Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1008: 缪 缪 (everyone has waited for 3,500 words)

The news of the magic game and Huanglong wine originated from the devil world caused the shock of the whole world. For a time, rumors such as "The Arthur's Emperor collusion with the devil" and "Two things are likely to be the conspiracy of the Mozu" spread rapidly.

Even the slogan of boycotting magic games and Huanglong wine has emerged. Jinyao’s territory has encountered unprecedented pressure. The bright church that also jointly released the game is inevitably questioned. However, most of this question is in the heart, and no one dares to reveal it publicly. Therefore, the focus of the swearing on the "sinful sheep" Jin Yao territory. Such as Garfield or Luke's first-class, since the gloating fun, it is necessary to push behind the waves, and strive to push "Arthur" into the future.

Unexpectedly, there will soon be heavyweight forces to clarify this misunderstanding.

Dragon Valley.

Most people only know that Huanglong wine is made by Samuel according to the recipe of the dragon King Palgoris in an ancient treasure, but I don't know, the magic game was originally from the dragon.

According to the dragons, the magic game and Huanglong wine are the products of another ancient world. This ancient civilization has a long history, and it is before the ancient civilizations of alchemy civilization and witchcraft civilization.

The Dragon Emperor Palgoris was in a chance to enter the ancient space where the civilization had almost annihilated. However, the Dragon King is not the only explorer. He came to the world earlier than him, and there is a strong presence from the Devil.

In that dangerous position, the two sides temporarily formed an alliance, and finally found the treasures left by the predecessors, under the battle. Both sides lost their lives, and each side acquired a part of the treasure.

The magic game and yellow wine are transformed from the ancient wonders in the treasure. The yellow wine and magic games that prevailed in the Devils were the same source as the Dragon Emperor Palgoris, but each was partially different. The things that are made must be different.

Take the bottle of rice wine, it looks like the Huanglong wine in the human world, but after tasting it, it is found that there is no small difference in taste. In contrast, in addition to the difference in taste, the devil's wine is more energetic, while the human world's wine tastes better and the stamina is less. There is a clear difference in the formulation of the two, because the Huanglong wine is made from Samuel. Samuel happened to be practicing in the Devil for a while, which is completely true.

As for the difference between magic games, the difference is the setting of the races of humans, elves, dwarves, and dragons. It is clearly the prototype of the ground world. Compared with the devil world, the arms, enemies and replicas of the game are also quite different. It is impossible to copy it.

At this time, a royal cultist of a kingdom also returned from the devil's hard work, and stood up to prove that the magic game of the devil must rely on a "magic TV" prop. The magic game of the human world exists alone.

This time, the truth is floating out of the water, following the public clarification of the Dragon. The Bright Church also stood up and issued an important statement, posting notices at church branches around the country.

The magic game was introduced by the Bright Church from the Valley of the Dragon. This kind of game was originally a secret illusion that the dragons used to practice themselves. The light church knows that this illusion can enhance the spiritual power. Therefore, the deal was reached with the Dragons and promoted worldwide. It is to spread the grace of the world to the whole world and enhance the combat effectiveness of all races. At first, the dragons of Zhai Zizhen refused to trade such "baby". The church paid a considerable price for it. Now some people have questioned the church's bad intentions. It is simply ungrateful.

No matter whether it is a magic game or rice wine, there is no problem. If anyone dares to question and spread the rumors, it is to question the authority of the church, and the church will give the most determined blow!

When the statement of the Bright Church came out, there was no suspense in the whole incident. Instead, more people became interested in magic games.

In fact, the church did not intend to play this "screening". In fact, at the time of the negotiations with the dragons, the Church of Light has been told that the "source" of the magic game is a space of ancient civilization. The negotiators sent by the church to the Dragon Valley are not unseen people. Naturally, there are countless small worlds and civilizations outside the main plane. Since it is the personal experience of the Dragon Emperor, there will be no problem.

Through this world-famous opportunity, Dragon Valley has announced that the dragon has successfully developed another prop, magic phone from ancient treasures.

The magic phone functions as a transponder for remote real-time calls, but does not display images like a transponder. However, its call function is very powerful, not only to maintain a long conversation, but also to text messages. The most important thing is that the communication symbol is a one-time consumable, and the price is not cheap. As long as the magic phone has enough recharge magic, in theory, you can talk indefinitely. In terms of price, the price of a normal grade magic phone is about one-half of the price of a message, which can be said to have an absolute advantage.

The magic phone is divided into a fixed version and a mobile version. The fixed version is equal to a fixed communication station, which is suitable for a fixed room or space, while the mobile version can be carried with you. Since the mobile version of the magic phone is very small, one hand can hold it. So there is another name called "magic phone."

Even the practitioners who returned from the Mozu did not hear the "magic phone", as the dragon said, this is the latest secret treasure developed according to ancient treasures.

The advent of this new "secret" has aroused strong interest from all. The Dragons have once again announced that they will work with the Bright Church to promote magic calls to the world. The Dragons provide technology and the Bright Church is responsible for production and promotion.

