Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 240: The Mellon family

Luo Méng finally did not go to the emperor, not that Delia was really jealous to let him go, but Paglieu proposed one thing, to train Luo Méng and Delia for a while.

Although the inheritance stone can inherit the power, but the same piece of inheritance stone, the inheritance effect also has a high bottom, the key lies in the strength and understanding of the recipient itself. Xia is currently the strength of the great demon king, and a large part of this strength comes from the inheritance of her father, Prince Green, before the end of his life. Because the strength of Xia was not very strong at the time, it could have achieved the effect of the demon. Only became the big devil king. And now that Xia has not fully refined and integrated this kind of power, the combat power is not as good as those of the great demon kings who are really practicing by themselves.

If Xia and Paglieu play against each other, Paglieu can beat her with only the power of the middle of the Great Devil without using poison in the field.

Luo Méng and Delia and Delia Card have been at the level of the Devil King for a long time. Recently, both of them took the full set of eternal remedies provided by Chen Rui, which is a step closer to the Big Devil, plus the Devil King. The special training, then the possibility of breaking through the big realm will greatly increase.

After becoming a great demon, it will be greatly reduced by the influence of the shackles of the mind. Even if you don't consider the inheritance stone that is not yet reliable, just rushing to this point, Luo Méng will volunteer to stay with Delia for special training.

Athena is also the peak of the demon king. She always wanted to strengthen her own strength and help Chen Rui, so she volunteered to join the ranks of special training. As for the military camp, it is gradually getting on the right track and is handed over to Arrows.

Three days later, Chen Rui took Cyprus to the Mellon family.

The original king Wang Guo matured in two days, but on the second day, Chen Rui’s demons recurred, and it’s hard to tnng the past. I wonder if it’s a coincidence. Since the last time I opened the mysterious silver plaque, my heart attack The frequency is getting higher and higher. The progress of the star has been stuck at 50%. It is very likely that the final progress will break out. This will be an unprecedented test.

The mature shelf life of Wang Guoguo is three months, not bad for these two days.

Chen Rui is not in a hurry, Lombard is a little anxious, for fear of delaying anything, seeing that "Lavat" has finally arrived, it seems to have wiped a sweat.

Chen Rui’s wicked man first complained. When he met, he pleaded guilty: “Your intelligence is really wrong. Agulie and Aroks have reached the devil level. No wonder that Minnie will be killed. Yesterday I personally shot and destroyed the Agulie. But the guy was very stunned, and he even hid in the palace when he was dying. I came here to have something else, and I didn’t want to disturb the long princess, so I didn’t move the cloak. The population’s things can be delayed and waited for half a year. I have my own way."

The whole period of falsehood is 50%. In particular, the last sentence is purely a flickering and Lombardo is still convinced. Because the king of the king is a big thing, the smuggling of the population in the district cannot be compared. Therefore, the choice of Avat is completely correct. As for the half a year later, when the wind calms down, Lavat will naturally secretly get the cloak.

"Cyprus I and the Lombardo patriarch have something to discuss, let's go ahead."

Lombardo agreed, and also opened Ronald, with Chen Rui all the way through the secret room, to the underground Aurora Xuanbing Cave.

Compared with three days ago, the fruit looks a lot clear and exudes a strong sense of strength.

Lombardo handed a magical jade, respectfully said: "The seven-leaf king is the best of the king's fruit, even those ice leaves have great functions."

Chen Rui picked the leaves first according to the method described by Pagliu, and then picked the fruits. After the last fruit was removed, the plant-like black ice became a mist and disappeared into the air.

Chen Rui’s dark cry is a pity. If he can put this thing into the Star Garden and plant it again and again, he will collect the jade into the storage warehouse and ask: “Who knows the secret of Wang Guoguo?”

Lombardo's ōng脯 guarantee: "Adults rest assured that except for the patriarch who had died before, he only knows it."

Chen Rui nodded: "Yes to your son... that...

"Williams." Lombardo quickly picked up.

"How long has Williams been to the **** empire?"

"It’s almost ten years, and it was taken by the adults personally." Lombardo lost his smile.


As they walked, they said that they soon returned to the study, and soon Chen Rui left the Northwest Block with Cyprus.

Lombardo originally planned to discuss with Ronald that the cloak would start the night market. Ronald did not see the call of the patriarch after "Lavat" left, and came to the reception room, far away to see the patriarch was sitting. Meditate there.

When Ronald called for a few words, he raised an ominous omen in his heart and quickly went up to see it. He suddenly lost his sè. The original "contemplative" Lombardo has completely lost its vitality.

A major event spread in the Darkmoon City, and the patriarch of the Mellon family, Lombardo, died in the house due to illness.

