Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 243: Heart

Darkmoon City, Northeast Street.

The newly built Sheriff's residence was finally completed. It is also a real home of Chen Rui in the dark moon, but Athena did not have the slightest joy of moving to a new home, just quietly watching Chen Rui lying on chuáng.

A month has passed, even if it is a Mozu, it is difficult to support without eating or drinking. However, Chen Rui’s human being has been so faint for a month, and the evil spirits that Isabella was exerted in the early morning were due to the power of the spirit. The burst was smashed.

There are no such things as the devil, but there are some similar methods. For example, the tentacles that are tied in Chen Rui’s body are derived from some kind of blood-sucking demon plant. After Puguli’s transformation with special means, blood-sucking It became bloodletting and became an infusion set that provides nutrients to sustain life.

According to Pagliu, as long as the nutrients of the demon plants continue to be provided, Chen Rui can sleep for thousands or even 10,000 years until he is awake.

Millennial years? Athena is not a dragon. If I really want to sleep for so long, it is very likely that life will not end when he wakes up.

Athena didn't think too much because she was Athena.

This man is around, even if he can't make a single speech, he can't wake up from sleep. Just being able to stay with him is a kind of happiness: even if life can't continue to see his gentle smile, just keep it and gaze at it. That sleeping face is enough.

Me and him are not alone. Athena suddenly burst into a strange smile. If one day, his spirit hún left the world, then it is still not alone.

The side of the side of the di lì Ya wanted to persuade the friend who stayed in front of chuáng a few words, when I saw this smile, I did not open again, everyone has their own attachment, she understands Athena.

In the newly built sheriff's house, Paglio and Luo Méng still drink and play chess every day. Occasionally, Luo Méng will say a sentence like "The guy can't die, but it can harm thousands of years", but the atmosphere is more than I used to be a lot dull. Paglieu’s words were significantly reduced, and more was to bury himself in the drinking. It is reasonable to say that Chen Rui’s unexpected time limit for the “master” of the Grand Master should have arrived, but I don’t know why, there is no movement yet.

Xia of the palace is also in a heavy mood. She does not have the mentality of Athena. To be precise, she can't stay with the man who needs the most guardian like Athena. She also has the entire territory, and in the oath of the father before her death, she must abandon something to maintain the indifference and calmness of the iceberg. But the close people around me feel it. The Princess of the Long Princess often seems restless and sometimes even out of control. It seems that the imperial sanction does make the Highness of the King difficult.

Only when he looked at the old Gauss who grew up in Chia, he saw a bit of clues, and the princess was upset.

In contrast, another princess of the Dark Moon showed an unexpectedly strong, 1 small Luo lì seems to have grown up a lot, the business of Princess Square has not been decadent, and the original planned branch Successfully opened the operation.

Alice believes in one thing, my brother will wake up! Because he promised, next year's birthday will help Alice to make a more beautiful big cake!

In fact, the drunkenness of the day was not completely forgotten, and there were still some key sentences to choose from, and there was no such thing as the Lucifer family.

However, Chen Rui’s current situation is not very good.

The sound of Shura sounded: "The last scene is enough yín靡, in your dark inner world, there is such a strong y look. Everything is a mourning or impression in your heart, not only this plane, but also There is another world, even a woman in a film or fantasy, who has been occupied by you for countless times. Is this a wonderful taste? Actually, it is not the illusion of my display, but the reaction of your own heart!" Rui has no words, just squatting at Shura, the bloodshot red eyes sparkling with fierce murder.

"Want to kill me?" Shura grinned: "The power comes from y look. Under the driving force of various y look, your strength is already very strong. I don't think I am an opponent. Why don't I dare to do it?" I want to further indulge?" Chen Rui bite his teeth: "These dark illusions are nothing more than trying to make my fighting spirit collapse. I will not be moved by your words. I will stick to the end and destroy you."

"I don't understand?" Shura sighed. "I am actually you. The y look at the bottom of the heart is endless. The so-called demons are born because of everyone's y look. It's like the seven kings of the devil. The name is general, arrogance, yínyù, greed, anger... These things that the other world calls the seven original sins, originally existed in everyone's heart, you can't kill me.” Chen Rui shouted A broken yuan knife went, Shura floated away, but was still interrupted by the habit of the habit, but the mouth smiled: "Even the so-called practitioners, monks, can not avoid the heart The creation of the devil. How do you want to refine your heart? The more you refine your heart, the more you will feel the dark side of your heart! You kill me just to escape these unchanging yīn dark faces. Every time I kill me, your power will be Will enhance one point, will also be more indulgent!" Chen Rui suppressed the violent murder of the heart: never give up resistance! Even if you are a magical hún, you will end up with a day! ”

"The Emperor level? Do you think that I am just a humble thing derived from the spirit of Grofin?"

