Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 222: Armistice agreement

In the voice of the corpse witch, there is a bitter hatred: "It seems that you know the dragon, but unfortunately, I am an enemy with him. If this is the case, then the new hatred is old, hate it!"

"Is it?" Chen Ruil took out the thoughts of sè: "Then we say another thing, your current means is only to engulf flesh and blood with spiritual power. As a demon-level powerhouse, undead magic And the dark magic master, to deal with us, can not rush out to use this most troublesome way. Even when you are above, you have not used magic, resurrection of those bodies is just an illusion, and there is no real combat power. Then I am bold Guess, do you have some reason for it... Can you use magic?"

In the eyes of Guladam, the red light was shining, and the black fog began to spread again, gradually coming closer. Chen Rui seems to have not seen the general, still keeps the rhythm of speaking: "Although you have made a projection on the upper layer by some means, the ontology has been unable to leave this place. As far as I know, the Lich has its most important life. Then I will guess again, is your life in this place... or in this pool?"

Guladam suddenly issued a laugh at the side of the yīn: "Interesting reasoning! Interesting guy!"

Stayed with a sister of super reasoning for a long time, and more infected! Chen Ruiyi is not modest, but his heart is secretly hairy, horizontal and vertical is a dead word, can only bet this.

"You are very smart, but a lot of things, you still guessed wrong..." Guladam's black fog has sealed all of Chen Rui's position, and Luo Méng and Diliya outside rushed several times. Forced to come back, lost his eyes from the backpack, and looked at the owner surrounded by black smoke in horror.

"I told you something before I turned you into a beggar." Guladam said coldly: "I didn't lose the power to use magic, but you just didn't know it in the hall above. What method, I was swallowed up by my konjac field, I couldn't use magic in a short time. At that time, I could only use the projection to force the spirit to engulf the woman and then you stupid guys began to kill each other... You can come here, it really surprised me. I can not only leave safely, but also get this huge treasure!"

"It turns out that it is no wonder that you just swallowed Akui, and the resurrected corpses were not powerful at all. It was purely horrible. If Casillas and us worked together to deal with you, you might have escaped." Rui frowned: "According to this, you were originally just a gig, using the power of absorbing the spirit of the hún to escape the body, and did not think about getting these treasures...".

"Before this, I really couldn't leave here. I just wanted to use the power of the spirit to transfer the body completely to the outside projection.... You said so much nonsense, it is nothing more than trying to delay the time, but this pool is The fountain of vitality, the longer it takes, the faster my magic power will recover!"

In the eyes of Guladham, the red light flashed, a lot of smoke spread around, and even the entrance door was sealed. "You have no chance, all will die here!"

The fountain of vitality, this pool is actually the fountain of vitality! When Chen Ruiyi was just distracted, he had already been tightly wrapped by Guladam’s black gas.

Guladam is trying to use his spiritual power to engulf Chen Rui’s consciousness, and then when he records the flesh and blood, he only feels that the scene has suddenly changed, and it appears in a void. In the middle is a huge ball of flaming sè, which emits horror. Destroy the power of xìng, this power, even if it is Guladam, can not help but tremble.

There are many strange other spheres floating around the fireball that rotate around the fireball with a strange rhythm.

"Welcome to my..., field." The familiar voice appeared in the void and Chen Rui's figure gradually became clear.

field! Guladam was shocked. The power of "domain" is at least the power that the devil-level power can possess. Even if this guy defeats the Cassias of the big demon level with mystery, his strength is only the devil. How can the level have a domain? And in this field, there is a faint law that can be seen, even if he is the demon domain of the demon level can only look up!

"The big words! The inferior illusion can only deceive me Fon Ladham!"

Guladam's eyes flashed, and a circle of dàng's spirit bō pattern opened up with his own heart, but there was no change in the surrounding void. The corpse was slightly surprised, and it was a wave of hands. A black spear appeared out of thin air, and it was shot to Chen Rui. However, Chen Rui did not have the same thing, just shook his head: "I still don't believe it?"

