Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1060: March

To this extent, Satan can no longer despise this opponent - or, should he be promoted to the level of true "opponent".

No matter who, no matter what method, the power of the original law that can get the book of creation under the eyes of the Supreme Three Angels is enough to get this respect.

It’s Satan’s own, and it’s not necessarily this ability.

Satan slowly daggers: "I have looked down on you. You have this qualification to stand opposite me. But that's all. You have not been able to shake my will."

"I admit that behind the three empire is that I am manipulating, and the interests between us really conflict." Chen Rui put away the transformation of "Zi. Polar Star" and returned to the normal state: "However, darkness The temple or the temple of light is just a tool for stealing faith. The so-called Supreme Three Angels are still rejected by the door, including the self-proclaimed 'closest to God', Michael. Don't you think that this is not worth the loss?"

"McKall?" Satan said proudly: "What he can't do doesn't mean I can't do it."

Chen Rui frowned. The few peaks and false gods he touched were mostly standing on the highest peak in the world for many years. They seemed extremely confident or proud.

"I don't know what your comparison is based on. Maybe I have a lot of things I don't know, but I know another thing. Faith is not the only way of the gods, but another possible shortcut. That is... ...destruction and creation."

Satan’s eyes flashed: "You mean..."

"The peak of power is absolute, but there is more than one way to climb the summit. Destruction and creation are the most fundamental reason in the universe. It is also the most powerful force. If you can understand the real mystery, the biggest bottleneck is not impossible."

This is the original words of 贲薨, speaking from Chen Rui’s mouth. Satan did not refute, but only revealed his deep thoughts.

"From this point of view, our ultimate goal is actually the same," Chen Rui throws a tempting chip: "I did not get the book of creation in the Temple of Light, but I stole the complete source of creation. You want to To set up the Dark Temple to steal faith, then there should be a complete book of destruction. As long as you can provide me with a complete source of destruction, then I think we can build a mutually beneficial relationship."

This chip looks tempting, but it is very crowded. Because Satan’s book of destruction is only one-third. In order to provide a complete source of destruction, three silver scorpions must be assembled.

Now Satan has two, but the last one is actually in Chen Rui’s own hands.

This main plane is very large. If Chen Rui hides the silver scorpion, it may be difficult for Satan to find it in his life. It is like squatting with a silver scorpion.

It was because Chen Rui knew it, so he deliberately dug a pit, and when Satan jumped, he deliberately pointed out that Satan had a "complete" book of destruction. It is another reminder.

Satan indulged for a moment, and a hint of playful smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, then he laughed. This is the first real laugh after Satan came here. However, Chen Rui’s eyes became dignified, but his heart was not relaxed, but it was a dangerous omen.

Satan’s laughter continued for a while and gradually stopped. His eyes fell on Chen Rui's face, and his smile gradually cooled down: "You are you. I am me, what road do I want to go, what I want to do, why should I be influenced by you!"

This sentence is full of arrogance and domineering, Chen Rui's brow wrinkled tightly, did not expect to throw such a bait, the other party actually did not waver.

Each of the strong have their own obsessions, the will will never be transferred by foreign objects, or this is one of the reasons why they are really strong.

"Your biggest mistake is to compare Michael to me!" Satan's voice has become chilly, like an ice sword, straight through the soul, "to put away your skillful words! Want to change my will The only way is strength!"

"Is it?" Chen Rui looked directly at Satan's eyes. When he was laughing from Satan, he had already guessed that he could not be good. At this moment, his mood suddenly became surprisingly calm.

In fact, he has always had a strange hunch, and sooner or later there will be a day of confrontation with Satan, a powerful opponent.

The strongest false **** in the devil world.

If Satan is an insurmountable mountain, then his goal now is to accomplish this almost impossible goal.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

When Chen Rui thought about the strength of the middle-class demon that year, and the scene of the war contract with the strongest high-end demon Aroks, it was also a task that was almost impossible.

In the end, he defeated Arrows in the highly anticipated arena in front of Xia.

Although the strength at that time was not worth mentioning at the moment, the will to go all out is a striking agreement.

Chen Rui’s heart has the feeling of turning back in time. The firmness and the firmness of the time seem to be one.

His eyes became more and more calm, just like a sword hidden in a scabbard.

"You didn't say to my servants, I want to visit 'old friends'?" Satan clearly felt Chen Rui's firmness and fearlessness. "I am waiting for you in the Sercod Hill, don't say I don't give You are ready for time... three months!"

Chen Rui has a crystal ball in front of him, revealing a map-like texture.

"This crystal ball can bring you or some of your friends to Mount Sercod. If you can show me the same strength as determination, maybe I can consider some kind of cooperation. If you are willing to join the Dark Temple and I will take charge of the world's beliefs together, or you can crush this crystal ball to contact me. However, if you can't see you for three months, I will come here to find you. By then, not only you, the so-called three empire but also those All the ants who are unwilling to believe in the temple will be destroyed."

