Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 252: Preliminaries of the ancient magic tower

Text] The 252th chapter of the ancient magic tower preliminaries (one today, 5,000 words)

The 252th chapter of the ancient magic tower preliminaries (one today, 5000 words)

The location of the first round of the preliminaries, the largest arena in the outer city. There were more than 6,000 people who signed up for the competition, which is far better than the previous ones.

Due to the large number of people, the first round of preliminaries can only be carried out in batches. Each registered contestant has a number. In the arena of the arena, a huge crystal screen appears, showing the number range of the group. Chen Rui is 5200, divided into the last group.

The content of the first round of the preliminaries is very simple, that is, then chōu takes three questions and completes the content of the game according to the requirements of the title within the specified time. The content of chōu is related to the jīngtong project filled in by the registration. For example, metal jīngtong is a related topic of metal.

This kind of competition has a lot of luck. Some people just happen to be in a difficult or very difficult problem. Some people have a time-consuming problem in chōu. It is too late to complete the three items. It is. But in general, people with real strength can still pass.

The game started, and the number of eliminations and advances began to appear on the crystal screen. These problems are generally difficult, and many senior participants feel that this year's difficulty is more difficult than the previous one, that is, ten years ago. Much bigger. A lot of bad luck losers burst into tears, but they can only lead to contempt and ridicule. Almost no one sympathizes. This is the game, the winner is the first, the king is defeated.

Chen Rui fills in the metal jīng pass, chōu has three problems, the first is to complete the missing part of the enchanted magic array of a soil system, the second is a question and answer of melting metal, the third is to repair a broken Long sword.

Except for the second one, the first one is more difficult, and the third one is more time-consuming, but for Chen Rui, there is no pressure, it is easy to complete all the projects, and the judges next to him announced the promotion.

Deo, who has been squatting in the stands, saw the reminder of Chen Rui’s promotion, and finally put down the hanging heart. This dark-handed mechanic has finally had a few real talents, but this is just the beginning, the difficulty behind. It will only get bigger and bigger, and this guy who won the name of the master can pass the next round of tests?

Jiya also took a surprise, as far as she knows, there is no particularly good mechanic at the Princess of the Long Princess. Where did Arthur come from? There is a faint hunch in her heart, and Arthur’s strong self-confidence is not pretending.

The first round of the preliminaries took six days to complete, and this round eliminated nearly 70% of the participants, leaving nearly 2,000.

In the past few days, Chen Rui has gone through a lot of materials through Dio, and some of them have been kept for personal use, and some have been transformed into aura.

The second round of the preliminaries began. From this round, even the candidates recommended by the masters must participate.

The second round of the preliminaries was at the ancient magic tower of the Architects Union Building. The ancient magic tower is one of the most mysterious places of the yīn dynasty dynasty. It is said that the magic tower was built very early and the year is not reliable. There are precious magic patterns left by the masters and masters of tens of thousands of years, even older, and various magical arrays, which are unpredictable, even the masters of the current league. It's hard to see through the mystery.

Usually, the ancient magic tower is not open to the outside world. Only the masters of the division of the masters can enter the restrictions in this way. This time, the opening of the tower has suddenly attracted the interest of all participants.

The content of the game is very novel. Participants enter the magic tower with special magic stone slabs and magic stones. Within two hours, the slate is used to transcribe a complete magic array. After the completion, the magic stone can be transmitted. The magic stone is transmitted and timed. In addition to the function, it can also reflect the latest points in real time.

Those that have not come out within the specified time will be automatically transmitted, and the unfinished magic array will be directly discharged.

Not only that, this round can only leave the last two hundred players into the rematch stage, the more difficult the magic array, the less time it takes, the higher the score, the two thousand people will be eliminated 90%, the two thousand only take two Hundreds of people, the cruelty of competition can be imagined.

Two thousand people are divided into twenty groups. The fate is that Chen Rui and the old "friend" Savice are all in the last group.

Savitch inadvertently saw Chen Rui, his eyes solidified, and he hated the light of hatred. Because of his youth, he has potential. Since his fame, he has been infinitely beautiful. The last humiliation was unprecedented.

He never forgot how he left the lounge at the time. In the days that followed, the pain hurt him. Although the scars of the body healed, the great shame and wounds of the heart could never be washed away.

If it wasn't for the future of the Masters Competition, Savice really wanted to use every means to revenge the Castel family and the ruthless Arthur.

Unexpectedly, in the Master Division, I encountered this enemy who hated it. This guy actually passed the first round of the preliminaries.

"Isn't this Savice?" Chen Rui also saw this old "friend" who looked like a poison, and greeted him with a familiar face. "The magic item you studied last time is really amazing, and I admire it." It’s that you are willing to take such a big risk and try it yourself. It’s the first day of the emperor’s life."

When the same group of mechanics listened, they all expressed their admiration, genius and diligence, no wonder people can be famous for the emperor. This praise is heard in Savage, but it is another ridiculous ridicule. It is uncomfortable like a needle, but in the face of so many people, it is impossible to find out the humiliating things. The hatred of the heart is swallowed, and the hatred of the heart is nothing to add.

