Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 229: Fields and learning

It’s not too early, because of the special status of General George, and the fact that Di lìya and Luo Méng are going to the dark moon, it’s not too arrogant, so it’s not convenient to go to a pub with lots of people.

But now is the best time to please the father-in-law, not to be missed, Chen Rui naturally has a way. He took a group of people out of the city gate, went to the suburbs, found a place suitable for the valley, made some brackets, gave birth to a lot of fire, took out the drinks and food, and got some prey, from In the storage warehouse, take out the utensils and utensils that you carry with you, and start to show your talents.

The crowd was surrounded by a hot bonfire and the atmosphere was very warm.

Don't look at the father-in-law and the drug lord dragon uncle all the way are blowing their beards and blinking, not selling each other, after a few glasses of wine, the adrenal gland suddenly increased, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Everyone began to toast to George and the poison dragon, The two have a strong meaning, the visitors did not refuse, after drinking a few rounds, they began to fight each other.

Due to the unhealed scar on his face, Di Lìya did not unveil the veil, but only consumed food and drinks under the veil. The scar on her face was handled by her own knife with a strong poison. In general, even if healed, the scar is still impossible to disappear. However, it is hard not to go to Wu Pagliu, it is easy to eliminate those poisons, as for the existing scars, there are life springs, within seven days can be completely removed.

Originally, the Fountain of Life and the Fountain of Vitality are very rare, but they can't be met, but for Chen Rui, it can be provided almost infinitely. It is only a matter of time to cure Di Lìya. For this reason, Luo Méng has no flattering captain. .

Athena accompanied her lover to roast and make a hot pot on the side, seeing the way the father and the people are harmonious, only to feel happy in my heart.

Both are the most important men in the heart, one is to give her life to protect her father from childhood, one is to love and share the love of the lover, if it can be so good forever.

At this time, I don’t know if the wine was drunk, George and Paglio suddenly began to argue, and it was very fierce. Pagliu stood up and kicked his foot. It had appeared dozens of meters away. He provoked a finger to George in a provocative manner. How did George confirm the weakness and immediately went off, squatting with the poisonous dragon.

Athena was taken aback, was about to stop, but was stopped by Chen Rui, men have a man's friendship, men also have a man's way. Luo Méng and Di Lì Ya and others stood up and looked forward to this rare scene, the devil to the demon.

George, Wells is not only influential in the military, but also has reached the peak of the Emperor. He has played in the army and defeated Duolunus in his personal battle. He is a famous brother. In fact, the first general.

Pagliu is now only restored to the beginning of the demon emperor, but as a former emperor, in the strength and field of understanding is far above George, really want to fight, the outcome is hard to say.

George stood there casually, and an invisible terrorist force centered on it and spread out on both sides. Although his power was very subtle, there was no such thing as a glimpse of the battle, but Chen Rui and Luo Méng Others still feel that there is a placid force, as if the army and the horse are at the same time, the whole air seems to have solidified by the terrible chill.

Chen Rui’s heart is filled with a familiar feeling, just like the black sè field in Bailuo, right, this must be the power of George’s field!

Unlike the monsters in the field of Bailuo nightmare, George's field is so majestic, just like the way of using soldiers. Bailuo is a "positive conspiracy of George". You can't avoid it.

When Di lìya and Luo Méng fled to the Warlock Fortress, Bailuo was jealous of George's strength, so he did not dare to fight hard and could only use diplomatic means to mediate. It can be seen that George's strength is better than Bailuo.

Imagine a person facing the currency, the tens of thousands of people who are well-trained, or even the feelings of hundreds of thousands and millions of people. It is just the invisible momentum that is enough to crush people.

The weaker Royce young couple and Araucus just looked at a few eyes, and they shuddered in a chill, only feeling terrified and almost fighting.

Pagliu is now facing the ones of these millions of people. He feels that under the influence of the field, his power is constantly weakened, and George’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger, as if all the troops in the field The commander of the field, every dust in the field is George's "soldier." The entire field is full of strong chilling power.

If you continue this way, you have already lost first.

"Interesting." The poisonous dragon said with a grin. "The momentum and temperament in this field are enough. Unfortunately, there is a fundamental problem in the quality."

When George frowned, he saw the poisonous dragon and pointed to the sky. All the people had an illusion. The two moons suddenly darkened. The light that fell on the hand turned out to be dark green, revealing the Senran and the wonderful. The poisonous dragon took a deep breath, and George’s field of chilling began to tremble, as if this breath had absorbed most of the forces of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Subsequently, Paglieu made a scream to George, the dragon.

The snoring took the dragon's natural deterrence, and the momentum of the entire murder field changed instantly. Every "soldier" was eroded by a dark green atmosphere, and the original Xiaomeng's momentum became strange.

