Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1094: The true face of Lar

"A thousand black crystal coins, this ship is yours, only sell not rent!" The tall, bald-headed man stretched out a finger.

"This ship is the smallest ship, and it is still too old. Many key parts are decaying and deformed. A thousand black crystal coins are simply asking for price. One thousand purple crystal coins are worthless!"

"This is the only ship. If you don't want it, just get out!"

"Do you think that I don't know that sand boats can be assembled temporarily?" Laer old sneer sneered: "Old Panru, let him come out to see me, I am his old friend, I don't believe it, old Pan Rui dare Use this kind of thing to fool me!"

"Old guy, your message is too occluded." The bald bunny passed the murderous machine and shot the table. A dozen people rushed into the house. "Old Panrui has already died in my hand last year. Shipyard, now I am the master of Okafor! Now I change my mind and hand over all the money in you! Otherwise, I will leave my life!"

When Lal was in the middle of the ring, Chen Rui took a step forward. Everyone felt that the air had solidified suddenly. The chill of a strand of direct penetration of the soul quickly spread throughout the body, completely losing the ability to move.

"This ship is really old." Chen Ruicai said that the ship collapsed in an instant, and all the particles that turned into gravel disappeared, as if there had never been a world.

This scene caused the people who rushed in to come out with cold sweat, among them the bald head "factory."

Chen Rui said slowly: "You call Okafor, do you want to go to the boat just now, or give me a boat that I am satisfied with? I have no ability to imprison you, if within five seconds You don't speak. I just chose the first road."

"This adult!" Okafor took a nap and quickly called out: "I will give you the best boat! I will send people to assemble now!"

after an hour. A reassembled sand ship appeared in sight, whether it was large or fine. It must be far more than the boat that just disappeared.

"Adults, this kind of boat must be driven by at least six people." Larger said one step forward.

"I am still sitting in this desert boat for the first time, Master Okafor, can you have the honor to invite you to be a captain?" Chen Rui looked at the bald head.

"This is my honor!" Everyone can see that the bald Okafor is "honored" to cry.

Soon, Chen Rui entered the desert in the new desert boat.

The sand boat was still slower, but as the sands grew larger, the sails began to slide in the sand. The speed is also gradually increasing, especially when crossing the sand dunes, although the ups and downs, but will not overturn, there are indeed wonderful things.

Chen Rui is wearing a sand-proof cloak, and wearing a sand boat to sail special goggles, looking at the endless sand, it feels like a sea of ​​solidification, and there is a hint of grace in the majestic. Traveling in this world, the mood will become vast and detached.

Of course, the magnificent is only a small part of the desert, especially this dark prison desert. More time is showing violent.

The dust of the sky sweeps the boat of the desert wave after wave, and the drag caused by the rear boat is gradually disappearing in the dust, and it seems that there has never been anything.

Larry’s old man took Chen Rui into the cabin.

"Adult. Before I saw that Okafor seemed to send out a special signal, even if it was not a satay. It must be collusion with Satay. We must be prepared to resist the Satay attack."

Chen Rui curiously asked: "We have left the town of Shima very far. The sand behind it has covered the traces of this ship, and here should be a strong interference with magical or inductive power, how are those sand dunes? Can you find us?"

"Because they are satay, it's like a sailor in the sea all the year round, always able to 'sniff' something with instinct." Lal old man shook his head: "They may not dare to break into the core, but on the periphery Strip, they know everything."

"So, I should lead the sand to lead the way, not you?"

Chen Rui’s relaxed attitude made Lal’s old man frown. “I’m aware that your strength is strong, but in this environment, you must not take it lightly. The leader of the satay’s **** beard’s fierce name The strength is strong, and the Satay's boats are more sophisticated than ordinary sand boats, faster, and equipped with large weapons. The people on our ship are already stunned, I am afraid..."

Chen Rui nodded, and Laer said, "The method of Satay is very different. For the sake of prevention, from now on, our diet should be especially careful, especially water. Every time we drink water, please show it to adults. That kind of powerful purification to avoid poisoning."


Three days passed between the boring and long sailing.

On the night of the third day, Chen Rui, who was closing his eyes at the bow of the ship, suddenly heard a kind of "squeaky" sound coming from the wind. It seemed to be a certain horn sound.

Lal’s father hurriedly came over and said loudly: “Adult! Not good! It’s Satay!”

The speed of the sand boat suddenly slowed down, and the bald head of the operating vessel, Okafor and others, jumped off the boat and fled.

Chen Rui did not panic until he slowly stood up and glanced at Lal: "You can't escape?"

Larry Daddy felt that the gaze seemed to be able to see through the soul. He could not help but tremble and shook his head: "I am the same person on the ship as the grown-up, and where can I escape?"

Chen Rui nodded, did not say anything, just stood quietly at the bow and looked at the direction of the horn.

