Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1102: Add 0 column

() A name called the commissioner Chen Rui shocked, turned out to be Gabriel! !

Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and the three highest angels of the Holy Mountain.

Gabriel is a female xìng angel?

Chen Rui couldn’t think of it. The “goddess” in the border with the desert is actually one of the Big Three of the Bright Church!

Chen Ruichao has figured out a lot of things. The reason why Gabriel will sleep in the Black Prison Desert and become the goddess of the desert, Shani, is definitely trying to try another way of "being a god", no wonder "desert messenger" Will be recognized by the Guangming Church, but also pushed to the altar, further derived as "desert goddess."

However, it seems that Gabriel’s attempt has not achieved the desired results. Chen Rui can feel that the power of faith in the “忒莎妮尔” country is relatively mottled, because those beliefs belong to the “desert goddess of desert”. Instead of Gabriel himself. As an angel, Gabriel cannot truly possess the power of faith that should only belong to the gods.

Counting it, Chen Rui is the number one wanted criminal of the Guangming Church. This will see the old friend Raphael again, then...

Gabriel still didn't open his eyes and said indifferently: "Raphael, you are also awakened? Michael?"

"Hey, Michael went to sleep again. Not long ago, he was attacked by a sergeant and a buddy in the Temple of Light. He lost the chapter of the wind. It’s right, talking about the chapter of the wind, still after you are asleep. The thing is about a hundred years ago..."

Raphael said a few words, and finally found a distant hyperthyroidism in the purple sè, the pupil suddenly shrank: "It's you!"

Despite the different appearances, the kind of star-like armor and strength of the atmosphere is remembered by Raphael, so it is recognized at a glance.

Did you find out? Chen Rui shrugged and deliberately performed a ceremony: "Dear Rafael, we met again."

"Do you know him?" Gabriel asked a deep question.

"Of course this guy!" Raphael's gaze passed over Senran's killing intention: "He killed Isuelur and stole the snowy tree! It is probably a group!"

"Hey?" Gabriel's tone changed a bit.

"Uliel is being her..."

"I haven't lost my memory yet." Gabriel's tone is colder.

"Raphael," Chen Ruiyi smiled. "You said that killing, stealing, everything is a long time ago, don't worry about it again, last time... you are not nearly Kill me?"

How long has it been? Don't worry about it?

How long has Nima been?

This kind of relaxed and casual tone makes Rafael's face seem difficult to see, especially the phrase "almost kill". Listening to the ear is simply ridicule.

The last time, in front of so many people, it was a shame to let this enemy escape easily. Rafael secretly vowed that if he meets this person again next time, he must take his life and catch it, and then he will suffer and die. However, I did not expect that it would be a "reunion" in such a situation. As a communication projection, his combat power is almost zero. There is no way to deal with this enemy.

Fortunately, there is Gabriel. From the look of the enemy, it seems that he was injured by Gabriel.

"Gabriel, catch him! Be sure to live!"

"You, are you commanding me?" Gabriel asked, with a touch of Sen Han in his voice.

"Gabriel!" Raphael was a little anxious: "Now is not the time to worry about this! The snowy tree has fallen into his hands! You should know what it means!"

"You don't have to remind me," Gabriel said slowly. "Before you came, he was talking to me about a deal. One of the items that was traded was the Snowdale tree. So, I started the summoner. Text."

"Hey, you don't need to trade at all. Grab him, you can get everything! Right, this guy has a very special power. I used to escape in my hands last time. Your holy heart can crack everything. Yes, you can definitely take down...·····

Rafael’s words just fell, Chen Rui’s side has already had a light door, and then he saw a flash of his body, and he disappeared into the light door without saying anything.

Rafael: "..."

Gabriel: "..."

Gabriel's reaction is extremely fast, and the white sleeves are smashed. An invisible force is rolled up to the door of the starry sky that has not completely disappeared. I want to capture Chen Rui from the space. However, this force has penetrated. Actually no effect.

Gabriel’s look became dignified: “The heart of the Holy Spirit can’t eliminate the power of this space transmission! I can’t enter the space!”

Raphael shocked: This strange space door could not be resolved even with Gabriel's most powerful "heart of the holy". No wonder that it would be futile in the last time.

At this time, in the door of space, Chen Rui’s figure was re-entered, and the two smiled: “Two, what have we just said?”

When Rafaelton was not screaming, he came and said that he would leave.

This hand is more proof of something than any speech.

If you completely tear your face, then the Snowdale tree becomes a real victim.

"Good means," Gabriel slightly decapitated, "What you said just now is a deal."

"Well, since it is a transaction, then we can temporarily put aside all unpleasant pasts and talk about the chip." Gabriel’s strength is here, there is a precedent for time to fail. Chen Rui is really kind. "The Heart of the Holy Spirit" is very taboo, and there is no circle. "The last time I said to Raphael in the Holy Mountain, Snowdale may become a bargaining chip for us... Snowdale can give you, but I want the Shadow Ice Spring."

