The tomb was built in the solar system, near the earth on Mars.

This is already the territory of the night demon army. Some ordinary people live here and are responsible for guarding the tomb.

The arrival of the night sky did not cause too many waves. When an old man of the tomb keeper saw the night sky, he just raised his eyelids and ignored it.

"This is the first ordinary person to come to us after you left," night sky explained. His family had committed a crime in the Union and had no choice but to come to us. There were a lot of mutants back then No one expected that most of the mutants would be buried here today. "

Wu Xingyun followed the footsteps of the night sky and walked towards the tomb.

A tall stone tablet towering into the sky, engraved with the name of the dead man.

Beside the stone tablet, there are huge statues, from which Wu Xingyun can easily identify who it is.

Every mutant's tombstone is engraved with his deeds. At the beginning, there were not many words on these tombstones.

But as time goes by, the stories of one hundred, five hundred and thousands of years are all engraved on stone tablets, full of words.

Wu Xingyun saw the names of many acquaintances here, including those who had protected themselves and those who had fought with them.

In the same way, he saw his own tombstone.

It didn't write any deeds, just a few words - my love, cloud tomb.

There is a line of small words beside it: Unfortunately, it was useless in those years, and it was impossible to retrieve the body. When I thought about it, I felt very sad.

There is no signature, and the handwriting on the tombstone is blurred. It should have been carved thousands of years ago.

Wu Xingyun looked back slightly and saw that the night sky was looking at himself.

He held out his hand, grasped the palm of night sky, and looked back at him.

They look at each other for a moment, then hug each other tightly and kiss each other deeply.

The storm raised, and the red dust covered them up. However, when another hurricane came, the sand buried in them was blown away.

At this moment, both of them feel that time is flying, but there is still each other in the quicksand of the long river.

Night sky whispered: "here, will be my final destination. what about you? Would you like to come back here at last? "

Wu Xingyun was stunned. A moment later, he understood the meaning of this sentence.

When he saw vino, vino asked him, "do you want to stand with the federation or with the night sky?"

Now, once again, the problem is in front of him.

Wu Xingyun felt at a loss in his heart. At that time, at the end of the world, he stood with the night sky without any doubt. He had no choice and didn't need him to make a choice.

And now?

The ancestors of the Federation, the enemies, have long been dead.

What is the purpose of the ongoing war?

He looked up slightly and looked at the night sky, remembering what vino once said, "this time, the night sky is much better for the civilians in the Federation." Is it for your own reasons?

If his death is the reason why the night sky has been fighting with the Federation, then now, what is it for?

However, how can we forget those things? How to forget!

The anger of being abandoned, the pain of being cheated, and the suffering of being lost in the fire of hell. How can we write it off so easily?

Wu Xingyun didn't know. He lowered his head. After a while, he said, "I want to go home and have a look."

Night sky seems to understand something, he gently touched Wu Xingyun's head: "if you say no, then I won't embarrass you. "

Wu Xingyun said, "it's not what you think. I mean, I want to go back and see my parents and brothers."

The night breaks empty one Leng, then nods: "good, originally planned to go with you.". Let's get out of here. "

During this voyage, night sky changed its usual image. In his own territory, he didn't need to reach a commercial spaceship at all. He had more space and position to pull his lover to do whatever he wanted. But now, he just leaned against the porthole and looked at Wu Xingyun's side face.

Wu Xingyun has been standing here for two hours, which is very unusual. The night sky has been leaning against it for two hours, and its posture has not changed.

Finally, the night sky can't help but ask: "what are you thinking?"

Wu Xingyun said: "I'm thinking If only those federal people were alive. "

Broken night sky laughed: "no one can live forever, I said, no matter what, I will not do anything to make you embarrassed.". Perhaps, when he gets home, he will find that all this is not difficult at all. "

Wu Xingyun eyebrows, do not understand the meaning of night broken sky.

He will not push Wu Xingyun into the most fierce fight, and he will not push him to the Federation.In the past 20 years, what he has done is for the hesitation that Wu Xingyun may have now.

After a month and a half's voyage, the spacecraft arrived at the six pointed star where Wu Xingyun's parents lived.

Before Wu Xingyun left, hexagram was the judgment star of the Federation. He will never forget what happened on this planet.

