Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1055: UFO


The emerald green blasts, accompanied by the scream of Krobe Ruth, and the numerous "white fogs" are scattered by this violent explosion. Many of them have frozen into ice when they are scattered. .

These "white fog" is actually a ghost-like thing, and there is no entity. There are two green flashes of light that appear to be eyes, and their hands are claw-shaped. From time to time, they cry out like a cry, which is creepy.


After Krobe Ruth made an attack, he had a chill, which was not caused by the coldness of her attack, but by the "spiritual erosion" talent of the soul.

The fighting spirit has far more combat power than the ordinary opponents of the same level. They have three characteristics: undead body, spiritual erosion, and life engulfing.

The immortal body is not the characteristic of the undead spirits of the general undead, but the characteristic of being almost "not dead". Unless special energy is used or the energy is completely eliminated, it will continue to regenerate.

The devour of life means that the soul can swallow the life of the same kind, grow itself and create a new soul. This kind of devour is almost a strong instinct, and will actively attack all non-soul creatures.

Spiritual erosion is the most troublesome one. The spirit of the spirit can emit special spiritual power to erode the soul and spirit of the enemy. This erosion is manifested in the fact that when attacked by the enemy, the enemy will automatically be subject to incidental erosion, which is equivalent to a kind of "rebound". Hate attribute.

Although before he came here to practice, Chen Rui prepared targeted equipment for everyone, including special props that weakened the spirit of erosion, and quasi-artifacts for the undead creatures such as "Thunder". But the soul is not an ordinary soul. The effect of thunder is not as good as imagined, and "weakening" mental erosion is not equal to "immunization." So it is inevitable that it will be eroded by the kind of rebound, after all. Not everyone has the treasure of the wrath of Wang.

The soul was smashed and frozen by Krobe Ruth, but it was not annihilated. They re-agglomerated or broke out of the ice and continued to rush toward the Jade Dragon. At this time, Krobe Ruth lit up a circle of black. The arc, the souls that came near, were bursting with a huge shock force.

This kind of shock has an endless stamina and deep toxicity of the soul. The soul of the less powerful soul is gradually exhausted after continuous smashing, and finally can not be regenerated and completely annihilated.

The arc disappears. The figure appeared in Paglio, the poisonous dragon was a little breathless, and the hand was a black-and-black weapon, "Thunder," and the green blood was on the back of the hand.

The reason why the poisonous dragon bleed was not caused by the attack of the soul, but by the "Thunder". Although this aggressive and powerful artifact is derived from the father of Paglio, the average person can't use it, but even Paglio can only use this blood before he reaches the level of the demigod. The method used. It can be said that killing the enemy 10,000 self-damaged three thousand.

"Pagliou!" Emerald Dragon screamed, she knew that this method is very harmful to the poison dragon.

"Little Betty, I cover you, run!" Paglieu yelled. The flail flicked again, and there was a gap in the front.

Although there is no semi-god elite leader in a group of souls, there are a lot of them. There are more than 30 countries at the national level, and a few have reached the peak of the country. Coupled with the undead character, Rao Pagliu has already broken through to the peak of the country. Can't hold on for too long.

"No!" The sound of Jade Dragon was very firm. At this moment, the gap has been re-sealed.

Krobe Ruth knows that the current situation is very bad. Paglio can only burn life to open a path, but he will exhaust himself and cannot escape. If this is the case, it is better to stay with him.

The poisonous dragon’s heart rushed to the unprecedented self-blame. This time, he was blamed for his overconfidence. He thought that if he was promoted to the peak of the country, he could ignore all the enemies below the demigod, and wanted to get the law fragments to show off in front of Lomon, leaving with the emerald dragon. The team acted alone. As a result, when a small group of souls was annihilated, the large forces were alarmed, and they were trapped and unable to escape.

At this time, the rear of the wandering soul sounded a familiar drink, and the white mist behind the wandering group had a special color and black color.

Black flames.

This kind of black flame is different from the devastating power of Thunder, and it is full of vitality. The black fire spreads instantly. The soul of the fire and water is burned by this flame, and it actually burns out. trace.

This flame is simply the nemesis of the soul.

The most powerful talent of the Aximod kings, the flame of cognac.

Paglio and Krobe Ruth have a great spirit, and the Emerald Dragon has been surprised to shout out: "Catherine!"

The sprawling flame condensed into the air, enveloping a human figure, plucking in the direction of the vocalization of Krobebe Russ, and the souls of the journey were burned out, showing a few sparkling lights.

"The law is fragmented!" The poison dragon that meets in the direction of the phoenix reacts very quickly, and with a hand, a suction will bring those crystals into the hands.

"Go!" Catherine's voice sounded.

"You are just right, we will completely eliminate this group of souls! You should be able to harvest more rules and fragments." Paglieu still has the characteristics of a dead duck dragon, not mentioning his own fault with the adventure of the emerald dragon. .