"Why do I believe that Snowdale is innocent?"!

Raphael’s words didn’t go any further, because he had already seen the snow dalai flower that appeared in Chen Rui’s hands. He could feel that the “freshness” of the flower was just taken from the tree!

"Is this enough to prove that the snowy tree is still under my control? Rafael adults?" Chen Rui deliberately emphasized the word "control", meaning very simple, you can control the survival of the snowy tree at any time. .

"Hey!" Raphael looked at the snowy flower. "You want the Shadow Ice Spring, but you must hand over one..."

"Who said that?" Gabriel’s cold voice cut off Raphael’s words. “Raphael, need me to remind you specifically? Here is the Black Prison Desert, I am Sharon!”

"But you are also Gabriel!" Raphael seemed to want to attack and endured. "The past things have passed. We don't have to lie in front of outsiders. The holy mountain is also your foundation, the snowy tree. It must be recovered."

Chen Rui’s heart is moving. It seems that the Supreme Three Angels are not monolithic, or that Gabriel’s coming to the Hells Desert is not just for “testing”, it is definitely related to certain things that happened in the past.

Gabriel did not argue with Rafael again, turning his head to Chen Rui: "I only have one condition. If you don't agree, then even if you destroy the snowy tree, don't even want to get the phantom fountain."

Chen Rui heard the tone of the word, and the brow was slightly wrinkled: "What conditions?"

"The generation of the Phantom Ice Spring is still three years old. Three years later, you bring the snowy tree..." Gabriel's mouth sings a strange arc: "Come to the Holy Mountain Trading."

Bright mountain!

Raphael was about to speak, and when he heard this condition, his eyes suddenly turned on.

Chen Rui's frowning brows, Gabriel actually proposed such a condition, the trading place is the nest of the bright church!

It is likely that there will be more than Gabriel or Raphael, and Michael!

The Supreme Three Angels are coming out, are you still lucky?

"Do you have this guts?" Gabriel's eyes are closed, but Chen Rui has a feeling that the strange silver-red eyes are watching him in the soul with a hint of inexplicable sneer.

Chen Rui was a little addicted and suddenly smiled: "I promise you."

He is not a big man of self-righteousness, but he is told by the waters of the people. Whenever there are secrets of the six elemental kings, or what happens after the original source fragments, the water element king is in the first place. He has to go to this place in the waters of the Red Sea.

The phantom ice spring, the willingness to win.

In three years, it was much longer than the three-month period when it was hostile to Satan. The danger in three years may be even greater, but he has now gradually realized the many mysteries of the Purple Emperor - I believe that three years later. He will be much stronger than it is now.

Raphael’s heart was so happy that it was Gabriel’s grasp of the soft underbelly of the other party and the conclusion of such a deal! As long as this guy has the guts to come to the holy mountain, even if the ability is strange again, facing the three angels together, it is absolutely not spared.

The last time the Son's incident was only a momentary, some mistakes, he certainly will not commit again.

"Good!" Gabriel felt Chen Rui's self-confidence. It didn't seem to be too much surprise. He slowly nodded.

"Don't let me down, I don't know the name of the guy, but I'm not interested in knowing it," Rafael's mouth sneered: "If there are other guests, the bright mountain will be equally welcome."

"For the wise and wise Rafael, I am still called 'Arthur, better," Chen Rui stunned Rafael's painful foot and gave him a scornful smile: "But There are a lot of people who want me to live this life, just because of you... I have to line up."

Laughing, Chen Rui’s figure disappeared into the door of the stars.

Hearing the unscrupulous contempt in laughter, Raphael pinched his fist. For many years, he has been high above, worshipped by countless believers, and mentioned to the Supreme Third Angel Raphael, who is not in awe, why has it been like this? The humiliation, but also a "rat" far less powerful than his!

"Arthur?" This strange name made Gabriel "see" Rafael an "eye."

Of course, Raphael would not mention the "Sacred Child Incident" that made him a life-like shame. He snorted and opened the subject: "Gabriel, there have been many things happening in the Holy Mountain. You still go back as soon as possible. At that time, this guy is also likely to come together with you, you can just settle with her the grievances of the I have my own plans, I don’t need to talk about you.” Gabriel’s icy voice suddenly A special meaning, "You still worry about yourself."

"Worried about myself?" Rafael felt a devastating force rushing over and wrapped the entire projection.

This projection is for communication purposes. Without a little resistance, it suddenly turns into particles and quickly begins to dissipate. Raphael felt that it was not the hand listed in the list, but the guy who disappeared, and even after leaving, he could make such a strange blow!

In the face of Gabriel, actually...

This is equal to another slap in the face.

"Damn ······" Raphael’s gnashing of the teeth has not been finished, and the entire phantom is dissipated in the air.

"Hunting!" At this moment, the sneer on Gabriel's face is more gloating.

Wind Shadow Boots Skills "Catch the Shadow" - Lock the target, regardless of the distance, can launch an attack, lock the aging for three minutes.

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