Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 289: Assassination and explosion

[Mr. Saperina, what happened? - Chen Rui asked in surprise: "Why is Miss Fatty...".

"Master, you are coming right." Sapulina suppressed the anger. "I just sent people to the elegant Jacobs, but the adults are now in the magical array, and they must not be disturbed by anyone. The master is a confidant of Manu, also a ya. The most important person in the cloth, I want to ask the master to make a decision."

"He made the decision?" Izola sneered: "Who does not know his relationship with you in the crystal valley? He was originally a dreamer, but he represented you in the challenge of the Valley of the Devil, and became a secret. The command of the Valley of the Magic. As I see it, your true relationship is only a little bit unseen, now you let your own under the skirt to be cut? It’s so funny!”

"Living.!" Saplinna's eyes were cold and "I was just a friend with the master! You dare to say this, I will tear your mouth now!"

"Yeah, between me and Mrs. Sapulina is innocent!" Chen Rui also said indignantly, but this way, it is a bit y-sounding, like two naked men and women to come to check The police officer of the room said, "We are just chatting."

"Would you like to kill me? Do you do it, are you afraid?" Izola l smirked with a disdainful smile. "Now is not to say that you and this man have broken things, but your daughter...".

"I don't care what she did! Fati Ma has made a big mistake, and I have come to teach the coin. She, if she is not good, will have her father to punish, and it will not be your turn!" Saplinna's voice became Sen Ran up "You, why cut her arm."

The rule of the devil world is that the stronger the strength, the harder it is to have children, especially when both sides are strong. The combination of Sapulina and Azgalo is mainly the cause of interest, and it is not reasonable to be pampered. The daughter is the biggest surprise. It is a pity that it is not the blood of the Besib royal family, but it is also quite good as the Leviathan royal family. Uncle Manu is now in charge of the Leviathan family. If there is an opportunity, the daughter may become the leader of the Leviathan royal family in the future.

Sapulina finally had this daughter, and she was naturally arrogant. I couldn’t think of it being cut off by Izola today! If you can't recover, then the future combat power and potential will be greatly affected, how can it not make her angry!

"Your daughter actually stabbed me last night! I don't know who was instructed!" Izola did not fear the **** for tat: "As for her arm..., I accidentally broke it!"

Sapulina laughed aloud, with infinite anger in her voice: "I broke it myself? Is it you, do you believe?"

Izola sneered and said: "Jokes, don't say that she really broke it. Even if I am broken, she will kill me. Do I have to stand still and let her start? You want to find an excuse to deal with me, Actually, I don’t hesitate to use my daughter as a bait!"

"Nonsense! How can I use my daughter as a bait?" Sapulina stopped her laughter, and her eyebrows faintly murdered. "If it wasn’t for the mess that you made in the Valley of the Secrets yesterday, I was hurt. How come you find revenge?"

Sapulina knows her daughter's impulse. Yesterday, Fatih saw her hurt. It was indeed an indignation that she was going to find Isola revenge. She was persuaded to think that she would still go there at night, but then she was impulsive. No matter how ignorant, it is for her, for the blue house.

"The Valley of the Devil is now in charge of you. If you are out of trouble, you are not capable. What qualifications are there to blame others?" When it comes to this, Izola feels a bad breath and secretly proud that some of the disturbances she had arranged were made by Saprina. The town "冇" was pressed down. I couldn't think of a big surprise yesterday. I don't know which internal line is doing. I have to reward myself.

Although it is expected that the other party will ridicule, but Saplinna is still inevitably angry, just listen to the "Arthur" master socket: "Mr. Izola, now you can not pursue what you have done in the Valley of the Secret, but you I must have put Miss Fatih first!"

"Investigate? Even if you are a dreamer, or you still have a leader, you are not qualified to scream in front of me! Do not think that this woman is really good, sooner or later, you will be swallowed by her. There are no bones left!"

"Izzola, I will give you ten seconds, put Fatih." The temperature suddenly dropped, and Saplina's power has risen to a terrible level, and it will be seen at a glance.

Although Izola was assassinated, the strength of Fati's mother naturally couldn't hurt her. She just wanted to suppress Saplina's arrogance after taking control of the secret valley, and Fati's hand also It is indeed that I am "carelessly" broken.

"If you want to fight, you can talk nonsense! But I haven't used it to hold this kind of trick! Doton! Let her go!" The man named Doton pushed Fathi's view and suddenly fluttered toward Sapulin. Na Fei went.

Although the tone is tough, but still a bit soft, after all, there is no need to really desperate for this matter.

Sapulina was a little chilly, and she caught her daughter: "Fati Ma, how are you?"

