Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 1193: Shock

The eyes of all the elves are gathered over the silver moon, and every elf knows that the seemingly transparent sky is covered with a very strong enchantment. It is the center of Yinyue Xiandu, and it is also the strongest enchantment. Even a powerful super-strong powerhouse, don't want to break through the enchantment easily. However, the beam of light of the silver cloud came down without much effort.

For a time, the atmosphere became tense.

Haven't waited for the semi-god strongmen such as Span, Qi Lanya, and Dursa, and the light column has fallen on the ground, showing three figures.

Two men and one woman.

In front is a burly man, blonde white robe, and awesome.

Behind it was a man and a woman, dressed in white robes, the facial features were slightly blurred, the man’s eyes were light, and the woman closed her eyes.

The feelings of the three men to the elves are unfathomable, especially the one man and one woman behind, which exudes an inexplicable invisible pressure. Just a glance, there is a feeling of looking up.

"Carmel!" Qi Lanya blurted out.

The elves were taken aback, and it turned out to be the strongest peak and half god, the bright mountain octagonal angel Carmel!

The burly man at the front of the head nodded slightly: "Miss Qi Lanya."

Qi Lanya’s eyes passed over a man and a woman behind her, and she faintly guessed a few points. Her heart grew more and more shocking. She said in a calm tone: “Lord Carmel, Guangming Mountain and Yinyuexian have always been friendly. Relationship, now the most sacred new moon festival for the elves, and the three directly broke into the enchantment. Don’t you feel too rude?”

"The rudeness. Please forgive me." Carmel apologized in his mouth, but did not apologize in his tone. "To introduce to you, these two are the two most supreme angels of my bright sacred mountains. Gabriel adults and Raphael adults!"

This introduction shocked the whole city, the prestige of the world's three strongest peaks, the brightest holy mountain to the high three angels, actually came two!

Such a strong peak is no longer able to win by number. If the other party comes with hostility, I am afraid that all the elves will not be spared.

"The New Moon Festival of the Elves?" Raphael, a light-faced look, squinted, gliding over Lalaria and staying in Alice for a while. "I actually invited a guest with such a dark atmosphere? These two people, one is a black dragon, the other... should be a demon! Is the elf family already trusted in the devil?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the people were stunned, and their eyes were concentrated on Lalalia and Alice.

Altani listened to the "elf girl" beside the black dragon, suddenly surprised, want to stay away from La Laria, but the half elf shook her head and gestured calm.

Michelle is also awkward. I stared at the new friend Alice.

"The arrow..." Raphael’s attention was suddenly drawn to the past by the arrow on the ground that smashed the mysterious bow and tore the enchantment. It seemed to see something incredible, slightly moving, "The arrow Part! Is it..."

"The wings of Michael." Gabriel, whose eyes have been closed, has already spoken.

The elves were shocked again. The arrow that Farer called the "evil" was made with the wings of Michael the highest, the wings of Michael!

No wonder there is such power!

"Mike's feathers are very rare? Just play some auxiliary functions." The arrow blinked into the hands of a person. The voice is with awe-inspiring embarrassment, "Raphael. For your feathers, I still can't look at my eyes!"

The elves who had been shocked and almost numb were once again shocked. Someone dares to speak to the supreme angel Raphael!

This person is a "senior" to be won by Elder Farle.

Rafael was shocked and didn't notice the existence of this person before!

Even if I found a little girl with a hint of darkness behind the man! This is not a simple negligence, but a manifestation of a special power. What surprised Raphael most is the appearance of this "elf"!

"It's you!" Raphael finally couldn't keep it light, this face, he would never forget it!

At the ceremony of the Son, this man fooled everyone, including himself, and finally escaped with his Mozu woman in his hands.

A few years later, this person was again, came to the holy mountain, in the ten-minute battle, he almost died under the other hand!

This person is not just "Arthur" or "He"!

Gabriel also moved slightly: "You are here!"

Faced with such rude provocation, the two supreme angels did not even take the shot, the tone and attitude were not the kind of high-spirited temperament, but a kind of reciprocal tone, which means that the "elf" has and they are right Waiting for strength!

Peak pseudo-god!

In addition to the mysterious legendary prophet, when did the elite have such a peerless power?

Farrell's face suddenly became pale, and he just said that he would take a peak pseudo-god!

"I am just... invited to the guests of the New Moon Festival." Chen Ruiyi smiled, his appearance changed rapidly, from "elf" to the original appearance of "Arthur", at the same time, Lalaria and Alice Disappeared and was included in the Fengxingtai.

After all, the opponents are Gabriel and Rafael, and even Lalaria can't afford the battle, let alone Alice.

