Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 984: Master Tallinn


This is the only thought of Hero.

As one of the supreme powers of the elves' permanent ally, one of the highest masters of Yageda City Master Tallin, he has run away like this!

But, can't escape, that woman, it is terrible! The multi-system magic mastery that I have been proud of in front of her is simply a joke.

The wind system breaks the wind system, and the fire system breaks the fire system... Even the compound magic is cracked by the other party's hoisted ground with the same element combination - this is no suspense crushing, it is not like the same order battle!

If it is not confirmed several times that the strength of the other party is the peak of the country, Hiro even thinks that he is facing a semi-god-level powerhouse.

The same is the peak of the country, why is it so strong?

Hiro is a talent that is not only multi-magic mastery, but also a gift of space. His teleportation and movement were quite quick, far more than the average strongman, but the woman was not slower than him. He was almost caught up several times, but he didn’t know why he didn’t grasp the opportunity to knock him down. Perhaps it is not grasping the opportunity, but more is like slowly consuming his power and fighting spirit, just like playing a cat and mouse game.

This is also a kind of naked contempt, but Hiro has no extra energy to anger or think at the moment, and can only do his best to take Riordo to constantly break through each other's country to interfere with the movement, and gradually toward the direction of Master Tallinn. near.

Finally, the top of the mountain in front saw a familiar white tower, which is just an ordinary mage tower, not a true Tallinn. But it already represents the location is already close to Master Tallinn.

Hilo instinctively felt the terrible pressure behind the approximation, and his mind was moving. With a wave of hand, the mage tower in the distance made a strange light. As a result, gradually came to the ground, and there were many screams in the tower. The elf did not pay much attention to it. The strange light flashed in the eyes, and a strange symbol appeared on the white tower.

At this point, the sense of crisis in my heart was strong again. Sure enough, the woman had already caught up.

Hiro sighed low and the power of the kingdom erupted. The big white tower instantly appeared between him and the roller. Then, the symbol attached to it emits a strong light, and the white tower bursts open.

At the moment of the burst, Hiro has released the long-awaited space to rebound, and with the power of this explosion, it has moved a very long distance.

The elder elders vaguely remember that the owner of the white tower is a magician who has just stepped into the holy class. It is called Ed, and he is very young. It seems to have something to do with the royal family of the Lan Yao Empire... Lilder also made a special trip with Ed. I have visited him, and the layout of the Master Tower has received his special guidance.

It is for this reason. Therefore, Hiro can easily use the special talent to make the Master Tower into a terrible national bomb in a short time. The magician, the servant, the various magical arrays, and the props in the Master's Tower have all become the energy to ignite the increase.

The power of the white tower bursting is quite amazing. The shining light and the horrible shock wave instantly engulf the unpredictable fairy dragon, even if the mountains with some kind of enchantment are cracked in the huge tremor.

Hiro, who succeeded, did not stop, but continued to teleport through precious opportunities. Far away from the distance with the roller. He knows the horror of his opponent. Although the blow was sudden, he could not reinvent her or reduce his combat power. Can only delay a certain speed of pursuit. And this exaggerated explosion should also attract the attention of the Mage Tallinn vigilant force, no matter what the way. Can stop this woman for a while, let him smoothly escape to Master Tallinn.

Just enter Tallinn. There is his "home", even if this woman is strong, there are only female servants, and there is also a semi-god-level Lei Liya sitting in the town, can be described as foolproof.

As for the white tower of the explosion and the people inside...only some human ants, it is a great glory to use the humble life to exchange precious days for his super-powerful person to escape from birth.

The ray of the explosion quickly dimmed, and the roller appeared unscathed in the smoke. The explosion just happened suddenly and the power was extraordinary. But for the roller that had spared no effort to catch up, it was not enough to hurt her.

The fairy dragon looked at the position behind him. The white tower originally had been turned into powder, together with the life inside.

The beautiful purple scorpion passed through a trace of fine mans, and the figure disappeared and disappeared.

On the other hand, Chen Rui was flying quickly in the direction of Tallinn under Lille's "help". As a sacred peak magician of fine ventilation and water system, Lille's flight speed is quite fast, but far from Compared with the national-level powerhouse who can perform "moving", it only follows the traces of intermittent battles.

When flying to the White Tower, Lille's speed suddenly slowed down, and looked at the mountains and terrible explosions that turned into rifts.

"What's wrong, Lord Lille?" Chen Rui asked curiously.

"Here, there is a mage tower." Lille's face was a bit ugly. "The sorcerer Ed, the identity is a bit special... If he is killed, it will shake the top of the empire, the consequences are very serious."

