Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 314: Double dance under the moonlight

The next day, the townspeople in Yankou Town got a good news, a bad news, and a news that might be good or bad.

The good news is that the ègùn mayor of the disabled bào finally accidentally squatted under the hands of Wang Ling’s creature. The bad news is that due to the relationship between the ancient battlefields, the area around Yankou Town has been eroded by the suffocating power of the scorpion and the king, becoming a curse. Land, no fǎ and then live.

The last news is that the princess of the Dark Lord City ordered the use of the magic f squad to block the town of Yankou, to avoid further spread of the cursed land. The original townspeople migrated collectively to the south of Soto town, and each household was properly compensated, despite Many people are reluctant to leave their homes, but because of the curse relationship that has been caused by Wang Ling’s creatures in Yankou Town, there is no choice but to leave.

The mayor of Shike must be severely punished. Because Shike is behind the Saifu family, in order to avoid possible internal contradictions, he will give him a chance to "be a public servant". In fact, Chen Rui is very confident that he will hand over Shi Ke to Guladam for disposal. It will definitely not be the experimental product of shībào. After getting the message from Chen Rui, he immediately arranged the corresponding personnel and transported Warcraft. Assisting and doing the settlement work in Soto town in advance, Athena also transferred more guards to maintain safety and order, and the migration work was carried out in an orderly manner.

From the news from the old Gauss, the long princess and his party will soon return to the Darkmoon City, accompanied by Jiya, think of Ji Ya, Chen Rui’s original mourning has become heavy, Frye’s Things have been pressing on his mind, and the end is coming, or think about how to comfort her.

After the town people completely left the town of Yankou, Chen Rui and Pagley wū began the work of “sealing”. In fact, they set up the inscriptions of the dragon language and the magic f, to isolate the corresponding areas of Yankou Town and avoid outsiders. Entered and repaired the originally destroyed white bone altar, helping Guladam to speed up the restoration of the spirit hún fine huá.

Because Guladam’s affairs involve many secrets such as dúlong, it is not appropriate to report to Xia, so the Yanbing crystal mine in Yankou Town will be sealed first, and the production will have to wait until Guladam’s spirit hún fine huá recovers completely. Say. Chen Rui’s guise to Guladam is very simple. Pingyi will not bother him, and he will support his experiment as much as possible without damaging the general interests of the territory and the civilians. Once he needs to work hard, he must go all out. .

If you can make full use of the power of the ancient battlefield, then Guladam will be able to create a terrible Wang Lingda jun, enough to rival the entire dark moon territory, plus the power of the king spirit, absolutely A powerful secret weapon.

Chen Rui suddenly thought of one thing. He had the Tauren and Medusa tribes in Xiqiao Mountain in his hands, the West Road Guards in Tim’s hands, the earth elements, the jun, the cloak, and now it’s a veritable genus. Under the help of the Guladam King Ling jun, plus the help of Paglio wū, Luo Méng, and Di lì, this strength is quite powerful even as a lord of a large territory. If he wants to replace Xia as the lord of the Darkmoon with absolute force, it seems... not very difficult?

However, Chen Ruicai does not want to do such boring and laborious boring things. Heya’s hard work and pressure are in his eyes. Sometimes, the battlefield that does not see xuè is more terrible than the real life ǐ battle, you don’t even know When will the "comrades in arms" be tǒng you a dāo. For example, the blue melted collar is the white-eyed wolf in the mouth, the m眼dāo son in the hand, has been dressed up in the back tǒng black dāo

If he is really keen on the spring, he will return to the ground world, and the Jinyao territory is the richest territory of the Longhuang Empire. His three emperors are the true lords of righteousness, and maybe they can also fight the rest of the brothers and sisters. , board the throne. Now hiding in the dark, helping Xia to calculate the plan, is already the limit he can do, and there is something between the princess and him that can't tell the truth....

After arranging a series of resettlement work, Chen Rui, Athena and Pagley wū returned to the Darkmoon City. Old Gauss told Chen Rui that Xia had returned and was waiting for him in the palace after the palace.

Chen Rui disguised as a follower's face, followed the old Gaussian smoothly into the palace, and the old Gauss took him to the inner court after the huā garden, and then retire.

