Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 179: The crisis of the body of the dragon and the star

Faced with the horrible killings that were bounced back, Chen Rui, who could not be teleported, had no time to make more reactions.

The poisonous dragon has regretted that he wants to die. He knows the horror power of this trick. Although it was sent by Chen Rui, it is one thing to send it out. It is another matter to eat and attack.

With Chen Rui’s current power of the devil’s first step, it’s sure that the trick is hard to pick up this big move. If you don’t have a good life, the life of the poisonous dragon and Chen Rui is connected, if it’s because of this It’s too depressed when you die with it.

Paglieu broke out with all his strength and flew down desperately. However, he played the power of the big devil level at most, and he was too late to catch up.

Chen Rui’s eyes have been turned into a red sè, but he does not feel the horrible power of the dragon in front of him. Instead, there is a faint expectation, as if he is in the fire. Reciprocal. Chen Rui’s heart was flashing, and he did not try to avoid it. The fire of Nirvana on his body was blazing.

These are just a momentary reaction. The poisonous dragon that rushed down saw Yanlong firmly hit Chen Rui’s body and swallowed him in an instant. With it as the center, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, as if A large meteorite hits in general, and the strong air waves slow down Paglio's figure.

However, Pagliuwu was most worried that things did not happen. With his eyesight, it was seen that the figures in the red light did not seem to have any damage, just because the huge momentum was a little empty.

Pagliu’s sentiment was different, and he stopped his body. The huge red dragon completely fell into the shadows of Zhongzhong’s central. The red sè energy was bizarrely distorted, and the surrounding crust was also unwilling to follow this distortion. Deformation and rupture.

The twist was over for a moment, and when the sound was heard, the flame burned and burned, enveloping Chen Rui’s innocent body.

The original black of the Nirvana of the Nirvana was hidden into the eyes of Chen Rui, and the pupil of the black sè became a red sè, just like the eyes when he broke into the aggression with Geoffen.

Pagliu's heart moved, and the power was lowered to the height of the demon king. I saw Chen Rui's foot bomb, which was already in front of me. When the boxing came, the speed and strength suddenly increased several times. Paglio l took a surprise, grabbed his wrist, and Chen Rui’s devastating power, which shocked the hand of the poisonous dragon, shocked the fist of the poisonous dragon, and the two sides suddenly unfolded. A quick attack and defense.

In this battle, the surrounding environment is being destroyed more and more, and the entire hill is faintly marked with collapse.

Although the atmosphere of Yanlong has a certain natural deterrence against Paglio, but Paglieu's exhibition is a real high-level Devil-level power, Chen Rui is actually quite equal, it must be said to be a miracle.

Chen Rui’s strength at this time is still above the previous Yanlong killing. He feels full of violent and horrible power. He feels like he doesn’t spit, and he finally understands: “Yanlong possessed body” It turns out that it is used in this way. The dragon killing is a horrible attacking skill for the enemy. For the fire that owns the nirvana, it is equivalent to a strong stimulating agent.

It is worth noting that, for a long time, the evolutionary star rating of the super system is only roughly corresponding to the power level of the Mozu. The dilemma corresponds to the middle-level demon, and the dilemma corresponds to the high-level demon, just like the power gap between the Mozu. Not to mention the big realm, even if it is a small realm like the middle section to the high section, basically there is no possibility of winning.

The emergence of the dragon killing makes the possibility of the more difficult challenge become possible. Now Chen Rui is just obsessed with the aggression, which is equivalent to the first stage of the demon king. After the body of the dragon, he can already compete against the strength of the devil. Wu.

However, this "competition" is not without limits. After a long battle, Chen Rui’s brain heard a warning: "The state of Yanlong is about to end within three minutes and will enter the twenty-four hour fatigue period. , no skills can be used."

Can't use any skills for 24 hours? A bit miserable. Chen Rui attacked for a while, seeing the time limit is coming, and quickly rushed back to Paglieu, shouting: "Stop!"

Paglieu did not follow the hand and smiled: "This skill is quite powerful, and it can compete against the peak of the demon king, but I have to distract my power and it is not interesting. When you go to the big devil, use this trick again, let's have fun. play."

"Playing you a big head! This is a powerful trick, but the shortcomings are obvious. I am going to take it off now." Chen Rui said this sentence, the strength of Yanlong possesses quickly fades, and the flames converge into the body. The pupil recovered to normal.

Then the whole person seems to be imaginary, sitting softly on the ground, it really is a point of power can not be used, enter the super system, see the skill tree has become an unusable gray sè, good in the storage warehouse Building classes can still be used.

"Paglueu, give me the space bracelet."

