Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1029: Power

The Milky Way spreads like it is connected to the space of the Splendid Tower. It looks like an endless stretch of stars in the super system.

Originally a whole star field, there are countless "small groups".


If the original star field is a large galaxy, then the current star field is a real "domain."

Just as the vast Milky Way contains 100 billion stars, a large number of stars have also been born in this star field. Not every star will form a galaxy, but the star is the most basic core of the formation of a galaxy.

Countless galaxies are beginning to emerge, and life is born. Although many are just the most basic living things, evolution will be completed step by step over time.

Not only is it born but also destroyed.

There is death in survival, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, and also the law of the universe.

Some of the dead stars have exploded, producing splendid nebulae, and some form white dwarfs or black holes in the strong solar wind.

These were supposed to be hundreds of thousands, billions, or even longer, the process of birth and destruction, which was formed in an instant.

It’s only a moment.

Destruction and creation have gradually formed a delicate balance, no matter whether the speed of birth or death begins to slow down, and the expanding and expanding star field is stabilized in this balance.

This kind of change in the star field is not only reflected in the super system, but also in the nebula of Chen Rui's body. In the process of this evolution, Chen Rui's eyebrows faintly reveal the shape of a tree. Soon, the body Scattered and turned into countless stars, blending with the whole nebula, regardless of each other.

The tree in the nebula is getting bigger and bigger. Looking closely, it was actually a condensation of stardust.

The only thing that is not stardust is the female body "inlaid" in the tree, and the body is firmly bound by the chain of objects. Part of her body has fallen into the "trunk" and more and more parts are being assimilated by the "trunk" - it is awkward.

To be precise, it is the core of her soul.

At this time, the mood can be described as horror, and she is worried about brewing for a long time. Today, it is not only the life of Chen Rui. More important is to capture the complete source of creation.

Her most taboo is Chen Rui's special ability like "Shen Country", which last time suffered a big loss under this ability. Therefore, first of all, at the expense of some of the strength of oneself, the soul core and Chen Rui are merged in a special way, and then the soul brand is used to control and display the power of the glorious tower (self-righteous), and the whole space is isolated. .

Thus. Not only is the "God country" unable to exert its power, but Chen Rui’s sneak peek at the "Space Gate" and the Wind Chapter cannot function.

This kind of preparation is self-defeating. She does not think that under this premise, her own peak and false gods can't kill a half-god.

Who knows, she is still miscalculated.

Even in this case, she is still incredibly overturned!

Looking at this "cosmetic" change, feeling the vastness of the real life, the horror of the heart is simply difficult to describe in words.

Although I don't know what happened. But now the most important thing is that it is no longer **** each other to capture the source of creation, but how to escape from birth.

Unfortunately, even this cannot be done.

The "core" of the soul of the scorpion is firmly guarded by the chain of the tree of nature. The power of the soul that is desperately emanating is absorbed by the mysterious power of the formation of the entire star field.

The whole nebula spreads out, but the whole soul body of the scorpion is wrapped in it. Under the influence of the vast and wonderful power of the birth of the universe, the soul power that was originally engulfed by Chen Rui’s body is swept by large pieces. The ground divides, disintegrates, and sucks.

Unwilling to scream. The souls are burning up and displaying various means in a row. However, it is impossible to break free from the **** of the tree of nature, and can only watch the body of one's soul break apart.

Finally, the whole star field is formed, and in the nebula of the brilliant tower, countless stars condense into a human form. The dazzling light faded away, returning to the appearance of Chen Rui, surrounded by a little bit of crystal dust.

Chen Rui’s current atmosphere is completely introverted, and the appearance does not feel any special changes, but his eyes are more profound than before, or unfathomable.

On the tree of nature, the whole body of the dragonfly is integrated into the tree of nature, leaving only the head, and the power of her external soul has been completely annihilated. If even the last soul core is merged, then the whole soul The body will be completely annihilated and turned into the nutrients of the tree of nature. "贲薨", the phoenix **** that once went hand in hand with Michael and Satan, will cease to exist.

"Who are you..." The voice of You is already quite weak. "Why do you have the tree of life of the Elf?"

"I only know that it is called 'Tree of Nature'." Chen Rui floated to the tree of nature and looked at him faintly. "In fact, it is not just the tree of nature that really binds you, but also the ban on the wind." The lovely Raphaelite gave me a gift of this enemy a long time ago, and now I can finally use it completely, just like...the tower of glory. You don’t have to worry about us now, because it’s just outside. Not everything that happens here."

This is almost the original words of the embarrassing, and now it sounds harsh. "Are you an elf? A demon? A human? Or what else?"

"These are not important. You are already on the line. If you choose to surrender, I can give you a way to live."