Fati's eyes were red, tears screamed, and Sapina couldn't speak. It seemed that she was imprisoned for her ability to act and speak. Sapulina frowned, her hand showed a faint power, and she untied her body. Fatih immediately cried out "wow": "My hand, this woman." ”

Izola heard the words "贱女", and the eyes flashed and sneered. This girl was blown up by the props she had made, but she relied on her body, but the matter has already arrived. One step, the explanation will only make the contradiction more irreconcilable.

"Reassured, my mother will definitely recover your arm!" Sapulina comforted Fati's mother, and her heart was more hateful to Izola. This matter will never be taken for granted. At the moment, the rule of law will be set up.

Fativi suddenly grabbed Saplina: "Mom, I listened to the sly woman and said, "Destroy the entire Valley of the Secrets!"

When this sentence was exported, Sapulina and Izurazzi changed their faces.

Sapulina didn't think that Izola was so bold, and Izzola's reason was that she had never said such a thing.

The appearance of Chen Rui is even more shocked: "Miss Fatty, this is not a joke! There is something very important in the Valley of the Secret!"

Fati said with a grin, "This is what I heard when I was fainting, I am absolutely not wrong!"

The Izola earthquake, faintly felt that he fell into a big yīn murder, the assassination and fall of Fatty, nine out of ten is a plan of Sapulina! Is it?"

"Fatih! You can make it clear!" Sapulina saw that Fati was not like Xìng, and there was an ominous sign in his heart.

Chen Rui also uttered an expression of uneasiness: "Two ladies, I am going to the Valley of the Secrets to see it! Let me quit!"

Only after walking to the entrance of the Museum of Devouring, I heard a loud bang from the mountain, which was actually from the direction of the Valley of the Secret. The entire ground was trembling, followed by a series of continuous loud noises. It seemed that something terrible exploded. The entire crystal valley was alarmed by this explosion, and they looked in the direction of the Valley of Secrets.

There is only one place exception, the Crystal Nest xué, where the inscriptions to prevent interruptions have been placed by Chen Ruiqi Crystal Dragon. The vibrations and sounds are all isolated, and the inscriptions on the magical array are protected. Outsiders can't enter, in the words of someone, "anything can't affect the most important recovery of Jacobs."

"Not good!" Chen Rui screamed and rushed toward the Valley of Secrets at the "fastest" speed. Several figures were faster than him. The front was Izola and Sapulin holding her daughter. Na.

The explosion of the horror of the Secret Valley continued. When Chen Rui arrived, he only saw Sapplina and Izola and other people ugly standing at the gate, where people constantly escaped, the impact of the explosion bō nearby people They have become unstable and have fallen to the east.

It’s hard to stop the explosion and slowly stop. Chen Rui grabbed a familiar guy and yelled at him: “Tony! What happened?”

Tony was crying and sulking: "Mastering the adults! Just before the magic crystal cannon's test site, an unknown violent explosion occurred. The protective magic array failed in an instant. This force is too horrible, and has been smashed into other laboratories, followed by the rest. Several labs have also begun to explode, and now the entire Valley of the Devil has been destroyed!"

The magical crystal cannon is extremely dangerous. The magical array is the most powerful. The magical array is checked and repaired after each test. This time all of them have failed!

"How could this be, my research is still inside..." Chen Rui released Tony, a brother lost the appearance of hún, and then asked aloud "Toto master?"

"The mad beast seems to protect the chief craftsman and go to the corner, don't know..." At this time, Rafael's huge body came out from the mouth of the valley, and Chen Rui quickly rushed up, only to see Rafael's shoulders squatting. A dark goblin is the master of Toto, but the discerning person has already seen it. This is just a dead body.

"Toto Master!" Chen Rui exclaimed mad beast l ù 惶 的 的 , , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

As a director of the blockbuster, Chen Rui’s heart is also sighing. The end of the Toto master’s sè is actually hesitating for a long time. The dark goblin is the chief craftsman of the Valley of the Secrets. He is talented and involved in many research projects. The invention and fame of the class have incomparable fanaticism. It is not good to fall into the hands of the Crystal Valley or Catherine, so Chen Rui finally gave him such an unexpected death.

As for the experimental items and data of the Valley of the Secrets, Chen Rui has basically mastered it with in-depth analysis and memory. When necessary, he can use some of them appropriately.

"Who is responsible for the magical array of magic crystal cannons! Isn't it strengthened defense? How can this problem occur!" Chen Rui screamed hysterically, apparently the wicked first complained.

"Master, don't have to trace it." Sapulina said this, with a chill in his voice. "First take Fati to leave here!"

Izola l took out the vigilance, the whole body strength suddenly increased, because Saplina's strong murder has locked her tightly, not the usual bluff! ! .

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