Chen Rui frowned. "As far as I know, Lola will not shoot ordinary practitioners. This pursuit has not seen her hurt any innocence along the way. Is that Ed actively attacking Lola?"

Lilled did not fly forward, but came down with Chen Rui: "The ground enchantment around the Master Tower usually has a magical array of water projections to monitor and restore some enemy attacks. The knot here. The world is badly damaged, but there should be some remaining magical arrays. Can you ask Arthur to delay some time and try to repair and activate the magic array? This matter is very important to me..."

Chen Rui saw that Ed's identity was no different, nodded and agreed to repair the nearby damaged magical array with the help of Lille.

Chen Rui’s magical rumor was manifested at this time. It was just a “foot” that was destroyed and incomplete, but he was quickly stitched and restored by incredible means, and he recovered most of his functions.

"It should be ready to use. But because of the lack of materials I carry, it is up to you to inject the magic of the water system to activate it. I can't do anything about it."

"It's hard to believe that a master of such a brilliant magical array can't master the real magic." Lille shook his head. There is a soft blue light in the hand - this holy magician really feels that there is no affinity change around Chen Rui.

Chen Rui shrugged. He admits that he is a magic idiot, but the "magic array" and "magic" are only one word difference, but there is a fundamental difference. Briefly speaking, magic needs to inductively and mobilize elements, involving magic, spiritual power, soul power and other fields, while the main body of magic array is material science, grain carving, which layouts and materials can be used to call and trigger elemental reactions. . of course. The former is its own strength, can be displayed at any time, and can be infinitely enhanced in theory; the latter needs to be realized by means of various foreign objects, and the rising space is limited by the entire knowledge system and scope.

For Chen Rui, when necessary, some of the main injecting power can be replaced by the power of the country. The most representative ones are the ancient inscriptions and the inscriptions of the dragon. However, for the moment, Chen Rui’s role is the master of the magical array “Arthur”, which is a serious offense, so naturally no power will be revealed.

After Lilled injected the magic into the restored magical array. Despite the flaws in the projections, the key pieces that shocked Delild were faithfully played.

Hilo waved, the white tower rose and exploded.

The restoration of the truth shocked Lille. The "murderer" is actually Hiro, not Lola!

"Lord Laird?" Chen Rui asked temptedly.

"Nothing, let's go first..." The Holy Master did not answer this time. It’s just that the face looks ugly.

Lillee flew forward with Chen Rui all the way, before the speed was won. It seems to have used all strength.

There was a misty mist in the front line of sight, and the tower of the mage tower was visible in the fog. And not worth one.

The visibility of the fog is very low, but in the distant sky, there is a faint reflection.

Lille's speed suddenly slowed down and carefully entered the fog.

"Here is Master Tallinn?"

"Well," Lilde said, his eyes seemed to be solemn and dignified. His body showed a faint fluorescence and proceeded cautiously. "Accurately, it was entered into the emergency warfare of Tallinn. These fogs are all protective against large arrays. Power. It seems that Laura is really catching up here, I hope that we are not late."

Despite the fact that the fog is not very realistic, Chen Rui can clearly feel the size and strength of the Master Tallinn from that kind of protection. The so-called "Tallinn" is not a simple concentration of a mage tower. The various magical arrays, enchantments and things related to the magician are intertwined and distributed like a city.

The real city of the Master.

Although Lilde is very familiar with this place, and also carries some special items for exemption from attack, now Tallin has entered an emergency readiness situation, and the power to protect the big array is open, so he is also careful when flying, step by step The center of power fluctuations is close.

The sky in front of the sky is shining brightly, and it is faintly visible that the colorful light is dancing, and the fog around it quickly becomes thin.

Then, just listening to the "swelling" a muffled sound, a circle of invisible huge ripples spread out in the center of the front color light, all the fog disappeared in an instant!

"Tallinn's protective array... was defeated!" Lille's eyes were rounded I couldn't believe what I saw.

To be precise, it was not only the protective array of Master Tallinn, but also the elder elder Hiro who fled to Tallinn.

Hiro, in this Master Tallinn, was actually defeated by Rolla!

Lilled’s breathing was a little bit rushed, only to feel that today’s shocks were more than the past.

It was at this time that a bright moon rose in the sky.

Blue crescent moon.

The color of the light suddenly faded, and the air was instantly filled with an icy atmosphere.

"Not good!" Lillee exclaimed: "Leriya has shot!" (To be continued.)

Ps: There is an important meeting in the afternoon. I will discuss it after the meeting. The second time will definitely be late. Friends who sleep early can look at the second one tomorrow.

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