Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 102: Take the initiative! Change plan

The first time I watched Vp, I came through the training of the angry sea. Chen Rui clearly felt the improvement of strength. It was not only the kind of force that appeared in a certain probability, but also the power of breaking the Yuandao knife. Concentration, plus "sharp", is like a smashed sacred soldier, just under the full blow, even the body of the Athena giant sword can not be broken, it was "broken"

Of course, it is undeniable that Chen Rui’s killing is not the “full of blood” state of Culia.

Culia first fought a battle with Athena, and then the "Robin" who was seriously injured by Lomon and was disguised as a scam to drink the tearing agent. If the power is bad, Chen Rui’s broken knife It may not be able to swing this effect

However, the battle is like this. Although the defeat of the king is stronger, the stronger the win, but the last winner is the real winner.

Culia has a storage bracelet, there are more than 20,000 black crystal coins, and there are some things, but for Chen Rui, these are just extra income. The biggest gain is to kill Culia and get two. Extremely valuable intelligence:

First, it was determined that the Red Devils Thieves Group that interfered with the Darkmoon Territory was appointed by the Red Lord. For the so-called balance, the backbone of the Thieves was composed of members of the two forces, such as Canita and Joseph, and Culia and the head. Snod is a member of the Canita side. Bannak is a member of the Joseph side. The killed Sully and Yagus should also be fighting against each other.

Second, the Red Devils Thieves Group has a magic communication station that connects with Leia Town and Darkmoon City. It is located in the cavern of Lushan Mountain. It must destroy this communication station and cut off the contact between the Xiqiao Mountain Red Devils Thieves and the outside world.

The value of these two intelligences is not so simple on the surface. Chen Rui pondered for a long time. A bold plan gradually formed in his mind. Looking at the body of Culia on the ground, he thought that he had already collected the storage of the system. warehouse

The “preservation period” of the storage warehouse seems to be very long, and the body of Culia should be used for a long time.

After a while, the figure of "Culia" appeared in front of two escaping thieves. The two thieves were frightened to escape the ghost claws of the ghost dragon. When they saw "Culia", they hurriedly salute: "Adult"

"What are the two useless guys?" Culia gasped, a look of unhealedness, and said: "You two, immediately find the lost brothers, all here."

The two quickly rushed away. After a while, the members of the Red Devils thieves group 66 continued to concentrate. Culia looked at the gray-faced guys, and laughed and threw the ghosts of the fake dragons. However, it was extremely serious. He said: "You have all seen it. Now the terrible ghost dragon has come out of the main mine. Everyone will not go back for a while, and they will be stationed in the vicinity of the nearby Valan Mountain. Yazhen contacted the head of the group and reported these emergencies. Remember that before I return, I don’t want to provoke the miners anyway. If the current person does not listen to the order, he will kill him.”

The thieves have been busy with Nono. In fact, the orders of the Culias are reasonable. The horrible ghost dragon has come down from the main pit, and then staying in Xiqiao Mountain is to die at the mining office. There are Lennon and Athena. The strongest is, even Culia is seriously injured today, who dares to provoke?

This Culia is naturally camouflaged by Chen Rui. After "locating" the thieves, he returned to Xiqiao Mountain and lost and mammothed together with the help of the magic map. He flew to Mount Lu, Cuulia. The rock mountain that I said is not difficult to find, but the magic communication station did take a lot of work to find it. Thanks to the lost magic tree that was subtly planted under the carnivorous meat, it can be nearby. The creature produces psychedelic and prey, no wonder Culia says it can't be destroyed.

The magical tree belongs to a very rare carnivorous plant. It has a strong predation ability. The most valuable thing is the fruit of the knot. Eating it can create a strong illusion. It is generally used to make top-level psychedelic remedies or to assist in the display of certain illusions. Although it is awesome, it is only a troublesome food for the natural enemies of some plants, especially the amoeba that has a strong variation in its strength and appetite.

The main body of the communication station is a special piece of magic spar. The higher the quality, the more advanced the magic array, the longer the effective distance will be. The magic array of each communication station is different, which avoids the signal. Mutual interference

What makes Chen Rui happy is that the magic spar is actually a material that can be transformed into aura. The quality of this magic spar is obviously very high. It is also very happy to provide 40,000 reiki. The magic tree is a rare "food". Even in the rainy jungle, it is difficult to find a few plants. I can’t think of this mountainous area in the Xiqiao Mountains.

