Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1002: Level 5 civilized city

After solving the problem of the land of the earth, Chen Rui, who left Xiqiao Mountain, did not go directly to the Darkmoon Territory, but went to the Blue Pool Mountains.

After getting the dark source and the water source from the dark element king Hegel and the water element king Lan Bosite, he has already got six sources.

"Pole annihilation" is similar to Rolla's "Elemental Wrath" principle. It uses the fusion of the conflicts between the six elements to explode several times of destructive power. In terms of power, it is necessary to be angry with the elements of Rolla. Up, but only a one-time consumable.

The real intention of Chen Rui's "extremist annihilation" is the glory of light. "The annihilation of the poles" is attached to the thunder of light, which can make it play a multitude of power. Of course, the process of production is equally Dangerous, even if there is an architectural diagram provided by the elemental king, a little bit of inadvertent, a terrible explosion will occur, and the producer is in danger.

However, this danger is zero for Chen Rui, because he will complete the entire manufacturing process in the super system refining room, even if the failure occurs, it will not endanger itself. The only thing to pay attention to is the success rate problem. The elemental source is the most essential law force of the elemental king. The separation from the king's body will be quite damaged. At the beginning, Chen Rui spent a lot of effort on the six sources of Lola. He did not hesitate to fight and use his heart. Now, although he has made good efforts with the six elements, he has easily acquired the source, but the six sources he has at hand. There is only one force, and there is no backup.

Once it fails, it is not good to ask for the six kings. It must be a one-time success.

Therefore, Chen Rui decided to go to the Xinghuang Capital of the Blue Pool Mountains. One was to make a violent eclipse to complete the enhanced version of the Light of Light. Second, he successfully obtained the task of the Tree of Nature and obtained the Qi. The reward of the legendary prophet Eleuther, handed over by Olympia, is the box filled with the remains of the ancient alchemy civilization.

The contents of this box are not measurable by the value of Chen Rui, and it is very likely that the three-level alchemy city of Xinghuang will rise directly to the fourth level.

Chen Rui is leaving. Loli has something to say.

Alice had been very happy during this time. It took time for the water king and the dark element king to arrive here, so she took Chen Rui to play in the area of ​​Leia Town in the Xiqiao Mountains and the Shadow Empire. In the past few years, Alice has been busy with the management of Princess Hill and Princess Square. She is also the only sister of the Queen and the imperial princess of the empire. The pressure is far beyond the average girl, especially witnessing Chen. Rui and her sister are like paint, and the girl’s heart is more depressed.

Since the rainy jungle tent incident that day, the biggest burden of the girl’s heart has been solved, and the whole person seems to be excited and relaxed. It was changed back to the loli that was amazing and energetic at the beginning. These days, I let go of all the crazy play for a while, and I felt that I had never had a happy time.

Regrettably, although the little princess has tried his best, the game of "kissing" has not been successful again. The most successful one was just to lie to my brother and kiss her face. To this end, Alice more than once in front of Chen Rui drums a buns face, denying some people's "special attachment" to the stars.

In fact, Chen Rui is not what Alice calls "the stars are good", the poor milk is also a scarce resource, the peaches have the taste of peaches, the green apples also have the taste of green apples... The problem lies in psychology.

In the age of mankind, Alice's age is actually not a loli. Or the former Loli has been "developed" successfully, but the "unsuccessful" is that the small body with a height of only one meter four and the chest is almost an airport is indeed an uncompromising little dill. Li.

Although such an overly green body can give birth to a special feeling. Even normal physiological reactions will become extremely strong, but perhaps influenced by some of the ideas of past life, Chen Rui always has the illusion of a crime.

Let it go with the flow, it is best to "shun" to grow a little higher... not right. Oh, I don’t say anything. Anyway, saying that everything is tears, they are all animals...

Knowing that Chen Rui is going to the star city of Lanhua Mountain, Alice, who is a frequent visitor to the city of Xinghuang, naturally wants to follow, but Chen Rui refused. He still has a lot of business activities, especially The manufacture of "Zhu annihilation" requires concentration.

Alice was extremely dissatisfied with this. Chen Rui married her for a long time. In the end, she had to go out and kill the trick. I used a long-awaited "kiss" to get the little princess. Chen Rui went straight to the Blue Pool Mountains, and Alice was escorted back to the Darkmoon by the generals of the Walan Fortress.

After entering the central control room of the capital of Xinghuang, Chen Rui took out the space box presented by Eluther, and after the identification of the central life crystal "Jinghuang", he came to a conclusion that surprised Chen Rui.

These relics are actually from the most advanced six-level civilized capital!

You must know that the capital of Xinghuang is still only a three-level civilized city. Even the "Tianlun" that Chen Rui encountered on the island of Stormwind is only a four-level civilized city!