Chen Rui took over the space bracelet thrown back by Pagliu. After a moment, he threw it back. Pagliu opened the bracelet and saw it. It was a lot of food. He smiled and took out a bottle of wine. He couldn’t wait to fill it. Mouth, l come out of the gods. As the neighborhood was destroyed too much, Chen Rui took out two mats and the two sat down.

"This time I will definitely get a lot of money in Xiqiao Mountain." After all, the mouth of the people who eat it is soft. The poisonous dragon has no jealousy and expressed indignation at Chen Rui’s promotion to the demon king. "Right, first take the broken thing on the face, Not feeling well.

"This broken thing can't be taken for a while, right, it has a big name, called a **** mask."

The poisonous dragon was almost picked up by the wine. He thought he had got it wrong. He took another sip and asked, "What is it called? Say it again!"

"Death mask, one of the seven devils in the devil world." Chen Rui was very surprised by Paglieu. "This time I didn't do anything in Xiqiao Mountain, it saved a demonic emperor and killed a demon emperor."

Paglieu’s “snap” sip of all the wine was sprayed out, and his eyes were rounded: “Come on, tell me the story!”

Chen Rui gave a detailed account of the experience of Xiqiao Mountain. Pagliu listened while eating and heard that the thrilling place could not help but slam the wine. Soon there were several empty bottles.

"I really didn't brag..." Pagliu shook his head and bit a bite of the meat in his hand. Last time, in the secluded wetland, this guy met the demon emperor. Now the Xitun mine has met the emperor, and actually saved the earth element king, and thrilled to kill the strongman of the Besib family, the next time, this guy Will you run into a god?

"Athena is still asleep." Chen Rui sighed. "Fortunately, this time I have already had the heart of Chi Yao's heart. If I have a good time, I will be able to get it in two days. I must wake her up."

"I said it at the beginning, this Athena is your dish." Pagliu nodded, a look of the prophet.

"Yeah, know you." Chen Rui regretted that he had dared to poison the dragon's "terminology" of another world. "It's just that this **** mask can't be taken down, it's a little troublesome."

"I'm afraid it's not a bit of a hassle." Paglio frowned. "I want to figure out one thing. Geoffin's consciousness was swallowed up by your special skills, or was sealed by the great master." ?"

The **** of Heaven Master is originally a fake, linked to the "stars" model, Chen Rui chose the former.

The poison brow dragon's brow wrinkled more tightly and asked: "Do you think about it, have you noticed any special changes recently?"

"Change? It seems that nothing has changed",... Chen Rui thought for a while, thinking about the behavior in the alley last night. "It just didn't feel very comfortable at night, and occasionally it was a little bit jī." ”

“Over jī?” Pagliu seems to care about this. “It’s important to say something specific!”

Chen Rui said the last night in the alley, the Paglio bird l screamed: "Occasionally, there will be a y look at seeing blood? Is there an uncontrollable possession for women?"

The last sentence makes Chen Rui a little embarrassed. If you don't see the serious expression of the poisonous dragon, the feeling of the woman he didn't want to say, just before coming here, when I saw a more succubus on the road. There have been strange y looks.

"And then, with this skill, you have swallowed up the power of the complete **** mask?"

"Yes." Chen Rui vaguely guessed that Pagliu was worried about the relationship between the power of the town and the power of the town. Indeed, the super system also hinted at the danger of "overflow", but now the star model has been activated and should not be used. Worried, "But today, the great masters of God automatically display a strange ability to gradually decompose and digest these forces, which can gradually become all my own power. It is about a hundred days, then my power may be There will be a big leap."

"One hundred days? The **** of the great master is really magical." Duron Dragon nodded. "I hope my worry is superfluous."

Chen Rui saw that Pagliu looked very dignified and asked: "Paglio What are you worried about? Say it out."

"I was afraid that the gods of the great master couldn't keep up with the power of the Emperor's spirit and the power of the artifact. Now I listen to you, this is what I care about." Pagliu said: "But, I Now worrying about another thing, the spirit of the Emperor level is very powerful, even if it is erased the spirit of self-consciousness, it is not the strength of your current spiritual hún, and the power of the artifact is added. With the decomposition and digestion of the great masters, your strength will become stronger and stronger, but the instinct of y will be more and more intense. Once you exceed the scope of your will, then your original will will Being obliterated, either dying or becoming a loss of consciousness and becoming a monster completely controlled by instinct."

Chen Rui was shocked and thought that there would be such serious consequences!

The most recent anomaly has been affected by the power of phagocytosis. After the launch of the star model, although the power is enhanced, this abnormal y look will also increase! This is like some of the novels mentioned, the power and realm of the practitioners must be coordinated. If the power is far beyond the realm, it is naturally impossible to apply freely, but Chen Rui is now facing hundreds of times the danger.

The most important thing is that the star model has become irreversible. If you don't solve this problem, after one hundred days, it is not death, it becomes a loss of consciousness monster! @.

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