Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1025: Secret

"One person? What is this all about?" Chen Rui suppressed his emotions and maintained a curious expression on his face.

Udola said in a light voice, as if to say a person who has nothing to do with himself: "She is the source of the entire ancient law, and because of this, Arthur’s sire can only double the crown of thorns. The power of the meter."

Chen Rui’s eyes flashed, and he was about to continue to ask questions. At this time, there was a guardian knight to report: “Your Majesty, Passari is not waiting for pass, and has already come straight in!”

When Yudura frowned, he saw that the "Glorious Sword Passari" had appeared at the entrance of Dengyunping. The guardian knight along the way had not been able to get close, and was rejected by a strange force. It can't stop at all.

Passari's pace with a strange rhythm seems to be not too slow, but in the twinkling of an eye has come to the stage of Shenghui.

"This is the teacher of Catherine's Lord Jayden's teacher, Passari?" Chen Ruiming said with a question, "I am in the Jinyao territory to take care of Jedeon, and I can see Jaimedin always respected today. It’s an honor to be an adult of Passari."

The last resounding of the three sacred objects shocked Passari, naturally recognizing the new darling of the bright sacred mountain, "The Son", and immediately owed: "I didn't expect Arthur to be here, it was rude."

Chen Rui quickly replied: "Don't dare to, I heard that Passari adults have surpassed the holy level and stepped into the ranks of super-orders. It is really gratifying."

Passari is so generous and known for being fair and rigorous, but I don’t know why, today seems to be a bit anxious. I didn’t have a set with Chen Rui, saying: “Arthur’s Majesty. Sorry, I have a very urgent matter with Mr. Eudora’s...”

Chen Rui looked at the calm Eudora. I took a gift: "So, I will leave before you, Yudola, and Passari."

Udola didn't look at Passari and nodded: "Arthur's majesty, scornful place, next time I will sue you again. Today, your performance at the St. Hui's station is eye-catching, I will report to Raphael. of."

Chen Rui did not stay here, and he left Deng Yunping very "interestingly", however, at the time of leaving the corner of Passari and Eudora. He quietly used a bead.

The sacred robes of the Holy Light robes - the use of the power of the accumulated light system to create a projection of the beads, can be used to summon the projection battle, possessing one-half of the body's combat power and all skills.

Although the manufacture of the bead of projection is not easy, it takes a lot of light power, but Chen Rui, who has already “greatly inked” the mass of materials and treasures of the Church, is nothing.

This time, his purpose of using "Shadow" is not to fight, but to investigate.

Due to the disparity in strength, although the power of perception has been carefully opened. However, Eudora did not realize Chen Rui’s small movements, only to sense that the “His Son” had left the peak of the Holy Ghost, and this reprimanded and left his eyes on Passari.

"It seems that strength can change a lot of things. The old Pasari who has always been a good old man will also enter the peak of my holy sacredness, and still face the face of 'Arthur'." Eudora sneer Road.

There are no other people around. Facing Passari, Eudora seemed to have changed. The ethereal and elegant temperament is gone, and the whole person shows a cold and sultry suffocation.

Passari did not pay attention to the sarcasm in the words. Asked: "Where is Eliza?"

Elisa is a disciple of Eudora, who is sinister and sinister. She once wanted to steal the "sense of the mind" expressed by Chen Rui, who was then pseudonym "Licha" through a special talent, but it was against the magical power of Shura. After the rebellion, the spiritual power completely collapsed. This time, Chen Rui only saw Miranda, and did not see Elisa, who should have become an idiot. I can't think of Passari's first sentence to ask Elisa's whereabouts.

Chen Rui, who was eavesdropping on the side of "sneak technique", reveals the color of doubt - Elisa is the daughter of the sister of Eudora, the uncle is Roger, one of the three cardinals, what is there with Passari? relationship?

"She is very good," Eudora said coldly. "You don't have to worry about it."

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking!" Passari showed an angry color: "I am coming today to take her away!"

"After so many years, I finally want to take up my father's responsibility? Who would want to get it, the predecessor of the Temple of the Thunder, who has vowed to serve the Guanghui Swordsman who did not think of him for the rest of his life, all the models of the Knights of the Temple, actually Is there an illegitimate daughter?" Eudora's eyes are full of embarrassment.

Chen Rui, who was eavesdropping, was shocked. Elisa was actually the daughter of Passari!

"I was only an accident with Pansha that year, and I didn't know that after she married Steven, the Elisa who was born was my daughter..." Passari showed painful color: "I admit, The things of the year, I am sorry for you, and I am sorry for your sister."

You Dora laughed, and the laughter was full of contempt and resentment.

"I am sorry for you, it is more than you, and your good lady, Du Ruzhen, if it is not her, if it is not a credulous letter to your lover, how can I lose in that place? Experience that one The unforgettable suffering of the field?"

