Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1049: Father and daughter

After some deliberation, the four reached a consensus and resolutely resisted the manipulation of the Dark Temple.

It can be seen from the experience of the former Chia that the purpose of the Dark Temple is to turn the three empires into the tools and tools to provide faith, to unite the faith by means of coercion, to follow me, and to persecute me.

Satan will not care whether the Devil is peaceful or stable. He will only care about how his book of destruction will come together. If you deceive the world to confuse your faith, how to embark on the path of the gods.

In the eyes of these so-called powerful people, all ordinary people are ants, and being slaughtered at will is "naturally righteous".

It is as if Raphael said to Sosbach at the main altar of fear that "the master of this world is the Supreme Three Angels, even if we want to destroy it, it is us, not the abyss."

What they care about is who owns the "destruction" power of the world, not how to guard the world.

For the time being, however, this kind of counterbalance cannot be carried out in a positive direction. Therefore, if Satan sends another person to the three empires, he can adopt various strategies and try to delay time and shift the focus. After all, even if the three emperors were forced to agree, the so-called Dark Temple would really be built into the size of a bright church, and it would not be a matter of time.

The strategy is always just a matter of expediency. To truly eliminate Satan’s attempt, sooner or later, I will face this powerful pseudo-god. Chen Rui’s opinion is to try to get time first. I can’t push the responsibility to his “mysterious pseudo-god”. The strong man, then he will come back and find a solution.

For the sake of prevention, Chen Rui will establish an instant transmission point (star point) in each of the three emperors. As long as the corresponding rescue signal is received, it can be transmitted to the place in an instant.

After upgrading to the Purple Emperor. The star point of the Starry Sky has increased from the original four to seven, and the effective time of the Star Point has increased from ten years to fifty years. Although the door of the starry sky still rejects people other than Chen Rui. However, his current methods are no longer comparable, and he can not only use the star-studded platform to integrate star-studded people. Directly enter the door of the starry sky, you can also use the tower of the space artifact to make a shuttle.

The "National Fusion" of the Tower of Brilliance can form a special space by integrating the country, and carrying a large number of living bodies to move space freely, but there is a limitation that it is impossible to display national battles or carry out other things when moving. Unless there are two countries, one for integration and one for combat, for Chen Rui who has both the four seasons and the polar stars, it is simply a tailor-made function.

There are two major "killers" in hand. In fact, it broke through the bottleneck of the door of the starry sky.

The star point of the dark moon residence has been transferred to the Angel Palace, because the Angel Valley to the Rainbow Valley in the outer suburbs is only an instant effort, no need to repeat.

The island of the human world, the island of the storm and the star of the sacred mountain are still preserved. The former is one of Chen Rui’s bases, while the latter is the “trojan back door” of the sacred mountain, leaving behind the need.

There is also a star point in the secluded land where mystery lies. For Chen Rui, this place will be a very important stop and the place he plans to travel next. The land of UFO is not only the origin of the "regular energy" of the capital of Xinghuang, but also an excellent place for practice. Of course, for the general practitioners. Even if it is a demigod, this will be an extremely dangerous place.

In addition to these four stars, follow the agreement. Next, there will be one in each of the Bloody Emperor and the Shadow Emperor, and finally Chen Rui has one remaining standby.

Although Lei Zen expressed doubts about Chen Rui’s so-called "thinking method." But there is no better countermeasure at the moment, unless he is willing to surrender to Satan. Otherwise you can only choose to believe.

In order to further bind the **** empire to the tank of the alliance and to maintain the interests of the country more firmly, Lei Zen once again raised the topic of marriage.

Chen Rui thought about it and let Tiffany appear in this virtual conference room.

In the face of his father Lei Zen, Tiffany showed a passer-by indifference, it can be seen that this is the indifferent personality.

Lei Zen was equally expressionless, just asked: "Have you seen that woman?"


"I still want to see her again?"

"Do not want to."

"Well, you should get the **** ring. From now on, you are the queen of the empire. When you return to the **** empire, I will pass it to you immediately."

Tiffany didn't say anything, just watching Lei Zen coldly.

These concise and icy conversations have made Chen Rui and others on the side quite speechless. It is hard to imagine that this is a dialogue between father and daughter who have never reunited. Especially Lei Zen, knowing that her daughter was killed very badly, and almost lost her life, even the words of care are not there, only to say three sentences directly put the burden of an empire directly!

When listening to Lei Zen’s reference to the **** ring, Chen Rui hesitated for a moment and said: “It is necessary to explain one thing. Regarding the **** ring, when I used the power of ancient inheritance to unravel the imprisonment of Raphael, a a little accident..."

"What?" Lei Chan almost violently jumped after listening to two sentences: "You actually blended the **** ring? This is the highest artifact of the Mamen royal family!"

