Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 123: Artifact shadow cloak and dragon's lair character transmission

The strange thing is that with Bai Lu’s eyesight, it seems that Chen Rui and the tent behind him cannot be seen. It should be the wonderful effect of those metal totem poles.

Although Bailu couldn't see Chen Rui, but with some kind of induction of the nightmare, it was getting closer and closer to this side. Chen Rui squeezed a handful of sweat and dared not speak out. Finally, Bai Luo walked into the scope of the metal totem pole, and the six totem poles suddenly gave off a dazzling light, combining them into a symbol of a six-pointed star array.

In the six-pointed star array, every totem pole burned together, the flame of purple sè.

In the flame, the six flame-shaped purple sè big birds gradually became clear, and they screamed and screamed toward Bailuo.

Due to the relationship of the totem poles, Bailuo did not see the pillars, only to see the six purple sè big birds, he was shocked, his hands danced, a circle of transparent crystals from the cross, as if the barriers made of crystal, the body Wrapped up.

The purple bird screams with terrible power, but the seemingly magnificent and fragile crystal barrier is hard, but it can't be broken.

White night Sen cold sounds throughout the jungle: "Christina, you should know that this trick is impossible to deal with me, if you are smart, come out, I can guarantee not to hurt you. Or, I can also Her Majesty’s marriage proposes to make you my woman!”

The flames of the purple bird are even more blazing. The crystal barriers cannot last. The cracks appear under the rapid siege. The white nights slammed and the crystal barriers were removed. The big birds suddenly went up and turned into a purple light. The ball will wrap the night in the night.

For a moment, the ball of light began to hold back and began to tremble.

Daddy, Chen Rui felt a little breeze passing by, and when I looked back, the tent was gone. I saw a faint stream of light gliding into the purple sè light ball, wrapped in a black sè light outside, surrounded by the white night of the 〗 〖Central quickly spinning, the ground trembled, there was a deep bottom The crack is like an earthquake. Within a hundred meters of the square, there is no tree standing up, spinning around with broken sawdust, leaves and sand.

Chen Rui has already retired to a safe zone, and was surprised to see this visually stunning battle. This is not the world's computer special effects blockbuster, but the real power!

The black and purple light ball is getting more and more urgent, but the tremor is getting more and more intense. Just listening to a violent drink, there are countless cracks on the light ball, revealing the dazzling light of the red sè. The big birds are torn apart and fall to the ground. Become a broken totem metal column.

Christina wearing a cloak figure appeared next to Chen Rui, shaking y ù, Chen Rui quickly held it, only she felt gasping, the body trembled, seems to have been hit hard.

Bai Luo’s appearance also lost his calmness. The body of the silver sè was twisted and the cracked corner of the mouth had blood overflowing. His eyes have completely turned into black and black, which is the sign of the power of the nightmare. Holding a **** red sword in his hand.

Bai Luo's handsome face has long become distorted, full of suffocating tone reveals a rare shock: "Yīn shadow cloak! Actually is the highest artifact of yīn shadow royal family! Why can you use yīn shadow singer... Who are you? !"

The highest artifact of the royal family has an independent will, which is generally only recognized by the emperor or the highest master. For example, until now, the regent of the Angel Empire, the black king, did not receive the recognition of the sword of the angel. Of course, there are very few special cases in the history of the devil. This kind of person who is additionally recognized by the artifacts has become the true master of the artifact, the master of the royal family.

"Katherine's majesty kisses me yīn shadow cloak, you dare to attack me, and he is guilty of treason!" Christina's voice with a faint majesty, but because of the injury is not weak, it seems a little weak.

"Treasure is you! How can you use the yīn cloak of this kind of town artifact to others? It must be that you have stolen the artifact!" Bailuohe sè's eyes are full of yīn Sen's murder, "being the most underarm A trusted general, I vowed to kill the rebellion and take back the stolen artifact!"

Bai Luo’s attitude is still very tough, and he does not give Christina a place. Even Chen Rui has seen it, treason, and rebellion are just excuses, even if Christina is the empress of the white, she wants to get rid of her.

An imperial general, who dared to kill the royal family who the Queen trusted, Chen Rui did not know what was wrong, but it is certain that Bailuo will not leave any living, including him.

Christina didn't have much to say, and she took Chen Rui's arm. Chen Rui only felt that her hand had a medium-specific power, not only the body, but even the spirit hún was firmly stuck. I can’t get rid of it at all.

"Now, it's your luck."

Chen Ruiyi Jin, I only feel that there is one more thing in the palm of my hand, a ring.

The broken metal totem pole suddenly burst open, and the Bailuo cross sword protected the body. On the occasion of this delay, I saw that Christina and Chen Rui’s images suddenly became blurred and distorted.

He refused to take the impact of the explosion, and his foot was bombed. It had already appeared in front of the two people in an instant, and his blood was shining in his hand.

At this time, the dark will has been launched, and this sword is empty.

