Wu Xingyun has no reason to feel that Ye Fan in front of him is terrible, and his body is permeated with a chilling breath, full of violence and blood.

But when ye fan put his powerful arm around his shoulder, Wu Xingyun felt at ease again.

Ye Fan will find out the book to Wu Xingyun custody, and then into the bathroom to take a bath.

He didn't care about the bodies outside, and he didn't have time to take care of the bodies of the Wang brothers, because there were more important things to do.

When ye fan comes out after washing, he finds that all his clothes are stained with blood. Ye Fan removes the black curtain from the bathroom window, wraps it around him, and takes Wu Xingyun to the main hall of the garden.

The main hall is a Tang style building with glazed tiles on the outside and reinforced concrete columns on the inside.

Wu Xingyun found the candle in the hall, and they looked at the classics Ye Fan had made by the light of the candle.

Ye Fan is very quick to read, and he can read ten lines at a glance for some vertical lines that Wu Xingyun can't understand at all.

He has to be in a hurry to solve the most important problem before other mutants come.

There are two important reasons why the mutant people stay here, work for the Wang brothers and endure their bullying.

1、 Wang Ruoxu can make their families survive better in the last days.

2、 Wang Ruoxu occasionally gives those mutants some training methods to make them stronger.

Ye Fan must find out the ways to make ordinary people survive as soon as possible, not only to stabilize the hearts of those mutant people, but more importantly, to prevent Wu Xingyun from dying tomorrow morning.

Ye Fan looks at them one by one. Now he should be glad that he loved to read Japanese comics in Taiwan when he was a child. All those comics are in vertical traditional characters. There is no obstacle for ye fan to read these characters. And some classical Chinese content, his high school Chinese knowledge enough to cope with.

Soon, Ye Fan found a way to cultivate ordinary people.

If you don't look, you will be surprised.

It turns out that the method is very simple. It's just some basic Taoist breathing methods, which Wu Xingyun has learned for a long time.

There's no mention of holy water citations or anything like that.

Ye Fan frowned slightly. A moment later, he judged that Wang Ruoxu's set of tricks was just a little trick to improve his mysterious status. Ordinary people didn't need to use holy water every day. Those holy water should be ordinary boiled water.

In order to confirm this, Ye Fan got up, under the guidance of Wu Xingyun, and walked toward a large vat in the center of the hall.

He sniffed and tasted a little of it himself, and he was quite sure.

Wang Ruoxu made it up by himself.

And whenever Wang Ruoxu sends holy water to the mutant's family members, he asks them to drink it on the spot and not to take it out. I'm afraid he's also worried about being detected by those sensitive mutants.

After listening to Ye Fan's speculation, Wu Xingyun felt incredible: "Wang Ruoxu is so bad! Some of us are grateful to him for this. Even I was a little worried just now. If Wang Ruoxu died, would I die with him. Ye Fan, are you going to expose him? "

Ye Fan gave a hum and shook his head after a while: "it's useless. I'm afraid they won't believe it even if I say it Let me see... "

Ye Fan was lost in thought, and Wu Xingyun sat quietly reading those books, but he couldn't understand them at all.

As time went by, Ye Fan sat in the hall wrapped in black robes, pondering, and finally sighed: "this is the only way..."

Hearing Ye Fan's tone, Wu Xingyun seemed helpless and asked, "you Are you going to learn from Wang Ruoxu? "

Ye Fan said: "I can't think of any other way. Otherwise, when the riot starts, how can I be the opponent of those people? What's more, Wang Ruoxu, an ordinary man, can control so many mutants. His method is also very useful... " As he spoke, he went to see Wu Xingyun's face. He found that every time he said a word, the other person's face would be covered with a layer of haze.

Ye Fan's heart is a little sad, he asked in a low voice: "do you think it's bad for me to do this?"

"I just I don't think things that come from cheating will last long. I don't want people like Wang Ruoxu sleeping around me. "

Ye Fan put his arms around Wu Xingyun. After a while, he said, "don't worry, I It's not going to be like that. "

Wu Xingyun said nothing more. He estimated the time in his heart and helped Ye Fan put away the books he had seized.