Chen Rui deliberately let Lost leave a few nucleus of the magic tree, that is, the seed, enter the Star Garden and try to put it into the soil. Tip: Unknown plants, mature for 5 days, can be matured repeatedly, consume energy dust every day. : immature

Seeds are different from ready-made plants. They can be directly planted without the aura of transplanting. Unfortunately, the devil's fruit has no cores, no other seeds, and so on.

If Duron now knows Chen Rui’s thoughts, he will certainly denounce the greed of human beings. The precious fruits that have matured once in a few hundred years, you can harvest them in two months, still not satisfied?

However, the current level system of the Star Garden and the pivot fairy are the lowest level, similar plants seem to be able to plant only five, can later be upgraded with that "refined dust", the ordinary dust is called the energy dust system, should use other The function is "refining", this should be the function that has been acquired after breaking through the dilemma.

At present, the connection between Leia Town and Xiqiao Mountain has been cut off, at least the dissemination of the news has been greatly reduced. Unless someone goes to Leia Town to ventilate the letter, Bannak should not know what the mine is doing, even if there are thieves in the magic communication. It’s okay to inform Bannak before the Taiwan was destroyed, because “Culia” will really go to Leia.

If you have been in the mining office, it is equivalent to the enemy, even if you kill the Culia and the Sullivan, but one after another powerful enemies will appear one after another, not only dangerous, but also passive.

The power of the Red Devils Thieves Group is not small, the strength is also very strong, but the snake has no head, the most effective is the action. Now the red magic main members of the Xiqiao Mountain, Culia, Sully and Adams have been eliminated, although the remaining thieves have Hundreds of people, but was restricted by Chen Rui in the Vale Mountain, the basics have not been much as the main force of the current Red Devils thieves group in the town of Leia, the head of Snowd just returned to the Red Sea, at least not short-term Will return, now only the deputy head of Bannak is left.

Chen Rui’s plan is to take the initiative and take advantage of Snann’s nails.

If you continue to wait passively in the mine, even if you destroy the magic communication station, delay the transmission of the news, but after all, the palliative will not cure the problem, one powerful enemy will continue to appear, if now Bannack or even Snowd Come back, Chen Rui does not think that he and Athena have a hope of winning

Therefore, he wants to take the initiative to kill Benak, and in the "snakeless headless" situation, try to defeat the main force of the Red Devils Thieves. At that time, even if Snowd came back, only the left and the widowed, and then At the right time, with the military strength of the Princess of the Darkmoon City, it should be possible to eliminate this passage in the west.

Of course, the details of the plan are far more than simple. The plan is far from being able to keep up with the changes. The "Culia" in front of us should be a well-utilized identity.

Before that, he had to go back to the green forest, one is to let Athena feel at ease, and the other is to really "slumber" the "big master inheritance". Today, I battled with Culia and actually won. Fortunately, it also made him realize that the gap is facing the high-end demon like Bannak. The current strength is definitely not enough. Moreover, the town of Leia may have many unknown dangers, so before the implementation of the plan The first priority is to seize this precious free time and concentrate on improving the strength.

Not only Bannak, Arrows’s duel is getting closer.

After Chen Rui made up his mind, he rode on the mammoth and flew with satisfaction and fled to the green forest.

After a while, the Wyvern reached the green leaf forest.

In the place where the meeting was agreed in advance, Chen Rui did not see Athena, only saw the bones, and... a simple wooden house that was about to be formed.

"It must have been the last time the disease was not good. I am not used to living in a tent. I will help you build a wooden house."

The last time the sound was still ringing in my ear.

Chen Rui's slight shock The original physical exhaustion, even the planning and arrangement of the heart, was bursted by a sudden feeling, which quickly occupied all positions in the heart.

Look at this wooden house that can be described as a simple word, only to be more precious than any rich and luxurious villas and palaces.


The woods behind him suddenly heard footsteps. Chen Rui slowly turned around and saw a familiar figure appearing in sight.

Compared with the huge pieces of wood on her shoulders, the original slender figure looks a bit petite.

"You are back", the voice with a few surprises, speeding up the pace

I can clearly see the dust on the pretty face, as well as the number of purple and purple

At first glance, it may seem ridiculous, but Chen Rui doesn't have this feeling at all, just feels warm, as if the chilly sunshine behind her behind the devil is warming up in an instant.

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