Shura disdainfully sneered: "What is the emperor, ant ant! I have the power to make you rule the entire plane in the future! Whether it is the devil or the ground world, you must surrender to your feet and shake!" Power determines everything! When it comes time, I want to marry which woman, how many women will do it!"

The words of Shura made Chen Rui an accident: "What exactly are you?"

"I don't know, I was just a trace of energy that is about to disappear. I gained strength and consciousness from your inner world of darkness and became the mind of what you understand."

The energy that is about to disappear? What is it? Chen Rui was suspicious of huò: Shura said this, he also felt abnormal. The previous Shura did not seem to have this kind of independent consciousness. This "before" seems to be, ......... before going to the wet night?

"It doesn't make any sense to explore my origins now. You only need to know one thing. Just give up resistance, choose to merge with me, obey the dark heart covered by the so-called light, and you will get above the whole life. Really powerful will and power!"

Shura’s voice suddenly filled with powerful yòuhuò “You can at least gain the power of the demigod, and have the opportunity to become a god. As long as you become a god, you can give your loved woman and your partner eternal life, and you can also be free. Have any life you want to live." Half God? God? Chen Rui only felt that his breathing was a bit heavy, and he couldn't help but walk toward Shura. When Shura was stunned, he suddenly passed the knife and the whole body was divided into two from the top to the top.

"I won't believe you!"

"There is still such a firm will to this day, and it is the person I chose." The two pieces of Shura gave a double-faced laughter: "Unfortunately, as long as your inner darkness exists, I will never be killed." Look directly at your heart, you can't always escape,

When one day, you can no longer escape..."

The words have not been finished yet, and they have already disappeared.

Chen Rui went back to the void and looked very exhausted. The words of Shura were still ringing in the ear. As long as the inner darkness of your heart exists, I will never be truly killed.

Perhaps the demons are right, the more they refine their hearts, the more they will feel the dark side of their hearts, and the more they kill are just an escape. The connection is to merge, obey the dark heart will lose self, killing the demons will also step by step, what should I do?

Time passed like water, and it took another month.

In the past two months, the changes in the Darkmoon City are not small. Under the efforts of the princess Chia and the "help" of the Mellon family, although the food aid in the Red Sea has been reduced, the people who originally had the most fear of the large-scale famine did not happen. It seems that it is true that the Princess is still wrong. .

The night market of Darkmoon City has been formalized and extremely popular. Many families began to covet this fat. According to Chen Rui’s previous planning, Xia divided the dark night’s night market into two major areas, centralized management and management. The scene of the desolate and abandoned scene was swept away, and the merchants began to renovate the store and merged into the station. Even the business along the way was also driven. The merchants on the West Road to the Darkmoon are gradually increasing, but the number is still quite sporadic. In general, it is a good start.

In this case of imperial sanctions, commercial taxation has even doubled.

A few months of special training made Athena's garrison look new, and the spirit of the tremors and the previous lazy judges, in conjunction with the guards and cloaks, not only in the dark moon city, the rest of the territory Thieves and illegal activities are also gradually decreasing. In contrast, the arena is more heated than before, and it has become a place where many people vent their extra energy and exuberant fighting spirit.

These are very gratifying changes to the Darkmoon. It is impossible for the Emperor to not know. According to Chen Rui’s plan, one of the key pieces of chess should be officially implemented. However, the plan can't keep up with the change. The original singer, who counts thousands of dollars, does not count himself to be so sleepy for two months.

Chen Rui is still asleep. If it is not the blood-sucking plant transformed by Paglio, I am afraid that it has really died because of the exhaustion of energy. However, he is not much worse than death. The breath of life is weaker and he is annihilated at any time. danger.

In fact, his consciousness is really annihilated.


It is still the Shura, but it has more than one, but thousands of them, from all sides, surrounded by the breathless Chen Rui.

"Be able to fight this step, I must praise you. Just your toughness is strong, your mind is high, and you can't escape the world of hearts. Now, you can't escape!" Shura laughed: "You will immediately To be one of us, as long as you combine your last consciousness, then my spirit hún is perfect, and everything you have will belong to me!"

Shura is not killing in vain. Every time he kills, the power of him and Shura is growing, after killing countless times. The other party began to undergo terrible evolution, and actually grasped the power of the avatar. Then the number and strength of the avatar grew almost infinitely, and it was able to devour his consciousness through the attack.

After all the hard work, now only the last point of consciousness is left, but it has fallen into a heavy encirclement.

There is no doubt that this is a dead end.

"In these days, I have been thinking about one thing." Chen Rui saw that the Shura were approaching and sighing: "Since this step has been taken, let me use the final heart to find the answer." ”

The encirclement of Shura’s encirclement gradually became small, and Chen Rui’s mood became calm. He suddenly thought of a film that he had seen before, “The Matrix of the Matrix,” and the “virus” Smith, which can be copied indefinitely. The Shura is almost the same. If you are the protagonist, then the aura, hurry up.

