Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1072: True projection and fire source

In the red-colored sea area, the two bone islands are being attacked fiercely, and in the center of the magma, a huge figure is also constantly smashing.

This huge body is the illusion of Dilroslo, facing two enemies, especially Satan who can easily defeat the phantom. Although it can be reborn, but to interfere with the destruction of the bone island, the power of the phantom is The power has not been caught.

The bone island is still re-aggregating, but both Chen Rui and Satan feel that the power of rebirth is weakening. In order to achieve this effect, the two also paid considerable faith and vitality.

With Satan's main attack, Chen Rui learned the lessons of the last attack on the bone island, and did not rush to display big moves, but mainly based on ordinary attacks, as long as the effect of destruction and weakening is achieved. In the face of the phantom of Dilroslo, Chen Rui controlled the rhythm very well, mainly in the fight, trying to avoid frontal contact, and more pressure gave Satan on the other side.

Although it can be reborn indefinitely, after all, there is a gap in strength. The phantom of Dilroslo did not bring too much resistance to Satan and was easily defeated. In fact, Satan also did not exert too much power. Both of them are very clear that the real enemy has not yet appeared.

The strength of the bone island has become weaker and weaker. "Booming and banging..." In the loud noise, the bone island in front of Satan was blown into powder and dispersed; the other side of the island was also cut by Chen Ruiyuan. Underneath, it becomes countless pieces.

This time, the two bone islands have not been restored, and it seems to have been completely destroyed. Also, the phantom of Dilroslo, the crystal fragments that broke into the flowers of the abyss, are scattered in the air.

However, Chen Rui and Satan's face did not have a relaxed look. Instead, it became more and more cautious, because there was a terrible breath in the space. It is still permeating and spreading.

The magma in the sea began to violently boil, and a terrible and intense heat surged out. “Calling”, the entire sea area actually burned and turned into a real sea of ​​fire.

The flame is not close to Satan, and it is blocked by an invisible force field. However, the color of Satan's face is increasing, and this flame is combined with special power, which is still above his expectations. Even with the protection of the country, I still feel the violent burning sensation. In this fire, not only the strength is further suppressed. And the loss of power is far better than the usual state.

Compared with Satan, Chen Rui is pregnant with the baby's "Fire and Phoenix Stale". The power of the fire system of the fire has little effect on him. At this time, the water element king immediately exclaimed: "The fire system is the source! It is the source of the fire!"

Chen Rui was taken aback, this red-colored double-toothed sea area actually has the elements of the fire source King Ogmarton can not find the source of the fire!

Nowadays, this powerful fire environment is the most dangerous place for the water element king. In the blink of an eye, the body has begun to appear vaporized. Chen Rui has displayed the tower of glory without thinking, and will take the blue Bobst income space. Among them.

"I really can't think of it. The source of the fire is actually here!" Although Lan Boster entered the space of the brilliant tower, the sound came from Chen Ruixing, which is the role of the water shadow.

"Accordingly, in addition to the fire element king. I have the strongest sense of the fire element, not to mention that year, even yesterday. Did not find the existence of the power of the fire system. It must be that Dilroslo used a special The power of the power system conceals the power of the fire system, or his true projection has been absorbing and blending the power of the fire system!"

Chen Rui once promised the king of fire. Look for the source of the source of the fire, although now found. The difficulty to get is far beyond imagination.

The surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher. Even Satan, the forehead began to secrete fine sweat, and two huge flames flew out of the sea of ​​fire, coming to Satan and Chen Ruifei respectively.

The first feeling of this flame to Chen Rui is deterrence. The deterrent contains indescribable fierceness and violentness. It is involuntarily producing a strange feeling, unable to dodge, unable to parry, irresistible, invincible... ...feeling that all hopes are cut off, only left, despair.

This is the special soul power dominated by the abyss, powerful and powerful, just like the "hate" that was encountered in the battle of the natural tree of the elves.

Chen Rui seems to be shackled by this kind of power, lost his ability to adapt, can only watch the flame approaching, and the moment has been swallowed up.

This scene made Satan frown. He also felt the influence of "desperation". He snorted and the five fingers drew together to draw a circle. The flame in front quickly stagnate and gradually stopped moving. Two amazing powers were stagnant, everything in the vicinity was repelled, and a huge vortex appeared in the sea of ​​fire at the foot. The shape of the flame gradually changed, turning into a huge palm shape.