And Ye Fan returns to put the head of the Wang brothers out and hang it on the top of the hall.

Everything is ready. It's time for everyone to meet Wang Ruoxu.

At the beginning, the guards came slowly to wake up. Some of them saw Wang Ruoxu's head and attacked Ye Fan without saying a word, while others were watching.

Ye Fan did not spend much effort to solve those who attack their own people, continue to wait.Then there are the families of the mutants. When they see the heads of the Wang brothers in the main hall, they all look very frightened, and some even cry, mostly because they are hard to live.

Ye Fan has been standing there, and did not speak, he is not good at these.

He just waited for those people to cry enough and said quietly, "these two people were killed by me, but don't worry. I have a way to save you. In these three days, you still need to come and drink holy water every day, and in three days, you will be able to move freely in the last days. My own friend is also an ordinary person. He was forced to kill the Wang brothers. I don't want anyone to experience the same fate as me. These days you can go back to discuss with your relatives and friends. If you are willing to leave, I will not force you to stay. Those who are willing to stay will gather here in three days. I have only one word to ask you to bring it to your relatives. It's not easy to survive in the last life. If I want to stay, I will treat him as my brother, eating meat together and bearing hardships together. I have only one requirement, that is, no one will step here in these three days, and I will rest here. I am the only one who knows those skills. If I die, you can imagine your fate. "

With that, Ye Fan began to make a move at will and swayed towards the water tank for more than half an hour, three times more than Wang Ruoxu's usual time before giving the water to the public.

Indeed, as Wu Xingyun said, things obtained by deception cannot last long.

But ye fan doesn't want to spend more time to explain, so as to save some trouble. He needs three safe days to interpret the books left by Wang Ruoxu.

Because three days later, there will be mutants who will not accept themselves. At that time, he hopes to be able to overwhelm each other with absolute superiority and reduce unnecessary casualties.

Everyone soon dispersed, Ye Fan killed Wang Ruoxu and the rest of his party, this matter spread quickly.

As soon as Ye Fan announces this, he takes Wu Xingyun to leave this land of right and wrong, finds a safe corner in the sewer of the city, and slowly ponders over what Wang Ruoxu left behind.

Mutants with family members soon spontaneously formed a team and came to the outside of Furong garden to act as a barrier to protect Ye Fan. The reason is very simple - they don't want some bachelors to kill Ye Fan in order to win the treasure, so that their families can live freely.

After hearing that the Wang brothers were killed, the first idea of some mutants who are willing to take risks is that the secret books of the treasures have all fallen into Ye Fan's hands, and they want to come and snatch them one after another, so they call themselves the king.

Outside Furong garden, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

However, in the sewer of the city, Ye Fan is carefully reading Wang Ruoxu's useful cultivation rules by the faint candle light.

Wu Xingyun is also helping him search. Ye Fan has taken this step, and now there is no way out. What Wu Xingyun can do at this time is to help him as much as possible.

Ye Fan flipped through one book after another, and some of the things about tuna regimen seemed very common, but he didn't know whether it would work. Just when he was very anxious, Wu Xingyun suddenly took a book and said with great certainty: "I think it's this one!"

Ye Fan a Leng, see the cover painted a lot of dots, there is no name, the content is handwritten, some things still don't understand.

Ye Fan said, "Why are you so sure? This looks like There are also formulas here. It doesn't look like some kind of cultivation rule or something like that. "

Wu Xingyun said: "the cover, the cover is very clear, drawing the nebula of Andromeda galaxy."

Ye Fan is very surprised. He turns it over and looks at it, but he can't see what the star map is.

"Andromeda galaxy? The closest galaxy to the Milky way? The one that's said to devour the galaxy in the future? " Ye Fan's high school geography is still passing, and soon remembered the relevant information.

