After eating, they followed the crowd on the road again.

After a meal, the number of people who can keep up is much less, and there has been a preliminary level and order.

Social animals are always able to build a new social system in the shortest time.

After about four hours of marching, hunger hit again.

The human body can't bear hunger more than any other species. Every movement they make will consume a lot of heat.

Another round of food grabs and meals.

This time, in the dark, the strong are full of energy because they have had enough to eat.

And the weak, already hungry for a meal, become weaker.

The population began to split into two levels, only after two days.

There are few kind-hearted people. When they understand that food is limited, few people will share their food with others.

Call curse one after another, Ye Fan is still squatting in the body to eat, but no one dares to harass him.

After eating, it is early in the morning, the sun has not come out, but human energy is always limited, they need to rest.

The crowd has always been along the road, although they are still some loose organization, but some of the stronger people have occupied the middle of the road as a resting place. And those who are weak are pushed to the periphery.

On the concrete land on the road, it is more comfortable to sleep than the grass and soil. Ye Fan also plans to grab a piece of concrete land to sleep, but Wu Xingyun said: "it's a last resort to eat. You can sleep wherever you sleep. Don't beat people for this. Bully people by your own strength. It's not good..."

Ye Fan is not very willing. He thinks he has the strength to fight for it, but when he turns to see Wu Xingyun, he changes his mind.

The three took a rest in the grass far away from the road.

The fire lit up the whole wilderness. On the winding road, some brave and powerful people fell asleep.

In the haystack around the road, some young people who were not very strong fell asleep.

In the most peripheral and dangerous places, there are some old, weak, sick and disabled people who are unable to compete at all.

Wu Xingyun and his family were on the outside. Two young people gave their blankets and coats to their elders. However, the cold temperature at night made them unable to sleep.

There is a small fire in front of the three. Luo yaoguo has gone to sleep wrapped in a blanket and a coat. Wu Xingyun holds his arm tightly with cold.

Ye Fan sat next to him, tangled in his heart for a long time, then said: "we sleep in our arms, maybe it will be a little better. You Do you mind? "

Wu Xingyun looks up slightly and sees Ye Fan's face illuminated by the campfire.

The childishness on this face has basically disappeared, and I don't know if it's because of the mutation. Ye Fan's facial features are extremely beautiful, and there is a dangerous smell of killing people in the beauty.

Wu Xingyun said, "well, we should have a good rest." The ambiguity of his words, Ye Fan aftertaste for a long time to know what it means.

So Ye Fan moved toward Wu Xingyun and put his hand on his shoulder.

After seeing that the other side had no objection, Ye Fan's hand tightened slightly and pulled it into his arms.

Ye Fan bowed his head, he saw each other very quiet nest in his arms, the fire light will illuminate his face. In spite of this cruel environment, Ye Fan found that the person in his arms still had a pair of bright eyes, and never changed the bottom line.

Ye Fan's arms were slightly tightened, and his voice was gentle: "if you lean on my chest, it won't be cold any more I'll be on guard. "

Wu Xingyun's eyes closed slightly, and he felt the temperature of the other side spread to himself, very warm. He snored slightly.

And Ye Fan looked at Wu Xingyun for a long time, and couldn't sleep. To tell you the truth, until just now, he was not willing to give up the concrete land he could have snatched. The grass in the wild is not a suitable place to sleep. It's damp and cold. There will be many small insects taking the opportunity to get into their pants.

But now, when he holds Wu Xingyun and looks at each other sleeping in his arms, he feels that he has just made the right choice. Ye Fan looked up and found that there were many people sleeping in the same posture as the two.

They either father and son, or husband and wife, will their most important relatives, friends, care in the arms, in this cold night, with their body temperature, for the family to support a small piece of warm world.

Ye Fan smiles at the corner of his mouth. He rubs his chin against Wu Xingyun's forehead. He remembers what the other person said, "when you eat, it's a last resort. Don't bully others with your own strength. It's not good..."

Ye Fan thinks that the soldier in front of him who is stronger than himself is much kinder than himself. Many times he would rather suffer losses than hurt others, even in the end

Gradually, most of the bonfires went out, and there was darkness around.

