Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 143: Surprising! Magic fly that cannot communicate

However, Connor's sneer was quickly frozen on his face. One hand appeared in front of the target that the arrow was about to hit. The two fast-moving arrows were easily caught in the fingers and caught in the hands of the powerless human. .

In the blink of an eye, Connor only felt a sharp pain in his mouth. The whole person fell to the ground and did not respond. He had already been stepped on by the human being, and he could not produce the power of half-revolt.

"Say! How can we restore enchantment?"

"Damn!" Connor netted a sentence, and felt a breath, a terrible power of breath has enveloped himself, the body involuntarily trembled.

This is... at least the power of the high-level demon! Kangna’s big shock: This human being, which has always been considered to be powerless, hides such terrible strength!

"Speak out the way to restore enchantment! Also, who is your master! This is your only life-saving opportunity!"

Connor struggled without fruit, knowing that the strength of the two sides was too disparity, and did not ask for mercy. Instead, he made a fierce smile, and the eyes of the blue sè suddenly turned into silver sè, and the seven gongs also shone with silver. Chen Rui’s heart gave birth to a warning sign, and his body shape flashed. He saw Connor’s body bursting openly, and the silver light was over, and the upper and lower stone walls trembled fiercely, leaving countless dust.

The power of this kind of explosion, if it is not Chen Rui sees the machine early, even if it is the strength of the high-level demon, it will inevitably be injured. Connor has been smashed and broken, and nothing has been left. It is obvious that this is a dead man. In order to avoid spitting, he secretly squanders with secret methods.

At present, it is not the time to study the mysterious master of Connor. Chen Rui looked at the deep entrance and climbed without hesitation.

What about a single channel?

No matter what the danger, you must face it with her.

As she said: You are not alone.

Athena, hold on!

This channel is more tortuous than the imagination, and it seems that the gap between the upper and lower layers is far beyond imagination. The faint light of the magic light finally appeared under the channel, and Chen Rui quickly accelerated the movement.

At the moment of passing through the exit of the passage, Chen Rui felt that the body had passed through a layer of water and was excluded from the lower exit. He tried it and wanted to climb back from the original road. But no matter what method is used, it will always be bounced back by the b-like force. It seems that Conner’s destruction of the enchantment is true.

Anyway, find Athena first.

The light in the lower layer is very dark, the air is more humid, and the pungent smell is heard from time to time. Many magic lights have been destroyed. From time to time, you can see the cheekbones. Chen Rui thinks of Athena.

The heart was raised at once." From the nearby cross, it should be a miner.

The lighting ring in his hand gave off a strong light, although it is likely to become the goal of Warcraft, but can not care so much, and shouted with great strength: "Athena! Athena!"

In this way, with the help of the magic compass, Chen Rui quickly ran forward, constantly testing various paths, shouting the name of Athena loudly in the mouth, and the voice along the way continued to return.

There seemed to be a response from the front. Chen Rui quickly stepped up and saw a black shadow flashing in front of the passage, making a "squeaky" sound, and even the nearby magic lights became flickering under the occlusion of a large number of black shadows. The eyes of the analysis show: bloodthirsty monsters, comprehensive strength.

It turned out to be the voice of this group of magic flies!

The comprehensive strength is only a middle-class demon, but the number is very amazing. The eyes of the analysis are all, and..., Chen Rui thinks that Conner has said that the attacking of the lower miners is a kind of fly-like strange creature that can bring the body. The flesh and blood are sucking up, and it must be this bloodthirsty monster.

The magic fly probably has the size of a fist, and it is particularly ugly under the light of the lighting ring. It even ignores the threat of high-level demon level power that he deliberately released, and rushes over.

Chen Ruiyi is going to boxing. He is currently the equivalent of the high-level demon of the peak. The power of comprehending the self-angering sea is exerted. The strength of a bōb turbulent force jīdàng" where the middle of the devil's magic flies are falling, Falling. But these moths are tough and have no death or loss of combat power. After a while, they flew back from the ground and continued to encircle. It was impossible to kill.

Because the fly flies are flying in the air, Chen Rui’s attack is difficult to compact. Unless they are directly hit, or they are forced to step on the ground, they will not be able to completely eliminate this troublesome “fly”.

Chen Rui tried to communicate with the bloodthirsty flies with the eyes of analysis, but what surprised him was that the eyes of the analysis actually failed! This magical skill that can communicate with Warcraft has always been unsatisfactory. Now it is completely ineffective against bloodthirsty demons, as if these terrible flies that devour flesh and blood are not self-conscious living creatures.

Chen Rui was worried about the safety of Athena, and did not bother to explore the reasons for the failure of the analytical eye. All the way, the fist wind continued to open the magic fly and rushed into the front channel.

After this long passage, there is a three-mouthed mouth in front of him. Chen Rui does not know how to choose. There are many magic flies in front of him, and the speed of flying behind is very fast, and he also follows up. The flies, while shouting the name of Athena.