Bai Luo was furious, and the blood sword vented an irritating wave. The forest behind him was cut off and the whole jungle was ringing with the roar of Bai Luo.

At the beginning of the millennium, Chen Rui finally succeeded in launching the transmission function of "Dark Will", and together with Christina temporarily escaped the poisonous hand of Bailuo. Of course, this "joining"

The reason is that his arm was held "intimate" by Christina and could not break free.

After a dazzling dizzy, the two appeared in a strange place.

A large pool in front of the water, from the smell of water and the pungent smell around it can be judged that the pool contains highly toxic. On the shore of the pool, there is a tall, rare forest in the wetlands, and there is a green mist floating between the forests.

poison! Water, trees, fog, including the mud under the feet of both people, are poisonous!

However, what surprised Chen Rui most was that there were a lot of creatures in the forest and the pool, and there were also in the sky.

Green brown sè scales, huge membranous wings, sharp fangs, strong lower limbs.

This kind of creature Chen Rui is actually not familiar with it, the two-legged dragon!

There are dozens of them! Do not! More!

Although many flying dragons are outside the scope of the analytical eye, it can be seen from the appearance that most of them are not the juvenile Wyverns like the fierce or the bones, but the terrible Warcraft that already has mature power.

Chengdong’s Wyvern’s combat power is equivalent to a high-end demon, and the strength of the variant is even higher!

Chen Rui suddenly had the feeling of a declining possession. "From the time after the death of Bannak, it has been bad luck. First, a transmission hit the muzzle, and I finally met Dilua and saw escape. The hope of this is brought to the wet night by this noble woman who is so scary.

The night wetland ran into a terrible white Luo, and tried hard to get back the dark will, and then another transmission, actually went to the Wyvern's nest!

I remember that I wanted to flick the noble woman and said that I would like to come to the Wetland Wetland to capture the Wyvern. Now I am actually "1 fulfilled". Is this the legendary "personality"?

A two-legged dragon was keenly aware of the intruder and made an angry roar.

Christina wanted to hold Chen Rui away, and suddenly the body trembled more intensely, as if trying to control what, just holding Chen Rui's arm tightly and supporting the body.

It seems that just a battle with Bai Luo, the severity of the injury is still above imagination.

If the surrounding environment is not such an environment, Chen Rui can slowly taste the taste of intimate contact with this mysterious noble woman, but now he does not have such a mind at all, because the nearby Wyverns are more and more.

Chen Rui knows that the attack of the two-legged dragon is not arrogant. He hears the roaring meaning of the two-legged dragons through the eyes of the analysis: the invaders! Kill!

Christina shivered and took two walnut-sized metal **** from the space ring, trying to make a final stroke. If it is normal, even if there are more of these Wyverns, it will not be placed in her eyes, but now her strength has been greatly damaged." And the current situation is quite bad, it seems that the most fearful thing is happened.

At this moment, I saw that "Licha" gently broke her arm and whispered: "I am trying to attract their attention now, and you are sure to escape."

Christina’s slight shock, “Li Cha” and her, even if it’s not an enemy on the bright side, is not a friend. Even she has never let go of his killing. I don’t think this man controlled by her will be at this juncture. Speaking of this kind of words. She is self-sufficient in her mind, and she is completely unable to understand this practice.

If Chen Rui knows Christina’s feeling, “there will be a feeling of arrogance. From the beginning to the present, he has been suppressed by the mysterious woman with wisdom. Now I can finally make a step to let her understand. Chess.

In fact, Chen Rui's calculation is very simple, using analysis and communication with the two-legged dragon, it is impossible to try to escape, anyway, he has a special xìng. As for Christina’s departure, it would make him relieved. He would rather face this large group of Wyverns and would not want to face this intellectually enchanting woman.

Looking at Chen Rui alone to face the danger ~ ~ Christina suddenly had a strange feeling, although clearly know that this man may have other calculations, but this feeling is still involuntarily breeding. Probably because it is too busy on weekdays, this distant feeling seems to have been experienced for a long time.

When the two-legged dragons saw Chen Rui stepping forward, they surely gathered around him and made a fierce roar. Christina’s hand holding the ball was tight, and finally she did not leave: let’s see what the man had to figure out.

Chen Rui is also very nervous at the moment, and the poisons that are emitted from these two-legged dragons are over, and the strength is mostly. Level, equivalent to high-order demons, and even one or two levels equivalent to the devil king, in case of communication failure, I am afraid that even running away is a problem.

The eye of analysis is just the equivalent of a translator. Not all World of Warcraft is willing to accept friendship. It is a best example to face the infernal three-headed dog in Xiqiao Mountain.

The situation is not very good, although Chen Rui has already expressed his friendly attitude, but the information from the eyes of the analysis is the fierce and hostile hostility of the two-legged dragons, and is not moved by him.

This is also reasonable. How can a large group of lions accept sheep's compromises when facing sheep? @.

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