Ye Fan's vision is not damaged in the dark, and his perception is more acute. When the last campfire goes out, he hears strange footsteps.Ye Fan looked at the places where the voices were made, and then he saw a scene that made people tremble.

In the dark, some people sleeping in the grass, toward the road.

The man's footstep is very light, and his face is still injured. He was bullied when he was eating.

There is more than one such person. They are all spontaneous.

Some of those people have more or less weapons in their hands. They touch the side of the road lightly and find the people who have bullied themselves, robbed their food, or just occupied the road.

Revenge, hatred, counterattack, not willing to be first-class than others, expect to stand at the top of social life.

Various reasons entangled together, led to this night, a large-scale murder.

Weapons were inserted into the chests of the people who were sleeping on the road. There was a scream on the road. Many people immediately woke up, but more people died. Their food and supplies were robbed and they died.

Many people were awakened by this scene. Some of them lit their own fire and looked around warily, while others took the opportunity to make trouble and revenge on those who had bullied them.

In such a disordered world, many orders need to be reestablished, and many people are fighting for the right to make them.

At this time, Ye Fan was glad that he had listened to Wu Xingyun's words and didn't sleep on the road. He didn't rob other people's things, but he had a feud.

If he is not on the edge, it is difficult to be the protagonist of this incident. Maybe he hacked others, or he was hacked to death.

The break was interrupted, and some people went on their way, but more people chose to stay and follow them.

Wu Xingyun also woke up. He was still in Ye Fan's arms. His voice was a little vague: "is something wrong?"

Ye Fan said, "it's none of our business. If you sleep a little longer, I'll warn you."

Wu Xingyun closed his eyes again. When his slight snoring sounded, Ye Fan gazed at him for a long time, and the people in his sleep were very clever and submissive. The dark skin is very elastic, but the lips are a little dry.

Ye Fan slightly bowed his head, gently, secretly, quickly, and kissed his lips.

The sun never came out, so no one knew how many people died in the murder that night.

But ye fan found that there were almost no looters.

People spontaneously form one small group after another, or according to the blood relationship, or according to the social relationship.

These small groups formed into large groups.

A man named Wang Qiang became the person at the top of the group pyramid.

Wang Qiang is very strong, and in the process of marching, he killed a mutant cat alone. There is no doubt that his strength is the strongest in this group.

Wu Xingyun and ye fan are secretly guessing Wang Qiang's skill.

Wang Qiang is a bald man, with old scars on his forehead, and he has great fighting skills.

His skill is very agile. Ye Fan thinks that Wang Qiang's energy is very strong, so he should be a mutant.

More powerful mutants than themselves.

The team moved slowly, the initial chaos had gradually disappeared, and there was almost no revenge for murder while sleeping.

As they passed through the small towns along the road, they got some more cars, and more survivors joined the team.

With the continuous progress of the team, the food brought by people is not enough, and hunting must be organized to maintain the heat supplement.

Because of his own strength, Wang Qiang can get the most and the most abundant prey. With food and violence, he has received many younger brothers and has the right to distribute food at will.

Because of this power, many girls and children also joined him.

At night, when no one can find a place to sleep, he can already set up a tent to do something, and his subordinate younger brother is willing to guard for him.

In the whole team, besides Wang Qiang, there are also some people who can hunt. For one reason or another, they can't stand Wang Qiang's actions and don't want to be with him.

Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan belong to one of these people.

So when Wang Qiang saw Wu Xingyun's marksmanship and wanted to woo him, he was simply rejected by Ye Fan: "we just want to go to Xi'an and go to relatives. We don't want anything else."

Wang Qiang continued to persuade: "what is Xi'an? You don't want to go to the army, do you? Don't dream. Look at the Military District of C City I won't treat you badly. I'm a mutant! "

Ye Fan shook his head with a smile and refused.

Wang Qiang's face changed and he walked away after scolding him.

Since they refused Wang Qiang's solicitation, most of the people in the whole team have been pushing them out intentionally or unintentionally. Wang Qiang even sent someone to try to kill two guys who didn't know how to praise them, or who threatened his position when he was resting in the middle of the night.

But ye fan's perception is very sharp. Anyone who tries to get close to him will be found.The other side can not succeed, can only have the heart unwilling, but helpless.

