Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 264: See you again

The next day, yīn shadow empire inner city, the palace.

Chen Rui wore a master-class ceremonial robes, and sang his mouth with the two-month badge inlaid with Phnom Penh. He came to the front of the palace and handed the pass token to the guards of the gate that Catherine the Great last gave.

The guards expressed their respect for the first master of the three-line mastery of the magic world. After receiving the token pass, a méng veiled maiden led Chen Rui into the palace.

The palace that symbolizes the highest authority of the yīn shadow empire does not have the imaginary luxury. The overall feeling is simple and elegant, and the fine art can also be seen in the subtleties.

The size of the palace is quite large, and there are quite complicated mí arrays. It is far from the small palace of the dark moon. The palace lady turned Chen and left and turned right. It took nearly an hour and finally walked into a quiet courtyard.

"Master invited, the noble woman will arrive later." The palace lady squatted and retired.

Chen Rui set the **** and walked into the yard.

This is a quiet courtyard, with many plants and trees, it seems green, perhaps influenced by the power of Nirvana, these plants are much more lush than the average, Chen Rui gently caressing the trees, thinking of their own The fire of Nirvana, think of the fiery blood that merged into the body at that time, and think of another fusion in the tent...

On the way to the wet night, the talent and temperament of "Gui Nian" has begun to attract him faintly. Later, the sudden incident of the Dragon Nest xué caused the relationship between the two to be omitted and reached the end. Chen Rui admits that he is a superficial man, Christina's perfect looks and body can not make him not tempted. In order to protect the tempting woman, it is also his first woman. Chen Rui is on the magical level of Bailuo. Now I want to come, it is indeed impulsive. (sè stunned?)

At the time of his death, Christina, who should have killed him, accidentally gave him the blood of his precious Nirvana. Perhaps this is just an impulse, but it made the red Piccolo really stay. Chen Rui’s heart.

Whenever the body burned the fire of Nirvana, he couldn't help but think of her, the woman who claimed that she was not owed and wanted his life next time, and wanted to see her again.

Now that this desire is about to be realized, there is a kind of unspeakable taste in the heart. Expectation, uneasiness, embarrassment... cannot be described by accurate vocabulary.

Race: y look at the royal family (variation). Comprehensive strength assessment: A.

Constitution A, Strength A, Spirit A, Agility A.

The sudden appearance of the data in the eyes of the analysis caused Chen Rui’s hand to tremble and slowly turned back.

There is already one more person in the yard.

Still a classical style robes, the perfect proportion of the body, black long hair plate up, face véng with a veil, revealing a noble and mysterious temperament.

Sure enough, she.

Chen Rui felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, suppressing the mind of the jīdàng, turned around and sighed slightly: "Is it a Christina noble woman? I am Arthur, and a friend has commissioned me to bring something to you. ”

Christina didn't talk, just watching him quietly, the quiet look behind the veil, as if straight through his disguise.

Chen Rui was inexplicably nervous. He immediately took out a few bottles of medicine from the storage ring and placed it on the stone table.

“These four bottles are eternal remedies, and all must be taken, there will be extra special effects. This bottle is a resuscitation agent, this bottle is a life-saving agent.”

These six bottles of black sè, which represent the highest pharmacy achievements, are enough to shock the entire Devil. Christina just glanced at me faintly and turned her eyes back to Chen Rui.

For a long time, I finally opened my mouth. It is still the quietness of the old well in memory: "Is there everlasting in the world?"

This question made Chen Rui a sigh, trying to figure out the purpose of her question. Christina’s voice rang again: “Respond me seriously.”

Chen Rui thought for a moment and replied: "As far as I know, even the twin stars or the two months of the devil world will have a day of annihilation. Whether it is a thousand years or a thousand years of life, it is only a moment. Just because there is no eternal, we should cherish the moment even more."

"Chen Fang Fanghua," Christina slightly decapitated, meaning the artistic conception of his legendary bracelet. "The fragrance of life is so short. As time goes by, the immortal existence will eventually decay and fly, and then deep memories. The same is true, do you understand?"

Chen Rui frowned: "The words of the noble woman are very reasonable, just... I still don't quite understand."

"You should understand." Christina looked directly at him. "Some things you think are forgotten, but one day they will be forgotten in the process of forgetting you. Even if you don't understand now, but in the future I will understand."

Chen Rui sighed: "Some things... time is not to take, even if life is annihilated, the imprint still exists."

"It’s just stupid to use the wrong place... It seems that your stupidity is incurable." Christina shook her head. "So, if you come here today, is there already a sense of death?"

"My disguise really failed." Chen Rui did not know how his identity had been peeked by Christina, and he smiled. "It seems that no matter what image is used, I can't get rid of this stupid adjective."