Success or failure, bet here!

In the morning, in the room, the tired Athena suddenly felt a strange breath, and her eyes suddenly opened. With the strength of her now the demon king, she could naturally feel that Chen Rui’s body was weak. The vitality has reached the edge of the collapse.

"Paglio!" Athena's heart suddenly tightened, and the sound of crying sounded: "Come on!"

A breeze drifted over, Paglio had already appeared in the room, and with the sharpness of the poisonous dragon's gaze, I saw Chen Rui's situation at a glance: "How could this be?"

Originally, he still had a number of cases in which Chen Rui lost his self and once again managed to prepare his original consciousness. He could not think of the situation earlier than he had imagined. Actually, life would have ended. In advance, Chen Rui’s fainting did not show any signs, even the resurrection. The pharmacy is too late to be exchanged.

Athena shook her head desperately: "I don't know, suddenly it's like this, you can save him!"

The poison dragon continued to display several secret methods and could not save Chen Rui's impending vitality. He couldn't help but laugh: "This is finished..." The two are symbiotic contracts. If Chen Rui is dead, Pagliu can't survive.

In the space of consciousness, the void space has changed back to the long-lost star system, beautiful and quiet. Thousands of Shura suspended in the void, laughing in unison, and now completely occupying Chen Rui’s consciousness, this body and those strange forces are Be his all!

The strange thing is that Shura can't use consciousness to go to the Temple of Stars, nor can he feel the true power contained in the galaxy.

"Why!" Numerous Shura issued a neat and loud question, "All this should belong to me!" After a moment, the voice of the answer sounded: "Because you have not really defeated me." In the void, a familiar figure Gradually formed.

"Chen Rui! You didn't annihilate!" Shura's voice was astonished, and he saw Chen Rui's eyes look red, and then he recovered. "Your consciousness is almost gone. Just blend in with you, then I Will be the real master of the super system!"

"It's already late, because I already understand." The blood red in Chen Rui's eyes gradually faded, and the past clearness was restored. "You will soon fail!"

Shura sneered disdainfully: "Big words!"

"Actually, what you said before is correct. You magnified the darkness of my inner world. The more I refining my heart, the more I felt my own dark side. I felt fearful instinctively, so I was running away, so I tried to kill it again and again. You, you can always resurrect and strengthen."

Shura shouted: "Yes, you can't beat me! Don't make senseless resistance!" said, thousands of Xiu Luoqi Qi released aurora bombs, all sides like a scorpion attacked Chen Rui, but they walked through Unscathed.

"Now I can really face my heart, your attack will only strengthen my strength." Chen Rui shook his head: "A person has seen y from the birth of his y, y look and burns life until the end. yù Hope is also the driving force for the advancement of civilization. Even the mighty and saints have the same y look. Just like the day and night, people have a dark side and a positive side, as long as they can drive their own will and drive their own. Perseverance, then the flame of y look will play the role of forging and refining, not burning and sinking."

Thousands of Shura roared around and wanted to merge Chen Rui, but the body could only wear it, and every time he passed through Chen Rui’s body, Shura’s body melted like a high-temperature flame, and it screamed again and again. .

At this time, Chen Rui’s palms showed a faint brilliance and he squatted.

Not for Shura, but for yourself!

Under the broken Yuan knife, Chen Rui’s eyebrows gradually expanded in blood.

At the same time, thousands of Shura made a painful cry, and there were even more exaggerated cracks on their heads. There was a faint glow, and they shouted: "How is it possible! Even if you commit suicide, it may hurt me!"

"The power of the heart is infinite. If you have persistence, you can override everything." Chen Rui did not care about the more and more blood flowing down his head. "The inner darkness is good, the instinct is good, and all will be me." The will to drive This is not called suicide, screaming! But to be precise, this is the real refining heart!"

Shura cried in amazement: "No! Impossible! I will not be truly destroyed! As long as you are in your heart..."

In the screams, thousands of Shura’s bodies sprouted a lot of white light, and they began to crack in the inch. Finally, the particles were completely shattered and disappeared.

Chen Rui’s body began to collapse and his eyes were firm and firm. As Shura did not finish, as long as the darkness in his heart still exists, Shura has a day of recovery. However, Chen Rui firmly believes that he can control the knife in his hand with perseverance and once again smash the heart.

The body has been completely annihilated and turned into a ash.

At this time, on the star schedule of the Star Temple, the experience value has climbed to 100%, giving a crisp sound of “叮咚”.

The same 100%, there is the experience value of the status bar.

The ash that was about to disappear was slamming and burning.

The flame of the black sè. ! .

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