Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1015: Black Death without soul

In the palace of resources, the ground smashed open, and countless blood-colored ray erupted, and the running stars crossed each other. The two amazing powers held together, and it was difficult to compete.

Veronica, no, it should be that Quiniana’s pupil has changed from the original blue to the blood red, and the claws have swept the fierce arrogance, tearing the ripples of the stars in the stars. . However, after the flaming tears and ripples, it was already the end of the strong smashing, and the sharpness of the broken knives that were sent out was swept away.

The broken Yuan knife went unchecked, and when Quiniana was forced to come, Queriana’s claws and the Martians splashed, and they even made a sound of gold and iron, leaving a shallow mark on the nails.

Queriana's arms sizzled out of the fiery blaze, and countless intertwined ray appeared in Chen Rui's body, looking far away, as if a huge claw consisting of countless fine "knifes", holding him in it.

Chen Ruifei quickly evades. In the space where the terrorist forces are interlaced, if you easily use a large range of shifting or teleporting, it is equivalent to yourself hitting the neck on the blade. It can only be evaded by conventional movement, a little slower. Shot, the face suddenly appeared a few blood marks.

The kind of "claw" does not need to touch the body, just the horrible sharpness emitted by the volley can cut everything.

Queriana's fighting style is a "sharp" route. The power attack is quite concentrated. It is similar to the attack of the broken knife, but it is more sharp and changeable.

It stands to reason that Chen Rui has exhibited "Red. Polar Star Change", even if it is a demigod, it can kill, but in the face of strength, Quiniana, who has just crossed the semi-god level, has a feeling of being suppressed everywhere. This is because the true strength of Queriana has already surpassed the ordinary pseudo-god. The killing method is fierce and the ghosts are unpredictable. The understanding and application of the law is far from what Chen Rui can achieve, even if this body is displayed. . It is also faintly close to the real power.

Just like a peerless master, even if the skill is limited to the level of ordinary players, it is not comparable to ordinary masters.

The huge claws are combined, intertwined with numerous blades, and the eyes have been overlapped and alternated. It is necessary to divide Chen Rui into powder. Chen Rui has been unable to dodge, and the two pairs of star-studded wings are combined to wrap the body in it.

At the moment when the flame of the flame collided with the starlight, the whole space was violently trembled, and a sharp sound that penetrated the soul sounded. Numerous Martians are shining, and many of the fragments of the Star Wings are splashing out. It is conceivable how much pressure they have suffered.

At this time, Queriana's movement suddenly came to a sudden, and the speed of those "blade" suddenly decreased, and the power was greatly reduced. The painful expression on his face seemed to be fighting hard.

This phenomenon is not the first time it has appeared. Every time Chen Rui is in danger, the power of Queriana will always be inexplicably stagnate - although it is controlled by Quirina with overwhelming power, Veronica The card has been fighting hard for burning souls.

For the only remaining sunshine in my heart.

Even if you have already fallen into ruin.

By this opportunity, the Martian intertwined sky, a cup of milky white light appeared. It then turns into a trickle into the bottom.

The Holy Grail of the Holy Grail!

Shengyou can improve "lucky" in a short period of time. This kind of luck can reduce the physical and magical damage of the blessed person, the time of staying in various negative states will be greatly shortened, and the time of gain state will increase.

Under the increase of the Holy Blessing. The starlight suddenly flourished, and the four pairs of star wings were on display. The numerous ray of the intertwined rays were all repelled, and the anti-Quinella reversal went - the rebound of the "Star Wings Guardian"!

Quirina was caught off guard. Was wrapped in his own killings, and suddenly the blood was splashing. There are countless criss-cross scars on the entire body surface, and the flesh is rolled up.

"Stupid and humble existence, dare to resist the greatest will!" Quirina sneered in a sneer, "Don't think that burning the soul can stop me, even today, if you sacrifice this rare highest soul variant, you must The hateful guy is completely annihilated!"

After that, the flames of Quirina's body burned fiercely, and all the clothes were burned out, revealing the body.

As expected, it should have been perfectly tempting, full of horrible strange "textures", those lines began to distort and expand rapidly, completely enveloping the body belonging to "human", as if an armor, The sharp, knife-like nails have also been stretched twice, with a cold edge.

After this change, Veronica's will was completely suppressed, and Quirina snorted, and the whole **** country was shining, even overshadowing the glory of the stars.

Chen Rui felt that the pressure suddenly doubled. What is even more frightening is that the power of Queriana is gradually increasing, as if the power of the ontology is continuously transmitted to the soul variant through some kind of overdraft.

