Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 115: Gambling win

The smog of the smectite spurted out a lot of white smoke, and it was like a living person who made a scream. The two Bannack’s faces became pale, and they screamed in the same screams, even the weapons in their hands. When it was released, the two avatars gradually became a single person, but the figure was constantly embarrassing and seemed extremely unstable.

Chen Rui’s shoulder-embedded sickle disappeared, leaving only the handle of the ōng mouth. He didn’t hesitate to fight. He concentrated on all the star power, and screamed in the sound, the broken knife continued to move, just a few short breaks. I don't know how many records I have.

The light of the palm gradually disappeared, and the star power of Chen Rui’s eruption was almost exhausted. He gasped in a big mouth. If it was not the “star” and “leading spirit”, he was afraid of being injured. He grabbed the long handle of the sickle, biting his teeth, and splashing the blood in the blood. He pulled out the sickle. The outbreak of the state had already exhausted his remaining Lilang, only the body was weak, standing unstable, and a political fall. At the ground. He reluctantly moved his body and drank a bottle of healing potion, which finally stopped bleeding.

The smoke of the white sè was gradually exhausted, and Bannak’s body stopped the swaying of the shackles. It seemed to be the last force to ask: "How do you know..."

The answer makes Bannak very speechless: "I guess."

Chen Rui was extremely hurt, and even smiled and touched the wound. The eyes flashed with a bright color: this battle, gambling won!

"Not reconciled..." Bannak said three words, his body suddenly divided into several paragraphs and fell to the ground.

Chen Rui understands why Bannak is not reconciled. As a high-level demon of ordinary blood, it is hard to catch a glimpse of the power of the realm of the demon king. It can be regarded as a thousand-year-old sentiment, but he died here and died in a strength. Weaker than the hands of his opponents.

This battle, winning is very lucky.

The state’s talent, Chen Rui, was indeed betting. The first time he saw Bannack’s use of the avatar, it was in the battle with Bao Liulux. At that time, the situation was very critical, so Bannak had no time to cover up. The light. Bao Liu and Lax also did not pay attention, but Chen Rui, as a bystander, was keenly aware of this. When Bannak’s broken arm and two bodies were combined, the twine glowed again, and the broken arm was separated. After being merged into the ontology, there is nothing wrong with it.

At that time, Chen Rui confirmed that Bennak's avatar was closely related to the spar. When Bannak started his avatar skills, he deliberately rotated the sickle to cover up the spar, which made him more confirm this.

However, the count can't keep up with the changes. Chen Rui's original intention is to destroy Bannak's avatar skills. After the destruction of the smectite, the damage suffered by Bannak is still beyond his expectation, and this is a decisive decision. Kill this strong enemy.

If Bannak is only a weapon damage, then Chen Rui has to launch the "Dark Will" to transfer the number of the other party's most powerful skills, the next time in the battle, the grasp has increased a lot.

When the breeze blows, Chen Rui feels dizzy in his mind. He has been relying on the strength of the will to overcome the strong enemy and gradually dissipate.

The injury suffered this time was even heavier than the one that was in the dark moon city and Mikas. After that, after the advanced dilemma, it was mainly the trauma and the slogan. Now it is the internal diplomacy. And the amount of blood loss is very great, even if you drink a cure, you can only stop bleeding, can not make blood.

Chen Rui’s gaze began to falter, and a strong tiredness of the stocks continued to hit, and even the power to hide Bannak’s body was gone.

The place where he fought with Banak is very close to the avenue. Now the sky is already bright. If you stay here, you will definitely be discovered. This is the devil world, and it is a strange yīn shadow empire. He doesn’t think he has luck. Good-hearted devotees.

Just before the consciousness was completely blurred, Chen Rui started... "The will of the dark."

Tired, very tired.

When can we end this danger and live a truly peaceful life?

The current wish, or the original...return to the ground world?

It seems that I have not experienced the true sunshine in my memory for a long time...

Does the ground world of this plane have that kind of warm sunshine?

In the middle of it, he seems to see Athena.

A little funny face, with a brilliant glow behind it.

It turned out that the sun is around.

As long as there is her place, there is warmth.

There is sunshine in her place.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Rui opened his eyes.

The first reaction was a surprise.

Both hands and feet are worn with a kind of shackles. This translucent enamel is dark gold, faintly revealing complex symbols, like a natural texture, should be some kind of ingenious magic array. This scorpion has a special power, which makes his star power completely imprisoned and basically loses combat power.

In fact, even if you can't help but swear, Chen Rui's injury is greatly weakened. He tried it. The magic of imprisonment is star power, but it cannot limit the aura skills, such as the analytical eye and camouflage. His face still maintains the appearance of "Earth Chen Rui" under the influence of "disguise", but he does not know how much aura is wasted in the fainting.