George flashed a trace of fineness, but did not continue to contend, but removed the field of chilling, Paglieu also regained power, and the two months in the air restored the original purple sè.

George looked at Paglio for a moment and nodded: "I lost."

In fact, he just suppressed his power in the same stage as the same Emperor of Paglio. If he used the power of the real peak, he would forcibly suppress the strange power, but at the same level, He really lost.

If you lose, you lose. If you can't afford to lose even if you lose, then it's not George Wells. As for the first general, you can count as a fart.

The drug scorpion dragon l praised it: "Your field is now only a pseudo-domain. It uses only the domain that its own power simulates. The real field is not all its own power, but it uses itself as a medium to trigger and mobilize the world. If you don’t understand this, even if you break through the bottleneck of the Emperor’s peak, it’s not really a magician.”

With the self as the medium, the power of the world? George was shocked. He has been seeking breakthroughs in power over the years. It is equal to the authorities, and now he has been broken by his opponents, only to realize his guidance in the field of lack of field, and let him feel a sense of openness.

"Your strength is in the end..."

"It used to be a demon emperor and" Paglio was a bit frustrated. "It’s now sealed. Just now I just used the power of nature."

The peak of the emperor! George was taken aback and nodded. "Thank you."

"Then go drinking!" Paglieu added two bottles of wine in his hand, threw a bottle and grinned.

Almost everyone was drunk this night, and the first thing to wake up was the loss of sleep in the morning.

Although the wine has a small number of confidants, but the world is full of feasts, two days later, General Zhizhi is still gone.

Before leaving, Ashina, who had always been strong, cried.

The father-in-law took care of the woman’s hair and took the son-in-law to say a word.

"You already know that the blood of the Wells family is at the age of twenty, so I am not arrogant in this respect. I only have one sentence, no matter how many women you marry, Athena must be the most favored. Otherwise I will marry you!"

In the face of such a good-natured and so embarrassed father-in-law, Chen Rui can nod except the tearful face, what can he do?

In fact, this is a dark month, and General George’s gains are quite large. In the long princess, he learned of an incredible overall plan, which made the original obstinacy more hopeful.

In Athena, he saw the happiness and satisfaction from the heart, the daughter is happy, not only a lover, but also a friend.

In the friend of "Nvwa" and a dragon who was sealed in strength, he got unexpected guidance and had a new understanding of the power of the field. There was a faint sign that broke through the peak of the Emperor and approached the highest realm.

Although the time to get along is very short, but the dragon is very close to the dragon, the dragon gave him a leather armor, turned out to be a legendary equipment, said to be the most precious collection for many years, but then said to the "Nvwa" Understand: "This is counted in your guide." (The upright general still doesn’t know, a careful little dragon is actually blaming others for the generosity)

Finally, in a shameless guy who used the sweet words and yīn to "steal" his daughter's heart, where he got the incredible essence of art and tactics, even though the guy repeatedly emphasized that it was only the sage of human sages, but The devil world is no stranger to the human world. There are such wonderful sages of the sages that have spread all over the world and the devil world. It is from the hands of the guy.

Not only this, General George received a gift to make him move before leaving, a space bracelet. There are not many things in the bracelet, only one fruit and five bottles of medicine, and a note, the name of which is stated on the note. The fruit is the devil fruit that can make all the demons outside the royal family crazy! And that medicinal agent is a full set of eternal remedies and the highest achievement of life extension pharmacy that can make everyone in the devil world crazy!

Just the day before, my daughter showed him the true strength that has been covered up by some magical props and skills, the peak of the devil king! Then when I am twenty years she will become the big devil!

Twenty-year-old big devil! And did not accept any inheritance power! Even the royal family is an incredible miracle, not to mention the great devil! You know, just three years ago when my daughter left the Warlock Fortress, it was just a middle-class demon! Three years of jumping in three realms! This can be described as miracles!

After seeing the things in the space bracelet, George finally understood why his daughter could get such an incredible entry. Perhaps this is only one of the reasons. More reasons are still in the mysterious guy who claims to have the legacy of the "Great Master". Body. With these things, coupled with the guidance of the dragon dòng friends, the realm is even more and more nailed.

George L., who embarked on the journey, smiled. He is not only the first general of the empire, but also a man who understands, and is the father who loves his daughter the most. The dragon is also good, the devil fruit is good, and the black sè is good. What should I say? What should not be said, there are counts in my heart.

However, the father-in-law suddenly felt that he had said something wrong before, and that human beings now have no power background, but sooner or later, the name Chen Rui will resound throughout the devil world!

Ps: Working overtime again at noon, uploading is late, please forgive me. @.

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