In the level of urban civilization of the ancient alchemy civilization, the first and second grades are a grade, called the "fortress"; the third and fourth grades are a grade, called the "city"; the fifth grade is a dividing line, called For the "city", this is already a very developed civilization, equivalent to the dark moon at the level of the entire empire angel empire; however, above the five-level "civilized city", there is the most advanced six-level "civilized emperor", the emperor The entire level of civilization of the entire empire needs to reach a certain level in order to evolve and be unique.

At that time, the ancient alchemy civilization had countless empire, but only the four most powerful empire had a civilized capital.

Chen Rui once speculated that these relics may be a five-level city, but unexpectedly exceeded his expectations, actually the most advanced six-level imperial capital! According to the preliminary analysis of Jinghuang, the current cultivation pool has transformed a lot of materials upgraded to the fourth-class civilization, plus Yuan Jing, who strengthened the life crystal from Chen Rui’s mysterious zone, and the most precious emperor brought back this time. Level materials should be able to achieve a two-level jump in the city of Xinghuang, and directly upgrade to a five-level civilized city.

When upgrading from the second-class civilized fortress to the current three-level civilized city, there are two new special buildings. The first one is an enhanced biological warehouse, which can strengthen the quality of urban alchemy life, such as the original conditions. The strength of the golden light is a, then you can reach a+ now.

The second is the culture pool. The building is extremely powerful, not only capable of researching and cultivating new alchemy creatures (such as Titans), but also cultivating more essential energy blocks and using existing materials to transform the various materials necessary to upgrade civilization, the only drawback It is slow.

Upgrading to the fourth-class civilization has not added new buildings, but the number of control units has increased five times, the number of strange servants can reach 300,000, the crystal beast is 150,000, the light spirit is 75,000, and the construction of the battle is 10,000. Five thousand. The crystal behemoth is 1,500.

Not only that, the fortensive and defensive capabilities of the fort, the production speed of the creatures, the research function of the culture pond and the transformation speed of the materials will be greatly enhanced, and some elite-level alchemy life is expected to have a super-evolution of the promotion of the great realm. In other words. In particular, the crystal behemoths and Titan giants whose strength is limited to the level of the emperor may evolve to the national level.

After upgrading to the five-level civilization, the entire civilized city will undergo qualitative changes. The most prominent is the spatialization of the city. It is like a large space far from the appearance. According to Chen Rui’s understanding, it is equivalent to one. A space carrier like an aircraft carrier. It can carry a large population and army.

In terms of weapons, it will also add a "rule weapon" similar to the power of law, which is extremely powerful. However, this kind of regular weapon not only requires the strongest energy block, but also requires special "regular energy."

Confirmed by Jinghuang. This "rule energy" can be transformed from the "law fragments" of Chen Rui's hand. A piece of law at the beginning of a country can be transformed into ten thousand units of regular energy blocks.

Because the law fragments were distributed to relatives and friends, Chen Rui’s rules of law and the law of the crystal ball are running out. According to Chen Rui, the rule of law and the rule of the crystal ball can only be obtained from the secluded land of some mystery. The source is the powerful soul.

The entrance to the mystery is the most mysterious fifth floor of the Shadow Magic, the ancient magic tower, where a strong seal was set. Even the Shariye or Satan, who is at the top of the peak, can barely open the entrance when the seal power is weakest. Now that the best period has passed, and with the strength of Chen Rui, the seal cannot be opened.

However, he has the best cheating device of the Starry Gate. At the beginning, he left a star point in the secluded land. He only needs a starry sky door to freely enter and exit the sulky land, killing the sorcerer to obtain the law fragments. .

Speaking of it, there is still an excellent place to practice, not only Chen Rui himself, but also with Lola, Paglio and others.

In the battle of the Golden Altar in the fear of the Lord's Altar, Paglieu desperately burned the blood of the blood, almost exhausted and died, but in disguise, accidentally activated and merged with the Thunder The power of blood circulation, now Duron can easily display the power of Thunder and even the scorpion, but also get special power feedback from the Thunder, and there is a sign of promotion to the peak of the country.

The actual battle of the secluded land can make the poison dragon break through the realm faster, and everyone else is the same, but the secluded land is also full of sinister dangers. If you are not careful, it will be swallowed up by the secluded ocean, even if it is a peak and a half god. The possibility of corruption, so this practice Chen Rui must go together, there is an emergency, you can use the star of the star station to merge and starry to escape.

However, whether it is a regular weapon of a five-level alchemy civilized city or a trial and practice of a secluded land, it is a follow-up. At present, Xinghuang Capital has hardware conditions that can be upgraded to Level 5, so you only need to confirm the automatic upgrade, which takes about three months.

Chen Rui’s return to the devil world is only temporary, because the mission of the ground world has not been completed, and the time of the disappearance of Arthur’s emperor must be controlled and cannot be delayed for too long. In addition, he also received the most important new news from the consciousness of Shura, hating the main altar!

This news is enough for Chen Rui to change the original plan, but one thing is that it will not change, that is, the main altar must be destroyed!

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