The death of Lombardo was actually released after two days. It was also the result of the deliberation of the elders of the Melon family. The position of the Lombard was temporarily a veteran named Suk. As for the patriarch of the original patriarch, the veteran Ronald Germany is now being secretly controlled as the murderer of the killing of Lombardo.

Although Ronald explained the things of Lavat and others, several veterans knew the "hooking of the family and the blue melted land." But it is definitely impossible to go to the front to ask Lavat. It was unfortunate that he became a scapegoat for the black pot. Of course, these were internal treatments. It was only announced that Lombardo died of illness.

However, this is only the beginning of the Mellon family's nightmare. Soon, the long princess, with the speed of lightning, sent out the guards to control some of the main places under the Mellon family name. The fate is that several places. The population that was originally intended to be transported to the Blue Meltlands is being held.

As the situation has not yet been publicized and expanded, the deputy chief of the Mellon family, Sukh, immediately went to the palace to plead guilty. Xia angered him with a series of information, which described in detail the evil activities of the Mellon family, including the insertion of the inside line in the palace, the secret collusion of the blue melt territory, the assassination of the guards of the garrison reserve team Agulie and the guards of the guards. Roux, smuggling of people and resources.

According to Xiya himself, this information was provided by a mysterious man the day before. She could not believe it. I knew that after the garrison was sent out, I found out the missing people and could not help but thunder.

Suq originally had a guilty conscience. I didn’t expect the long princess to have such complete information in his hands. Under the inspiration, all the blame was pushed to the dead unlucky Lombardo and moved out of the Mellon family’s past hard work. Willing to make a sin, request the long princess to deal with it.

Shia knows that the Mellon family is deeply rooted, and the net is so wide that it is difficult to really uproot it. What's more, now the dark moon can't be too shocked now, so as to avoid the chaos of the dog jumping over the wall, now according to Chen Rui's idea, follow the instructions. Sukh’s tone suggests two conditions that will be complemented.

First, the Mellon family used the old house in the northwest block as compensation for the cloak of the Guards Reserve.

Second, the Mellon family is responsible for the procurement and supply of food. No matter what method is used, it is necessary to ensure the food and clothing of the dark moon residents during the Imperial sanctions.

The first condition is over. The second condition is that Sukh’s face is bitter. With the people and means of the Melon family, it’s not impossible to get the food. It’s just that it will offend. Emperor. Only the evidence in the hands of Xia is too deadly. Once it is made public, the Mellon family will be referred to by the tens of thousands of people in the dark moon, and Xiya has enough reason to deprive Melon of all the glory represented by this surname.

Sukh’s heart couldn’t help but the mysterious man who provided the information. Yes, this mysterious man who provided information and Lavat’s departure time are very close, is it...

If it was Lavat who killed Lombardo, why did he have to cross the river to expose the Mellon family? Although it is puzzling, the most important thing for Suk is not to consider this, but to make a choice.

After considering it for a long time, the new Melon family patriarch chose to accept two conditions.

After Suk’s departure, Hija’s eyes sighed with appreciation, of course not for Suk, but for the planner Chen Rui. This hand Li Daitao is really beautiful. At least on the bright side, the Mellon family has shouldered the key task of solving the food problem, plus the “trade.” The food problem can be solved without the violent base.

Chen Rui was the absolute winner this time. He got the king of the fruit and said that he had killed Lombardo and slammed the Mellon family. As for the old house in the northwest block, it was for Paglio. use.

According to Pagliu, the power of Aurora Xuan Bing is very wonderful, which can help him to further restore his strength. Although he still can't break the embarrassment of being sealed by ancient Chinese, he can upgrade the existing level of the first stage of the demon. Not only that, the Aurora Xuanbing Cave is also good for practice and special training, especially with Delia who is well-versed in water system.

But now it is not urgent, the blue melt territory or some other place will definitely send people to secretly investigate this place, wait for them to see enough.

The use value of the Mellon family is not limited to this. Under the cover of the double-headed dragon badge, the elders of the Melon family personally made the yòu bait, and Kagulon led the Guards to pretend to be the team that transported the population. The "thieves" on the south side of the dark moon launched a large-scale attack.

The thieves who suffered the blows suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, most of the well-trained elites were in danger. Under the leadership of the leader, they finally managed to evacuate the danger and avoided the end of the army.

The Mellon family has become a famous player in eliminating the thieves in the south. In contrast, the old rivals of the Buddha family are inferior, and they are still entangled in the protection fees of the cloak.

As a "celebrity" who is in the limelight, the new Melon family patriarch Sukh had to fight off his teeth and scream.

As for the king of the king, it is related to the devil-level powerhouse, such a black pot Mellon family can not afford to find a heavyweight guy to back.

Therefore, the singer of Cyprus did not stay in the dark moon, but took the "Lavat" smoke screen all the way north, and the north is where the red secluded land is.

At this time, there was no such thing as Chen Rui, and there was no such thing as a dark moon. @.

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