Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1052: way

The two stars of Rolla have been strengthened and become the goddess of knowledge in the super-system star domain. It is an important breakthrough.

She certainly will not be the only "god", because the two-star reinforcement is not only a fairy dragon, but the owner of a family of friends and relatives. Moreover, the source of faith cannot produce only a "knowledge" goddess. .

By then, the more you integrate into the super-order system, the stronger the power of “Zi.

At this level, it is not only by practicing hard work that we can enter or even break through. The power of continuous growth and refinement of faith is the real basis for quantitative change and qualitative change.

This kind of basic quantitative problem can not be solved by his own strength, and all the comprehension and efforts of the intensifiers are needed.

After practicing for one afternoon in a row, and in-depth discussion with Her Majesty the Queen of the Angels, how to "manufacture" the academic research of the heir to the throne, Chen Rui spirited the tower of glory with a group of lights including Manle. In the evening, I rushed to the star city of Lanhua Mountain. Manle and other lights have entered the culture pond for super-evolution experiments, and super-evolution requires regular energy.

Since Chen Rui’s rule of law has only three pieces left, he contributed the two semi-god-level rule crystal **** originally left to Rolla, although the quality and quantity of the “rule energy” contained in these two crystal **** Far more than the national level of law debris, but currently Lara should have a special belief power and purple star change star, still need a lot of time to enlighten, and the safety of Xiya, Catherine including Tiffany is the top priority .

Moreover, the rule of law and the rule of the crystal ball are not "out of print", there is a place that can be continuously obtained.

After leaving the lights to stay in the capital of Xinghuang, Chen Rui returned to the Emperor's Imperial Palace with two super-ordered Titans and two crystal behemoths in the Tower of Brilliance, and based on the original rune protection array. It took two days to re-elect the protective battle. Nowadays, this kind of battle, even if the demigod comes, can't easily break into. In case of a special instantaneous transmission of the sign language for Xia, in case of danger of being difficult to evade, the rescue can be transmitted instantly in case of rescue.

Chen Rui did not dare to be cautious because the opponent was Satan, and the slow-moving plan could not last for too long. The next batch of "ambassadors" estimated that he would soon come to the Emperor of the Angels again.

After all this was arranged, Chen Rui took Tiffany and took the carriage that was driven by the lamp to the **** emperor.

In fact, the tower of glory also has the ability to make a quick and convenient way to shuttle. However, the defense of these two days has cost Chen Rui a lot of effort, so I plan to take a day off. This carriage is a magic wagon with a small space, just like a three-bedroom two. In the room of the hall, there is no feeling that the bumps are suitable for rest.

Tiffany sat on the sofa in the hall, looked down at the coffee table, and kept supporting silence. This state has been maintained for one morning, and almost no sound has been made except for eating.

"Tiffany." Chen Rui, who was opposite, saw that she seemed to be in a tendency to fall asleep again, and finally could not help but ask.

"Well." Tiffany gently responded.

"What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

"...···" Chen Rui was speechless for a while, so that oil and salt did not enter, and there was no topic at all.

a long time.

"Chen Rui." Tiffany took the initiative.

"Well?" Chen Rui spirited.

"Nothing." The head went down again.

Chen Rui silently grabbed his forehead, okay, you won.

However, just now he keenly captured Tiffany's spiritual fluctuations and asked tentatively: "Is it right to think of going back to the **** empire, I feel very nervous?"

"A little."

"So... is it a bit hating me?"

Tiffany raised her head in surprise and shook her head: "How come? You saved me."

"If there is no upcoming political marriage," Chen Rui sighed. "We can at least be friends."

"We... don't you count now?"

"Of course," Chen Rui smiled. "If you don't mind being friends with this guy who pushed you back into the fire pit."

Tiffany looked at Chen Rui and shook his head: "No, you are a good person."

Ok, I am a good person.

Chen Rui, who has been picking up the card from high school since the beginning of his life, has smashed his nose. This is the case where the creatures of the outside world are released by the pseudo-mother, and this girl... is supposed to be his own fiancee. The next sentence is not something like "I already have someone I like."

"What did I say wrong?" Tiffany gave him a surprised look.

It was really a sensitive sister. Chen Rui shook his head and smiled. "In fact, I really want to say that I am not a good person."

"Maybe I can't tell what's good or bad," Tiffany's eyes dimmed: "I only feel that you are trustworthy."

Chen Rui heard the phrase "I can't tell the difference", knowing that she remembered the past: "So, can I say a few words between friends? Even if it is a bit too direct?"