Savice is only an ant, Chen Rui did not put him in the heart, but this kind of angle can be a step in the competition.

It was the turn of this group to start the competition. Savage yīn calmed his face and walked in front of the team and entered the ancient magic tower.

Chen Rui originally thought that the ancient magic tower was a tower with layers of stairs. The walls were engraved with magic lines, but once they entered, they knew that it was completely different from the imagination. It was an independent space, floating around and changing activities. The strange light, the five-faced six sè. At first glance, it seems colorful, but in the eyes of the makers, these lines are faintly showing the magical array of mysterious jīng.

In addition to the exiting light mén, in the distant space, there is also a light mén that can reach the upper level. The higher the level, the more profound the magical array is, the more difficult it is. The ancient magic tower has a total of six floors. It is said that even if it is a master, it can only understand the mystery of the first four layers.

There are many kinds of arrays and combinations of magic arrays. The mentality of each person is not the same as the focus of attention. The magic arrays obtained are also different. Now, they are recorded in the magic slate.

The opportunity to enter the ancient magic tower is rare. Chen Rui has already opened up deep analysis and started recording and scanning. In the deep analysis, the patterns of arrangement and combination are quickly “replicated”. Even if it cannot be analyzed at present, it can be used in the future. Analyze slowly.

His eyesight has reached the master level now, and he sees more things than ordinary people. Many of these magical arrays have been improved, but the difficulty is not great. According to the rank of the alliance, it is one-star and accurate. Two stars. Chen Rui did not stay for too long, and walked toward the light mén leading to the upper level.

Compared with the first floor of more than one hundred people, there are only a dozen people on the second floor. Savage is in it. Seeing Chen Rui going to the second floor, he sneers at the disdain: because of the relationship between the masters of Leo, Sa Weiche is not the first time to go to the ancient magic tower, the magic layer of the second layer is much more difficult than the first layer. Although it can record the completion, the points will be more, but if it is not completed, then it is not comparable. One layer.

The difficulty of this layer is really big, the amount of data is much larger, and the scanning speed of deep analysis seems to be slower.

"How can I not understand it..." Chen Rui took the magic slate and hesitated for a moment, deliberately saying to himself, "I don't know if it will be better..."

Savage secretly sneered, the masters can understand it. This "Arthur" is just a rookie who has just become a mechanic. He passed the first round by luck (at least Savage thinks so). Preliminaries, if you really go to the third floor, don't say it is an hour, even if it is a year, you can't record a few.

As a competitor and an enemy, Saviche certainly hopes that Chen Rui will go to the third floor to "send to death." As he hoped, Chen Rui stepped toward the third layer of light mén, and soon disappeared. Savich’s mouth lends a hint of yīn cold smile, no stop in his hand, a difficult magic The array was recorded, and then the magician carrying it was crushed and the ancient magic tower was transmitted.

The third layer is more than just light, there are all kinds of flames and visions, even the space has a strange distortion, in the eyes of Chen Rui, those melody and sè color, is a strange magic symbol, all kinds of Different arrangements are like a complicated formula. Some are taught by Master Master and Master Sky. Some are even unheard of. With Chen Rui’s current realm, you can naturally see the mystery of these “calculations”. I couldn’t help but be immersed in it.

Outside the ancient magic tower, many people have completed the record, transmitted it, and the reviewers of the special mén began to record and verify the score. The crystal screen in front of the Alliance Building marked the latest two hundred rankings.

The first place was Savage, and it took 10 minutes to record the Magic Array as a three-star magic enhancement with a score of 170.

The second place, Robert, took 15 minutes to record the Magic Array as a three-star base enhancement, with a score of 165.

The third place, Southgate, took 16 minutes to record the magic array as the basic three-star foundation enhancement, with a score of 164.


At present, the result of the 200th is that, when used for one hour, the recorded magic array is a two-star magic weakening type, and the score is 80.

Chen Rui has already reached the fourth floor at this time. The fourth layer of things is even Chen Rui. It also feels difficult and difficult to understand, but he has in-depth analysis. Although he does not understand, he can "record" first, then slowly keep the parameters. Enlightenment.

After the recording, Chen Rui saw the timing on the magic stone. It had already passed for more than an hour. Looking at the next layer of light mén in front, he hesitated for a moment and tried to go.

Just close to the light mén, the space suddenly twisted, flashing a mysterious imprint of a mysterious, a powerful repulsive force pushed him out, each time the test, the arrangement of the imprints are different in shape.

Chen Rui has a feeling, even if he is doing his best now, using the power of the law to display the body of the dragon, can not break through the power of this light mén. Light mén not only contains a lot of power, but also a rule. If you can't pay attention to the rules, even if it is the power of the emperor, it may not be able to break through.

On the fifth floor of the building, a man with a white hair and a middle-aged appearance frowned. It was the president of the League of Empires and the first master of the Empire, Anderson.

"The curious guy is testing the five-story mén, and I don't know if it is wise to open the ancient magic tower."

The master of Rummenigge smiled and said: "Even if we are, we can't crack the seal of the big mén. The president doesn't have to worry. In fact, this time it is more to discover and cultivate potential young people and let them open their eyes. It’s good to have a long time.”

