Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1187: obligation

After the two sides saw the ceremony, Queen Lifu fell on Chen Rui's body.

Chen Rui smiled: "As you can see, Liv's majesty, this way, is only more convenient."

Queen Liv’s decapitation: “Please come with my Highness.”

Chen Rui knows that Queen Lifu definitely wants to ask about the tree of nature, and her eyes turn: "Liv, what is Ms. Qi Lanya?"

"Qi Lanya adults?" Liv Queen, a glimpse, "She is one of the hosts of the New Moon Festival, just at the scene of the ceremony, is it necessary for her Highness to ask her to discuss?"

"No, my sorrow misunderstood what I meant, except that I had listened to His Highness Spence and wanted to see her."

Qi Lanya is the top figure on the black list of Melia. When the fairy dragon listens to the name, the pointed elf ears suddenly stand up. Span didn't think that Chen Rui would say this, and glanced at the son-in-law. Chen Rui simply copied the secret father of the father-in-law and looked at him dumbly.

In fact, Span has already understood the meaning of the son-in-law. Some things will be taken up by the son-in-law, and I don’t want him and Meliya to get involved. Elf Wang Laozhang thought about it and finally nodded.

Queen Liv thought a little, and did not reluctantly: "Hispan, then please take care of yourself."

Chen Rui looked at Lola and gestured to Miss Fairy Dragon to take care of the half-elf when necessary. Lola slightly daggers. She and Chen Rui have the same mind. Sometimes they don't even have to talk to the heart, and one eye can understand each other's meaning.

"Well, you and the elf little beautiful girl go to the private meeting, let's go to the new moon festival, be careful. Don't make a mistake, otherwise I will report it to Athena." ..." Lalaria took Lola and Alice and headed for the other side.

The half-elf Tylos behind him heard the cold sweat. Dare to call the Elf Queen as "Little Beauty Girl" and say such a wonderful language of the elves, I am afraid that it is unprecedentedly unique, even if the Elf King is not so fierce!

Chen Rui can only smile, and apologetically said to Queen Liv: "Please forgive, Liv, kneel, don't ignore the gibberish guy. She is used to it, only a few days in the Dragon Valley, it stirred up Overwhelming, almost all the dragons were knocking and drumming when they left. Fortunately, the scourge left."

The original Liv Queen also had some unsatisfactory looks. When she heard Chen Rui say this, she asked with amazement: "What is she?"

"The future of another world is the Dragon King." Chen Rui shook his head and mourned for the future of Long Island.

"Another world?" Liv's gaze was a little more profound. "I just followed you and Span's Highness... How many of them are real elves?"

"If the squat refers to the 'real' elf, then only the next one of Span..." Chen Ruiyi smiled: "I have no intention of offending the elves, but it is just the meeting, and my friend wants to see the new fairy." The moon festival is all."

The two chatted and entered a palace.

Queen Liv waved her hand. All the attendants and guards retreated to the outside of the hall.

"His Highness, please sit down." Queen Liv sat down. "First of all, thank you for your preservation of the Tree of Nature in the past few years."

Chen Rui looked at the words and asked: "Do you need me to explain why the tree of nature is overdue?"

"I got the answer in the early days of the Eleuther. Although the Prophet did not specifically explain the reason. But as the Elf Queen, I still choose to believe in the judgment of the adult of Eleuther."

"Even if the fate of the elves survived in the hands of a human being?"

"Ell Lucer is the guide of the elves and the highest mentor of all elves. With his help. The elves have spent countless terrible crises over the years to prosper and develop to this day." There is no hesitation in the tone: "Although many elves, including me, still do not understand the intentions of the prophets, no one has publicly raised objections. Moreover, His Highness is not an ordinary human being. Can be at the highest The three angels Raphael's hands are easy to escape... I am glad that such a false **** is the hero of my elves rather than the enemy."

“It seems that Ms. Qi Lanya has already reported what happened on the ceremony of the Holy Seal of the Holy Mountain to the Majesty.”

"Please rest assured that there is no fourth elf to know except the adults of Ai Lusier, Qi Lanya and me."

“Reassured?” Chen Rui shook his head: “Just some... well, this is not mentioned.”

Of course, Queen Liv does not want to expose the relationship between Chen Rui and the elves, and attracts revenge from the sacred mountains. Even if there is a prophet of unidentified Aunt Lucille, it is not the opponent of the three supreme angels.

However, the Elves Queen did not know that what she knew was only the strength of Chen Rui several years ago. Now the personal strength of the "Heroic King" and the strength of the hand at hand are enough to compete against all the Supreme Angels. Of course, Chen Rui did not explain too much. After thinking about it, he released the smell of a natural tree: "So, do you need me to return the holy tree to the elves?"

