Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1087: Phoenix VS Shenglong

The horror of the unveiling of the veil is really amazing, and Porto feels that he has never had such possessiveness for any woman. He is self-satisfied. Although this woman is not like an ordinary person, she is alone with her children. There are no guards at the side. It is not expensive to think of it. Even if it is strong, it is not a big deal.

In this Longjiao City, it is based on the words "My dad is the city owner", as long as he wants something that Porto Lilacke wants, he still hasn't got it.

Not only that, the emperor's upstart, the royal magician Raftino, but also the necklace of the little girl, even for this, his father, Valyolong will fully support...······, if you hold this little girl, absolutely Can make this beauty come true.

At this time, the woman’s “I don’t know how to live” fell into the ear. His whole person fell into the hail, and he seemed to break into the abyss. From the body to the soul, he was torn apart by the power of terror. .

Others saw that Porto was standing in the same place, then took a nap, trembled, sweat, nose, tears are not controlled by direct current, but also faintly smell the stench from the lower body pants.

The royal magician, Lavdino, was taken aback and saw the mysterious woman who had left with the little girl. He knew that there was a difference, and he probably kicked the iron plate.

Porto is the son of the city owner, accompanied by his own sightseeing, if there is any loss, not only the face is not saved, but also difficult to explain as the city owner Vajron.

The most important thing is that Lavdino is determined to win the fire jewel. He immediately screamed and appeared in the back of Catherine, and a fire flew toward Catherine.

The nearby people were all rejected by a huge force. The tamer who sold cotton candy left recently and flew out, and the black crystal coins in his hands fell to the ground.

Many people saw that the flame from the magician flew to the woman holding the child and could not help but exclaim.

When the flame was about to approach, Catherine suddenly looked back and looked back. Lavdino felt that the powerful flame power he controlled was like a mud cow entering the sea, and instantly disappeared—the other party just glanced at it!

The power of this eye is not limited to this. The power contained in Lavdino’s eyes is shining, and the mental power of the reserve to be attacked is violently detonated in his own body. The magic is anti-controlling the whole body, and a blood is spit out.

Such a terrible power! Who is this woman? Rafdino’s heart stunned, glanced at the black crystal coin that the hawker lost on the ground, and immediately slammed a special warning.

At this time, the guards of Porto Power had already rushed over to Catherine, and they did not see any action of Catherine. The guards seemed to be thrown away by the invisible force. They fell to the ground far away and could not climb for a while. .

Nowadays, when the rigor is tight, the alert force is several times more than usual. Soon there are a large number of guards coming to this side.

Catherine did not want to be entangled with these people. The figure flashed and was about to move away. However, the two moves, but only moved a few tens of meters, it seems that the space is limited by what power.

Catherine's eyes fell on two figures, one is a middle-aged man, his face and body are relatively thin and thin, retaining the eight-character Hu; the other is a silver-haired youth. The eyebrows are taller, and the eyebrows look a bit gloomy. The space just now is Limited by this young man's ability to display.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?" The character of the man who looked at Catherine for a while was obviously feeling the unfathomable breath, showing a cautious color.

"I am just a passerby. It is the two guys who have no long eyes who took the initiative to get me. I am already a lover." Catherine said faintly, these two people should all be dragons, eight characters Hu Zhongnian The strength of the country is the peak of the country, and the strength of the silver-haired youth is still faint in itself.

Although she is not afraid of these two people, but she is afraid that blossoming will be affected, and this class of fighting is only afraid to expose her own identity, so she can avoid conflicts. She does not want to do it.

"Teacher is careful!" Ravdino in the distance barely said: "This woman is a black slain!"

The words "Black Death" fell in the ears of the people around them, causing panic and shunning. Recently, the activities of the Black Death have been very frequent, and many terrorist incidents have been created around the world. Even the great emperors of the two sacred empire have been assassinated.

"It turns out that you are his teacher. I will declare first that I am not a black slain. If you want to provoke me, you must consider the consequences." The power of Catherine gradually emerged. "My principle is, People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes; if people commit me, they don't die."

The atmosphere of the semi-god level makes the silver-haired youth slightly moving, and the eight-character Hu Zhongnian is even more

"Teacher, don't listen to her sophistry!" Rafdino held a hand in his hand. "This is the coin she just used. I can clearly feel the darkness that radiates above!"

The currency of the human world is similar to the devil world. It is based on the same weight and texture of the crystal coin. The currency of the human world usually engraves the crown of the king or the royal coat of arms, but as Catherine did not give the hawker the kind of engraving. Any mark can also be circulated.

The difference is that the crystal coin of the demon world contains a dark atmosphere, which is difficult for ordinary people to find. Rafdino has a special sensory talent and immediately senses anomalies.

