Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 109: Wind blows

Culia snorted, and the high-level demon power on her body was released. The first sentence made Yake scared: "Robin is dead!" Yake asked in surprise: "How come? He was still drinking with me last night..."

"Not only Robin, I almost died!" Culia looked cold. "I heard Robin say that he met you. Did you leak the news of me back to Bannak?" "No! It's not me!" Yake was shocked by the murderous murderousness of Culia. He quickly explained: "Please believe me, I swear by my father's name, and I have never sneaked at anyone." "Yak did not leak the news, the reason is to ask for Robin, so as to enjoy the free daily food.

"Have you heard of the news that I came back in the group?" Culia asked again.

"No." Yake recalled.

Culia was injured and unhealed, and 捂ōng coughed a few words: "The Bannak **** must have blocked the news, he wants to kill me!"

"Bannan adults want to kill you?" The horns just heard the name of Bannak and felt a bit 1

Something was wrong, and now I’m so surprised to hear that Culia said this.

"That guy is planning a small event, before I drove me back to Xiqiao Mountain, it was also a thing!" Culia sneered: "Now you know this, it will be the object of his killing. Robin is dead in his hands."

Was Robin killed by Bannak?

Yake was shocked. "The cold sweat came out: his contact with Robin, the guards all saw it, and Bannak would not let him go. A peak high-level demon wants to kill him. The middle-class small scorpion is as easy as pinching a worm.

"Most of the people in the regiment have been bought by him. If you tell others, you will die faster." Culia said, "There is only one way to live." Culia took out a letter. A few words in a low voice, Yake nodded quickly.

"You don't try to peek at this letter. There is special magic in the letter. If you dare to open it in advance, I can always know!"

"Adults rest assured!" It was a matter of life and death, and Yake made another poisonous oath. He took the letter very carefully and placed it in a close-fitting clothes bag.

"Very well, from now on, you are my guard. I can't go back to the stronghold tonight. Otherwise, there is definitely danger in my life." There is a purse in Culia's hand. "There are thirty black crystal coins, you take three." Go, just stay at the opposite huālu hotel, remember, give me the honest night, no matter how to find a woman and a matter of life! As long as it is done tomorrow, not only can we save our lives, but the rest of the money is yours! ”

Yake said that he opened the purse bag, and it was really a real black crystal coin. He immediately took out three, and looked at the bag with a reluctance, bowed his body and turned away.

At the alley, Culia looked at the corner of the hotel and watched the corner of the hotel. The appearance began to change slowly and became a dark elf. Of course, this is not his true face.

"The wind is about to start." The dark elf stroking the long hair that flicked slightly, and looked at the double moon that was gradually covered up by the dark clouds," said a faint sentence.

the next day.

The weather is fine, and the relatively rare winds are blowing from time to time, which seems to indicate this unusual day.

Today is the birthday of the mayor of the old town, Kander, to the age of six hundred and ten. The town deliberately creates a happy atmosphere, but the warnings of the past have not been relaxed.

The identity of the town has come to the mayor's house to congratulate, such as the defense captain Ross, the deputy head of the blood sè Guardian Bannak and others.

Leia Town is a good place. Unconsciously, the old Kant is the mayor here. It is already 19 years ago. Although the prosperity here is far from the prosperous Emperor, but with the tail in the emperor, look at the high-ranking officials. The face is not as good as the one in this remote town.

Although the town of Leia was occupied by the yīn shadow empire, it was no longer sent by the other country as the mayor every 50 years, but was directly appointed by the yīn shadow empire, but the mayor’s term was shorter, even if there was no fault. There are only twenty years of full play, unless you can make a special merit to be re-elected. Nowadays, the term of the old Kant is only one year, and the discovery of the devil is a godsend. The old Kant is the yīn shadow empire. The veteran of the old family Kasli family, rich in experience, learned from an accidental opportunity that the upper empire attaches great importance to the kiwi. Although I don’t know why, the old Kande will never be stupid enough to ask questions. The importance of this thing is ok.

Sure enough, as soon as the news was reported to the emperor through the family, the emperor immediately responded, and the dispatched commissioner was already in the middle of the road. It is estimated that these days will come. The more this time, the less likely it is that there will be any mistakes, otherwise the credit will become a felony, and the happy event will become a funeral. Therefore, the old Kant is intended to double the defense force of the Luray Valley.

Looking at the guests who came to the hall in the hall, the old Kande’s mood is very good. Of course, if the purple heart ring is not stolen, this mood will become better. Zi Yan Xin was taken from the hands of a fallen aristocrat in the Imperial Capital three hundred years ago. It can enhance the function of men and, more importantly, it is said to open the key to an ancient treasure. Unfortunately, for three hundred years, there has been no secret of it. For the old Kant, who is old and weak, the "enhancement" is used frequently. Since this baby was lost, Old Kant did not find a substitute at the moment. There is no way to be intimate with a woman, and my heart is really hateful.

