Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 993: Main altar

The huge palms of the hand went straight to Chen Rui and others, and along the way, they ignited the torrent of magma, with a huge pressure.

Lola’s eyes smashed, and the giant hand began to change rapidly on the way. Before it touched everyone, it dispersed into a liquid state and fell.

Chen Rui did not notice the special data in the eyes of the analysis. This should be the "unconscious elemental body" that the fire element king said. The Fire Elemental King also said that according to the environment of this underground volcanic group, the elemental body should be able to form fire elements step by step, but under the influence of that kind of force, they are always pure energy, unable to form true s life.

Since there is no consciousness, there is no enemy or me. It is only instinctively under the control of the opposite forces, instinctively attacking all "invasion" outsiders.

The giant hand was defeated, as if the fuse was ignited, the surrounding magma began to change rapidly, and various grotesque shapes emerged. Some resembled human bodies, while others were like monsters.

The power of these elements is not strong. The range of the Lola attack, all the nearby enemies are broken apart, but very quickly, they are reborn in the magma, and the power of the attack is gradually increasing, which is very difficult.

Although lost, he was shocked before, but soon he felt that these enemies were weaker than themselves. He wanted to show a pass in front of the master, but these fire elements did not have real entities. The amoeba felt that his fist seemed to hit. There was no strength in the cotton, especially the arrogant deformation and undead ability, and I had no choice but to return to the master's shoulder.

Everyone is fighting and walking, trying to find an exit through this zone. But the environment here seems to have changed a lot, turning a few laps. Actually returned to the original place.

"I want to use the induction of the fire element to find the direction of the control source! You should stop for a while, try not to bother me." Rolla suddenly stopped. Throwing the next sentence, he closed his eyes in a fire-intensive attack in all directions.

No matter whether Chen Rui or Paglio didn’t say much, they all knew that Rolla would never be targeted, Chen Rui thought about it, and a translucent dome appeared to wrap three people (plus a real handsome man on the shoulder). After the range of the defensive hood is enlarged, the defensive power is weakened a lot, although these attacks are not particularly strong. But the frequency and coverage are quite amazing, and there is almost no breathing time. Gradually, the defensive hood began to show a crack.

Although the hood has the characteristics of absorbing attack and automatic recovery, the speed of recovery is significantly slower than the speed of destruction, and the cracks begin to spread step by step and spread to the entire dome.

Just in the moment of the collapse, Lola’s purple eyes glimpsed.

The countless attacks that came from the sky suddenly came to an end, and all of them broke down. Unlike the previous collapse, the scattered Mars and magma reversed back under invisible forces. Concentrated in one place, there is a swirling space entrance.

"Fast! The maintenance time of this entrance is very short, rushing over!"

Everyone thought of the streamer without thinking, and rushed into the entrance.

After passing the entrance. I only felt that the light in front of me was dark, and it had changed from a dazzling red to another.

When you look at the place where you are in front of you, whether it is Pugliu, who has always been arrogant. Or the Lola, who was calmed down, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Lost is even more frightened and trembling, and his hands clenched his eyes and did not dare to loosen.

This is a very common channel. There are special torches for burning at every distance on both sides of the channel. This kind of torch can last for a long time. This is not the reason why everyone is surprised, but because the whole channel is accumulated with bones. .

On the walls, on the ceiling, under the feet, all of them are inlaid with corpses in a special way. The bare bones that stick out on the walls are very horrifying. Some of them have not been turned into white bones. The expression of fear before death, the smell of rancidity and deadness in the air.

Corpse Road, this is a veritable corpse. It has spread to both ends of the channel, and I don't know how long it is, and I don't know how many such channels.

Chen Rui only felt that the hair of the whole body was erected, and the body shivered slightly. Besides the initial fear, it was more angry. Although there was psychological preparation before, but when I saw this scene, I could not suppress my anger. life! This is no longer described as "inhumane" or "extinction"!

On the side of the roller, Lola felt his strong emotions and gently gripped Chen Rui’s hand.

Chen Ruixing has been running for a week, has calmed down, looked at Lola and Paglio, nodded, and a belief in his heart was more firm: destroy it all! Destroy the abyss!

"The bones are dwarfs and humans. It seems that we are in the underground world of Jinhuidi Palace... There is a natural source of earth elements here," Rolla carefully sensed for a while. "But this source seems to be broken down into various The corner, and filled with strange devastating atmosphere, the purity of the ruin is quite high, and the interference is very strong. It is impossible to judge the source of the soil law."