Xia is still a white sè long skirt, looking at this strange big è, first surprised, then sè: "This is the genius master of the demon world? The inheritance of the great master There is such a wonderful deformation in the middle."

"This face is not a master...".

Chen Rui did not explain the inheritance of the great master. His original intention was this excuse. Now, Xia took the initiative to think that it is natural to save a lot of strength, and the face changes again and becomes the "master": "This is However, the current master has been missing, and in all likelihood, it has been unexpected."

Xia nodded, no longer said more in this respect, and did not mention the topic of the devil genius master, directly said: "This time I went to visit the Bailu territory, and the former lord Sikari gave me a copy. Hòu ceremony, there are many luxury items, such as special decorative spar, color 翎 feather máo, top grade silk cloth, etc., as well as a group of goblins and horned craftsmen who are good at architecture, said to help the dark moon to repair the dilapidated royal palace ""

Chen Rui shook his head: "This hòu ceremony is more like giving the princess himself than the dark moon territory. Luxury goods can not alleviate the current real shortage of food in the dark moon. Instead, the craftsmen will increase the original dark moon. On the tight food load. Of course, if the dark moon is only so difficult on the surface..., I suspect that Sikari’s move has the meaning of temptation, and he wants to find out the true bottom line of the Dark Moon, and does not rule out that he has the Emperor’s Intention, or stress."

The so-called friendship between the zhèng governance, the most important thing is the interests and purposes, it is likely that at some point, when the interests change or fail to achieve the goal, it is not surprising to turn a face.

Really like George will be Jun, because of some kind of kindness, almost stubbornly support the weak power of Chia, or a very small number. In fact, Chen Rui knows that even his father-in-law has once been shaken, so George will only jun to ask him to help Xia once, and he is not strong. He and Athena are shackled in this precarious local.

The strong is the respect, this is the simplest and the biggest rule. You can't pin your hopes on others, you can only rely on yourself.

This is the case for individuals, and the same is true for the entire territory.

"You said it is good." Xia nodded. "Right, Kika, who Sikari brought to me, seems to be interested in tǐng."

Chen Rui brows and wrinkles, and the impression of Sikari is even worse. Just listen to Xia and say: "I should have given Jiya as a gift for giving back to Sikari, but I am afraid of a talented master. When I returned, I couldn’t see his shì girl and complained, so I changed the gift from Princess Square to the Sikari Lord.

The last time Xia was telling Chen Rui, because Dio’s interest in Jiya sent her to the Custer family, Chen Rui’s faint disappointment was in the eyes, and this time naturally it would not repeat the same mistakes.

"I have been very clear about the things of Jiya." Chen Rui sighed, "Now, she should have no threats, and the jìn magic ring can be removed."

"She is your shì woman, the disposal spring is in you." Shia's words are indifferent to the local atmosphere.

Chen Rui did not stop on this issue and said: "This time I got the deformation technique passed down by the Grand Master. The plan of the key step has been perfected. With the current situation, it must be implemented as soon as possible. I intend to go there."

Xia sighed. "As the lord, it is also the biggest beneficiary of this plan. I don't want to say anything hypocritical. But since",... From the Xiqiao Mountain, you have been in danger, this is obviously not The act of a wise man. ”

"I never said that I am a wise man. I am also afraid of swearing, but this is the most crucial part of our overall planning. No one except me is qualified for this corner. And... I have decided Chen Rui’s tone is undoubtedly determined, as if he was the lord. However, this kind of near-momentary resoluteness did not make Xia resentful. Instead, the ice and snow in the purple eyes began to melt.

"Right, I remember... When the curtain was opened, the Princess of the Long Princess promised to promise me. When I returned to solve the problem of the yīn movie empire, I would promise me a little ú?" Rui saw that the atmosphere seemed to be a little solid, the tone changed, and the eyes became a bit weird.

This kind of look made Xia’s heart inexplicably a little nervous: "We have this question..., then I will say that it is not too late, you can go back to rest now."

"After you say?" Chen Rui's eyes were very ambiguously pumped, and then he shook his head. "That is too far away, we are still in front of us..., amount, now talk about this important issue. I will soon If you want to go through one of the most dangerous things, if the lord is so unbelieving, it will hurt my positive."