"Too good, I can't think of a few years, the atmosphere of the tree of nature has reached such a degree! It is worthy of His Royal Highness," Queen Liv said the color of surprise, and then frowned again: "Just Eurel The grown up once told me that it is not the right time to return the holy tree. Your Highness is here..."

"There are two things to come this time." Chen Rui opened his eyes and said his own intentions: "The first thing, I need five rainbow calla lilies and one ice cream, please help me; the second thing, I I want to see you again, see the Prophet Eleuther."

Queen Liv indulged in a moment and replied: "The rainbow calla lily is rare, but there is a secret library in the silver moon fairy. I will choose the best of the five best in a while, just the ice..."

"Is there any difficulty with Ice Cream?"

"Bingzhi has a special enchantment and repair power, compared with the rainbow calla lily, it is not particularly rare, there are many in the original jade forest. But in the past two thousand years, in order to seal the holy infected by the abyss The trees, the ice cherries in the jade forest, were picked up by the elves. They are used to continually reinforce the seals of the trees. Only one of the psychedelic forests of the Eleurs is the only one in the entire jade forest. A known strain. This iceberg is not simple. It has been nearly 30,000 years old and is the treasure of Ai Lusier. However, the adult of Eleuther just closed the psychedelic forest and announced that he was not seen. Any foreign guests."

Chen Rui frowned. "Don't see a foreigner? I don't think it's a 'outsider'. Is this title of "Elf King" just an empty title with no practical value?"

"His Royal Highness misunderstood, even the only pro-disciple of Eurex, and the only daughter, Qi Lanya, could not see him."

"If I don't see Eleuther, I naturally don't have to follow the commission he told Fenoa to tell. The tree of nature I will return to the elves now, and I will have any relationship with Jade Linhai."

For Chen Rui, Bingzhi is inevitable, and Ai Lusier must also see and see the mystery of "that person" and get rid of the safety risks in the body as soon as possible. However, with the return of the tree of nature to threaten the Empress Queen, Chen Rui inevitably has a sense of absurdity.

"For all the elves of Xiandu, returning to the blessing of the holy tree. It is the greatest hope, but..." Liv, a singer, immediately smiled and said: "I don't know how to describe my current mood... ... In fact, Master Eleuther has also told me that if you are affected by certain irresistible factors, those who want to see him can try to enter the psychedelic forest directly."

“Direct ‘enter’? I understand.” Chen Rui’s eyes groaned. “Right. I still have a question. What is the level of the strength of the adult of Eleuther?”

"The strength of the prophet is a secret. I only know that when the tree of nature was infected 20,000 years ago. The Supreme Three Angels wanted to destroy the tree of nature to stop the trouble, but gave up the intention under the block of the prophet."

Let the Supreme Three Angels give up their intentions? Chen Rui thought for a while and nodded. "Thank you."

"His Royal Highness, I will send someone to open the secret library to retrieve the rainbow calla lily. Since the secret library protection has been completely closed before the new moon festival, it will take some time to reopen it. Your Highness may wish to visit the Elf family's new moon first. Festival."

Chen Rui shrugged and deliberately said: "Isn't it that only the special guests invited can participate? So I was forced to become an elf..."

Queen Liv smiled thoughtfully: "His Royal Highness is a human being, but it is also the hero king of the elves. It is admired by all the elves... No need for any invitation. Even if your other three companions are brought by Hispane. , then... half-elf? Isn’t the power of His Royal Highness the privilege of the Elf King?”

"At that time, perhaps I found out the existence of a so-called elf king 'heroic king'." Chen Rui took a deep breath, "As for helping Tyros, just because I suddenly remembered a half-elf friend who was no longer there. And already."


If he can come back again, Chen Rui will choose to leave her with Yin Yue Xian Du, so that the tragedy will not happen.

Queen Liv, of course, knows who the "semi-elf" friends Chen Rui said sighed.

"Another time, let the 'Heroic King' have a sense of existence in the Master of Tallinn in Jakarta, I killed the Elder Elder and his half-elf illegitimate son Aldo in the face of the elf elder Dursa. I believe this is already known."

Chen Rui looked up at the bright sky: "I said a few words before I started. I may be weak, maybe poor, maybe low status, maybe ugly, but in front of life, you and I are equal. I am not despicable, and you are not noble. When you think you are noble, in fact, you are the most despicable existence."

What Queen Lif had wanted to say, when she heard this, she suddenly silenced.

"To help the half-elves today, including killing Hero and Riordo at that time, I don't think I am abusing the privilege of the elf hero, but the obligation to perform this honor." Chen Rui looked deeply. Queen Liv looked at it and did not say more. She walked straight out of the hall. (To be continued.)

Ps: Go to Jinbianxi in the morning, then return to the hotel for dinner. Then I took a car for more than five hours and rushed from Zhangjiajie to Changsha. It was already night after dinner, and I had to go through the draft again. ,too tired.

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