Satan is a talented and thoughtful person. The reason for giving this three-month period is not really to prepare time for Chen Rui, but to have his own plans. He visited the Angel Empire this time and wanted to solve the mysterious enemy in one go, but the unpredictable ability of the other party greatly exceeded his expectations. For the sake of caution, it has not been shaken.

more importantly. Just when Chen Rui showed the creation of the original atmosphere, some of Satan’s original stagnation of the source of destruction suddenly became clear. I was eager to seize the inspiration, so I made a decision on a temporary basis, and I used three months to retreat to further understand the source of destruction.

"Destroy everything? Even the ordinary people are not let go? What pride is your strong?"

"Ignore, it is true pride," Satan sneered. "Don't tell me anything that doesn't hurt ordinary people's super-order rules. The rules are specified by the strong. Since the current rules can't satisfy me, then I don't mind destroying." It is then re-enacted. In the eyes of the strong, those ants-like lives are nothing more than tools for captivity. Their destiny is enslaved or obliterated."

Slavery or obliterate ants? Chen Rui took a deep breath: "I only heard one sentence. In the eyes of the gods, all life is nothing but playthings. You are not God."

Satan gave him a deep look: "So, I will be God."

The eyes of the two seemed to be the tip of the needle against the awning, invisibly confronting in the air.

"The three empires are only temporary tools. They will be destroyed sooner or later. At that time, I will build the world into a completely unified faith center with the dark temple as the center. All the ants will become the embarrassment controlled by the dark temple. Believe in my life. Do not believe in me, die!"

Satan's tone is full of strong self-confidence and does not seem to care about telling his plan.

I have absolute strength, and this is a righteous conspiracy. What are you?

This plan, in line with the White Night Emperor of the year attached to Teres, actually coincided with Shunchang.

By now. Chen Rui did not hesitate and slowly nodded: "Good! Within three months. I am always at home to visit."

at any time? Satan browed and picked himself and walked outside.

Mount Sercoed is his home base. Even if there is any unexpected event during the retreat time, it can be fully dealt with.

When he reached the entrance to the main hall, Satan’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What you just said, comprehending destruction and creation... I once heard a person say this. That person is a real 'old friend'," Satansen’s cold eyes shone with a strange light. If you have anything to do with her, I think it will bring me a huge surprise."

This sentence made Chen Rui’s heart jump. I don’t think Satan would think of it because of it, but he still calmly said: “No matter who you say, I believe that it will be a meeting that I can look forward to.”

Satan did not speak again, but indifference to another direction, went straight out of the hall, and the figure was hidden in the air.

When Satan completely left, the hall of the Angel Palace, which was destroyed by the "disintegration", gradually returned to its original state. The only thing that was destroyed was the projection of the hall. This is a special space. Even Satan is the power of this body. And don't even want to really shake this space.

Tower of glory.

In the direction that Satan looked before leaving, another figure of "Chen Rui" gradually emerged.

Two Chen Rui looked at each other, and the one in front nodded and disappeared.

What disappeared was the projection of the robes of the Light, and what appeared later was the Chen Rui body that was rushed back from the secluded land.

Although Satan is only a avatar, it actually feels a certain kind of embarrassment, and the strong fluctuations displayed in this space make Satan more and more unable to understand the depth of today's palace, not directly turning his face, choosing to retreat. The term of March.

This time Satan came to visit, it was barely passed, and it was delayed for three months, but Chen Rui is very clear that after March, it is a huge test.

It is known from the mouth of Sao that Satan's ambition is not a day or two. He always wants to master the whole devil world, re-define the rules that are led by himself, and let everyone become the embarrassment of manipulation. This hidden ambition has finally swelled and emerged unprecedentedly. Perhaps Satan also wants to use this "unification" to search for the last part of the book of destruction. Whatever the purpose, Satan will be a terrible disaster for the demon world that is hard to settle down.

This is different from the sacred mountain facing the supreme Chen Rui has no evasion or escape, because behind him is Catherine, Xia, Tiffany and even the whole devil world.

The ants-like life is nothing more than a tool for captivity. Their destiny is enslaved or obliterated.

In the eyes of the gods, all life is nothing but a plaything.


Chen Rui closed his eyes and showed the endless star river in his heart.

There are countless creatures in the Milky Way.


For a time, Chen Rui fell into meditation. (To be continued.)

Ps: This book has been written to the present, has gone four million words, although because of the limited amount of work updates (especially years ago, busy to cry), but have not intentionally write, I believe that friends who really like books are It is very clear that I would like to ask for a subscription. If you have a conditional friend, please make a reservation. If you have a friend with this heart, even if you subscribe to a few, your support is the driving force of my creation.

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