Paglieu noticed another abnormality: "I feel that the suppression power here is very strong. If we fight here, we are afraid that it is difficult to exert the strongest strength and the consumption will be doubled."

"This is the power of the blood sacrifice." Chen Rui took a deep breath, he recently understood this terrible power, compared with the ruins of the cloud city, the grievances here are still more, more aggressive, the atmosphere of destruction is full of A special kind of pressure, involuntarily gave birth to fear.


Chen Rui secretly clenched his fists, whether it was "fear" or "hate", it must be destroyed!

The three men carefully walked forward for a while and found a three-way intersection. They didn't know where to go.

"Wait, there seems to be someone behind." Lola pointed to the rear of the passage. Now the fairy dragon is the most perceptive among the people. Of course, this is under the premise that Chen Rui has not cast a polar star.

Soon, Paglieu and Chen Rui also heard it. This voice came from this side. It seems that there are many people.

This kind of death, there are still living people!

Rolla drew a circle in her hands: "Don't move!"

As soon as the voice fell, Paglio, Chen Rui and Throw lost a film-like power to cover themselves, and the whole body became slowly blurred. Finally, it was completely transparent and completely integrated into the torch. In the dark light.


This is not a gift, but a real magic effect, or the stealth of group effects! Chen Rui and Duo lost it, and Duron was a confession, and his eyes were straight.

Soon, the sound got closer and the speed was fast - when it came to the band, the pace slowed down.

Sure enough, there are about a dozen people, dressed in black cloaks, wearing silver masks on their faces, and holding weapons in their hands. One of them seems to be the head of the golden mask.

Chen Rui is no stranger to this attire, the Black Death!

Sure enough they are!

There are a few people who will see the invisible Paglio, the poisonous dragon is about to move, and the voice of the roller is compressed by the power of the kingdom: "Don't move!"

Someone who has encountered the "invisible" effect of the poison dragon, as if he had encountered the air, wear it without any hindrance, as if Pagliu did not exist at all.

This time even the magic idiot Chen Rui is greatly surprised, this stealth technique is simply incredible! More powerful than his "sneak" skills!

"Weird, Chida people don't mean that the space fluctuations in the sensory zone are different. Can someone break in? How can you not see people?"

"On the 35th, your group goes to the left!"

"On the 27th, your group goes to the right!"

"Forty-three, you guys go with me!"

"Discover intruders, try to be oysters. If you don't, immediately detonate the prints! If you don't find them, you will meet at this intersection!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Soon after, the three pairs returned to the intersection.

"Captain, nothing found!"

"So are we!"

The captain wearing a golden mask was slightly addicted: "Impossible, the big man is clear... the passage here can't be hidden. We haven't found any way to come here. Is the intruder gone? Or the strength is better than we even have Concealed ability? In any case, you should return to the Red Man as soon as possible! This main altar is about to be fully formed, absolutely no difference!"

When I heard the last sentence, Chen Rui’s eyes flashed in the eyes of the people – it turned out to be the main altar!

Chen Rui, who once heard the Angel of the Guangming Church in Yuncheng, said that the main altar is an altar that is directly sacrificed to the abyss. It contains special rules and the most powerful power, and can automatically capture the sacrifices of secret altars in various regions.

The main altar is also the abyss that dominates the transmission of soul power and strengthens the control of the will. The greater the sacrifice power, the stronger the will that the master passes to the soul variant, and the stronger the strength exerted.

In theory, each lord only corresponds to one main altar, and the front is the underground world of Jinhuidi Palace, which is actually the existence of the main altar!

This time can be regarded as catching the "big fish"! But what is certain is that the danger will be even bigger!

Listening to the captain’s statement, the main altar has not yet been fully formed. Just right, take this opportunity and destroy it in one fell swoop!

Pagliu spoke up: "We keep up! Anyway, there are Lola's stealth magic, which should not be discovered."

"Wait a minute," the fairy dragon opened. "This group stealth technique is incapable of moving. It will appear when it moves, and the maintenance time is limited. In my own words, it can move invisibly."

Chen Ruicai knew that there was such a defect, but the stealth technique of ignoring the obstacles was already very powerful. He immediately smiled and pointed at the direction in which the Black Deaths went away: "In fact, it does not need to be invisible and can be deformed." ”

Deformation? The fairy dragon licked the beautiful eyes and understood it. (To be continued.)

Ps: So tired, it is finally finished. This is more thanks to the support of riding an ant to press the elephant. The body can't hold it. Let's go to rest first.

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