Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 307: The devil's version of football in the hilarious revolution

Many of the problems in the military camps are caused by the excessive secretion of the males, and the conflict between the Guards and the Guards, which has always been wrong, has happened several times. Breaking the blood, Kagolong and Athena, Aroks still have considerable prestige, no life.

Vitality and enthusiasm are also a kind of blood, should not be blocked. The Mozu had a militant day. If it could kill, it would not be called the Mozu. Chen Rui’s method is actually based on the method of cross-fiction in the past.

For group projects, nothing is more attractive than football. This is called the world's most popular game, and it is believed that it will also be recognized by the world for its confrontation and teamwork.

So, two days later.

Except for the squad responsible for the city gate and patrol work, the rest of the guards were concentrated in the military camp.

In the military camp, Acting Sheriff Athena and Chief Instructor Araucus stood on the stage. After some time of **** training, the Guards had completely obeyed the two top controllers, and they were awe in their eyes.

Athena spoke up: "Three days ago, people who had clashes with the Guards were out!"

Those people did not hesitate, and Qi Qi stood out from the ranks. Athena's sharp eyes swept over the dozens of people, watching these guys bow their heads with guilty conscience.

"Do you know what is wrong?"

These people know that they are in a hurry and are psychologically prepared to answer "know" in unison.

Athena pointed to a horned demon: "You, talk, what is the biggest mistake?"

"Yes!" said the horned man: "We shouldn't fight the Guards, violating the rules of Athena!"

Athena looked at the straight guard who stood up: "You answer me, is he right?"

When everyone answered "right" in unison, Athena shouted: "No!"

"The biggest part of their mistakes is not a violation of my regulations. It is the ten people who have not won the Guards in 15 people. They have lost the face of our guards! Everyone said, should we punish?"

Athena's words let the guards face each other, and then the face faintly lends a strange 〖Xing〗 Fen, even those who stand out are no exception, screamed in unison: "The penalty!"

In fact, the progress of the Guards has been very fast. This time, the fights have been damaged. If you want to change them, the 30 will not be able to do the Guards.

"After the dissolution, everyone will go to the military judge to get twenty sticks!" Athena asked again: "Everyone said, shouldn't it be, earning this bad breath back?"

The voices of the two thousand people in the audience rang in unison: "Should!"

"The Guards and the Guards are the two sharpest knives in the hands of the Princess. They are also the closest comrades. The blood on the blade should be the blood of the enemy, not their own!" Athena said: "But The devil's admiration is that the strong is the respect, even if we guard the army ourselves, there is competition for survival of the fittest. If the captain can't beat the soldiers, he still needs to change back to ordinary soldiers! I have already obtained the long princess through magic communication, we and the ban Between the Guards, there will be a victory in a fierce battle competition! Do you want to teach the Guards in the face of the Darkmoon City? Do you want to pass the Guards in the future? One army?"

Combat competition? These set off the jīqing of the guards, and their faces were flushed out, and they replied loudly and tidyly: "Think!"

Athena nodded. "Below, the Aroks instructor will elaborate on the rules of this battle competition."

Aroks smashed Athena and stepped forward to come up with a strange ball object. He began to explain that it is not easy to accept a new thing. He said a lot. The following people are still not Too clear: This ball can only be "stepped" with your foot or hit with your head? And also get to the other party's box?

Too much theoretical use is useless. The best way is to practice. The 26 soldiers were selected by Araux and the demonstration was started.

Then, the accident began to happen frequently.

Everyone is indifferent to the enemy, chasing a ball and walking, even the goalkeeper is no exception.

Fist, claws, horns and even teeth are used, that is, no feet....

Because the power is too strong, the goalkeeper kicked directly into the front of the goalkeeper in a distance of 100 meters. The other goalkeeper held the ball and directly returned the ball to the gate. The players in the middle could only do the ball in the air. The head moves neatly left and right and left...

The poor ball finally couldn’t stand the ravages of the violent temper, bursting on the spot...

The first football trial failed completely. It seems that copying is not feasible and must be improved according to local conditions. Devil world, there must be something devilish.

After making some thoughts, Chen Rui improved the football, and the bombs were greatly weakened. They also engraved a magical array that increased weight and consumption. The kicking required considerable strength.

A few days later, it was a bit like that, but the "accident" remained.

An accidental header, the ball was punctured and hung on the sharp corner. The horned demon belongs to a rib of the head. If you think about using your head and your feet, you will not be a foul. You will use the horns to smash the ball all the way, knocking down. All the people who blocked, including the goalkeeper, "falled" the whole person into the goal and scored...