Guladam was unwilling to try several magics again, without any exception, and finally began to face up to the "field" of this demon king.

"Why can you have this field! Who are you?" The sorcerer has determined that he can't hurt the other person, and finally moved.

"Actually... the traps of this treasure are all inscriptions in the dragon!" Chen Rui continued to explode. "You never thought about it? Why can I unlock all the traps?"

The sorcerer could not keep calm, cried: "You are a dragon? Impossible! The black sè flame survived, it may be just another special skill, but the previous devouring of the konjac field is clearly dependent on the Besib royal family. The **** of the gods! You are obviously the Besib king!"

"Who am I? You don't care." Chen Rui said with a high pretense: "You only need to know your current situation, surrender, or die."

"Big words, you are not qualified to threaten me!" The sorcerer sneered sneerly: "No matter what your origins, now is only a demon-level weak, if you can really display the power of the field, it is easy to kill everyone!" This area is an empty shelf, you can't control it!"

“Empty shelf?” Chen Ruil smiled. Indeed, he is now in the “Gang” role of Yanlong’s possession. He can’t use any skills, but the function of the super system itself is not affected. The storage warehouse and the redemption center can still Use, which also includes "Stars."

Although there are still a lot of undigested Gefufen's spiritual hún power in the phasing star, at present, the gambling is the only hope of Chen Rui. So far, he has tried his last bullet.

Guladam suddenly felt that the surrounding space had changed, and the galaxy disappeared instantly. The twisted space in the middle of the center formed a strange black hole. This black hole exudes a horrible attraction. Guladam only feels that his power is involuntarily swallowed up. In a panic, even a few means can't stop this terrible power. The fog has become blurred. When the millennium is in the air, the black hole gradually disappears and changes back to the original star system.

"I can't control the field?" Chen Rui's figure reappeared, with sarcasm in his voice. "Would you like me to repeat your choice?"

Guladam felt that his spirit hún's sè was swallowed up by most of the time, and the fear in his heart was nothing to add: this guy really has the power to control the field, and this field is terrible!

"I admit that you are strong, but your strength is limited to this." The arrogance in the sorcerer's voice is very cautious. "It should be due to some kind of seal. You only have the power of the devil, you obviously only Being able to display the field in the world of consciousness is not my whole spirit, even if you swallow up part of my spirit, as long as the life is still there, still can't destroy me! Wait for my magic power to recover under the effect of the vitality spring. After that, I can still kill you!"

The corpse witch is telling the truth, but if this part of the spirit is swallowed up, then the damage to itself is enormous, and it may take a long time to recover. In this time, the combat power of the corpse will be greatly reduced, and it is difficult to resist the real Powerful boat enemies.

In fact, the corpse does not know that not only is he a strong foreigner, but the “blocked powerhouse” in this field of possession is also awkward. Chen Rui, why don’t you want to swallow the whole body? It’s just that the super system has already warned that the star is about to overflow. If he wants to completely devour this part of Guladam’s spirit, he will suffer a terrible reversal and lead to consciousness collapse.

Now it is the two sides of the wolf and the wolf are afraid. If the corpse is really going to scorn the part of the spirit, then the loser must be Chen Rui.

"We can reach a temporary armistice agreement before it leaves the place." The corpse saw him lingering and thinking: "You let me go, I will give you half of the treasure. Yes, remind you The fact that several of your companions are under my control can safely leave if you agree to a truce."

"It sounds good. In fact, I only need three of the most important things." Chen Rui certainly agreed to the agreement, but he would never believe in the words of the sorcerer and shook his head. "But why do I believe in you?"

"How about swearing with the name of the Mamen royal family?" The corpse saw Chen Rui shaking his head and making a gnashing voice: "Then I use the name of Guladam! You must also swear by the name of the Besib royal family and artifacts!"

The surname in the devil represents dignity and glory, and the name is the root of a person. This vow is the heaviest.