Catherine shook her head: "I feel the strong feeling of depression from the distant changes in the fire of Nirvana. It is likely that the half-god spirit is approaching here. It is not appropriate to stay here."

The poisonous dragon had already eaten the sinister loss before, and the burning blood also made his strength impaired. He did not dare to fight again. Under the cover of Catherine, he fought and walked with Krobe Ruth. Quickly evacuated this danger zone.

A few days ago, Chen Rui took the crowd into the secluded land and tried it for two days. In order to better practice, the people were divided into two teams.

The first team is led by Rolla, and the players include Catherine, Paglio, Krobe Ruth, and Lost.

The captain of the other team is Chen Rui, and the players include Guladam, Isabella, Lomon, Delia, Medici, and Samuel.

The overall strength of the team of Fairy Dragon is very strong, all super-order, and Lola himself is a half-god. If you cooperate properly, you should be able to receive good results.

The overall strength of Chen Rui is much worse. In addition to Chen Rui himself, there are only three super-orders. Isabella and Lomon are both newly promoted to the country, and the corpse Guladam is still in the retreat period of a star strengthening, the strength is not as good as the devil, equal to only two countries. Delia and Samuel are the emperors, and Medivh is only the peak of the emperor, and it is inevitable to be distracted. However, Chen Rui has reached the peak of the gods in the case of not performing the extreme star change. In addition, he is familiar with the fascinating land and the soul, and can well lead these players to exercise to the maximum extent.

The two teams made trials separately. Every seven days meet at the star point and exchange ideas.

This time, Catherine and Lola were split out to find the poison dragon. The timid and handsome grandfather followed the strongest fairy dragon hostess.

"Catherine, thanks to you coming!" Krobe Ruth said gratefully to Catherine, Nirvana's power has a healing effect, and the poison dragon and the emerald dragon's injury recovered a lot with the help of Catherine.

Catherine nodded to her: "The power here has a strong interference with perception. Even if there are Chen Rui's props, after a certain range, I can't find it. This time we have good luck."

Jade Dragon looked at the poisonous dragon of Ai Ai during the period, and he could not help but screw him up: "You are saying something!"

"Amount...Thank you." Pagliu's face could not be hanged, and finally said it. In fact, this cargo is a bit small. There has always been a knack for Catherine. At the quarter-final of the Bloody Empire Fighting Conference, the opponent that Duron encountered was Catherine. The sly poison dragon deliberately made a fuss about the shadow of Her Majesty. In fact, the poisoned hands were secretly defeated by Catherine. In the end, a man who was equally careful had added a rumor in front of Miss Little Betty. It also triggered a domestic violence inside the Little Dragon.

Although she already knew the relationship between Catherine and Chen Rui, she is now a teammate with Catherine. The poison dragon is inevitably a bit embarrassing.

Catherine smiled slightly: "What kind of politeness, we are companions who fight side by side, and you still have to take care of you in the dark moon. There are two of her favorite people."

When it comes to Miss Duo, Paglio has come to the spirit, and the look is naturally a lot: "Whoever looks at the little girl likes it, more lovely than her old lady!"

"Do you have such a speech?" Miss Jade Dragon was speechless.

"Oh, let's be honest." Paglieu's voice was a little smaller, but it was still hard: "I still have many adjectives that are useless..."

Catherine smiled and said: "In fact, I can guess, for example, greedy lasciviousness for women to live without waiting."

Paglio smiled and said to Miss Jade Dragon: "Little Betty, look at it, even Catherine himself said so, compared with the guy, what a special and reliable Duron!"

Krobe Ruth reveals the color of thought: "I remember that there is also a dedicated and reliable Duron who was determined to bring a group of female dragons to hover over a greedy and lascivious guy?"


This conversation brought the distance between the three people closer. When I was back on the road, Catherine's flight was awkward, as if something had changed.

"Catherine?" Krobe Ruth asked carefully.

"Please guard Catherine brows slightly wrinkled and squinted. "The fire that has just been applied to Nirvana seems to have some effect. My soul seems to be attracted to the special space." Perhaps it is caused by Chen Rui’s belief reinforcement. ”

"Good!" Pagliu immediately responded. The poison dragon is a person who remembers the same vengeance. Just now Catherine saved him and Krobe Ruth, and now it is naturally obligatory.

The three immediately landed on an island suspended in the air, looking for a more secret place. Catherine sat down and closed her eyes. The poison dragon and the emerald dragon guarded her.

Out of habit, the cautious Duron temporarily laid out the protective array of the inscriptions of the dragon.

Time passed by, and at this time, Paglieu’s ears moved and faintly heard, and some kind of voice came from the direction of the encirclement before the three. Soon, Krobe Ruth heard it, and the two looked at each other and saw the dignity on each other's face - it was crying! They are intertwined and do not know how much.

A large number of souls!

Being imminent! (To be continued.)

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