Chen Rui remembered that he had killed Bennak. Before he was faint, he was found to have discovered the transmission function of the dark will. But this time the goddess of fortune did not care for him. Instead, it was a moldy god, and was discovered and imprisoned.

To make matters worse, the escape ring on the ring finger of the left hand is "the dark will", disappeared!

This is a big problem.

Chen Rui carefully looked at the surrounding scenes. He is currently in a closed hall. The walls are lined with bright magic lights. I don't know whether it is day or night. There were two mìng veiled women next to him, and when he saw him waking up, one person said: "Sally, this guy woke up and immediately reported to Mrs. Delia."

Sally responded and immediately turned and walked toward the hall. The eyes of the analysis showed that the races of the two shì women were big demons, and the level of strength was...

These two shì women are human forms, that is, the great devil of the mutated blood, and the high-order demon, but the identity is only shì female!

Chen Rui sat up and tried to ask: "Excuse me, where is this place?"

The shì woman said coldly: "No more nonsense, you don't need to ask questions. When a lady comes, she only needs to answer honestly, maybe she can keep a small life."

Where is this lady sacred? Even the shì women who are even under the hands are mutated high-order devils!

Chen Rui is completely unfamiliar with the yīn shadow empire. Now the dark will should have fallen into the hands of the other party, and his own power has been imprisoned. He can only try to save his life.

Soon, footsteps came and a woman appeared in front of Chen’s nose.

This woman is slender, white skin, blue hair and long hair in the back of her head, face véng veil, can only see the moving blue eyes, tight clothes without deliberate violence, but can be bump The key parts of the show are fully displayed, and the hand-picked room reveals a kind of hooking hún魄.

The data displayed by the Analytical Eye is a jealous royal family. Comprehensive strength assessment C. Unclear, unclear, unclear, and agile.

Jealous royal family! Devil King Power!

The ruler of the yīn empire is the surname of Asmode... "Yuwang" royal family, such as the first beautiful woman Catherine Asmode, instead of the "Jealous" royal family of Leviathan's surname!

Like the "lazy" royal family of Luo Méng, the "Jealous" royal family who once ruled an empire has long since fallen. It seems that this lady is a descendant of the jealous royal family and is attached to the yīn empire for survival.

"Adult." shì female line a gift.

"Emma, ​​put him on the chair, then go in and guard Sally with Sally. Remember, unless the young lady comes out, in any case, can't leave, can't be disturbed."

Emma replied, pulled Chen Rui up on the seat, smashed and walked into the hall.

After Emma entered, the lady’s gaze fell on Chen Rui’s body.

"Do you want to die happily, or are you slowly tortured to death?" The slightly hoarse voice sounded up, and with the temperament of the hustle and bustle, it showed a special sense of xìng, but the meaning in the words made People are cold.

Chen Rui secretly smiled, the state still seems to politely give a seat, now an opening is terrible?

"I want to live."

The lady suddenly laughed, and the laughter of xìng was full of Sen cold and hatred.

"I introduce myself, my name is Delia. In the emperor, many people call me, the poisonous spider. Do you know the poisonous spider of the devil? For the male, even if it is the object of mating, the female xijng can not hesitate. Eat it down. So for men, I generally don't like to stay alive."

Chen Rui asked her to meet her, and did not know where the inexplicable hatred came from, hating all men? Yīn 狠 sinister, the lady of the poisonous spider is as famous as the name.

Devil-level strength is terrible, but that kind of hatred is even more terrible.

Chen Rui was secretly shocked, but there was no more engineering association to associate with more. The most urgent task was how to survive in the hands of this inexplicable and terrible woman.

Live first, then say other.

"But your luck today is good, I am in a good mood...", Delia's gaze has returned to a faint charm: "So, now, truthfully, maybe you really have a way to live."

Nowadays, the situation is stronger than the Chen Rui always has a lot of tricks, and can't display it for a while, just nod.

"your name."

"Li Cha." The name is just to reverse the words of Chen Rui and change the pronunciation. Chen Rui does not dare to use the name of Akulie.

“Where are you coming from? What are you going to do?”

"I came from Leia Town and wanted to go to the Imperial City. I encountered a fight on the road. As a result, I was chased and killed. I woke up and found it here."

Chen Rui carefully answered, feeling that this Delia's voice is getting softer and softer, more and more intimate, as if a vortex full of yòuhuò, obviously knows that it is dangerous to enter, but still can not resist, the moth is slow like a fire. Slowly got stuck.

At this time, in the right eye of Delia Lake Blue sè, the strange light is slowly emerging.

Chen Rui knows that there is a difference, but the words have begun to be controlled by the will and gradually fall into the rhythm of the other party.

Than: I still have a busy day tomorrow, and I will recover two days later.

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