Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1069: Take away

This scene caused the water element king Lan Boster to be a big earthquake. Chen Rui, who had not reached the level of pseudo-god, was so defeated!

After the giant face swallowed Chen Rui, his eyes fell on the body of the water element, it seems that he saw what enemy, killing the opportunity.

It is this kind of gaze that makes Blue Boss unbearable, and the body has a tendency to collapse, but the eyes of the water element are calm, looking directly at the **** eyes, and do not put life and death in the heart. Instead, with a hint of contempt.

The giant face is about to ruin the blue Bobst, and the **** red eyes suddenly turn into purple, faintly shining.

Then, countless stars broke out, and all the flowers of the abyss that make up the whole face were turned into nothingness under the stars, and Chen Rui’s figure reappeared in front of Lan Bostus.

Now Chen Rui's look is full of caution. The intensity of the soul shock is beyond imagination. He has already suffered a minor injury. Because of the innocent treatment, he can only temporarily suppress the injury.

It seems that the main altar that is close to the complete form is far from what it was before. The projection of Dilroso is closer to the existence of the ontology, and the strength is quite amazing.

"This is just the phantom of Dilroslo. Only a small part of the strength of the body, the real projection avatar should still be some kind of sleepy state, want to completely absorb the power of the main altar to complete the ritual of the body's coming! Must destroy the bone island!"

The sound of Lan Boster makes Chen Rui even more surprised, this is only a part of the power of projection!

I saw the terrible **** waves in the sea, and the flowers of the abyss rejoined and merged into the form of Dilroslo. This time is not only the face. And there are half of the body and arms, raising hands. A **** wave of astonishing stocks came from Chen Rui in all directions.

Blue Bobst felt that this blood wave contained power like "corrosion." It is the special ability of Dilroso that can destroy and disintegrate the power of the kingdom.

"It doesn't move like a mountain." Chen Rui also felt the threat of blood waves. He sipped a low voice, and the starlight around him seemed to solidify, forming an invisible force field, holding himself and Lan Bost in it.

No matter how the power of the blood wave surges, the starlight always stays still, but it can't be done.

The impact of the blood waves is getting stronger and stronger, and the solidified starlight seems to be unbearable. Broken down. At this moment, everything has become blurred, and with Blue Bobst’s eyesight, it can’t be seen clearly. It can only be sensed in the heart of the elements. Those high-speed purple lights sway the terrible arc of countless sparkles. The line follows a special rhythm and the power is constantly superimposed.

whirlwind! Do not. This degree of whirlwind should be called the storm.

Purple. Extreme Star Storm!

The blood wave that was close to it was rolled back by the "Purple Star Storm", and a huge vortex formed in the nearby sea. Dilroslo's body was suddenly divided into countless fragments, and the storm trend was not reduced, and the island was rolled up.

The outer edge of the bone island is continuously reduced and dissipated under this storm. In the blink of an eye, it has been reduced in a circle.

By the time the storm stopped, the vast islands had been cut by a third. However, it is still useless. The power to devour faith and life reappeared and quickly returned to its original state.

Following the "Seven Stars Explosion" and "True Red Extinction". "Purple. Extreme Star Storm" is actually in vain!

Looking for this kind of situation, even if it is to display the last killing "Nefia Dimension", it will not work.

Chen Rui is slightly breathing, although "Purple. Polar Star" is far better than "Red. Polar Star", but it is not endless. The previous continuous attack and defense has already consumed a lot of Starpower. The most important thing is that it can't really be This main altar caused real damage.

Blue Bobst sounded in surprise: "The two bone islands should have complementary special effects, and unless they are destroyed at the same time, they will not be truly damaged."

Chen Rui’s heart is filled with a feeling of powerlessness. Now even one can’t be destroyed, let alone two, not to mention the Dilosa Luo Mirage.

He suddenly found that Lan Bostel’s voice was extremely weak. Looking back, I saw that the body of the water element has become thinner, and the strength of life is rapidly weakening. It seems that it has suffered little damage.

"Purple. Extreme Star Emperor" has already spent a lot of power. The injury suffered by the previous soul shock has begun to faintly attack. Chen Rui knows that today is something that can't be done. He missed his heart and said: "Blue Bobst, don't exert strength. Resistance, I take you with the tower of glory!"

Lambert immediately converges on all the power, and the light flashes and is included in the tower of glory.

At the same time as the income of Blue Bobst, Chen Rui has already appeared in the front of the starry sky. At this time, the illusion of desperation dominated by the "Purple Star Storm" tears again, and a powerful soul wave erupts again. Previously hit the power of Chen Rui's soul impact class.

