Devil's Rise

4 The Spies

Outside the gathering hall, five distinct figures exited the shadows and moved swiftly in different directions after seeing the white light appear within the fel awakening ceremony.

These shadows were reconnaissance spies sent to gather intelligence on the Hudson clan awakening. They must report to their superiors about a Light Dao practitioner appearing in the Hudson clan!

\u003cMountain's Descent\u003e

As the spies attempted to leave swiftly with their newly found prime information, they suddenly found a substantial weight descending on themselves. Their bodies grew heavier and heavier, gradually slowing their movements to a halt.

"Not good," said one spy as he struggled fruitlessly, quickly finding himself glued to the ground, unable to move a single muscle.

"Looks like the current patriarch has been too soft when dealing with external affairs. I must reprimand that unfilial grandson of mine," said a burly devil that descended from the sky with a giant hammer in his hand.

"To think five different powers would have the gall to send reconnaissance spies to gather information at my Hudson Estate."

"If the outside of the house is dirty, then the inside could not be squeaky clean." said the burly devil who was directing a suffocating aura over the five spies.

His aura was heavy as a mountain, easily trampling the spies underfoot.

"Humph Humph, They must think the Hudson Estate is a place they can come and go as they please," said a dark-cloaked man who appeared from the shadows with twin sabers at his waist.

"Johnson interrogate these ants and figure out what powers they represent and demand some compensation for sullying my dignity," said the burly devil.

"Tell them if I'm not satisfied with their compensation I might have to stretch my legs a bit. I just got out of closed-door devilry and I'm feeling strong."

"I don't mind roughing up a few ancestors to insure my Hudson clan has a bit of face while moving out and about around the Wesser Forest," said the burly devil brimming with killing intent.

Johnson's back drenched with cold sweat.

The last time the burly devil stretched his legs he was busy cleaning up the mess for months! Several small clans and sects were at wit's end, not even chicken or dog spared from the burly devil's iron hammer.

That was over 25 years ago, but the dark-cloaked man still remembered it brightly. Cleaning up the Devil Ancestor's messes was tough work.

"Have [Mountain Shadow] handle the situation, if you need any more help ask that unfilial grandson of mine for a few dutiful men," said the Devil Ancestor with a hint of disappointment.

The current patriarch of the Hudson clan was very good at handling clan matters with a bureaucratic approach, following the clan rules to the letter.

[Mountain Shadow] handled the top-level situations for the Hudson clan.

[Mountain Shadow] was the oldest and strongest force connected to the Hudson clan. The organization of the Devil Ancestor, it had more Viscount level combatants in its ranks than Hudson House had Viscount level descendants.

"Hopefully we get a few more wonderful talents this generation. I look forward to my descendants giving me a pleasant surprise," said the Devil Ancestor with a smile as he sauntered outside the hall without a care in the world for how the spies would be taken care of.

The Devil Ancestor had absolute trust in Johnson. Johnson had been with him through thick in thin, from his humble beginnings.

Within the clan meeting hall, most were unaware of the spy operation sabotaged by [Mountain Shadow] outside. A few of the stronger elders noticed, but they were unconcerned.

[Mountain Shadow] was in charge of security and handled disciplinary affairs inside the Hudson Estate. [Mountain Shadow] was wholly independent of the Hudson clan, and they answered only to the orders of the Devil Ancestor.

Even the Viscounts of the Hudson clan would have to give face to members of [Mountain Shadow]. Not only did they have much power and authority, but they also were the strongest single group of cultivators living on the Hudson Estate.

All commoners, regardless of race, living on the Hudson Estate hoped to one day join [Mountain Shadow]. It would change their destiny to join such a powerful organization.

If the sky falls, they knew the Devil Ancestor would always be there to hold it up. Strictly speaking the "Devil Ancestor" was still very young for a "Devil Ancestor" seeing as the Hudson clan only spanned four generations.

The Devil Ancestors' five sons propagated the five lineages of the Hudson clan. He saw it as his duty to maintain a powerful force to keep his little descendants protected so his devil clan could have the chance to thrive.

The Devil Ancestors' lifetime goal was to create a Devil Empire that could stand the test of time in the Xertzul Abyss. Even if he wasn't there to shield the clan from the wind and the rain.


Mikael looked at me with a smirk and a hint of mockery.

"You'll always be a little fella," said Mikael teasing me.

"Just you wait till I get my Dao. It will be much better than some dumb Light Dao!" I said.

"No matter what Dao you get you will only amount to second-best in our first lineage," said Mikael laughing.

Mikael was proud of himself. He knew his road in the Light Dao would be smooth sailing. The clan would allocate many resources to him to ensure he grew into a strong pillar for the clan. He had assured his place in the clan's upper echelon.

"Next up Susie," said First Viscount Vollmus with uncontrollable delight on his face. One of his grandsons had unlocked a great Dao! He was brimming with pride.

Now that the elders knew they had a new Light Dao practitioner in the family, nothing could dampen the mood.

A silver light descended as Susie drew in the fel energies. Susie was my younger sister, she was a handful for me to deal with.

Susie was only 10 years old, but her talent was matchless already fully prepared for the awakening ceremony as soon as she could attempt it.

Slowly all the descendent's went up one by one with only myself remaining.

Soon I will unlock the best Dao, shocking and awing the clan!

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