Besib royal family and their real name? Chen Rui sighed "heavyly" and there was a mask on the face: "I can't think of it or not, my name is Geoffen Besib."

"I Geoffen Besib swears with a **** mask and agrees to the armistice agreement of the corpse Guladam. If you repent, my body will be completely destroyed, the spirit hún will be completely swallowed, and the artifact will fall into the hands of others. The Besib royal family can never be revived!"

The poison of this oath made Guladam amazed and finally let go of his heart and made a poisonous oath.

I don’t know where Chen Rui is swearing, it is a statement of facts, poor Geoffin’s body is gone, Ling Hún is already being digested, and artifacts are in the hands of some human beings. As for the last sentence, if Geoffin knows, it must be Will bite his teeth and hurt: This product is too poisonous, and the spirit of the labor and the artifacts will be robbed, and actually cursed the Besib family can never be revived...

After the vows were finished, Chen Rui thought about it, and Guladam felt that the scene had changed greatly and returned to the treasure hall. It really broke out of the terrible field.

Under the pledge of the vows, the two sides did not start again. Guladam also withdrew the black smoke that shrouded the dilìya and Luo Méng, and said coldly: "Our agreement is only effective in this place, once it has passed. Today, I will go to find you, Geoffin Besib!"

Di Lìya and Luo Méng, who were covered by the black smoke of Guladam, had already had the consciousness of death, but they did not expect to escape. I knew that it was definitely the reason for Chen Rui. I heard the last sentence of the corpse, and suddenly heard the last sentence of the corpse. Change sè: "Grofen!"

Four hundred years ago, Grophine Besib was chaotic in the dark moon, almost subverting the Lucifer empire, and finally being defeated by the White Night Emperor was not news, but it was definitely a name in the history of the Devil in recent centuries. The big thing.

"The king of Besib..., no wonder you have a mask of gods!" Luo Méngl screamed out of sè, Di lìya wanted to ask about Athena, thought about it, and finally endured.

Chen Rui smiled a bit, did not explain, and now he can not explain.

King of Besib? Guladam saw the expression of Luo Méng, and nodded secretly. He only listened to Chen Rui’s opening: "There are three things that I have to get, as for their combination..."

"Three?" Guladam had some accidents: "I don't want to be the king of Besib. I originally said that I will give you half of the treasure... So, how much can you take the rest, as long as you have the ability, It’s OK to take all the light! But only before this departure!”

Who said that brother does not want that half! Chen Rui’s heart is awkward, and the corpse witch is so generous, but the storage capacity of the dynasty’s storage warehouse has been greatly increased, even if all these treasures can be stored.

But Gradham is not a vegetarian, or find the things that are most needed.

"Okay!" Chen Rui sighed: "Dil I, you go to the family's secret treasure first, Luo méng, you want to take what you want."

Di lìya eyes brightened immediately opened the nightmare, walked toward the induction, Luo méng nodded to Chen Rui: Besib's identity, human identity, both Regardless of his business, the only thing that knows this guy is his partner is enough.

"Guladam, you should be very familiar with this, I need to find the first thing is the secret of the Tauren..."

Chen Rui described the appearance of Sauron’s shackles. Guladam had turned these treasures over and over again these years. He wished he had to get what he wanted early, and thought about it, telling him the third box on the left. in.

Chen Rui walked over and opened the box. There were all sorts of strange things inside. After a while, I finally found the name of Sauron. This is a fist-sized red sè crystal, which looks like an eye. The pupil seems to be alive and seems to change.

With this thing, Paglieu can break free from the lock of light and dark! Not only that, but the Tauren of the underground world of Xiqiao Mountain can also lift the inexplicable curse. Chen Rui immediately took the name of Sauron into the storage warehouse.

"The second thing is a silver scorpion."

Chen Ruicai said the characteristics of the silver scorpion, Guladam suddenly blurted out: "No!" @.

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