On the other side, the flame that engulfed Chen Rui also turned into a giant palm, flying from the rear toward Satan. Satan’s finger was just at the center of the circle that was just drawn in the sky, and said: “Disintegrate!”

Taking that point as the center, there are scenes of splitting and flaking in the nearby space.

The same split and flaking is also the giant palm. Countless invisible flames are like tangible things, falling and annihilated, but the giant palm seems to have only peeled off a layer of skin and has not been affected.

At this time, another giant palm has appeared behind Satan. Satan is about to exert a force attack. He suddenly sees the direction of the giant palm behind him, and draws an arc, faintly carrying a certain starlight, bypassing Satan. Actually hit the giant palm in front.

The two huge palms shook at the same time, and the blazing flame quickly spread backwards, showing a huge body contour of more than ten meters.

Satan glanced at Chen Rui, who was not far away. He was slightly surprised. He saw that this "Li Cha" was swallowed up by the flames, but the equality contract in his heart was not eliminated. It can be seen that "Li Cha" did not die, or Hiding, I can't think of such a special ability to let that palm return and hit myself.

This is the "moving star" skill, even if it is as strong as Dilrosro's power, it is still transferred back.

Satan's surprise was just passing by, and the mind immediately concentrated on the huge body in front of him.

This body has become very clear, wrapped in a burning flame, his eyes are red, and the five senses, the strong breath that gives Satan a rare prudence - no doubt, this is not the previous phantom, It is the real projection of Dilroslo!

Near the ultimate state of the main altar, close to the powerful projection of the body!

Race: Power Projection

Comprehensive strength assessment: ssss+

Physique ssss+, strength ssss+, spiritual ssss+, speed ssss+.

Attributes: Destructive body, desperate inflammation, erosion, broken soul, space, belief engulfed, life swallowed.

Danger level: extremely dangerous!

Chen Rui looked at the data of the analytical eye, secretly stunned, and sure enough, the true projection of this Dilroslo has reached the level of the pseudo-god, in addition to the "desperate" power, standing here, give Chen Rui has the same sense of oppression as Michael and Satan.

This is just a close to the real body! If it is the ontology, then I don't know how to achieve a terrible degree! According to Lambost, the true body of the three masters has not yet reached the realm of God, but it is clear that compared with Michael’s self-proclaimed “the closest person to God”, the three masters are beyond The level of ordinary pseudo-god is more than the existence of God.

It is conceivable that once a certain seal collapses and the abyss really comes to this main plane, what a terrible end of the world will be.

Satan's data is:

Race: 堕 Angel

Comprehensive strength assessment: ssss+

Physique ssss+, strength ssss+, spiritual ssss+, speed ssss+.

Attributes: the body of the fallen, the seal of the gods, the heart of the heart, the time, the destruction.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

The same is ssss+, Satan's feeling for Chen Rui, even more unfathomable than Dilroslo, the "ethnic" display of the angels makes Chen Rui think of the ancient legends of another world.

Although it feels that Satan's power prevails, it is the main altar of despair and the "home" of Dilroslo. Any result in this similar battle can happen.

The **** red eyes greeted Satan's cold eyes like a knife. The two eyes seemed to be tangible and tangible, and the nearby air was solidified.

Chen Rui, who is "weak" on the side, was selectively ignored by Dilroslo. In the eyes of the strong, there are only strong players at the same level.

Any one of these two people has brought a strong sense of oppression to Chen with his current strength, although the state of the extreme star has reached the middle of the pseudo-god, but at the level of pseudo-god It is said that the gap between the middle section and the peak is quite large, especially the two peaks that are the strongest.

"Dilloslo! This world does not belong to you cursed things! Roll back!" Satan uses the abyss language, but Chen Rui, who is in the eyes of analysis, understands very well, but does not know that "cursed things" are What do you mean.

Dilrosro’s answer is only one word: “Dead!”

The voice just fell, the huge arm sizzled with a high-temperature flame rushed to Satan, and Satan waved his hand, and the flame suddenly stagnate. Although the proportion of the figure is much smaller, the power of Satan is not inferior to that of Dilroslo, and the breath of the breath is stirring in the air, and it can't be held for a while.

Chen Rui, who was on the side, was rushed by the huge force and was suddenly blasted.

Dilroso saw that he could not suppress Satan, and the other arm suddenly hit the sea of ​​fire. There were countless volcanic magma splashing out, turning into countless fireballs with strange atmosphere and flying towards Satan.

Not only Satan, Chen Rui is also covered by the fireball. (To be continued.)

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