If you change the strength of a semi-god-level power, it has already collapsed under the power of this horror, but Chen Rui has a super system and various means, although not to suppress the downwind, but always can compete with Queriana. Quillia is not surprised by this. She has already learned the extraordinary things of this enemy in the Battle of the Silver Tree, and may even have the kingdom of the gods. So this time, Queriana did not waste any effort to control or downgrade Chen Rui, but adopted the most direct method - destruction.

Due to the ritual power of the main altar, the accepted will of Veronica's soul variant can be maximized. Queriana is ironic to destroy Chen Rui, at the expense of this rare carrier, she is also completely I am confident that in the strongest state of the soul, the tough enemy will be broken.

At the bottom of the imperial tomb of the kingdom of Miaas, "hate" the main altar.

As the believers chanted and sacrificed, the huge shadows in the air became more and more solid.

Shura, who has been following the crowd, has also discovered that in the statues of the gods worshipped around the altar, except for the middle and lower abyss creatures such as the enchanted magic, the violent demon, the flame witch, the abyss lord, the highest ambiguity The three-layer "Idol" finally became clear.

This should be something that the core Black Death can see after getting the "gift" of the illusion.

The middle is the creature with obvious female characteristics, the bulging, slim figure with a tail behind it. The long nails with sharp knives on the hands, the bone spurs and protrusions on the body are more like an armor, and the heart of Shura automatically has a strong feeling of "hate".

This image is faintly consistent with the shadow of the sky. Chen Rui also saw it in the natural tree space of Yinyue Xiandu. It is hate to dominate Queriana.

Beside the "hate" is a statue of two male creatures, a strong body with six arms, "fear"; another body is huge. As if the scorpion is in general, it is "desperate."

The abyss three dominate!

Hate dominates Queriana, fear dominates Sosbach, and one is desperate, the name is unknown.

what can be confirmed is. Like the rest of the two abyss, there is still a "desperate" main altar, that is, I don't know where the specific place is.

The **** red mist drifted around the Black Deaths, constantly igniting energy and infiltrating the bodies of the Black Death. In fact, these are just "impurities" of emissions when the huge illusion absorbs and purifies the power of blood sacrifice. This is enough to give these mad believers the power.

The **** red mist danced for a while, and the speed gradually slowed down, and it was actually gathered around Shura.

This scene makes the rest of the Black Deaths show their envy. Even the two sects are no exception, because this means that Shura will be the highest devotee of this "God". You can get the great benefits of the "God".

"You have a surprising belief in destruction, more than everyone. I will give you the strongest power of the soul and the heart of the Lord." Queriana's illusion sounded a distant voice, swaying over the entire altar.

At the same time, this voice has an unquestionable ruling. Everyone has a correct feeling of "take it for granted". No one has any objections. In particular, Sorran, in the heart of the dark calculations, can not think of Shura can get the value of the gods, become the highest god, then his use value will be greatly increased, the future is likely to stay at the highest level of the mysterious church, so must use the existing The relationship, further encourage him, let him truly become the pillar of the Yunteng imperialism.

Next, you only need to give a hint of soul, Shura can become the most powerful soul variant, and get hateful.

Shura stepped forward a few steps, and the blood fog around him slowly wrapped him.

At this time, the voice of hating the illusion changed.

" don't have a soul!"

When this sentence comes out, all the Black Deaths have a horrified look. How can a person have no soul?

"Who are you!" The voice of the virtual shadow has a special deterrent power.

The mask of Shura was suddenly split, not only the mask, but the entire face and body had cracks in this question, but the crack did not have any blood spillage.

Shura raised his head and looked at the illusion in the air, revealing a strange smile. When he smiled, the skin on his face cracked, and it was terrible.

"Dice, in another place, are you not fighting me?"

The meaning of this statement has been quite The Black Deaths are instigated for a while, and the "Sura", which is highly anticipated, is actually a traitor who is mixed in!

"Damn!" Queriana finally understood, and thought that the enemy's avatar was mixed into the main altar, and the eyes flashed, and the power was able to come out. Shura's body was torn apart without any suspense.

However, in the center of the split body, a strange round object is suspended.

This is a white polyhedron, engraved with the imprint of the ancient accusations, surrounded by six colors of color, this thing gives Queriana an extremely dangerous feeling.

The supreme god-level killer made by the supreme angel Raphael: the light of the thunder!

Not only that, Chen Rui also uses the six elements of the source, with the addition of the elemental king-directed "polar annihilation" on top, you can use the power of multiples to increase the power of the light of the thunder to an unimaginable degree.

Quirina's eyes narrowed, and she saw the six colors of light immersed in the white polyhedron. In the next second, everything turned into an incandescent light.

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