Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 161: critical! Mobile land king court

Facing the enemy of immortality, the strength of Soge and Tag has already spent most of the time. Hearing Chen Rui’s words, he did not hesitate to display the strongest attack. Under the joint force, he defeated the demon fly again. .

Just as the worm broke into crystals, the lost mouth suddenly became bigger. Under the command of Chen Rui, many pieces were swallowed up quickly. The change in debris is. When you stop, you stop eating.

The demon snakes are once again combined into the original state, but the body is already smaller, and the strength is obviously weakened. It seems that this method is quite effective, and Soge and Tag are not happy.

Under this constant consumption tactic, the power of the demon fly is getting weaker and weaker. As imagined, it can't escape the scope of the fountain of life. It can only watch its body be eaten, and its strength is also The Great Devils level all the way down, and when they finally reached the high-end demon, they were swallowed and thrown away.

An unwilling and screaming screaming was extinguished in the mouth of the lost and closed, and the amoeba was bitterly faced. There seemed to be some slight explosion in the bag of green onion. Chen Rui worriedly asked: "Is there a feeling? abnormal?"

The amoeba was full, and the answer made Chen Rui a bit speechless: "The taste is too bad."

After the demon fly was destroyed, the center of the pit began to overflow with water, and it stopped when it spread to nearly two meters, and seemed to be affected by the crystal light that flashed rapidly around the ground. Those crystals begin to condense into a block of crystals, which gradually expand, and the range of the spring of life is slowly shrinking. Once the spring of life is completely covered, it is likely that the troublesome demon fly will be born again.

However, Chen Rui did not give the crystal this time. Before the "spring of life" was again "dry", the strange scorpion cast in his hand shrouded the puddle and earned the star huā garden. The growing crystals seem to have lost energy, and suddenly stopped, and the rapid flashing light became slow and bleak.

The third spring of life, I am at hand!

Just in the moment when the Fountain of Life was collected by the Star huā Garden, there was a low-pitched voice from the king of the earth, and it was filled with anger and killing. The sound spread far and wide, and the loose stalagmites at the top of the underground world were shocked by this sound. They have fallen.

Like the strong tremors that constantly appear on the ground, the nearby controlled elements of the earth have no reaction to this snoring. They are still walking like a walking dead, and the whole earth, Wang Ting, is actually moving!

Although the spring of life of xué is only a small piece, after the income of the star huā garden, it spreads to the same size as the other two places. The maximum capacity is strong. It seems that the star huā garden has a wonderful effect of restoration.

"Chen Rui, you are a magical guy, doing a great job!"

After leaving the xué home nest xué, Soge praised Chen Rui's ability, and Tagg couldn't help but nod. If Chen Rui's strategy didn't work, they wouldn't be able to beat the undead big monster fly. Successfully collected the fountain of life.

"The real magic is you, I can't do it alone." Chen Rui has been thinking about the meaning of "dividing into the body" in the eyes of the analysis. The mouth is modest, and the footsteps suddenly stop.

"My friends, I suddenly have a crazy idea, don't know if you are willing to take risks with me?"

When Soge and Tagg looked back, they saw that Chen Rui’s body began to change, and it turned out to be a soil-element person. Two elite elements were surprised.

"Right, there is still a need to change the details." The white sè light in the eyes of the earth element turned into a yellowish sè, which is a "variant variety."

Both Soge and Tag are not dull types. They look at each other and see the firmness in each other's eyes.

In the Tauren's nest xué, Athena gently caressed the dagger in her hand. This dagger is very small, wrapped in a scabbard made of Hydra leather, although the level of sophistication is very general, but in Asi In Na's heart, this is the best one in the whole world. Not because its material is dark star iron, but because it is Chen Rui personally created for her, just how the guardian sword. The difference is that this dagger has an extraordinary meaning for Athena.

This meaning, she did not tell Chen Rui, but now, Athena has some regrets, I do not know whether Chen Rui left, there is always a feeling of uneasiness in her heart, as if there is no chance to show him again in the future. .

Athena shook her head hard and drove the feeling of uneasiness out of her mind. She took a bowl of water that Liaosha handed, and smiled and nodded at her.

Liao Sha lowered her head and said that she was very happy. She already knew the intimacy of Athena and Chen Rui who saved the Medusa tribe. She had no hostility and was very friendly.

Athena saw her raised belly, and suddenly thought of a guy who said that "the future family members expansion plan."

At this moment, Chen Rui was looking at the situation in front of him with shock and shock. There were also two elite elements.