"I didn't know what happened in the past. As for Dulu.... Although it is unforgivable, she is already dead. For more than 100 years, I have done so many things for you, and even more than once violated the Cavaliers. Some justice, more than one time suffering my conscience... These are enough to pay back the owed to you, and when I let Paul bring you the 'source of fire', we are not owed."

"Oh! It’s just that you think it is wishful thinking! You and your sister, your family owe me, owe to Pansha, and owe it forever! Just as you promised at the beginning!" Eudora Larsen said: "And the fire The source and the phoenix's egg were stolen by the **** pagan! That guy, your good disciple, Paul introduced it! Yes, you can also say that Paul is dead and has nothing to do with you."

"Elisa is innocent anyway, she is the daughter of Pansha!"

"But she is also your daughter! If it wasn't for Pansa's pre-deployment, I wouldn't accept her as a disciple!" Eudora said coldly. "You thought. After Elisa was traumatized by that accident, You can keep her by being around. Can you compensate her?"

"At least, I won't use her!" Passari took a step forward and showed a strong momentum in his eyes. "Don't think I don't know what you want to do! Elisa loses memory, and IQ is only equivalent to an ordinary one." Little child, but her 'stealing' talent is still there! You want to use her talent to steal some ability and then give it to yourself!"

"Yes," Eudora did not deny his intentions. "Elisa has inherited her mother's special talent. It can 'steal' and 'give' other people's talents and skills, unlike my 'swallowing', I wanted to use her talent, but this talent is also limited..."

You Dora didn't go on, Pasari frowned more tightly: "Would you like to use her talent to steal the power? Is it..."

Yudola was cold and speechless, and Passari was slightly shocked. He already understood: "Hello, you are the courage! He is the person whom Raphael is valued. It is also recognized as the next pope. Is the power of desire? Even your most basic judgments are blinded?"

Chen Rui knows this. It turned out that Yudola’s goal turned out to be his son!

"I know the will of Raphael's adults better than anyone else. The Supreme Angel is already close to God's supremacy. In their eyes, the most important thing is not status. Nor is it hard work, the only term is 'value'! 'Arthur' is nothing but a lucky one recognized by the crown of thorns, as long as I can steal the power of Arthur to control the crown of thorns..."

"Can you replace his position?" Passari shook his head. "You take it too much!"

"I am not replacing his position. I am taking back my position from his hands! Vatican is already old and Michael is sleeping. Gabriel has not appeared for hundreds of years, now Rafael Hold the holy mountain. If it weren't for the emergence of 'Arthur', the next pope would be none of me!"

Yudola’s voice showed a strong hatred. “I lost my devil's devils in the past, and I died in my life. I finally tried my best to win the devil's artifact and returned. I took down Du Ruyi and other saints. I finally climbed to the position of the Patriarchate step by step. I saw that I would climb to the top, but I killed such a **** guy! I have been working hard for many years!"

Passari silently said that according to the plan of Eudora, and Raphael took control of the holy mountain, the position of the pope really had a great chance to fall on her head, but now the "Arthur" cross The birth of the emptiness made Eudora abandon the past, not only that, but her status as a patriarch and a saint is quite embarrassing. Because the model of the Big Three is from the Supreme Three Angels, it can't be shaken. "Arthur" is also a member of the Raphael family. Even if Van Dyce takes over as the Pope after his abdication, it is impossible to stay at the peak of God's Seal. On the peak of the Holy Grail representing Raphael, and the peak of the Seal of God will promote another candidate as the Patriarch.

In this way, Eudora, who is also a Rafael faction, cannot continue to be a patriarch. Therefore, the biggest victim of Arthur’s takeover of the church is Eudora, who is the temper of Eudora. Will you be willing to "lead your neck"?

"You don't think about Passari shook his head resolutely: "You should already know that Arthur is not only the recognizer of the three holy objects, but also the master of the instrument and the master of the pharmacy. The strength is also fast. The recovery, from the point of view just now, has entered the pseudo-level, becoming a true holy level is only a matter of time, such a stunning figure, this amazing ability, has been a common 'stealing' can succeed It is not what you can replace. Unless you dare to use life as a bet to provoke the majesty of Raphael. ”

"I just saw him show the crown of thorns and successfully transformed ten knights... I know that the last hope has also failed," Eudora pulled his fist. "Now, I have only one way left." Go, that is to step into the super-order, become a canonized angel! Therefore, I need the power of Elisa to steal a person's talent for my use, as long as I can eliminate the power of rebellion that has been plaguing me for many years, I can break through Realm, directly into the country!"

"The person you said is the sacrifice you made to the Raphaelite..." Passari's eyes stared at Eudora's eyes. "The girl who looks almost exactly the same when you were young." What is the relationship with you?" (To be continued.)

Ps: Whether it is work or life pressure during this time, although the first is a bit late, but still tell everyone, today two more.

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