The appearance of the magic fly made Chen Rui's heart more anxious. When she thought that Athena might encounter the huge danger of unknown, a heart would almost jump out of her throat: If she really had something wrong, Chen Rui would have spent the rest of his life. Can't forgive yourself.

Finally, there was a vague response from the channel on the right. Although it was very slight, Chen Rui felt very keen and listened to his ear. This time it seems that it is not the voice of the magic fly. Immediately, the spirit is great, and he even punches and rushes to the right intersection.

In front of you can already hear the sound of jī, Chen Rui shouted again: "Athena!

"I am here!" It was the voice of Athena. The spirit of Chen Rui was greatly enhanced. The whole body of star power suddenly rose to the apex, and the magic flies along the way were flew.

Chen Rui rushed all the way, turned a few turns, and finally, saw the light in a relatively large hall, it is the light of the magic fire.

In the magic fire is Athena, which has become a battle form. The leather armor of the body has been damaged. The giant sword in the hands is constantly waving, and the three strange creatures of the size of the brain are fighting.

There are also a large group of gray méngméng shadows, which should be bloodthirsty monsters.

Fortunately! She is still fine!

Chen Rui’s hanged heart finally let go, only a strong joy and jì rushed to the heart, the whole body of the star force jīdàng澎湃, the demonized devil flies have been forced by the invisible force.

There is also a fast-moving translucent shadow next to Athena, which is constantly thrown away by the close flies, which should be lost. Behind her, there are still a few strange creatures, leaning against the wall behind them, forming a half circle, and also fighting against the magic fly, it seems to be a united war with Athena. These creatures are wearing simple armor. The female body, the lower body is a snake body with a light green sè, the first few holding stone short knives and shields, dispelling the bloodthirsty devil flies, and one holding a bow and arrow behind, from time to time to fight against Athena Only a big magic fly. There are several corpses lying on the ground, there are devils, there are also snakes and women.

Medusa! Chen Rui thought of a legendary kind of intelligent Warcraft, a female body snake, and used bows and arrows. Most Medusa also has the ability to petrify the enemy. This kind of Warcraft is also one of the underground Warcraft that harms the mine. It just doesn't know why it is standing on the side with Athena. It is likely that it has formed an alliance because of the common enemy magic fly.

"Athena, hold on, I am coming!" This thought just flashed through Chen Rui's heart, and there was no stop at all, and it was already close.

Athena's big sword had already begun to stagnate. As soon as she heard Chen Rui's voice, her heart had a strong and unpredictable increase in strength, and it became swift and powerful.

The number of magical flies in the hall is extremely large, and it is found that Chen Rui, who is surrounded by Qi, is a creepy scream.

"Be careful!" Axi, who knew the power of these magic flies, was in a hurry, but was entangled in the three big magical flies and could not get out.

Chen Rui's 〖 body〗 jīdàng's star power has been upgraded to the extreme, the new comprehension of the dilemma peak power burst out, the mind has moved, the palm has a faint light, the broken Yuan knife has been launched, shouted: "Zhen Yuanxiao !"


The group attack skill in the state of breaking the Yuan knife can make all the hostile creatures within a radius of five meters instantaneously be divided by the high speed of the knife gas. In addition to the cost of star power, it also consumes an additional a hundred.

In an instant, within five meters, all the blood-thirsty demons have suffered high-speed cutting of numerous sharp forces. Each body has a faint knives flashing, as if one text, "text" disappears. Time is the end of life. These extremely life-threatening bloodthirsty minions were smashed into countless granules under the power of the annihilation, and it was raining.

In addition to the yīn rain jungle at the time to deal with the lost body Chen Rui is the first time in the actual combat of a large number of enemies to display the "killing Yuan" this group attack skills, bloodthirsty magic fly is not lost The undead body, the body that was completely shattered can no longer be resurrected, and it seems quite effective.

The bloodthirsty minions did not fear because of the death of their companions, and they still rushed to get up. The warning of destroying Yuanxiao is to attack all hostile creatures within a radius of five meters. Chen Rui does not know whether this kind of attack will intelligently identify friendly friends. He dare not be too close to Athena, but the magic shadows that are rushing will naturally be polite. After using the speed to concentrate the number of the flies to a certain extent, the annihilation is again issued.

The extra-energy consumption of "Mengyuan" is very small, only one hundred, and the loss of the star power is several times that of the broken yuan knife. However, this powerful group attack skill is quite obvious.

After several consecutive kills of the Yuanxiao, only a small part of the bloodthirsty magic fly in the hall was left.

The three big monsters have already seen this dangerous person. One of them has fallen down on Athena and flew toward Chen Rui, which is several times faster than those bloodthirsty moths!

Race: Poisonous fly. Comprehensive strength assessment:

Corresponding to the high-level demon level of the poisonous magic fly! @.

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