Originally Chen Rui proposed a very risky plan, one by one directly into the domain of the earth, the last spring of life removed!

However, when the three people rushed to the area of ​​the earth day and night, they were stunned by the scenes in front of them. All the way was a huge trace of destruction. The passage of the original house was destroyed and it seemed to be what it was. A huge object is passed through.

In the face of this unrecognizable home, Tagg and Sorge quickly took Chen Rui along the way to the source of destruction. The strange thing is that the number of earth elements and magic flies along the way is far less than expected, when it is amazing At the beginning of the trace, two elite elements were stunned.

In the middle of the earth's domain, there was a deep pit about 100 meters wide, which should have been the palace where the earth element king was, the earth king court!

The earth king court suddenly disappeared and disappeared!

From the perspective of the deep pit, the palace seems to have been dug out of the air. It is associated with the exaggerated traces seen along the way. The three suddenly reacted and the earth king court is moving!

These mutated earth elements, even dug out the earth king court and then ....

Chen Rui thought of one of the most terrible things, that is, the destination of the earth king court mobile! If it is the xué home nest xué, then it will definitely be with them halfway, so it seems that the place that Grofen wants to go is only...

At this point, the minions finally found anomalies, and they came together, and there were some mutated earth elements.

The strength of these enemies is not strong for teams with elite elements. It is lower than the estimated danger before, but Chen Rui’s mood at this time is unprecedented.

Tagge subdued a mutated earth element, and Chen Rui quickly showed aura conversion. After the earth element was awake, he confirmed the most worried guessing sun from his mouth. The goal of the earth king court was the Tauren and Medu. Sha's tribe! And it has been going on for nearly four days!

Tauren, Medusa, and earth elements are all there! And Athena!

"Go! Let's go to the fountain of life! Then go back immediately!"

Chen Rui gave a big sigh. Soge and Tag originally wanted to let Chen Rui recover more people of the earth, but he also knew that the current situation was urgent. He quickly opened the way and killed the past in the position of the fountain of life.

With the experience of xué's nesting xué, this time it is relatively easy to deal with the devouring demons, but the surrounding elements of the earth make it easy for Soge and Tag, who don't want to be injured, to feel awkward. The fourth fountain of life was finally successfully harvested into the star huā garden.

It’s just a little bit of annoyance to devour the devouring fly, and it’s involuntarily twisted from time to time. The transparent head still makes some kind of bursting sound from time to time. This “symptom” is leaving the xué home nest xué There is, but this time it is more serious, it is estimated to digest the sequelae of that crystal.

Since Lost is a living body and cannot be reclaimed into a storage warehouse, Chen Rui can only take a backpack from the warehouse, put the thrown inside to rest, and call Soge and Tag, and quickly trace the movement along the earth king court. Curry.

In the land of the king, the screams of anger came again. This time it was already a roaring sound, with a hint of fierceness in the voice, like a beast that was wounded. A powerful force rushed out of the anger, and the Wang Ting, who was carried, was stagnation, and the mountain was shaken. The earth elements under the palace were all crushed into the earth. Even with the elements of the earth as the strength of the earth, there are many people who cannot withstand the pressure of this horror, and the body is broken.

Wang Ting's hard ground was centered on the masked figure, and there were countless huge cracks. The palace trembled and the top suddenly shattered and collapsed, leaving only the broken pillars. The collapsed huge stones fell on the ground and around, causing many damage to the soil elements.

The king of earth elements turned a blind eye to this, still roaring wildly, like a tyrant who regarded his subjects as grass and mustard.

After the roaring sound disappeared More soil elements continue to take up Wang Ting, stepping on the broken body of the companion, step by step.

Chen Rui did not hesitate to take physical strength. Following the two elite elements, he ran along the trails, and his heart continued to pray for the speed of the people who could catch up with the earth elements.

According to Sao Ge’s waking slogan, Ge Luofen is close to completely controlling the earth element king and can exert the power of the demonic level. This is a huge move, and it is sure to completely eliminate the Tauren and Medusa, and at the same time occupy life. spring.

Griffin must not be able to move freely, otherwise it is not necessary to move with Wang Ting in such a big way. I believe that the disappearance of the Devil's Devil's body has no small impact on Grover. The most important thing is to catch up. Inform the Tauren and Medusa to escape. Anyway, now the Spring of Life has all been included in the Star huā Garden. Chen Rui himself is the mobile spring of life. The enemy is also inconvenient to move, and can play guerrilla warfare with everyone.

The most important thing is, Athena!

His beloved woman!

Never let her be in danger! @.

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