The opponent's horned devil player will draw a gourd, and the result will become a football game. A horned devil wears a football and rushes toward the goal, and then pulls a large arm and grabs a large group of k scorpions. Finally, this powerful horned konjac is bare ass. Into the goal...

In this case, all kinds of weird and cumbersome tactics emerge one after another. For example, after the kick-off, a group of strong men form a circle, and the ball is guarded in the middle of the 〗 〖Where, who will kick, and finally this circle has been unstoppable Going into the goal...

There was a disgusting guy who used the sky to swallow the ball. When someone else didn't pay attention to finding the ball, he rushed to the other side of the goal and spit it out. Fortunately, it wasn't pulling...

The goalkeeper is not without yīn moves. When the other party rushes, the crossbar that grabs the goal is forced to slam, and the entire goal is not in the land. There is no more door. How do you score the sample now?

Finally, hiding in the sidelines, Chen Rui, who was holding a belly and laughing, couldn’t stand it anymore, and went back to improve...

After countless reforms, the first generation of Devil Edition football was finally born.

This ball was made by Chen Rui using the super system's refining and matching technique. The texture, the elasticity, and the firmness are all extraordinary. It is a masterpiece.

This ball will absorb the power, and it takes a lot of effort to kick. When it crosses the goal line, it will also emit a flame-like light, representing victory.

The course was widened and the simple magical array of appropriate gravity was added. The goal was also reinforced.

After the sheep, they still encountered a lot of problems, but they were solved one by one in a timely manner. The guards who adapted to the rules and venues gradually fell in love with this "combat ball".

Not only the guards, but the garrisons were also led by Kagulon and began to try this 〗.

Under Chen Rui’s proposal, the Guard’s team and the Guards’ team conducted a competition in the arena that was not open to the public. The audience was only Laogaus, Athena, Kagulon and others. Part of the soldiers.

Because the time of contact with this〗 is not long, in addition to the hot scene of the competition, the jokes are also a lot of troubles, and finally they can follow the rules and stick to the end. In the end, the defending army won by ten to six, and it felt like the eager guards were all arrogant. At this time, the old Gaussian deputy, the representative of the Princess, announced that one month later, an open competition will be held in the arena. At that time, there will be tens of thousands of spectators coming to watch, and the winning team will receive 50 sets of top-grade armor.

The confident guards and the unwilling defeated guards, as soon as they heard the news, were full of energy and determined to defeat each other in front of all the audience in the dark moon.

Back to the military camp, the guards appeared to be 〖Xing〗 and frustrated. The players were welcomed by the heroes and the morale was unprecedentedly high. More people began to actively study and participate in this kind of movement, Rao is a wide area of ​​the military camp, was drawn out of three courses, and almost can not meet the growing enthusiasm and needs of the guards.

Of course, this 〖〗 can not completely replace the military training, Athena on the advice of Chen Rui, the training content and arrangements for the week have been adjusted accordingly, those with excellent results and the fastest progress can give priority to the battle ball activities .

Those who perform well will serve as representatives of the Guards and participate in an open competition between the arena and the Guards one month later. In this way, the soldiers are more active and have achieved remarkable results.

Since the heroic deeds controlled by Araux, the heroic deeds of the 64th "Agulie" have already begun to have a cold trend. Chen Rui’s launch of the "battle ball" is a double-edged idea that not only solves the military problem, but also This project can be identified as the main profitable project of the future arena.

Old Gauss admired Chen Rui's mind to the five bodies. From the training point of view, this〗 〖 movement contains strength, speed, endurance and gravity training, more importantly teamwork; from the perspective of entertainment Look at is a kind of exciting battle that can attract many fans in the long-lasting trend: from the perspective of economic benefits, this is a kind of economic development that can promote the surrounding economic development and bring huge benefits. project. Not only that, in the long run, this kind of activity is likely to cause all residents to pursue and follow suit, which can further enhance the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the Darkmoon, and is more conducive to the rule of the long princess.

Since coming to the Darkmoon, this human has brought too many innovations, many of which are incredible, and this time created this wonderful "battle ball." Old Gauss is now very fortunate that such a talent is his own, not an enemy. He is also fortunate that this person has returned to the Darkmoon territory after obtaining a series of promising genius titles. Why, the Princess does not consider the proposal for marriage?

After the successful trial of the arena, the follow-up work was handed over to the old Goss and Arrows, and Chen Rui did not focus on this aspect. After all, compared with the real plan, this is only one of them. An episode.

Before rushing to the town of Magic Bell, you must explain to Xia the necessary affairs, cooperate with the plan, possible changes, and, Freya, always tell Jiya.

At this time, an unexpected news came from Yankou Town on the south side of the dark moon. The graveyard in Yankou Town had a strange thing. ! .

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