When Luo yaoguo learned of the situation, he sighed: "frog in the well!"

A month later, a group of people finally came to the pass.

Although we have heard that there are guards here and no one is allowed to leave before, they were shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

On both sides of the high cliff, all the fortresses are built, which seems to be new.

Before the pass, there were tourist attractions, all of which were ancient style wooden doors. But now, all of them have been replaced by heavily guarded iron doors. The fort and gun rack are on the city tower, and there is a huge protective power grid in the sky.

The high-voltage current network is much higher than that of C City. It is directly inserted into the sky. Under the black night, it can't see the end at all.

When the crowd approached the pass, they heard the trumpet propaganda.

"Please note that according to the test report, the whole area is infected. Please stay in your own home and don't run around. It's forbidden to pass here."

Wang Qiang is in the forefront. His leadership career in this month has made him extremely inflated. Especially when he realized that he was a mutant with power, he became more self expanding.

Wang Qiang yelled at the people behind him: "leave them alone, let's go! Look who's stopping us

But no one came forward. Three months ago, we were ordinary citizens. To be exact, a month ago, we still lived an orderly life.

No one really dares to fight with the army.

Wang Qiang pointed to his nearest brother and said, "you come forward and tell them we can't wait for any inspection! The monsters behind can't be solved. They have to give us a way to live, right

Some people shivered forward, but only two steps out, is a burst of strafe.

Bullets fell on the road in front of the crowd, causing a scream and panic.

"Damn it Wang Qiang scolded, "why should we be infected?"

No one answered him. In the cold loudspeaker, it was the mechanical words. "No traffic here. You will be shot if you try to get close."

Wu Xingyun and ye fan are also in the team, stunned by this scene. Wu Xingyun turns to ask Luo yaoguo: "Uncle Luo, what's the matter?"

Luo yaoguo didn't speak. With the help of the two, he squeezed out of the team and yelled at the tower: "I'm Luo yaoguo from XX Research Institute in C City. I have a pass!"

This time, different voices came from the cold loudspeaker.

"According to the report, the whole area has been infected and is not accessible. The scientists of XX Research Institute have long been sacrificed, and their passes have been cancelled. "

Luo yaoguo said aloud, "where are your leaders? I want to speak to your leaders! "

The loudspeaker stopped for a while, then a voice came out: "come here, come here alone."

Luo yaoguo began to move forward without any bullet shooting. When he walked out of the pass for more than ten meters, a soldier with live ammunition and wearing protective clothing came down.

The soldier took an instrument and scanned Luo yaoguo.

The instrument immediately called the police, and the soldier bowed to Luo yaoguo to express regret: "sorry, you are infected It can't be passed. "

Luo yaoguo was shocked, almost unbelievable. He even grabbed the soldier: "what am I infected? Tell me what I'm infected with! "

But the soldier easily broke away and ran to the passage behind him.

Someone in the crowd suddenly called out: "brothers, go! These guys are going to drive us to death here! "

Ye fanmeng's back, and then saw Wang Qiang is encouraging his younger brother to attack the sentry.

Then someone in the line called out, "we're going out!"

"Rush up! They dare not shoot

"If the elites run away, they will deceive us people!"

Wang Qiang pressed the horn and drove toward the gate.

As soon as he walked like this, more people would follow him.

The bullets on the top floor were shooting, but soon it was found that they would not hit themselves at all, just hit the road ahead.

And with the advance of the team, those bullet landing points are constantly retreating.

The crowd began to rush towards the closed iron gate without fear. Some people were beating the iron gate, while others were carrying cars into the car.

Wang Qiang also used an iron bar to pry the iron door. The one meter thick iron door was pried open by him.

Wu Xingyun looked up slightly towards the cliffs on both sides of the pass. He felt a metallic chill in the dark.

It was a strange directness. He saw that ye fan was also mixed up in the group, trying to break through the barrier, and Luo yaoguo was also among them. So he rushed forward, grabbed Luo yaoguo and ye fan, turned around and ran back.

When he ran to the middle of the time, he heard the machine guns on the city floor, burst out.Scream in the crowd, the heavy iron door which has been pushed open is closed again by greater force.

Wang Qiang grabs a human shield and starts to run back.