"Bold!" The tone of Shia became so fierce that it seemed shy: "You dare to marry me!"

This reaction seems to be a bit too strong. Unfortunately, Chen Rui has not eaten this one. He sighed: "His Royal Highness also knows the dangers of my trip. It is very likely that I will not come back. Isn't my last wish satisfied?" ”

"Living.!" Shia stared at the guy's eyes and was not afraid of boiling hot eyes. He finally gnashed his teeth and said: "Besides the dance that I originally promised, if I dare to have other messy things, now Just your last moment!"

Chen Ruil stunned the sè: "What mess is going to be ú, that is the dance..., the long princess, you are still starting",..."

Xia knew that she was in a speech trap and was about to attack. She saw that the guy came over and politely made an invitation posture. At the same time, a melodious automatic music sounded, and the huā garden floated. With.

Mixed bombs, even the music is arranged, and it is prepared!

Xia’s eyes were almost to dissect the guy. However, when Chen Rui made the invitation, he involuntarily extended his hand.

Bà, it is to fulfill the promise, as a member of the royal family of the Lucy fǎ royal family, how can they say nothing?

Temporarily convinced his own Shia to resist the urge to burn this guy with black inflammation, let him hold his hand, when the two hands just touched, it seems that there is electricity, that time The wonderful feeling at the ball reappeared. The wonderful feeling of the fingertips has always been in the heart, and the tight heart is gradually softened by this feeling. When the shoulders are held, the man’s breath is quite close. Last time, in the eyes of the public, there is not such a strong feeling. Today, this post huā garden, only two people, he and her.

In the beautiful melody, two figures danced in the moonlight.

Since the last welcome dance of the emperor, Xia has not skipped any dances with anyone, especially this kind of new dance of interest. Chen Rui’s performance is much more than expected, which makes Shia’s These defenses were gradually put down, and they were described by the words that Alice learned from someone. This is called a gentlemanly manner.

As everyone knows, the so-called gentleman is just a more patient wolf.

However, for Xia, who has been busy and busy, it is a rare opportunity to relax, and the pace begins to become lighter and begin to enjoy this long-lost fun, and the cooperation with Chen Rui is becoming more and more tacit.

Chen Rui also enjoys dancing with the ice princess, especially in such close contact, white jade-like skin is clearly visible, and the nose is still faintly revealing fresh fragrance, looking at the whole dark moon or even the whole devil world, he It is the first man to be so "Qīn near" with Xia, and it should be her "voluntary".... If the aristocrats in those territories see this scene, the chin will be surprised to fall.

"Hey!" Xia looked at the smile on Chen Rui's face. How do you see how you can have a fist? "Is it funny?"

"I was thinking, the long princess has a letter and believes, it is my lord."

"Ye guy!" Xia heard "My lord adult." The face was faintly feverish.

"If your Highness wants to retaliate, I am afraid that it is difficult for me to find someone." Chen Rui avoided her turning her face and ruined the atmosphere. She quickly added another sentence: "I personally hope that I can keep a life next time." Come back to accept the little punishment of the princess."

Shia’s gaze is a bit bleak: “In fact, this time... you can’t come back.”

Chen Rui smiled slightly: "In my cognition, there are some people, some things that are more important than others."

Xia stared at his eyes: "Your contribution may not be able to get the reward you want. At that time, I am afraid to regret it."

"Why do you regret it? I remember a book that I said There are always several encounters in life. There are always a few sprinkles. The important thing is that you have experienced it, once met, and sprinkled ......" Chen Rui did not escape her gaze, smiled and raised the hand held, "In addition, I have now been rewarded, isn't it?"

Xia looked at his smile and suddenly felt that her heartbeat was a little faster. The two did not speak for a while, but just danced silently in the music. Some subtle things did not have to be expressed in words. Can feel it.

"...", "Why is this music repeating every time, you are a magic fǎ prop, in the end..."

"The amount...just a little longer music, it should be over...".

"No, the guy who can't, did you dance a few dances?"

"Amount, I want to be fast...".

"It’s almost three hours! Mix the bombs, your tricks are over!”

"..." (to be continued)! .

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