Chen Rui’s figure became transparent in an instant, and the invisible soul shock power was reflected back in an incredible way. Dilroslo’s body shook, and the cracks in the giant face were cracked. Blood red magma, after the re-healing, the enemy has disappeared, and the light door has gradually faded away.

After a few seconds, the other is there.

Chen Rui’s figure appeared in the light door, and the blue light appeared again, and the purple star of Chen Rui’s body quickly faded.

"Your injury is not light." Blue Bobst looked at Chen Rui. "It is the soul power of Dilroslo. This power is very powerful and can cause terrible erosion. You simply don't receive it." The influence of the power of erosion is only that the soul has suffered a certain trauma. The repair of the soul is somewhat troublesome, no more than ordinary injuries, but unfortunately my strength is very high, otherwise it should help you recover quickly."

"I'm fine," Chen Rui saw that Lan Boster's situation was a bit bad. "How is your injury?"

"I still can't die." Blue Boss shook his head: "Your ability is amazing. In that country, you can easily escape. This island... is the sea of ​​Miria!"

"It's just a special space skill." When I was in the waters of the Mia, for the sake of prevention, Chen Rui had set up a star point, which was reset by his temporary withdrawal of the star of the **** emperor. Because after the three-month period with Satan, the star points of the three emperors are a bit redundant.

"I can see that your situation is not good. Let's treat it first." Chen Rui's head showed a crystal crown, which was soft and sacred.

In the light of this light, Lan Boster's original thin body has become solid again, and Chen Rui's own injuries have begun to recover quickly.

The crown of thorns, "Shen Yushu", can fundamentally repair the wounds of the soul and the body, promote the power of breeding and regeneration, and has no hidden dangers of overdraft life potential. It is the most powerful treatment.

"The power of the light system? And so strong and powerful, even the soul is recovering." Blue Boss was greatly surprised, "No, there is no fluctuation of light elements in your body, but the role of props, the crown..."

"It's called the crown of thorns, maybe you'll be more familiar with another name, creating a container."

"Create a container! Is it a container for creating the source!" The water element king looked at Chen Rui's gaze a little more shocked: "Can you create a container so easily?"

"Not only this, three containers are ... the amount, recognize me." Chen Rui shrugged, a cup in his hand, the Holy Grail.

"I still remember that you can display two artifacts of the Seven Royals at the same time..." Blue Bobst finally nodded solemnly. "I am basically sure who you are."

Chen Ruiyi: Who? Crossing? Super system? impossible.

"You save my life, I will not reveal your secrets, if you do not worry, you can destroy the mouth." Blue Boss said faintly.

secret? The water element king is more and more determined, Chen Rui is more and more curious, and associates with the original tone, faintly understands that this should be a "fantastic" misunderstanding.

The last sentence of the water element king made him laugh: "I believe now that the character of the water element is suspicious, my friend Lan Bost."

The name "friends" made Lambert silent for a moment: "As a friend, your adjectives should be wise."

"This is my privilege, the wise and suspicious water element Lan Bosto."

Blue Bobst bowed slightly: "The same honour, the mysterious descendants? Or the inheritors?"

Mysterious? Chen Rui saw that Lan Bost’s face was clearly written with “Don't pretend to be a small sample”, and he shook his head helplessly: “Let's change the subject. You know more about the abyss than I do, 'they' Is it also the ultimate enemy of the element king?"

“‘They’ is a taboo,” Lambert said. “In the sense of existence, it should be the ultimate enemy of the entire world.”

"So elemental war..."

Blue Bobst interrupted: "I am sorry, I can't answer you with such questions, either as an elemental king or as a friend, waiting for you to get a complete heritage or I understand."

"Well, I took the liberty," Chen Rui did not entangle in this misunderstanding: "If I get all the recognition of the seven royal artifacts, or can control all the seven artifacts, will it happen?"

"I don't know." Lan Boss shook his head. "Maybe it might be some sort of end, maybe it's some sort of beginning."

"This is a standard answer for me." Chen Rui smiled, similar answer, he also heard in the dark element king and 贲薨, but now the magic shield, shadow cloak, wind and shadow boots have all Begin to accept the analysis of the super system, the only need is time, or wait until all the seven artifacts are resolved, there will be an answer.

"Well, now is not an archaeological or quest time. This time we are defeated and we do not know if there is any way to solve the desperate main altar?"

When it comes to this, Blue Bobst’s look immediately becomes awe-inspiring: “At the same time destroying the two bone islands and then destroying the projection of Dilroslo, this is the only way!”

Chen Rui's brow wrinkles became a "Chuan" word, which is almost impossible to accomplish. (To be continued.)

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