"Then I will say it straight. After that incident, do you think that the whole life has collapsed, and life has lost its meaning. Even now, is it just reluctant to give yourself a goal that is not, and to live with it? "!

Chen Rui has said a few more words in succession, and he has unrelentingly revealed his wounds.

Tiffany listened, didn't speak, just bowed her head.

Chen Rui saw clearly that a drop of tears fell on the ground, one drop, two drops... soon, the low sobs rang, and then, the cry that could not be suppressed again seemed to accumulate a lot of emotions. The whole child broke out, and for the first time, the tears were released in front of people, and the tears on the ground continued to expand.

When the crying finally fell, Chen Rui spoke again, and the voice was very cold: "You are so stupid!"

Tiffany nodded silently.

"You still don't understand what I said, ‘stupid, what is it.

You should see more people and more things in that world. Perhaps this has become a force that supports your efforts to get up, but it is not enough, because the responsibility you have to bear is far heavier than the average person. If you can't really stand up, get out of the haze, and really find the way ahead, then one day, one day, you will collapse again in confusion and pain. ”

"Everyone's life can't be smooth. You are not the only one who has experienced pain. Isabella's impression should be very deep. Although she is ridiculed for you, it is actually trying to stimulate you to stand up again."

Tiffany was nowhere to look up and nodded, with her talent and nature to be able to sense, Isabella's goodwill.

"But do you know that the pain that Isabella has experienced is no less than you, not only its own happiness, but the entire tribe is almost extinct. For a hundred years, it is better to die than to die. And all this." It is the woman who brought you pain!"

Tiffany was shocked and finally looked up.

Isabella, actually...

"Jia's mother was born after being raped. The cold and ruthless man saw the girl who was born into the succulent family. He never treated them as relatives. Instead, he let his wife and sister control the mother with the shackles of the soul. She has been bullied and enslaved since she was a child. In order to save her mother's life, she was forced to go to the dark moon to do undercover, almost killed almost several times, and finally her mother still could not..."

Chen Rui’s voice has also softened: “These two are just examples of the side. There are countless people who have experienced countless sorrows and hardships. The world’s once desperate is definitely more than just you. Even Verona Cards also have pains that you can hardly imagine. You may feel that this painful experience is as long as hundreds of thousands of years. But even for hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, it seems that the entire galaxy is nothing more than It’s just a moment. This experience is just a little episode in your whole life and can represent the meaning of the whole life. So, you haven’t lost anything. Instead, you have more things that will make you Look farther and be stronger in the future."

Tiffany's red eyes moved, his hands were tight and trembling, and after half a sigh, he whimpered and said three words: "I'm sorry."

"I am sorry to say that I am. Some words have been too direct. I will try my best to help you if you are willing to trust me. But you must stand up and stand up yourself. No matter what you are, at least take the first step."

Tiffany nodded, and Chen Rui didn't remember that she nodded a few times. She grew a sigh of relief: "Well, I can see that you haven't slept well these days. Now go back to the room and have a good night's sleep." After waiting to wake up, it is a new day."

Tiffany stood up and hesitated for a moment, and the twins asked: "Can I sleep here?"

Chen Rui saw that her gaze was actually the sofa she was sitting on, and could not help but see.

"OK, fine."

Tiffany took the blanket from the room and walked over, and slept on the sofa next to him. This sofa is very long, quite the style of the modern fabric sofa on the earth in Chen Rui’s memory, which is very convenient. Sleep.

Chen Rui looked at Tiffany, who was like a kitten in the blanket. He sighed and sat down, letting his legs lick her head. After thinking about it, I reached out and gently stroked the long blue This is his fiancée, there is no need to be too talented, and most importantly, this will give her a real peace of mind. .

Tiffany first trembled a little, then seemed to enjoy the warmth, slowly, tight body completely relaxed, breathing began to become long and even, and fell into a dream.

Four days later, with the help of the Tower of Brilliance, the carriage arrived at the Bloody Emperor.

It was an extremely grand welcoming ceremony to greet the two people and sensationalized the entire imperial capital.

Because before this, Lei Zen has personally announced three shocking news through the Three Kingdoms Joint TV and the Bloody Empire First Television.

First, the royal lady Tiffany Marmen, in fact, is the daughter of Lei Zen, the princess will become the great emperor, that is, the heir to the empire.

Second, Lei Zen will be located in Princess Tiffany in a month.

Third, after Princess Tiffany became the Queen, she will marry the Angel of the Angels, Agulie! (To be continued)

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