As for the production rights of the magic phone equipment, the Dragons gave the "small partner" Rex the Great, which has been cooperating, which makes the Longhuang Empire rise and fall, but the ally of the Blue Yao Empire is also unwilling to be lonely. The magic weapon that the master Fenoa and the late dwarf Rick guru jointly developed.

Although there are rumors that the devil has come out with similar firearms in recent years, after the previous magic games and yellow wine storms, almost no one believes.

Because Master Fenoa and Master Rick had conducted long-term cooperative research thousands of years ago, they also achieved considerable results, only because of the relationship between the hill dwarves and the elves. The drawings of a research result are also divided into two, which are stored in the Black Rock Mountains and the Jade Forest. This is a little more familiar with the alchemy community. As the relationship between the elves and the dwarves is restored, the drawings are reunited. The collaboration between the two masters can finally be successfully published.

The agreement between the Lan Yao Empire and the Long Huang Empire soon reached an agreement to further deepen cooperation in magic phones, magic guns including Huanglong wine and magic games, and the corresponding Magic Combat Legion was established. For a time, the economic and military development of the entire terrestrial world entered a period.

As for the previous rumors of collusion with the Mozu, it has long since been broken, but the Garfield stream, which was rumored to be behind, was exposed and became a clown.

The Jin Yao territory of Shen Zhao Zhao Xue restored the daily prosperity and tranquility, but many people clearly saw the richer haze over the territory. The rift between "Arthur" and Rex the Great will not be compensated for by the solution of this matter, on the contrary. With the involvement of the Church of Light, the rift will grow larger and larger.

Jin Yao’s lord’s house.

The faint scent of the courtyard is pleasing to the heart.

Chen Rui slowly tasted the amber fragrant tea in the cup, sitting next to it was Miss Xiaoyin.

"I guess, the news that colluded with the devil... Is it your initiative to release it?"

"It's the first intelligence head of the Angel Empire, dear Eni, you guessed it." Chen Rui shrugged and raised the cup, and Isabella smiled and filled him. "It’s not as soon as I’m exposed, it’s better to add this fire myself.”

"The difference between the recipes of the two yellow wines is also that you prepared early?"

"Of course, this is called precaution. The devil world and the human world are not without the possibility of intercommunication, such as Samuel and the Nero you have known before. Similarly, the human world has a spiritual demon... so I considered this early. The problem, and made the corresponding preparation. When the light church found the dragon Emperor Palgoris, Pargoris has already unified the caliber with me. This is to prevent after we leave. Magic games for some reason And was forced to stop."

"So... when are we leaving?"

"Are you homesick?"

"For more than 100 years, even if I lived in the emperor's capital. I have never had the concept of 'home' in my heart," Isabella's eyes faintly said: "It is now..."

“Ini,” Chen Rui gently grasped her hand. “Reassured, I will go back soon. Now I am waiting, waiting for the most suitable time. Just complete the two important events, we will be together. Come back home."

"Is it? I can't delay your big business," Isabella smiled cheerfully, rubbed her eyes, and slammed her voice eight degrees. "Lola, are you still not good? Quickly remove him." tower!"

"Last minute!" Opposite the fairy dragon, she was staring at the space in the table. Even the cup of "bitter drink" that she liked was cold and it was too late to move. In the space in the table, there is a narrow building. The soldiers and siege equipment that Miss Fairy Dragon is driving are attacking the defensive tower outside the building.

Magic card game, fateful showdown.

Obviously, this is Miss Ini and Miss Laura "joining" to deal with Chen Rui.

"This is already the third 'last minute'." Miss Ini squinted at the fairy dragon very silently, but Miss Fairy Dragon, who was all on the "battlefield", could not see it.

Chen Rui smiled: "Lola, you did a good job, but unfortunately, I seem to have found your nest."

"Ini!" Lola immediately showed a big summoning technique. "As long as you win him, you can know the 'secret' of Athena's pregnancy!"

Feelings have such bets, no wonder...

Isabella stood up with a smile, and the moving body could attract the man's eye without having to block his sight.

"I said that the Royal Highness, it is better for us to talk about the big things in life tonight?" The aunt's eyes were a bit more confusing, and actually sat down on one's lap.

"Hey, this cheating is too obvious..."

At this time, in another place.

A huge hill, a piece of tombstone on the hill, from the architectural design of the mountain and the defense of the distance, it should be the cemetery of a large family, but more accurately, it is the imperial tomb of the Kingdom of Mias.

The kingdom of Mias is an island country This island country is not small, almost equal to the big countries such as Yangshuo Kingdom, Noah Kingdom or Starlight Kingdom, but due to geographical location, resources are poor, economic lag Even a small country like the King of Turin and the Kingdom of Baita is far worse.

In addition to the vast territory, the imperial mausoleum that buried the remains of the royal family in the past is not comparable to those of the great powers.

However, these are only superficial.

If you can go through the surface of the Imperial Tomb, you can see the magnificent weather of the far resort.

The vast underground world, like the mausoleum on the ground, is a cemetery, a world filled with bones.

A real, hell. (To be continued.)

Ps: Let everyone wait a long time, today is very hard, now there is no wood for dinner?

In a word, "persistence" is not easy.

Ok, I can go home tomorrow, two tomorrow.

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