Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 986: Chaise

The battle between the two gods and the gods was stopped because of a holy "little person". The small person's hand seemed to control the "life gate" of a demigod - at least the little man himself thought so.

"Don't move! Otherwise I will go with him!"

Fortunately, there is also a teacher with a clear mind in Riordo. Hiro appeared in the "timely" side of Chen Rui and really controlled the "hostage."

Although Lola's promotion to the demigod makes Hilary chilling and has no courage to fight, but holding hostages is not a frontal battle. If Lola really wants to do it, Hiro is completely sure to kill before Lola kills him and Riordo. "hostage".

Dursha frowned, seemingly unpleasant about this kind of behavior, the fairy dragon showed a bit of scruples, staying in place did not move (in fact, natural expression).

The hijacker Chen Rui appeared to be the most nervous, trembled: "Everyone calms down first, the cause of today is just a small matter, not yet to the point of the same!"

"Little things?" Dursa spoke up and looked at Hilo and motioned that he would not act rashly. "What happened?"

Dulsha was originally retreating and retreating. He was alarmed by the collapse of Lola, and was forced to interrupt his practice. He came out inexplicably fighting with Lola. Originally it should be a battle to win the battle. I can't think of the fact that Rolla actually broke through and reached the semi-god level. With the strength of its previous more-order battle, the result of this battle is still difficult to predict, plus the relationship of the Dragon Valley, Dursa I don't want to let the disorder develop to the point where it can't be cleaned up.

"It is really only a small matter," Chen Rui made a look of fear of death, and said the passage of things. However, he is not talking about the battle between Lola and Hero. It is the original cause, which is the conflict with Weiswo.

Weiswo took a fancy to the two daughters of the instrumental officer Pablo. The design allowed Pabbo to owe a large amount of gambling debts to commit suicide, and then to occupy Tess and Chili in the name of debt collection, it was Lilde's shot to repel the sent-offs. Soon Wiswo personally brought people in. After being taught by Rolla, he even used a scroll to release the "Hell Flame" mass killing magic among many innocent pedestrians. Fortunately, it was stopped by Lilde, and Visworth sprang out and killed. The principal behind Pabbo’s robbing of two girls is Riordo.

Because Lilld did not want to offend Aldo, so Lola shot to severely punish Veswo and saved two girls. At this time, Aldo appeared, arrogantly trying to catch two girls and insulting Lola, Lola anger, taught Riordo, led to Elf elder Hero, and finally Tallin pursued fierce battle event.

Chen Rui used some techniques in the narrative of the narrative, highlighting the tragic experience of the previous Pabo family and the future lord of Riordo, and stressed that Riordo used such words to disrespect the strong man of Lola, although Lola Under the heavy hand. But did not kill the half-elf, as for chasing Hiro into the Master Tallinn, just want to discuss a statement.

Dursa nodded slowly, watching Regalo and Hiro's eyes a little more unpleasant. From the strength of Lola, even before breaking through the gods, it is not difficult to kill Hero. The reason why there is no killer is definitely to consider the relationship between the dragon and the elves - it seems. The opposite is to the other side.

Hiro’s face has also changed, and he was only desperately trying to save Riordo. I don't know the reason for the things. Although the actions of Riordo are nothing to his teacher, the key is that they should not be provoked by the super-powerful Lara, and there is also the dragon. The big background of the valley.

Super-order powers generally follow the demigod contract. This "contract" is not the power of a rigid contract like a master-servant contract or an equality contract, but an "industry rule", that is, a super-order power must not interfere in the ordinary world.

This "intervention" mainly refers to the direct influence of the pattern of world power by intervening in kingdoms, empire or ethnic wars and struggles. Of course, the super-order powers also have the "hidden rules" that cannot arbitrarily slaughter ordinary people. If you simply kill those who are below the super-levels and even ordinary people, then where the believers and the power of faith, this is the essential foundation for promotion and strength. Even if there is no demon world of the demigod contract, this will not happen.

Although the life expectancy of super-strongers is much higher than that of ordinary people, if the strength is stagnant, after all, when there is exhaustion, it is not uncommon to see the higher realm because of lack of longevity, and it must be constantly practiced and upgraded.

After the breakthrough of the highest level of the "level" of the ordinary level, it has only just started on the road of real power. Their main time is spent on the practice - the national power is to understand the real country; the semi-god level The strongest strive to perfect the country, gain faith, and strive to condense the false gods; the pseudo-god level constantly expands the believers, expands the country, strengthens the power, and wants to embark on the real road of the gods. Practice is the most important thing. As long as your own interests and practices are not violated, in general, you will not give up energy to interfere with meaningless "common things."

However, this does not mean that the super-order power will be completely shackled. The reason why it is not for ordinary people is more self-deprecating, but it is not a big deal to kill a few people who are not pleasing to the eye, especially those who dare to offend. A person of dignity is absolutely dead.