Soon after, the enemy appeared in the line of sight. Although the sand and light had some influence on the visual, they could still see the four tall sand boats under the moonlight, which were much larger than the ship and much faster.

Lal saw the **** flag flying on the biggest ship, and was shocked: "Blood Flag! 'Blood Bear' Montalmi! The leader of Satay! He actually came!"

Chen Rui looked at the big ship: "The ship should be much better than ours."

Lal stunned and thought it was wrong: "What do adults say?"

Satay’s big ship is getting closer, and Chen Rui’s ship has stopped because of the escape of the “sailor”. A pair of gestures waiting to be smashed, and some of the large ships on the sand have been rushed over by horses. The number is about twenty or thirty.

Chen Rui didn't look at the sand rushes that came from, but said in a light voice: "If you are sitting on the main ship with the red flag, it should be much faster to reach the destination."

Said, Chen Rui slowly extended his palm, a slight support, the desert boat of the blood claw flag in the distance actually slowly vacated, the horn of the boat slammed, and replaced with a burst of horror .

The palm of the hand slowly flipped down to the palm of your hand, and pressed slightly down. In addition to the captain's boat suspended in the air, the other three desert boats seemed to suffer from terrible weight. It crashed in an instant, turned into powder, and dissipated in the dust.

This scene made the rushing sand scorpions completely scared, just as if they were dreaming.

Even the dagger red beard Montramy on the main ship in the air has this feeling. The three excellent battle sand boats have turned into powders out of thin air.

Must be dreaming!

In this dream, not only the sand boat, but also the body of Monterami and all the sand scorpions began to decompose, just like the ashes that usually burned houses or live people. One point dissipates.

A nightmare.

This is the last consciousness of almost all Satays.

Then, the smoke was completely extinguished.

Lal’s old man looked at the scene with a dull look, surrounded by a dead silence, and the whistling sound of the wind could not be heard. In addition to him and Chen Rui, the entire area, including the first floating ship, did not have a third living person.

This kind of strength can hardly be described in words.

“Is it disappointing?” Chen Rui’s faint sentence made Lal’s old man shocked: “I’m sorry. My time is limited, so I have no chance to show you.”

"Adult..." Larry’s back was soaked in cold sweat.

"It’s not just the bald Okafor that I’m in contact with the Satay. You left a mark at the shipyard. You asked me to pay attention to diet and use dispelling magic to prevent poisoning. But you have been using the power of dispelling power for the last time. I was poisoned in the drinking water, which made me unable to detoxify. Unfortunately, those were useless to me."

Lal’s father’s body trembled a little. He had witnessed this man’s gesture and destroyed all the sand scorpions, including the red beard Montramy. Monterami’s strength was stronger than him, but he could not stand this man. Feel free to wave, the strength of this person...

Holy level?

No, I am afraid that it is not just a holy level!

"I saw a tattoo on your chest last time. This tattoo gave me a familiar feeling. Later I remembered it. It turned out that you are the former Yunteng empire. To be precise, it is a very high level of royal guardian. By."

Lal’s old man squeezed his fist and gritted his teeth: “No more nonsense, kill if you kill!

"If you just want to use your power to find a dream oasis, I have a very simple way to directly control you and become a beggar who obeys my orders. You should be thankful that I am not doing this to you because of one person. ”

Larry’s father did not ask who he was, and apparently had put his life and death out of the way.

"Is there even a minimum of curiosity? I am curious, and the royal imperial priest, Rega, has fallen to the point of being a sand!"

The real name of "Rigaya" made Larra's eyes tremble, but there was not much surprise: "There are few sins! You used to treat my poison, clearly the crown of the thorns of the empire! Still not Church people! But you won't get any secrets from my mouth!"

Chen Rui shook his head: "I have no interest in the old treasures of the Yunteng Empire, although I now know that it is in the Lobo Lake in the Yunxiao But wealth is not worth it for me. Therefore, the wealth I have is more than a hundred times more than that treasure."

"How do you know..." Lal old man shocked: "Who told you!"

"Before you want to commit suicide or have any action, see a person. It is inevitable to use a new comprehension secret, some similar to war projections, but unfortunately not fully successful, the projection time is limited..." Chen Rui said that if Lal’s old man couldn’t understand it, his hand showed a light, and a ray of light appeared in the line of sight, and the light gradually condensed into a woman’s human form.

The figure gradually became clear, and the eyes of Lal’s old man solidified, and it was hard to believe his eyes.

"Is it you? Teacher Legya." The gentle voice sounded.

This familiar voice and title made Lal’s old man no hesitation, and he kneel down on one knee: "His Royal Princess!" (To be continued.)

Ps: It may be the relationship of continuous day and night in the previous period. The pulpitis relapses. The teeth hurt when touched. The gums are swollen and the left temple is also painful. Today is the chapter.

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