Master Anderson was slightly decapitated and did not say anything more.

After trying and recording the magic symbols several times, I saw that there was not much time left. Chen Rui looked at the latest rankings, and I remembered that there was a second-level magic array, which shredded the magic stone and sent it out. .

On the VIP table set up outside the Confederate Building, I saw that the name "Arthur" has not appeared within two hundred. The face of Dio, which has been paying attention to the crystal screen, is very ugly. Jiya is also a bit nervous.

At this time, a beautiful nv child, holding a man's arm, came over, l stunned the **** of gloating: "This is not our long brother Dior? Now is the last time, why not yet See the Arthur you support appearing on the rankings? Faramo, our supporters are now in the top?"

The man on the side is Dio's younger brother, Faramo, who sighed deliberately: "Robert seems to be in second place. Although he is behind Savice, this ranking is not included in the rematch. The real contest is still Behind."

"As far as I know, the latter game is Robert's strength, he is the last champion." Nv is the wife of Faramo, Marion Asmode, and the sister of Warren, the second general of the yīn empire. This nv person is very strong, and Faramo is eaten to death, so far he has not even dared to accept a side room.

Diou’s heart was very annoyed, but he couldn’t find the words to fight back.

“Look at the screen” Ji Ya suddenly screamed with excitement, and Dio quickly looked at it and suddenly became a god.

Arthur’s name finally appeared in two hundred, and it took 1 hour and 25 minutes to record the magic array as the basic enhancement of Samsung. The score is 95 and is currently ranked at 192.

As the last group, there are very few people left in the magic tower. This ranking is basically stable and should be able to enter the next rematch stage.

Savich looked at the name of Arthur on the screen, l yīn狠's sneer: This is also the case, just in the back of the game, continue to step on the head of this enemy, not only the game, the end of the contest, it will be "A When the body is broken

Diou of the VIP seat took a sigh of relief, 192, or in any case, finally escaped.

"The screaming, really rude country nv people" Marlene dissatisfiedly ridiculed Ji Ya, and then dismissively said to Dio: "Forgot to tell you, Catherine's **** support Horford are row Into the top 50, although the final victory must belong to Faramo, but what surprised me is that the person you choose actually has a poor match, and no wonder the position of the first heir can not be maintained."

Dio snorted and ignored the two. At this time, Chen Rui came to Dio and nodded to Jiya. He smiled and said: "It seems that luck is good. Within two hundred, you can enter the next round." ""

"The next round will be eliminated immediately." Marlene chuckled and held a fan, gracefully blocking the scornful smile.

"Dio, who is this ugly nv who is artificial?" Chen Rui heard Ma Lan's mockery of Jiya and deliberately asked.

When Marlene's face changed, Dio heard her heart fast and replied: "This is my younger brother, Faramo... and his nv."

In order to retaliate against the irony just now, Dio deliberately did not mention the name of Marianne. Chen Ruil sighed: "I heard that your brother has several nv people outside, don't know which one?"

This is the face of Falam, and seeing the cold eyes that Marlene has transferred, the expression of Faramo has become quite jīng color. In fact, Chen Rui is beaten, and Faramo is really out of the way, just because of Ma. Lian is too powerful and has a strong background, so she has been holding this wife.

Dio secretly gave Chen Rui a thumbs up, but Chen Rui is currently ranked in more than 190. In the following rematch stage, I am afraid that I am not optimistic. I am worried and ask: "The next round is the rematch, it will be decided. How confident are you in the finals of the finals?"

Chen Rui shook his head, this guy is too unsettled, how can he ask such words in front of competitors?

"Big Brother 2 and Marlene Sister are also here." A young little nv came over, this little nv dressed in a short skirt, looks beautiful, looks green, from the point of view it should be Dior's youngest sister, Celine .

Celine "threams" the smallest, usually with the relationship between the two brothers is not bad, Dio squeezed a smile, nodded, Marlene also relaxed the tight face.

"Is this your supporter Arthur?" Celine looked at Chen Rui curiously. "I actually entered the ranks of two hundred at the end. But my luck is better this time, I found a mechanic called Horford. Although it is not famous, but it is so powerful, this time I got the Diou smiled and nodded, Chen Rui, a relaxed look, said carelessly: "In fact, I am just Retaining strength only. ”

Dio sighed, the ranking of this game is there, at most it is only a lucky pass, how to see this "retaining strength" is reluctant.

"I hope that your strength is as sharp as your mouth." Marin took Ferramo and threw a word and went away.

"Poor Brother Faromo, going back will definitely become a gas bag." Celine smiled sweetly and said hello to Dio, turned and left.

"The rematch will begin tomorrow. Let's go back to rest. Right, you have to help me more in terms of materials. The sooner the better, I need more insight." Chen Rui's last sentence is purely a fake Sī, now is the time to be willing to fight, not to slaughter and not slaughter.

PS: Qingming has to go out to pay homage, go out after eating, and it will take a few hours to get there, and there are still distant mountain roads. Today there is only one more, 5000 words, the second one, please don't wait.

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