It turns out that this person is not an elf! The elves face each other.

The arrowhead of the feather arrow was indeed the wing of Michael, or when he first met Michael in the same year, he fought in the battle between Michael and the cricket.

In addition to the wings of Michael, the material of this arrow is also a variety of rare materials including the branches of the natural tree. At that time, Chen Rui wanted to make an artifact, but it did not achieve the imaginary effect. This quality is far better than the general quasi artifact, and has a special "breaking domain" attribute of the arrow.

This arrow has a special penetrating power for all countries or fields. If it is not the strength of the half-elf, the previous arrow can completely defeat the enchantment of the competition. That way, Polo is really dead.

“Hey! The invited guests need to pretend to be elves?” Rafael sneered. “But I am not interested in knowing the purpose of your incorporation here. It’s just right. It’s a good idea for our account.”

Chen Rui’s simple sentence misleads Raphael’s judgment on the elves, and his face smiles: “How do you want to calculate this account? First, friendship reminds you. If you are alone, it is definitely not enough.”

Rafael looked back at Gabriel: "Gabriel, now is a very special period, let's take it together and take him down!"

This sentence makes the elves all move, the high-spirited angel Raphael, even openly proposed to join hands with Gabriel, and combine the power of two peaks to deal with this mysterious power!

The most shocked are the Queen Liv, Rambis and Qi Lanya, in the impression of the three. Although Chen Rui has the power of pseudo-god, but he can only barely escape in the hands of Raphael, but now Rafael's attitude shows that Chen Rui's strength has been keeping pace with it, and even surpassed it!

It turned out to be the peak of the gods... Liv Queen secretly smiled, if he is really an elf, so strong and the legendary prophet Ai Lucir, even if the elves have no additional ambitions, at least they can really enjoy under the blessing Peaceful life. of course. The Supreme Three Angels still have some jealousy about Eleuther. If there is no legendary prophet, I am afraid that the elf has already been destroyed.

Lan Bisi looked at Chen Rui, who faced the two peaks of false gods and talked and laughed, and slowly lowered his gaze. I don't know what I am thinking.

Gabriel has not answered Raphael’s proposal, and the female “elf” behind Chen Rui suddenly stepped forward. The elves didn't feel anything, and Rafael and Gabriel only felt a temperament. Camer, who was not aiming at the target, could not stand it and flew out. When standing, the column was unstable and fell down. The body trembled involuntarily.

"The peak of the gods!" Raphael's face changed slightly, blurted out.

"Isn't it?" Gabriel closed his eyes, but it was clear.

At the same time, the two high-spirited angels were shocked: "Beside him", in addition to the cockroaches, there was a peak and false god!

From this strength alone, it is enough to face the bright mountain!

"Or let me come." Chen Rui’s voice sounded, and the fairy dragon’s back glowed with purple starlight. The magnificence and temperament of the magnificent and elegant armor made the elves who loved beautiful things More and more awe, but also dumped.

"Well." Lola nodded obediently, shook Chen Rui's hand and stepped back. In fact, he secretly brewed his strength, ready to help the lover and protect his father.

"Don't help, don't you want a pair of two?" Rafael saw Chen Rui's plan. Twelve white wings appeared behind him, and the armor covered his body. "This is what I want, but I still send it." Give you four words, not self-reliant!"

Chen Rui does not bicker with Rafael, but walks step by step. The psychological tactics are important, but the real decisiveness is absolute strength. Every step he takes, the starlight behind him shines.

What Rafael did not expect was that Starlight not only locked himself, but also locked Gabriel. Is it really necessary to be an enemy?

Wait a this trick...

At this time, the vast and infinite star river behind Chen Rui has clearly appeared in the eyes of everyone. In the Milky Way, there are twenty constellations that are particularly eye-catching and exude a particularly bright radiance.

This scene of Raphael can be described as fresh in memory, his face suddenly changed - "He" actually applied this most terrible trick! The momentum of this move is obviously stronger than that of the last time in the battlefield of the ancient corner. Such a power, even if there is a near-indefinite light, I am afraid that I can't take it!

Let Raphael still stunned, the constellations began to overlap slowly, and the other side, the momentum that had thought that it had reached the limit, once again made a big leap. This kind of momentum is terrible... even if Michael is fully exerted "Glorious forgiveness" is also beyond the reach.

This person is too dangerous! How long has it been, the strength has risen to such a situation! (To be continued.)

Ps: There will be a rest on the last day, and I will go to work the day after tomorrow. Because I am on a Monday (return to Changsha from Changsha), I will continue to work hard tomorrow. Finally, I will say that everyone is really strong, although the ranking has dropped to 54, but before and after. Great God, if you accidentally kill God, okay...

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