In today's incident, Riordo is offended and can save a life.

When Lola was talking to Chen Rui, he had exchanged several eyes with him. He immediately said to Liordo: "Half-elves, I only ask you, Weiswo killed the fathers of the two girls with despicable means." , occupy two girls, are you behind the instructions?"

"On this question?" Riordo did not expect that Lola did not make a fuss about his offensive, but instead brought the topic to Tess's sister, and could not help but say, "I am instructing, Tess was what Visworth wanted, I just looked at the little girl."

"Listen to your tone, this kind of thing is very common?" The opening is Chen Rui, controlled by Riordo.

"Of course, those who are only humble humans can get my favor, even death. It is their honor!" Riordo and Chen Rui's gaze, can not help but say what they said. In fact. Because of the power of the Lola, he has subconsciously passed the hatred on Chen Rui, a "cowardly" human being. There is a faint sin in the words.

"The human ants in the district are not worthy of the dispute between the dragons and the elves. If it is because of this kind of reason, it is not worth it..." Hiro thought it was, in the eyes of the elders, the dragons and elves The races are all arrogant races, and it is not worthy of a contradiction for the kind of despicable existence of ants. This sentence should be able to resonate with each other.

If it is better to peacefully resolve this kind of grudge. After all, there is such a powerful enemy, whether for him or Lido, it will be difficult to sleep.

"District humans?" Chen Rui suddenly realized: "No wonder, in order to stop the pursuit of Lola, you even detonated the White Master Tower together with the people inside."

Durza’s previous face has always been unsightly. When I heard this sentence, the female elf’s slender eyebrows picked up: “Detonation of the White Tower? Hiro, what is going on?”

Hilo, hesitated, briefly said the matter of detonating the White Tower in the previous pursuit. Durza apparently was annoyed at Hero's actions. Given that the enemy is currently inconvenient to blame, only the brows are wrinkled more tightly.

"Humble humans? Can you arbitrarily kill?" Chen Rui looked at Lido, who was holding his throat, and seemed to forget that he was still "hostage." "I am impressed by the elves, but I love peace and life and admire nature. I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Hilo sneered in disdain, if not to avoid Lola. This cockroach was extinguished by his bullets.

The eyes of Riordo and Chen Rui are paired, and the soul seems to tremble. Involuntarily excited, said: "What is that little girl! The human being killed by me is enough to be stacked into a mage tower! Human beings are dirty and despicable! If it is not this dirty blood, I should have been the most Noble and purest elf! I hate humans! Only by smashing and humiliating those dirty humans, my anger can be calmed down! The **** dragon woman has destroyed my most important organ, I must retaliate! Cut off the flesh and blood of this human being!"

This is the hidden secret of Riordo's heart. It is a pair of eyes with Chen Ruiyun's power of evil spirits. It is involuntarily erupted. Hiro will unexpectedly erupt this kind of remarks, especially the latter two. The sentence was quite disrespectful to Lola, and was not surprised: "Riardo!"

"I hate you too! My teacher! My... Father!" Riordo seemed to have lost his senses and gnashed his teeth to say a bigger secret.

Dursa was shocked, and he thought that Riordo would be the son of Hero!

"Stop!" Hiro did not expect that Riordo would have said these secrets madly at this time.

Riordo is close to being crazy, roaring desperately: "I just want to say! Why do you want that despicable woman to give birth to me! She is just one of the things that are raped by you! Why I am not really Elf!"

"I don't know what kind of idea your father gave you from childhood, or what kind of distortion your character has been subjected to as a half-elves... I know half-elves other than you, because they themselves are subject to Unfair discrimination, so they will not pass this discrimination on to other people. On the contrary, they love life more than the average person."

Chen Rui’s voice is very calm, but with an impossible momentum: “I may be weak, perhaps poor, perhaps low-status, perhaps ugly, but in life, you and I are equal. I am not Despicable, you are not noble. When you think you are noble, in fact you are the most despicable existence."

"Go to hell, the despicable guy!" Riordo's anger has been unstoppable to the limit, desperately bursting out of power, to put Chen Rui to death. Still not waiting for him to force, the amount suddenly suddenly cool, the whole body suddenly trembled, violently burst open.

A finger, Chen Rui's finger.

"Rioldo!" Hiro snorted, unable to believe his eyes, his son, was killed by the despicable human ants!

The Elder Elder is almost going crazy at this moment, even though Riordo is a half-elf, it is his only descendant! (To be continued.)

Ps: I really like the song of nd. I am particularly impressed with the two songs. One is "Glorious Years" and the other is "Broad Sky". Chen Rui’s words were heard by the “Glorious Years” and did not like to explain the topic of procrastination, and even less spoiler. Just want to write some of your own things, the level is limited, please forgive me.

There is still one more later, it may take ten or more. When I go to work, the two are simply fighting against time. Please come to the starting point to support the genuine.

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