The words just fell, a faint murderousness has surrounded him, although the breath is very light, but the terrorist power contained in it contains almost impossible to move.

Christina’s voice chilled down: “Stupidity is the biggest reason to ruin your life. I’ll leave you with the time to confess my words.”

Chen Rui did not panic, which was due to the test of the incitement of the long princess in the dark moon city. Although Christina’s murderousness is terrible, Chen Rui, who has been through a hundred battles, is keenly aware that the killing is not particularly strong. Otherwise, when he just recognizes him, he will be thunderous and it is impossible to hang on with him for a long time. .

Chen Rui would not be narcissistic to think that she had conquered her with Christine last time, or fell in love with him.

There is certainly a lot of concern for this noble woman who can't kill the killer: for example, the identity of the three masters who have joined the yīn empire of the Empire, such as the highest level of black sè; and the master of Arthur is the queen. Approved to enter the palace, if there is any accident, whether it is the public or the Queen is not easy to explain, etc., there may be a little bit of other reasons he expected.

Although this murderousness is thunderous and rainy, if it is not good, it may be hit by lightning. I heard that Li Yuan Ba ​​Nawa is arguing against the sky, and the result of the prize is thundered. Although the story is purely fictional, it cannot be ignored. If the words such as "have a sincere love in front of me" are copied, I am afraid that it will become a last word.

"I thought I was enough to make the Devils tremble, so I came to the yīn Shadow Empire and wanted to see you. Unfortunately, it is still not enough."

Chen Rui sounded incompetent, so that Christina’s murderous blight bounced a bit, because in the wet night, he once said that the country would bring the power of the whole devil to the yīn movie empire to take her away.

In this case, she only thought that it was a big deal that was cheap and sold, but now... this man really trembled in the devil world, the masters of the three-line masters who have been in trouble for a long time are not counted, and the masters who have been lost. Black sè potion, and it is the highest level!

He deliberately made a splash in the Master of the Masters, even when everyone asked for the Queen, just to see her?

Also, "transfer" six bottles of precious black sè pharmacy to her?

Sure enough, that stupid guy.

"Although I don't know where your black sè medicine comes from," these are not enough to affect Christina's will. The calm eyes still have not changed at all: "But... even if you become a true guru, it is still not enough to change something. ,unless……"

"Unless there is power? In your eyes... there is only strength?" Chen Rui could not help but ask, this is a question from the bottom of my heart.

"It's not that my eyes have only strength, but that I have to have power in my eyes!" Christina's tone was firm: "Have you seen countless homes destroyed by war? The bustling and beautiful home is just a moment. Between, it has become a thousand miles of scorched earth, people have been displaced, homeless! Have you heard countless civilians crying in the killings? The death of the war, ignoring the crying and praying of blood, relentlessly harvesting large innocents Life! I have personally experienced this scene of blood and crying everywhere, as if it was yesterday! Now the yīn shadow empire is booming and the people live and work in peace. If there is no power, how can we maintain this hard-won peace and tranquility?"

Christina said that the more powerful, the value of the analysis began to change, the overall strength: A ... A + ... can not be judged.

Sure enough, it is the level of the emperor!

"If your attachment is to protect one or a few women, then my attachment is to protect thousands of people with all kinds of attachments and dreams, to guard their dreams and attachments. This is my greatest attachment. Compared to this, everything else becomes insignificant. You, understand?"

Chen Rui looked at Christina as if it was the first time to watch this woman so seriously. Christina and Shia are very similar. The difference is that Christina’s attachment is stronger, her belief is firmer and she is unshakable.

Power, born for responsibility.

It is not a pure responsibility, but a real attachment. This is not the same as Xia.

For this attachment, she must have sacrificed a lot, and she has given up a lot.

A sudden strange emotion did not know when it had replaced the originally wanted line. Chen Rui suddenly smiled and ignored the murderousness: "Understood, you are also a stupid woman."

If it is Shia ~ ~ will certainly blame him for being rude, Christina just looked at him faintly, without denying: "I understand it, but my stupidity is different from yours."

"In essence, it is the same." Chen Rui shrugged. "I still thought it was impulsive, but now it seems worth it."

Christina originally said so much, that is to tell him that two people are simply impossible, and the brows are stunned: "I don't doubt if I don't dare to kill you?"

"I didn't do enough, it was not enough. So I can't die... I have to beg for mercy," Chen Rui's smile did not reveal a little bit of fear or forgiveness. "There is an important intelligence that should make me The last words will be left until the next time."

Kslintina ignored his language trick and asked: "What intelligence?"

"Is it okay to disperse first? It is too uncomfortable to speak."

"That's it!"

This is suspected of deliberate whole person, it must be "retaliation", but it is somewhat of a small woman's taste. ! .

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