wiped many times, he can still smell the smell of Wu Xingyun on his body.He didn't know whether it was his sense of smell or his inner illusion.

Ye Fan stood up. In this moment, he found that he seemed to be able to hear a lot of voices.

For example, the sound of your hands rubbing on the quilt, for example, the sound of water leaking downstairs, for example, the sound of birds flying in the sky, and the sound of breathing.

He stood up and looked out.

Although it was still dark, he found that he could see farther than he could during the day.

Ye Fan is sure that some things have happened to him, but he doesn't understand how it all happened, let alone why it happened.

When he rolled up his trouser legs and looked at the wound bitten by the mouse, he found that there was no scar at all.

He found that his skin became more flexible and elastic. When he looked back slightly and looked at the man lying in the corner, he found that he could see the lip lines of the man, every eyelash and the ash on the eyelash.

Is it a mouse?

Ye Fan pondered in his heart, is it because he was bitten by a mouse that he became extremely sensitive?

It's like getting a new life!

Why on earth?

Ye Fan doesn't know that all these problems are a fog to him, but he is very sure of one thing, that is, the man didn't abandon him or throw him to the side of the road. It's him who gives himself a new life!

Ye Fan crawled over slowly, and found that Wu Xingyun didn't cover himself when he fell to the ground.

When he covers his quilt, he finds that his partner's coat, shoes and socks are not taken off.

When he tried to make Wu Xingyun sleep more comfortable, he found that he gave up the most comfortable place to himself.

Ye Fan gently raised his leg, crossed Wu Xingyun's body and picked him up.

At that moment, Wu Xingyun opened his eyes, and Ye Fan worried that he would disturb each other's dreams.

But unexpectedly, Wu just looked at him and closed his eyes.

Ye Fan explained: "I'm well. I see you are very tired. I'll give you another place to sleep."

Wu Xingyun gave a "um".

Ye Fan took Wu Xingyun to the place where he had been lying and began to take off his shoes, socks and clothes.

While taking off, said: "help you take off the clothes, sleep more comfortable."

Wu Xingyun just "MMM", even slightly raised his waist to cooperate with each other.

Ye Fan begins to untie the belt tied by Wu Xingyun and unties his pants buckle. When the metal buckle of the belt slips through the other party's abdomen, Ye Fan accidentally touches something he shouldn't touch.

He worried that Wu Xingyun blamed himself, but Wu Xingyun only slightly opened his eyes and looked at him, and did not say anything.

Ye Fan said hastily, "it's not intentional But I think It's all men. It's no big deal. "

Wu Xingyun gave a "um" and closed his eyes again.

Ye Fan takes off all Wu Xingyun's clothes and covers him with a quilt.

He opened the door and found that he could still hear the breath of Wu Xingyun.

Then he took a few steps out with his clothes and found that Wu Xingyun's breathing was very weak, but he could still hear it.

When ye fan stepped down from the sentry, he found that as long as he was attentive, he could even hear the sound of insects and ants crawling on the ground.

Ye Fan found a basin, ran to the place where there was a tap, and began to help Wu Xingyun wash clothes.

When the sound of water rushing into his ears, he could still hear the sound of Wu Xingyun turning over and the slight snoring of Wu Xingyun.

When ye fan's fingers rub those clothes, he feels that this is the most reassuring day since the end of time.

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