Chen Rui really deserved the loss: "This is an accident. I promise that I will try to return the **** ring to the Mamen family in the future."

"Yes." Without waiting for Lei Zen to continue to blame, Tiffany made a direct response.

Ray Chan’s glare in his eyes fell on Tiffany’s face. Tiffany greeted the father’s gaze without hesitation. He said in a word: “Is it true that you just said? ”

Lei Zen looked at Tiffany for a moment and said coldly: "Of course it works. You have to remember that everything you say, now or in the future, everything you do, represents the entire empire. Representing thousands of people, not on your behalf!"

"I know."

"Then you should know that after the throne, will it be married to this man?"


“Very good!” Lei Zen said coldly. “In seven days, you must rush back to the **** empire.”

"I heard it." Tiffany didn't say much. As soon as he turned around, his figure disappeared.

Chen Rui sighed: "I will go with her. Just I am going to the **** emperor to set up the transfer point."

Lei Zen gave him a deep look: "With your strength, a lot of things... no need to do this."

"I am still the first person you saw outside the plains of Jergen. The same person who is also the fortress of Warlock, no matter how the strength changes. Some things will not change." Chen Rui smiled, Kay Sarin and Xia looked at each other and showed a moving smile after the veil. Chia’s shackles also had a faint warmth.

Lei Chan slightly narrowed his eyes, and the strange color swept past, slowly nodding, seeming to say these things, but when the figure finally faded, there was still no opening.

"He just wanted to say. Let you take care of Tiffany." Shia sighed: "Unfortunately, he is Lei Zen."

Catherine smiled and said: "But Thunder Chan should be able to rest assured, because there is a ...... well, very ‘Pity Xiangxi Yu’, His Royal Highness.”

"Not only pity and cherish the jade, but also for the woman can not even life, and fight with the peak of the pseudo-god." At this time, Xia did not show that silence is the virtue of gold.

"Especially a beautiful woman," Catherine smiled and added a knife: "Tiffany is indeed a beautiful woman, I see pity. It seems that His Royal Highness has not been satisfied with the collection of beautiful women."

They all said that three women had one drama. Now they are two, and Wang Fu’s Highness has been unable to stand up. He has to surrender his hands.

After the conference call. Chen Rui is trying to find Tiffany to depart for the **** empire, and a familiar voice is heard in the heart of the earth.

"Chen Rui! Where are you?"

This voice is amazed by Rolla. Chen Rui was shocked.

Isn't Rolla retreat in the Rainbow Valley? How can there be a voice in the heart?

Super system!

Chen Rui thought of a move and instantly entered the super system. What surprised him was that he was in the hall of the Temple of Stars. I saw Lola.

Prior to this, Rolla has been restricted to the scope of Fengshentai, even after being sealed as a star can not break through this limit, and now it automatically appears in the hall!

Lola’s side is Veronica, which is no stranger between the two. It used to be the old knowledge of the Longhuang Empire. It’s just that there has always been a warning. Now it’s a long time in this place, there’s no gap, and the conversation is very casual. .

"Lola, you are so beautiful." Veronica praised sincerely: "No wonder you have to cover your face with a veil before, otherwise you will attract the attention of countless men."

"You are also very beautiful, Veronica, you are not already..." The purple eyes behind the Lola glasses said: "How come here?"

(That guy, actually secretly hid one in this place!)

" is dead, and even the soul is almost completely annihilated. Later it is like the supreme power of the universe that makes my soul re-aggregate. When it is awake, it has already appeared here." Veronica Very careful, seeing Lola's careful thoughts, smiled slightly: "I want to forget everything in the past and start living again, so please don't tell Chen Rui and Ini, I am busy in this new world every day. I feel very fulfilled, I am very grateful to him, and I am very grateful for your help."


(Looks like she is Chen Rui’s first love, much earlier than Athena...)

(The abyss eroded the soul finally released, now even the body has lost...)

(A bit miserable...)

"Oh." Miss Fairy Dragon thought about it, and her mind also reached some. At this time, she saw Chen Rui appear in the hall, and hurriedly greeted him. To be precise, she flew up.

"Lola!" Chen Rui caught the Miss Fairy Dragon who flew from the jump. Lola seemed to be very excited. She was held by her neck and turned around for several laps before she stopped.

Chen Rui put down the Lola in his arms. Lola sneaked a glare at Veronica, only to find that the latter just smiled at himself and Chen Rui. The smile was not artificial or stubborn, only comfortable warmth.

Miss Fairy Dragon suddenly felt a little embarrassed, just listened to Chen Rui and asked: "Lola, how are you here?"

Speaking of this, Miss Fairy Dragon is a little smug, wrinkled her nose: "You guess!"

"Two stars strengthen!" Chen Rui suddenly reacted. "Are you successful?" (To be continued.)

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