When Wu Xingyun and Ye Fan returned to their residence, it was noon the next day. Two years later, Ye Fan's residence gradually took on another meaning. Although they still lived in the previous place, and there were no residents in the building where they lived, other places in the community seemed to have become places where the whole mutant people gathered and discussed affairs, In the building next to Ye Fan, there are telegrams to contact the outside world, as well as the new telegram code book.

The three storey building outside is where some of the important leaders of the mutant gather.

As soon as ye fan and Wu Xingyun came back, they were dragged there. A leader who had been in the tribe for more than a year said to Ye Fan, "head, we have received news about C City."

Wu Xingyun and ye fan are all in a daze, C City?

The two of them couldn't forget the city.

It was there that they set foot on the road of escape, where Ye Fan killed for the first time.

Moreover, Wu Xingyun clearly remembers that it was the place where the nuclear explosion occurred.

"What's going on there now?" Ye Fan asked. In fact, he didn't need to ask. Since Ye Fan took over this area, he set up a new pass to prevent the strange creatures from running around. But they have never received the news of C City, and the only words they occasionally hear are that it has long been a hell on earth, not suitable for any species.

"It seems that there are still troops there. They say they have been surrounded by monsters for three or four years and have been asking for support."

"Is that so?" Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun were very curious. They came to see the telegram sent from C City. One of the people who received the telegram explained: "it was sent with the telegraphic code before the end of the world. He said the situation in C city was terrible. He asked for support. His signature is Liu Yi, division commander of XX division, Southwest Military Headquarters

Ye Fan and Wu Xingyun looked at each other, and Ye Fan carefully recalled: "Mr. Liu? I seem to remember, when we fled to City C, who was the commander? "

Wu Xingyun said: "yes, yes, it should be him. Uncle Luo mentioned his name, which seems to be Liu Yi. I thought he was dead at that time, but I didn't expect he was still alive! "

Ye Fan frowned, and his finger knocked on the telegram for help. His opponent said, "if this soldier hadn't broken through the power grid and stayed to protect our evacuation, I would have died at that time. Send a telegram to ask about the specific situation of C City. "

When he said that, he thought about it again, but he was not sure, so he turned to see Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun nodded.

The two people's silent communication blinded all the people around them. What is the meaning of the two people's eyes? Will you have dinner or soup tonight?

But Ye Fan said: "look at the tone of this telegram, it seems that the army of C City has been besieged and doesn't know anything about the outside world. Don't tell him about the coalition government. I'm afraid they will collapse when they learn that they have been abandoned after so many days. "

The following people agreed to return the telegram, while Wu Xingyun and ye fan were discussing: "are you going to go there?"

Ye Fan said: "yes, in fact, saving people is the second. You know my main purpose."

Wu Xingyun smiles, indicating that he really understands.

These days, because of the need of cultivation, Ye Fan is looking for opponents everywhere. Even for this, he does not hesitate to teach all the cultivation methods in his original notebook to other mutants.

But even so, there was no mutant who was his opponent, so he had to go to the countryside to find those terrible mutant monsters to practice body method.

But in the last month, the mutant monsters in the wild can't satisfy Ye Fan.

If he wants to become stronger, live better and stand better, he must seek more powerful opponents from me to improve.

What ye fan is more interested in is how terrible the mutated monsters in C City after the nuclear explosion are, and whether they can be further improved if they fight with them?

Soon, Mr. Liu Yi of C City replied to the telegram.

The other side looks very excited, incoherent, and some of the symbols are also wrong. It took the translator a period of time to make the sentences smooth and pass them to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan took it and looked at it first, then handed it to Wu Xingyun. Wu Xingyun handed it to other people after watching it.

Everyone has read it, and almost no one can believe it.

C city is now the world of lizards. The lizards that ran out of the laboratory have occupied the dominant position, and the mice Ye Fan met have long been killed by these lizards.

Liu Yi, relying on an underground fortification in C City and a large amount of compressed biscuits and infected rainwater, has been supporting them for three and a half years, and has been contacting the outside world for support.

At first they used the telephone and the Internet, but later they didn't work. They only used the telegraph.

Now, they have only 20 people left from the original team of 1000 people.

In the early days, they experienced a nuclear explosion. During the nuclear explosion, their military headquarters received information, asked them to hide, and promised to send someone to rescue them.But after the nuclear explosion, those species, instead of being eliminated, became even more terrifying.

Liu Yi always thought that the rescue teams should have been sacrificed, but he never thought that those teams had abandoned them and left the earth for a long time.

Master Liu has never given up. He has been struggling to survive in the cracks of lizards and has never stopped sending telegrams to the outside.

Four years later, he finally got a response.

After reading this detailed telegram, Ye Fan felt a little heavy, but he did not immediately agree to go to the rescue. These days, he has matured a lot, and he will consider carefully before doing things.

"Ask carefully how powerful the mutated creatures in C City are. We need a specific numerical description instead of metaphor and exaggeration."

The messenger soon sent the telegram to Mr. Liu.

It took a long time this time. About four hours later, Mr. Liu called back.

The telegram was written clearly and orderly.

Detailed description of the C City of various monsters.

There are basically four species, a large number of reptile lizards, a small number of mice, some cockroaches, and blood sucking bats.