What was torn in that battle was not only his body, but also his heart.

He remembers that when he was captured by the night sky and fled from here, there was a lot of ashes and ruins. But now, when he set foot on the star again, he was surprised to find that the original ruins had disappeared long ago. On the neat streets, there were heart leaf trees, a specialty of the six pointed star.

"I remember you said that you hoped to live in a place full of heart-shaped leaves in the future." The night broke and the sky said, "do you want to go home first, or do you want to go shopping?"

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment and said, "I think Go for a walk. "

"Good!" Then I'll wait for you at your home. I'll wait for you all the time

Last time, when the night sky said this, it was the time for them to separate.

This time, the night sky looked at the body gradually become transparent in the air, and finally disappeared Wu nebula, the corner of the mouth slightly raised.

"I'm sure you won't hesitate any more." Night sky murmured, he hummed a song, a person slowly walking in the street, toward Wu Xingyun's home.

The first place Wu Xingyun arrived was the bookstore.

Before that, his understanding of the enemy occupied areas was deeply rooted in a very terrible place.

Even when Wennuo said that this was the enemy occupied area, although he was not worried about his parents and relatives, he was vaguely worried about other federal people.

But now, he finds that all these worries are superfluous.

It's no different here than when it was ruled by the Federation.

At the end of the back street, there is still an old woman selling vegetables, and the price has not risen much.

Some young people gathered at the gate of the former federal trial court to demonstrate, demanding the government to raise wages; others came and went numbly.

As Wu Xingyun remembers, even the screen in the central square has not changed.

It shows the latest news, including the latest live broadcast of the battle between the Federation and the night devils.

The new female president of the Federation is calling on the residents of the enemy occupied areas to fight against the rule of the night sky, while Liu Meng is calling on all the people to join the army and fight against the Federation under the cover of the mutant.

Even organized federal troops defected, and there was a lot of hype. Under the screen, a little girl selling roses ran to Wu Xingyun: "uncle, buy a flower!"

Everything here seems to be a normal society. It is totally different from the terrible hardships of the enemy occupied areas publicized by the Federation.

Soon, the reality of time on the big screen reached prime time.

Everyone's favorite "big broken empty series" is still playing, the story is still the same, even the character image has not changed.

With "ha ha ha, I'm back in big broken space!" The sound of the sound sounded, many pedestrians stop their own steps, began to watch this nearby from childhood to see the big, absolutely no ending of brain damage drama.

Wu Xingyun walked towards home and came to the elevator.

The old woman he met when he came back with night sky last time is now grey haired and has lost her teeth.

The old woman boasted to her grandson: "to tell you the truth, I used to build the same elevator with night sky! Real people are better than on TV. "

Ding, the elevator stops on the first floor where Wu Xingyun lives. Wu Xingyun is a little strange. He didn't press the button. Who pressed the button outside?

The elevator door slid open slowly, and a slender figure appeared outside with a gentle smile on his face.

The old woman in the elevator said, "look, the night sky is just like this man, and he should be more handsome..."

His grandson nodded: "it's not like the big broken air in the cartoon at all..."

Wu Xingyun took advantage of this gap to get out of the elevator. The elevator door closed again, and there was no one in the corridor.

Wu Xingyun turns on the energy of the brain and gradually takes shape.

Night broken sky step forward, holding his hand: "waiting for you for a long time, let's go in together."

Wu Xingyun had some doubts: "have you been waiting here? Why don't you go first? "

The night broke empty smile: "afraid of Taishan adult, dare not come alone. Only when you come will you have the courage to go in. "

Wu Xingyun tilted his head to see the night sky.

Night sky said: "when he saw me, he would remember how you died. The old man is too old to make him angry every day I usually just send someone to take care of it secretly and try not to show up. "

Wu Xingyun nodded, raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.

The door was opened by mother Wu.

Wu's mother saw Wu Xingyun, but she didn't react. She just passed Wu Xingyun and stared at the night sky behind him.After a second, mother Wu finally understood what had happened.

"Nebula Mother Wu asked tentatively, "yes Is that you? "

Wu Xingyun couldn't help it any more. She rushed over and hugged her mother. Her voice choked: "Mom It's me. I'm back! "

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