Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1017: father

Chen Rui’s face just smiled faintly: “The murder of the emperor’s garrison commander, the confession and the ‘killing’ of the uncle’s widow... These are not enough? So, what about adding a ‘threat emperor’?”

The last sentence made Rex the Great's eyes sharp and straight through to Chen Rui's eyes, but there, except for the light, did not see anything extra.

"I don't want to do this?" Chen Rui looked directly at the eyes of Rex the Great. "This is just the right way to push the boat, once and for all. Isn't this the quality of the emperor's 'most important'?"

The rhythm of Rex's breathing accelerated a few minutes, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down: "So, you don't even have a guardian, a person who came to see me, has this awareness?"

"From me to this palace... No, from the day when Arthur was born in this palace, it should have this kind of consciousness." Chen Ruiyun shook his head lightly, "The ruthless is the emperor's family, in order to Power, in order to survive, the more loved ones will fight for you to live and die. The tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop. If you want to be independent, there is no such thing. Even the most beloved son, one day may shake your throne and become a desire. When you are on the road, you will not hesitate to remove it."

"Since this is the case, why are you coming back? Why did you show such amazing ability after coming back? Is it just for that woman? The woman who has been removed by you? Every effort you have made, It’s all about the so-called, and ultimately, the ending...the children’s personal feelings?”

"This is my own business, I don't want to answer too much," Chen Rui did not answer directly. Changed the topic: "However, when it comes to Veronica. Since I have completely settled with her, then... Should our agreement be fulfilled as scheduled?"

"To completely remove the remnants of the Yunteng Empire? Even if you don't say it. I will do the same." Rex the Great sneered: "But I am very curious, you are still concerned about this in this situation, you are in the end what do you want?"

"If I want to take something, it is the robes of the light." Chen Rui pointed to his head, "but for 'Arthur', what he really wants is not this. Because he is a more than me. Innocent and stupid guys... but now it’s no longer meaningful, sire. The key now is not what I want, but what do you want?”

The emperor on the throne was silent, and the index finger tapped on the handrail, and in this quiet hall, it looked extraordinarily loud.

The atmosphere became solidified for a while. After a while, Rex seemed to make some kind of decision. With a wave of hand, a space ring came out. Floating to the front of Chen Rui.

"This is what you want to take."

Chen Rui used his consciousness to find out that there was only one thing inside, a thin white robes like a flap, which gave off a silvery white glow. It is only the contact of consciousness. You can feel the pure light, not inferior to the crown of the thorns and the level of the Holy Grail.

The highest sacred object of the Longhuang Empire, the last of the three sacred objects - the sacred robes!

Chen Rui stunned. It was indeed unexpected, and it was so easy to get the robes of the Light that I always wanted.

The doubtful expression fell in the eyes of Rex. Inexplicably, there was a feeling of exuberance, and said coldly: "How. This is not what you want?"

"Of course, there are only some accidents." Although surprised, Chen Rui will certainly not refuse this good thing to send to the door, and the space ring will be included in the storage warehouse. "So, your majesty... Next, what should I be like?" do?"

"Did you not plan it in the morning?" Rex sneered: "I am finally sure that from the very beginning of your return, I will not intend to stay here. Jin Yao territory, magic games, Huanglong wine, only But it's the chip you pay."

“Oh?” Chen Rui’s eyebrows picked and picked, “I’m sure there are no other plots in this place?”

"Hey! Don't treat people other than yourself as idiots, although I don't know what you want, but I already know what you don't want." Rex glanced at Chen Rui deeply. "I I don't know if I should breathe a sigh of relief, or I should sigh. I admit that I have passed between the heir and the throne I control, but no matter how great the emperor in history, there is no such hesitation. As many people think. That way, you are indeed the best successor to this empire, why are you so dismissive of it?"

"Everyone's pursuit is different. Of course, I also have my own attachments. However, the throne and power are not among them. Moreover, I am confident that I have the ability to surpass certain embarrassment and truly pursue what I want."

Rex silently said: "What are your wishes?"

desire? Chen Rui’s mouth reveals a smile: “Fei Er. Although she has never raised any objections, she can see that she is not willing to arrange a political marriage. I hope that she will have the freedom to choose marriage in the future.”