"Ha ha ha..." He laughed aloud, and his laughter was arrogant: "The humble generations who pretend to be ghosts are only relying on a few foreign objects! Even if it is Michael, there is no such qualification, let alone you?"

"I will give you ten minutes to consider the time."

"You want to use this ten minutes to get familiar with the new power you just got." He said coldly: "I thought how powerful you are, and made such a big move, it was only a promotion to a small realm. At the peak of the gods, I want to surrender? Dreaming!"

In the ambiguous consciousness, Chen Rui should be the semi-god-level strength that was shown in the battle with Michael. This time, he was promoted to the peak of the demigod, but after all, it was only a demigod.

Hey, let Chen Rui smile. Yes, his current level of strength is indeed the peak of the demigod – the half-god peak without any skills.

The sound of the cymbal sounded, and the tone revealed a deep and unpredictable power.

"Everything in the world has something to lose. There is a deeper possession, and finally there is a time when the stripping is lost."

"The real cruelty is humanity!"

"The real poison is the heart!"


Obviously, you are unwilling to fail and burn the power of the remaining souls desperately.

Even the last bit of soul power. After all, the peak and false gods are the peaks and false gods. The glittering stardust around Chen Rui constantly changes, sometimes being stripped and dissipated, and sometimes decaying and withering.

Chen Rui did not avoid it and closed his eyes. As a result, he has been integrated with the entire huge star field. Although some of the power has been eroded and destroyed, it has quickly refilled, and it is endless and inexhaustible.

Take advantage of the current strength, plus the protection of the tree of nature. He could not hurt him at all.

"The original... this is power." Chen Rui slowly opened his eyes, the pupil has turned purple, and at the same time, the entire body instantly glowed with a strong purple light.

The purple light shines with incomparable embarrassment. The blink of an eye has covered the power of the exhibition.

This kind of power makes the soul of the sorrow tremble involuntarily.

"No! Impossible!" The sly voice reveals incredible horror, and can give her soul, even the last trace of soul, such oppression. Absolutely not a god!

"Pseudo-God!" trembled, she is not alone. Because she can clearly feel that this level of power is not at all achieved by the false gods of the first promotion!

"'Weineng' should be a combination of national beliefs and the power of life. It has the power of 'speaking' and 'speaking'. It can be understood by 'speaking with words'..." In the purple light, the faint The figure of the six pairs of wings said in a light voice, "So... the disease is like the wind!"

The figure instantly turned into countless rays, intertwined into a network.

I only felt that the soul's sense of force was blurred, and I immediately realized that it was a super-fast movement! She couldn't figure out the moving track!

Although the present soul is very weak and unable to exert the strongest perception, this is enough to surprise you.

The power of "speed"!

In terms of speed, light has been faintly approaching and even reaching the level of the peak of the false god!

Numerous purple rays coincided with that sly figure, perhaps without the relationship of ultra-high-speed movement, and the feeling of slowness was slow, as if everything had slowed down.

She immediately woke up - not right! It really becomes "slow"!

At this time, the sound of special power was transmitted from the ear. Under the influence of certain forces, it fell into the ear and appeared heavy and sluggish.


The heart trembles, this is "slow"... no! It is "time"!

Power with the rules of time!

In her impression, the most powerful time controller is Satan, the biggest old rival in the devil world, and the power of time displayed by this figure does not seem to be under Satan!

Perhaps it is to try the power of the new comprehension power, the change of time just returned to normal after a while.

However, the warnings of the squad are big, because the figure in the line of sight has accumulated the power that makes her feel extremely dangerous in an instant. This blow is bound to be the destructive power of the stone!

This rule is no longer familiar, destroying the source!

However, she did not think that Chen Rui could use the "destruction" source to increase the attack power to such an extent! This is the extent that she has not reached it!

To be precise, this is a superposition of special ways, as if it has been felt before, right, it should be gained from the structure of the "extremist annihilation", which can make power in an unimaginable multiple The increase is extremely scary!

I know that life is a matter of life and death. If this blow is true, she will completely disappear without any suspense. Without Chen Rui’s attack, she will immediately exert her last power to send out her own power.

"Lost everything! Deprive!"

Just as the power of deprivation is about to approach Chen Chen Rui just said from the mouth that "aggression is like fire" immediately took the next sentence.

“Not moving like a mountain!”

When the sound came out, the space around the body seemed to solidify, and it was able to deprive Michael of the power of his ability, and he could not penetrate the barrier of this space.

"Space barrier! This is the space power that blends the tower of glory!" 贲薨 almost shouted out, the voice filled with despair.

Speed, time, destruction, space.

These four types of power can be used to stand out from the crowd. This enemy is all owned, and this is only in the case that the new promotion is not fully mastered!

He is definitely not a person who gives up easily. From the beginning, he would rather give up the flesh and grab the silver scorpion. But she has no hope now, because she has no luck.

(To be continued)

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