In less than a minute, the valley was covered with corpses. The only people who could escape from the sky were Wang Qiang and some people who were particularly strong and had combat experience.

We went through a lot of hardships to the pass, and even rebuilt order several times in this month, but in just one minute, they were all destroyed.

Some people run away, some people are unwilling to walk around.

Luo yaoguo lost one of his shoes and walked with a jump.

Finally, Ye Fan found a shoe on the dead man for Luo yaoguo to wear. The three people finally got together intact. They couldn't go out through the pass any more, and most of the crowd dispersed. Even Wang Qiang, who was extremely self expanding, couldn't take care of those little brothers.

In the dark world, it seems to be full of malice everywhere.

Wu Xingyun found a grassland to make a fire and began to discuss the future.

Wu Xingyun and Luo yaoguo squat beside the fire, while Ye Fan hasn't recovered yet.

He couldn't believe that the army would shoot unarmed civilians.

What's more, the speed of the dead is so fast that it's almost like killing.

Luo yaoguo took a breath and said, "if Xiao Yun hadn't reacted quickly, we would all die here today! I didn't expect that they actually shot... "

Ye Fan's heart was still palpitating. At that time, he was also in the front. If Wu Xingyun hadn't pulled him back, he would have become a corpse.

Wu Xingyun bowed his head and didn't speak. In his history textbook, when he saw the cities around the nuclear explosion, he didn't feel much.

But now, when he began to experience all this himself, there was something unspeakable in his heart.

Ye Fan said, "Uncle Luo, do you know why they say we are infected?"

Luo yaoguo shook his head: "I don't know But the way they treat us is just like the way they treat zombies in a biochemical crisis. It's the first time I've met such a ridiculous thing in my life

Ye Fan frowned, he did not understand, but this problem is not that he can understand only by thinking.

Ye Fan said: "now if we want to go to Xi'an, there is only one way. We can cross mountains and mountains and cross the primeval forest of Qinling mountains alone Are you going

Wu Xingyun squatted beside the fire with his gun in his arms. His hands were purple with cold. He said, "I can go."

Luo yaoguo held his glasses and said, "if you look at their attitude, you know that staying in the basin is definitely not a good choice. It's dangerous to go through the virgin forest, but Better than to stay and die! "

Ye Fan hum, he stood up and walked around a little fidgety.

When he closed his eyes, all that appeared before him was the pictures he encountered today.

To be honest, this kind of thing has completely broken through his bottom line and completely overturned his 18 years' cognition of the world.

He also remembered those zombie doomsday movies that he had seen. In the end, it seemed that the government's solution was nuclear explosion without exception.

So, is this basin going to be a nuclear explosion?

Ye Fan squatted down again, he felt a burst of exhaustion.

Wu Xingyun is right next to Ye Fan. Ye Fan has been full of energy since they set out on the road. This is the first time that he shows his lack of energy.

Wu Xingyun reached out and patted Ye Fan on the back: "Ye Fan, I'll warn you at night. You can sleep."

"Good" Ye Fan nodded. He pillowed Wu Xingyun's thigh, smelled the smell on him, and felt relieved. So he couldn't help but put his hand around Wu Xingyun's waist and buried his head under his belly.

Wu Xingyun put his hand around Ye Fan's back, and his voice was very gentle: "sleep."

"You're a soldier, too, if If your superior orders you to do today's things, will you carry them out? " Ye Fan's voice is a little dull.

Wu Xingyun didn't speak. After a while, he said, "it's a soldier's bounden duty to obey orders. No matter what kind of order, there will be its reasons and reasons, these I don't care. "

Ye Fan felt more depressed, he said: "well, if I was in it, would you shoot me?"

When Wu Xingyun didn't speak, Ye Fan lay on his back and looked at him. After a while, he put his hand around Wu Xingyun's neck, but he still felt uncomfortable. At last, he found that the metal button on Wu Xingyun's trouser belt caught his head.

So Ye Fan said, "can you loosen your trouser belt? The buttons hurt your head. "

Wu Xingyun didn't answer, so Ye Fan reached for his belt and pulled it out with a Shua. When he put it on the pillow, he felt much more comfortable and soon fell asleep.

But when he was in a dream, he heard the other person's reply: "I won't carry out that kind of command any more."

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