“It’s ridiculous!” Rex said scornfully: “Because you are a princess, you must always be prepared to sacrifice your life for the empire, let alone a district marriage?”

"Only a weak country needs to sacrifice the happiness of a woman to maintain a momentary stability. I don't think that the Longhuang Empire and your Majesty need to do this, if... you really love Feifei on the surface."

Rex did not answer, but suddenly asked: "The Holy Grail, is it also where you are?"

Chen Rui looked at Rex's eyes and nodded slowly.

"It turns out that..." Rex slowly beheaded, and seemed to understand a lot of things. "The Lan Yao Empire refused to marry, but it was a deal with Rambis."

"That was the deal she chose."

“It’s like now between us?”

"If...Your Maternity thinks ‘Yes.’” Chen Rui stared at Rex for a moment and shrugged. “If there is nothing else, I will leave.”

"You intend to say goodbye to this?" Rex is not using 'fams' but 'goodbye'.

"Yes." Chen Rui took a deep breath, "I am ready."

"You have your own choices, I can't stop you," Rex said silently. "I just said, you have changed your mind now. It's not a scene, you should be able to hear it."

"I think, ‘Arthur’ has no regrets. No matter what he wants to do, there is always a father who puts him in his heart.” Chen Rui took a deep look at Rex and turned away.

Behind him, Rex’s low voice came: “You have been trying to divide yourself and the disappearance of 'Arthur’ into two people, but no matter what changes you have experienced, no matter what identity or ability you have. The blood flowing in your body is always the blood of the Roland family. No matter what you are going to do, you can't deny this fundamental."

"So, this is the farewell way I have to choose." Chen Rui did not explain anything, looked back, looked at the figure standing up on the throne, and felt a long-lost feeling in his heart, in an instant, as if in memory Some image overlaps, "So, goodbye, father."

At this moment, Chen Rui felt that the final consciousness of Arthur also dissipated, or completely integrated into his soul, no longer separated from each other, without any flaws or loopholes, and the power of the soul became unprecedentedly pure. And abundant, both quality and quantity have been greatly improved.

Just as before the promotion to the "Red. Polar Star", this promotion is equivalent to laying a solid and solid foundation for the promotion to the next realm. Next, only one opportunity is needed to induce qualitative change.

This opportunity is to create the source!

Chen Rui's last sentence, although the sound is not big, but Rex still heard, the body shook a little, watching the lone back, only to feel a little blurred.

After all, Rex took control of the emperor of the entire empire. He had always been jealous of the talent and prestige of Arthur. He was fascinated by the authorities. However, when he jumped out of the frame, he really saw many things.

"Arthur" used the talents to make Jin Yao's territory a huge interest, and then gave this benefit to him in this way.

Jin Yao territory, magic games, Huanglong wine... not a chip, but a gift.

A gift to my father.

Next, what Arthur is going to do is extremely dangerous. From the Holy Grail and the cloak of the Holy Light, it is likely to involve the behemoth of the Guangming Church. Therefore, before that, it is necessary to have the Longhuang Empire, and His father cut the limit, so Arthur gave him a piece of paper at that time, and what happened next was planned on paper, which is Arthur's choice of the 'best' farewell.

Rex suddenly felt very fortunate, thankful for his last choice. Although "Arthur" is about to say goodbye and embark on a road that he can't predict, but in any case, he has not lost this son.

"Do you see Ikalina, our son..."

For a long time, the blurred vision gradually became clear, and the original figure was restored to the tall and straight, and slowly sat on the throne.


Always standing somewhere, the guard captain Ulser immediately appeared in the hall: "Your Majesty."

"Athere left?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, His Highness Arthur has left the palace, but the strange thing is that he seems to disappear from the air, and even Guss's inductive power can't detect the whereabouts of His Highness."

Rex the Great nodded quietly: "Immediately informed the whole city, the three emperors Arthur killed the deceased Prince Sophie's widow Veronica, and murdered the lord of the Jin Yao territory, the garrison chief Trinity, now fleeing. The Firefighter Legion pursues the night, and it is necessary to arrest Arthur back to the Imperial Capital! The Dragon Knights’ Regiment is dispatched to unite the Ironscale Legion of the Jinyao Territory to control the entire Jinyao territory in the first place. If there is a disobedient, kill innocent! ”

"Yes!" Urse took the lead without thinking. (To be continued.)

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