Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 106: Leia Town

I don't know if there are any special circumstances. The security of Leia Town is very strict. There are a lot of guards at the entrance and exit, there are a large number of guards, and there are protective magic. I can't sneak across the defense. It seems that I can only get in.

Because he was completely unfamiliar with the town of Leia, Chen Rui did not rashly pretend to be the appearance of Culia, so as not to wear a gang. He pretended to be a dark elf, which was to sue Robin of Culia.

This Robin has his own people. Chen Rui, who was caught by Xi Rui under the Xiqiao Mountain, tortured some information from his mouth.

Chen Rui walked over and was immediately stopped. The corner guards looked at Chen Rui. Now it is a weak dark elf. He dismissively asks: "Who are you, what are you doing in Leia?"

Chen Rui is about to speak, and the sound behind the guard sounds up: "Robin! How come you?"

Chen Rui did not expect to encounter Robin's acquaintance here, and he was shocked.

The words are another horn demon, looks a bit awkward, and the horn guards look back and look at it: "Yake, you know him."

"This guy is the person of our blood-colored **** group." Yake replied: "The last time I lost the gambling, I owe me two black crystal coins. I have been dragging them to my town in Leia and have not given it to me!"

The blood-colored **** group instead of the Red Devils thief group Chen Rui was puzzled.

The guard guarded the **** person, nodded slightly, waved his hand impatiently, indicating that he would let him see him, and took him to the side and said, "You are not in Xiqiao Mountain. How did people come to Leia town?"

"Red Devils..." Chen Rui heard the three words of Xiqiao Mountain, and if he realized it, he deliberately stopped talking.

"We are here, called the blood color guards!" Yake quickly stopped: "You haven't returned to Leia town for a long time, and you forgot."

Sure enough, Chen Rui has fully understood it. Fortunately, there was no opening and it was almost collapsed. The luck of this action was good. At the beginning, someone "helped."

Chen Rui Ling machine moved, and pulled Yake a few steps to take out two black crystal coins to give the corner magic: "Yake, this is for you."

The black crystal coins seized from Silva last time, in addition to the purchase of Reiki materials and the funds for the old goblins as a show cloak, there are still 30,000 left, but there has been no place to use, plus the seized from Culia Twenty thousand, a total of 50,000, and now to Yak two, only counted as a cow.

Yake was overjoyed, took over the black crystal coins, and even praised Chen Rui for keeping credit. The two talked a few words about Yake and asked him how his strength fell. Chen Rui casually found an excuse to smash the past, and the horns who recovered the gambling debts were on the rise, and there was no doubt.

This proposal really made Yake show his instinctive color, involuntarily swallowed his mouth, and said: "But the Bannak adults ordered us to help guard."

It seems that Bannak is well mixed here, and he has arranged for his younger brother to be a "counselor."

"You talk to them, and bring some wine back to them, they will agree."

Chen Rui helped out an idea.

Yake’s eyes were bright. In the past, he and the corner guards said a few words. The horn guards showed a happy color, and they promised to look down at Chen Rui’s face. He nodded to him.

Leia Town is much larger than Chen Rui’s imagination, and the prosperity is far above the Darkmoon City.

Yake took Chen Rui’s light road to a “hammer” pub, which was very lively. Most of them were middle and lower demons such as horns and servants, and several exposed succubus “waiters” carrying wine. Walking around, from time to time by the alcoholic people along the way.

The succubus shi should obviously be a habitual battle, sometimes charming, sometimes smiling, always hooked hún魄.

The female of the Shadow Empire likes to put a veil on her face. It is said to emulate the first beauty, Catherine the Great, these succulents are in full swing, wearing a top yarn can give a mysterious temptation. Chen Rui pulls the Asian Ke sat down in a corner, called a few glasses of wine and two dishes of meat, the wine glasses here are specially made to make the guests drink enough. Yak drank two cups, the rough skin began to faintly red Chen Rui was first to drink, then there was a set of friendship, now look at it, go near, mysteriously said: "Yake, tell you This time, I actually came with the grown-up of Culia."

Yake showed amazement: "Culia, he is back, why didn't I see why he didn't know the news in his group?"

"Culia's adults go fast"

Moreover, you also know the relationship between Culia and the Bannak adults...,..."

Yake nodded his face and said: "No wonder, yesterday was Ruth, they were at the gate. Maybe the Culias deliberately told them not to tell them."