Wu Xingyun nodded: "it's that. I've been used to seeing this picture since I was a child. The orientation is different, but it's it. You think, Wang Ruoxu is a Taoist. How can he have these things? So I think it's strange. What's in it? "

Ye Fan opened it, began to look at it carefully, and read out: "if you don't exist, the shaman will return in thousands of years, and heaven and earth will be extinct. I can't bear to see this extinct, so I've spent all my life trying to cultivate it. I hope future generations will know it. The crime of treason is very serious. If I think about it, the shaman will know. Sad sigh, right or wrong? Who knows... "

Wu Xingyun said, "I don't understand. Can you make it easier?"

Ye Fan pondered for a while and said, "it seems that someone predicted the end of this time thousands of years ago. Well He said that everything would die, but this man couldn't bear to see this scene, so he left this book But what does he mean when he says, "if I read something, the shaman will know"? I don't understand the "crime of treason."

Wu Xingyun scratched his head and said casually: "the cover is the star map of Andromeda galaxy, isn't it the life there? But It's impossible. Is there any life there? In addition, if someone can really cross the galaxy and reach the earth so early, it doesn't make sense two thousand years later... "Ye Fan continued: "yes, it doesn't make sense. Now we haven't found aliens."

Wu Xingyun doesn't agree with Ye Fan because he is an alien himself. However, when human beings are traveling in the Milky way, they do encounter some extraterrestrial life, some of them have some low-level wisdom. But - I've never heard of a life higher than human intelligence.

Moreover, Wu Xingyun remembers that not long before her marriage, the Federation opened a new channel to Andromeda galaxy.

Wu Xingyun thinks of Wennuo for no reason.

Now he is not the simple silly soldier at the beginning. At this time, he remembered that venor said, "let's go to the Andromeda galaxy. It's a wild place. There is no Federation and no night demon army. We can live well there."

At the beginning, he did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but now, Wu Xingyun suddenly realized that it was the meaning of elopement.

Wu Xingyun is a little dazed. He knows that he can't go back, and he knows that he will die here and in the arms of the night sky.

He didn't know the specific way, the specific time, so he couldn't prevent it at all.

He was ready to die, and he had this consciousness.

But now, this notebook reminds him of the place where he was born and grew up.

My father, my mother, my brother and my comrades in arms.

Around, in addition to the night broken air, no longer half a family.

Wu Xingyun said in a low voice, "Ye Fan, come here and let me hold you for a while."

Ye Fan didn't move. He just opened his arm, hugged Wu Xingyun into his arms, gently kissed his lips, and then read the note again.

This note and Wu Xingyun are right. It's Wang Ruoxu's ultimate magic weapon, and it's something that he has always refused to show others.

The content of the notes is a little too much, and the cultivation method is quite complicated.

Ye Fan spent half a day reading it, but he had no time to recite it.

He can only start to practice according to the most basic method written in the book.

Soon, Ye Fan sat on the ground in a strange posture and entered a state of silence.

Wu Xingyun, on the other hand, pricked his ears to help him listen to the outside.

Ye Fan took one posture after another. At night, his color began to change. His skin fell off inch by inch, and he grew up again soon. His hair grew fast, and he dragged it to the ground in half a day.

At the beginning, there will be some sewer mutant reptiles to disturb Ye Fan, but in the middle of the night, the sewer takes Ye Fan as the center of the circle and becomes extremely clean, without any living things near.

Ye Fan has been practicing, but Wu Xingyun can't stand it. He sleeps against the wall intermittently.

Finally, he fell asleep until ye fan woke him up with a kiss.

Wu Xingyun opened his eyes slightly. The sewer was black and he could not see anything at all.

Wu Xingyun said, "what time is it?"

Ye Fan showed a smile in the dark, gently hit a ring finger, and then a red ball light appeared between his index finger and thumb.

The red light illuminated the surroundings and enveloped YeFan's whole body in a blood red color.

Wu Xingyun blurted out: "gamma ray explosion!"

Ye Fan stretched out his hand and flicked. The light fell into the wall and disappeared after ten seconds.

Wu Xingyun began to feel bad about himself. He still remembers that time when they were together in the forest, they encountered the tree monster incident in Roche laboratory.

Wu Xingyun doubted whether his skin would be radiated off again. He even doubted the cause of his death - because ye fan always had to practice in front of him, and one day he was radiated to death So night sky will be so guilty and sad!

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