Although Naliyi has been reluctant to confess, it is estimated that it is likely to be given to the ānfreyi, and the lei is as if it is evaporating. The whole town can not find traces. To this end, the blood sè escorts that have always been close to each other have made a clarification, and they have clearly defined the boundaries. They also showed good members to assist in the pursuit of Leyi and the defense work in the town.

Ziyan heart must be recovered, but the most important thing at present is the devil's fruit. The emperor's comers estimate that they will go to Leia Town, Leyi and Zi Yanxin in these two days, or wait for this big event. After the end of the knot, go back and trace.

Old Kand smiled and greeted the guests one by one. When passing through the hall of the Crystal Crystal Furnace, he smelled the special fragrance that was emitted from the smell. He took a deep breath and gave a pleasant expression.

This............ is the Dragon Festival? I have forgotten this thing. It seems that my wife wants to please, and I will tell the next person to do it. I am doing a good job. It should be..." It is the most intimate Mary, but Zi Yanxin was lost by Naliyi, or else I can go there tonight to "feed" the 16th room wife.

Incense is one of the hobby of the nobles in the devil world. The more advanced the incense, the more able to display identity.

Old Kande likes this set very much, especially in this remote town, which can show those elegant and distinctive aristocratic tastes to those who are in the country, especially on this special day.

I, the old Kande, is the superior nobleman from the Imperial Capital! The true aristocratic taste is not that these buns can imitate if they want to imitate!

Seeing the guests who were amazed by the scent, the superiority and satisfaction of Old Kande was stronger.

“Thank you very much for coming.” Old Kant stood up and began to deliver a speech.

After the long story was over, everyone was ready to start the banquet. I saw someone whispering a few words to Ross, the captain of the defensive team. Rose brows and wrinkles, and glances at Bannak, and wins the class. Nuck is inexplicable.

Old Kander said: "Ross, what happened?"

Rose got up and said: "The mayor of the town, the blood sè **** team in the charm huā hotel and our defense team fight, but also injured the captain Cullo.

Old Kande looked uncomfortably at Bennak, the deputy head of the blood guards. Bannak quickly succumbed to the old Kande: "The mayor is assured, I will deal with it immediately."

Bannak walked out of the hall, and rushed to the charm huā hotel, and saw a mess. Several members of the town’s defense team fell down in the ground, and the small captain Cullo was tied to the chair. There are still a lot of scars. The trouble is really the blood sè **** group, there are more than twenty.

"Stop!" Bannak screamed, this time is extraordinary, he also specifically told the members that they can not make trouble. "The bastards, do not listen, at this time to cause trouble!

"Bannack adults!" Those members of the group really stopped and took a gift.

Bannak caught one of them and gritted his teeth: "You bastards" why the defense team is in conflict! Have you forgotten my instructions? ”

The member of the group shivered and hurriedly explained: "This Kuha...,

...and Culia’s adult robbed the woman, who was the commander of Culia, who ordered us to hold the hotel, wait for this guy to enter the room of Feilian, teach...


"Culia?" Bannak was a big surprise: "How did he come back? Where is it now?" "Probably the grown-up has just left, and Culia has returned to the stronghold." He said that all consequences are his responsibility, if When an adult comes, he can go to the stronghold to find him. ”

Bannak knew that Cui Li and the owner of the charm huā hotel had a tuǐ, and that Feilian had a relationship with several men including Cullo. I couldn’t think of Culia to go to Xiqiao Mountain.

Actually slipped back and stole this woman! What is even more abhorrent is that in order to be jealous, it is a trouble at this time!

Since it is the order of Culia, it is not good to punish these members, but it is really necessary to make things big, this is what he can be responsible for in the future! The situation is now tense and it is necessary to warn the idiot!

"You all give me a roll! No one is allowed to stay here!" Bannak kicked the group member to the ground ordered the crowd to withdraw, and quickly rushed to the base of the blood.

At the same time, the grand birthday banquet was held in the mayor’s residence, and the episode did not affect the atmosphere of joy. However, only a while ago, some people rushed to report to Ross whispered, Ross l stunned, did not dare to conceal, got up and reported: "Mayor, I just received a report, the main focus of the blood sè Going west, I have crossed the checkpoint of Zhenxi, and the target is probably the Luray Valley!"

Anything else can be ignored. The Luray Valley is the heart of the old Kande. It was shocked at the moment: "Rose, you will take someone to see it immediately. If they want to enter the Luray Valley, they must stop!"

"Follow!" Ross knew that the mayor was very nervous about the Luray Valley, and immediately left the room and hurried out.

Old Kande was restless, no longer had a mood for a birthday banquet. When he patted the table, he suddenly broke down and bit his teeth: "Before Bennak must have deliberately left the life! The **** blood sè escort! What do you want to do?"

PS: Three outbreaks will come tomorrow, I wish you all a happy Spring Festival! The blessing of God is coming! Mildew is back! Hereby ask for a monthly ticket! @.

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