"Culia's adult must now be in the body of the owner of the charm flower hotel, Feilian." * The magic then revealed the smile that the man understood, but lowered his voice and said: "Culia is rarely going back to Leia town. I don't know yet, there are several men in Feilian's family. I don't know if Culia will be in the top..."

Chen Rui deliberately followed the horned demon to reveal a sly smile and whispered: "This is not our business. However, I heard that Culia has rushed back to another important situation and does not want to let Master Bannak know. I almost spent my savings, so I couldn't easily please the generals of Culia. I saw this from Xiqiao Mountain. Don't say to other people! So, come here tomorrow night, I will invite you to drink again.

I heard that there was still a drink tomorrow, and Yake promised to come down: "The ghost place in Xiqiao Mountain, who wants to stay with us ordinary members, if there is no special action, at least stay there for a year, which is better than The few adults can come back in a few months and I will not say anything to others."

"The most pitiful is still the adult of Yagus, who was crushed to death by Sully, and he didn't want to come over." Chen Rui said, this is the gossip he overheard from Xiqiao Mountain.

"I don't know if the two people are intimate, the poor Yagus adults will still be underneath." Yake also smiled slyly, and I don't know, these two can only be intimate in another world.

"Right, Robin, you have been in Xiqiao Mountain for a long time, and the memory is not good. I will introduce you to a few good places. The succubus inside is also sultry and charming. Keep your satisfaction." The deputy understands the long lived look, said a few hotels, and then whispered: "The day after tomorrow is the birthday of the mayor, old Kande, originally the most lively time in the town, but in a few days, there is a big man in Leia town to come, it seems It is dealing with important matters, so the whole town is in a state of martial law during this time.

"Justice" Chen Rui suddenly came to interest.

"Yes, yesterday, the mayor of the town, Kande, once again called the leaders of the small and small forces in the town. On the one hand, it was an invitation for a birthday party. On the one hand, it was also warning that these forces should not make a living at this time, otherwise they would not be punished. Master Snowd and Old Kand are good friends. After the town was elected in Parliament yesterday, Master Bannuck ordered us to assist the defensive team to guard. You remember not to go away."

"I know." Chen Rui on the surface of a grateful look, but my heart is thinking: the original is someone to "check" no wonder so careful, the day after tomorrow is the old Kant's birthday ... This is a good opportunity, It seems that the original plan has to be changed a bit. If it succeeds, it will have a multiplier effect.

However, the current information is too small, he needs to know more detailed information.

Chen Rui asked a few questions from Yake and determined that he could not get more information. When the wine was finished, leave a black crystal coin: "These you have to drink and buy wine. Culia has told me. Can't reveal his return, you don't want to say anything! I am going to the hotels you mentioned now."

Yake quickly picked it up and slammed it tightly, for fear that he changed his mind and revealed his self-righteous smile: "This dark elf is afraid that he will not pay the bill and slip away. It seems that I was panicked in the ghost place.

Since there is this handle in hand, I will not drink alcohol afterwards! "This kind of good thing, smart Yake certainly won't tell anyone."

Chen Rui walked, while calculating how to go to the hotel to inquire more news, a small one in front

The inferior demon suddenly stopped him: "This dark elf is very familiar, is it the first time to come to Leia town?

No need for an experienced guide"

He looked at this little inferior, the strength is only level, the look of diligence, the eyes are dripping straight. Chen Rui is not a rookie who has just come to the devil world. This little inferior demon has no good intentions. This kind of deceitful role seems to be quite a lot in his cloak.

" If you do well, I have a big reward." Chen Rui smiled slightly, deliberately took out a black crystal coin bright, almost stunned the eyes of the little devil ~ black crystal coin this The guy with weak strength actually has black crystal coins. Today is really a demon god, and he even came across a fat sheep! More fat than the fattest fattening sheep in the devil world!

"My name is Cary, what do adults call" "Robin."

"What adults want to know, Cary is a famous MasterCard in Leia. No one or no place is what I don't know."

Chen Rui's eyes shine: MasterCard

When the little bad devil sets Chen Rui's words, he introduces him to the situation of Leia Town, and gradually walks to the remote lanes. Chen Rui did not know that he was pretending to be fascinated. He followed the card and went to no one.

In the hands of Kari, the dark mo turned to the other side of the waist. "Robin" suddenly turned around and sneered: "Now, I will hand over all the money and things on your body!" , wait, isn't the card robbing? How do the characters change?

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