The eight-character Hu Zhongnian is a teacher of Lavdino. He heard that the silver-haired youth was looking for opinions. !

"Even if there is no such coin, it is a holy dragon who bathes in the light," said the silver-haired youth. "I can clearly feel the rich and dark atmosphere that you have been trying to hide. The strength is at our level. Sophistry doesn't make sense. If you don't want to let go, then..."

The silver-haired youth said that the people in the distance felt that the figures had become overlapping and blurred, and it seemed that the nearby space was isolated by special space.

At the same time, the silver-haired youth was born in the silver light, a pair of hyperthyroidism quickly formed, so soon to display the faith armor, it is clear that they want to go all out and win the Catherine as quickly as possible.

"Mom! This is a bad guy! Hit him!" The blossoming clearly felt the hostility of the man and pinched the little fist.

Because the surrounding space was locked up by that special force, I couldn’t take it for a while. Catherine knew that the battle was inevitable, and she snorted without any weakness. The body burned black and red flames, flames. There is a whole body armor in the middle, the black is dotted with red, elegant and solemn, revealing a star-like embarrassment.

This is the "Star of Wisdom" star can not be avoided, then go all out.

Even outside the space, the eight-character Hu man felt the horrible power of both sides, secretly stunned, and quickly displayed the magic, and laid a protective enchantment.

The silver-haired man looked at the whole body of Catherine, and felt that the powerful atmosphere of the outbreak was actually much better than himself. He was slightly surprised, and then he said coldly: "Happiness!"

Generally speaking, the semi-divine belief armor is a half-length, which is the most suitable form of energy for exerting the power of going abroad. Only the pseudo-god level is the whole body.

This woman is obviously just upgrading to the level of the demigod. After the equipment is equipped with the armor, the exhaled breath can be kept on the same level as the middle of the demigod. Ten is bluffing.

The silver-haired man waved his hands at high speed, and countless white lines appeared in Catherine's body, entangled, and her eyes swallowed and twirled in the blink of an eye, like a white scorpion.

The rotation of the light slammed, as the essence generally broke through a crack, the crack spread instantly, revealing a huge shape of the wing, which flapped the entire light and was torn apart.

However, the torn light did not dissipate, but turned into countless golden light. The power was several times stronger than the previous white line, and it whizzed to Catherine.

The silver-haired man’s face showed a sneer sneer. He is a double master of magic and martial arts. The white line just was a tentative attack. The real killing is the current “Jinhuang Flash”, which is a fusion of huge light elements. A powerful blow is equal to the perfect combination of magic and power.

He was confident that he would completely defeat the opponent with this trick. However, the sneer immediately solidified on his face. At the moment when Jinguang hit his wings, he began to weaken rapidly, just as the snowball was close to the fire, and he was eventually eliminated.

The image of the wing gradually faded, showing the hand that covered the armor, Catherine's right hand, her left hand still holding the blossoming.

The silver-haired man's pupils contracted, and there was no scorn in his face. He clearly felt that the power of the light element of "Jinhuang Flashing" was met with some kind of restraining power, not a dark element. It is another power.

The strength of this woman can no longer be measured by the level of the surface. It is definitely an enemy. It must not be underestimated. Perhaps only the little girl is the only weakness.

The silver-haired man was thinking about it, and he gave birth to a warning sign. His body shape shook and disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, a huge foot has already stepped in where he was. The power of this blow is so great that the entire blockade is shivering.

This is a tall body. It should be made of some kind of metal, showing a dark golden light. From the power of the foot just now, there is at least a level of demigod.

Not dead!

The war is the powerful talent of the Azmod kings. The power level of ordinary 傀儡 is fixed, such as the golden 傀儡 is the emperor level, the silver 傀儡 is the demon level, etc., but some mutated talents of the royal family It can increase the power of 傀儡 as it grows.

Catherine's war 傀儡 talent does not have this kind of variation, but she has the strongest immortality in history. It is easy to play the power of equating or even surpassing one's own strength. If it is, it is equal to a melee type of power. helper.

Looking at the metal giant who rushed again, the silver-haired man's body skyrocketed and turned into a silver dragon, and a bit of a dragon spurted to death.

If you don’t die, you can’t avoid it. The dragon is in the middle of your chest, and suddenly there is a transparent hole. However, it’s not dead, but it’s not weakened. The blink of an eye has already rushed to the dragon’s situation. The dragon.

The dragon's body flew out. If this is not an independent space, it has already crushed a large house. If you don't wait for it to continue chasing, you have already stabilized the center of gravity and rushed again.

In the roar, two huge figures were beaten together.

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