The most terrible thing is lizards. The smallest one is 50 meters tall, and the largest one is 300 meters tall. They have very thick skin and are not afraid of any heat weapons. They also have wisdom and know how to fight jointly. Mr. Liu estimates that their IQ is at least 70, occupying every corner of the city. They don't know how many, but they are omnipresent.

The number of mice is not clear, but it is certain that it is less than lizards. It is estimated that the number of mice is similar to that of urban mice before the end of the world, but the size is not large, and the attack power is not as good as lizards.

As for cockroaches, it's unexpected that there are not many, and they don't go out for activities very much. Mr. Liu sees very few of them, so he can't estimate them. The combat effectiveness is not high and can be ignored.

And the vampire bat, as big as a fighter, is the lizard's most terrible enemy.

There should be about 10 to 20 nests of blood sucking bats in the city, which can cover the sky in the evening. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of lizards. Their combat effectiveness should not be comparable to that of giant lizards, but they are flexible and can fly, so they are terrible and more difficult to solve.

After reading all these materials, Ye Fan pondered for a moment and made a decision: "reply to Mr. Liu and let him insist. In half a month, we will send someone to rescue them."

When ye Fan said this, no one under him dared to oppose it. In the past two years, Ye Fan almost never had democracy. Basically, he said that he would do whatever he said.

The people below don't know what to oppose. Ye Fan has outstanding ability. Whether it's hunting or annexing other mutants, he takes the lead, and his strategies are very reasonable. There's nothing to oppose.

But this time, facing the terrible City C after mutation and radiation, in order to save more than a dozen ordinary people who have been abandoned long ago, is it worth it?

Ye Fan is very straightforward: "I plan to go there. Those who are willing to go with me will benefit a lot. Those who don't want to go will stay, not reluctantly. "

As soon as the following people were about to make their stand, Ye Fan continued: "as long as I have A-level combat effectiveness, and other combat effectiveness is poor, I will not make any progress, but I will die in vain. We need 30 people and the quota is limited. We need to decide as soon as possible. "

In order to facilitate the management and distribution of things, Ye Fan classified all the mutants according to their combat effectiveness. A-level is the highest level at present, followed by B-level and C-level

When he said this, everyone understood that he was going to fight monsters.

Although strange looks a bit terrible, Ye Fan has never harmed any mutant in the past two years, and has never dragged his companion into a difficult situation because of his righteous indignation. Although he speaks simply, his actions are purposeful and not impulsive.

Although Ye Fan himself does not say, but now, he has a status of super God in the hearts of these mutant people.

Now, he's going to take people out to fight monsters and practice level. Naturally, the mutants who are full of A-level combat effectiveness will rush forward, but some of them with poor combat effectiveness can't help but feel depressed.

Ye Fan's hands will soon be ready, but he is now entangled in another matter, which is how to do Wu Xingyun.

To tell you the truth, City C is very dangerous. It's only four years since the nuclear explosion. There is still radioactive nuclear contamination there. He doesn't want Wu Xingyun to risk it.

He was even more afraid to leave Wu Xingyun alone. He was really afraid that when he came back, he would see a corpse of Wu Xingyun.

The mutants on one side have long seen what ye fan is struggling with. They don't dare to joke with Ye Fan. Instead, the mutants in charge of Telegraph said: "what are you afraid of? Go together. With so many people, Brother Yun will be fine. In fact, even if we stay, we dare not do anything to him. It's not that we don't want to live Chief, don't be so insecure. For a few months, Brother Yun won't be moved. "

In this way, everyone laughs, but when ye fan sees it, he can only hold Xiaosheng back.

Ye Fan finally decided to listen to his daughter-in-law.

Wu Xingyun said, "I'll stay here and wait for you." After a while, he said, "you must be safe."Ye Fan with people step three back, reluctant to leave.

In private, he told many of his confidants that he wanted to protect Wu Xingyun's safety. For this reason, he was not at ease. He took another telegraph and asked Wu Xingyun to send him a telegram every day.

Wu Xingyun was almost annoyed by him. Listening to Ye Fan's chattering, Wu Xingyun finally couldn't help it: "am I so unpopular? Or have you done too much in the past two years, so they want to kill me for revenge? "

Ye Fan this just slightly relieved a bit, take a person to leave at this point.

However, Wu Xingyun is speechless when he looks at the group of confidants left by Ye Fan

The names of these people are famous in later generations, and many of them have been seen in history books.

Standing in front of Wu Xingyun, tall and bearded, Zhao Ding, who became the killer of the night demon army, died in the encirclement and annihilation campaign in 562 federal calendar. The short and thin man with half flesh was a devil who became a ghost bat. At that time, he didn't have the nickname of ghost bat, just a very common name Tian Long. He died in 800 years of the federal calendar. He was killed in the mecha formation.

As for the beautiful girl with thin waist and big chest, her current code name is the same as that of later generations -- midnight witch. She died in 1235 years of the federal calendar. She committed suicide after being caught by the federal government. It was night sky that snatched her body back and buried it in a cemetery.

There are more people

Wu Xingyun looked one by one, and found that there were mutants who died in the battle when he was a ghost lock soldier.

Being protected by these later demons and living with them in the next three or four months, Wu Xingyun feels great pressure.

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