Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 321: The light of Canita?

Kanita thought and flew, saying: "The father is practicing in a closed door. Unless there is a very urgent military situation, even if it is me, I can't see it. I want to ask you first, what is it?"

This is not completely congested by Canita. Zhuoqi did practice some time ago, but it is now over. This mankind came very embarrassed. Despite Samuel’s relationship, it was only a one-sided word. It’s impossible to see Charles with his unclearness. In the event of any misconduct, he was not even tired of himself, and he gave Joseph a chance to completely defeat him.

But now the war between the devil world and the ground world will not begin until two hundred years. The possibility of a human being coming to assassinate the demon lord is negligible. Kanita is more concerned about what he can get on this matter.

"This is a good thing for both parties, and the benefits are quite huge."

interest? Canitata concentrated on the spirit, but on the surface it is not moving: "Great interest? Please forgive me, Samuel is from the ground world, and here is the devil world, I really can't think of it, you can bring it What are our huge interests."

"Charles" is naturally the opening of the camouflage of Chen Rui, facing the challenges of Canita, shook his head: "I am sorry, I can not understand too clearly, but can tell you how to cooperate successfully, income It will be twice, three times or more of the investment. Of course, this investment must reach a certain amount, otherwise it will not be able to meet the demand, and it will not produce income."

Upon hearing this huge return, Canita’s heart was still calm: “It’s really a huge benefit, but I can’t think of it, why is it so big?”

"Don't question the power of human first business family Camplot! Human economy and commerce are by no means comparable to your poor devil!" Chen Rui's body exudes a horrible momentum, the same, Samuel The face also showed a proud smile.

Kanita once heard that Samuel occasionally mentioned that his family is the first commercial family of the Empire. His financial strength is quite strong. He is far from the family of the Devil. He frowned: "If this is the case, why do you come to the Devil?" It is entirely possible to find a bigger and safer collaborator in the ground world. As far as I know, it is a big risk to come here through the space channel, let alone the hostility of the Mozu to the Terran. ”

Samuel inserted: "I don't know Lord Canita, my family recently..."

"Samuel!" Chen Rui stopped what Samuel would say. "Our time is not plentiful. You have been in the devil world for a while. You should have some understanding of the situation here. I command you to leave immediately." Here, work with me to find a truly powerful object."

Samuel slightly hesitated and replied affirmatively: "Yes!"

"Please wait!" Canita quickly digested what had just been said in the phrase. The Campotte family had some kind of situation, and Charles had to finish the matter quite tightly. In any case, this is very It may be an important opportunity for him to reverse the current dilemma.

"Devil" Chen Rui looked at Canita faintly, and a fierce murder slowly spread out: "Want to leave us?"

Samuel opened the door: "His Kanita, this time to take care of me, I don't want to conflict with you, please let us go."

"If Samuel wants to leave, no one in the magic bell town can stop it, let alone Lord Charles." Kanita shook his head quickly. "At present, among the four lords of the angels, my father is the strongest. My relationship is the most suitable partner. If Lord Charles wants to turn to other partners, I am afraid that there are many detours. Shouldn't the two have to waste too much time?"

"Your observation of the details has been recognized by me, Lord Kanita." Chen Rui put away the murderousness under the instructions of Samuel.

"As a possible collaborator, I just hope to know more about the news." Kanita appears to be more calm, slowly loosening his hand, and that prop is used in critical situations.

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up: “Cooperator? Can you represent the Lord’s adult?”

"No, the practice of the father and the adult will take some time to end." Kanita shook his head. "I mean, before that, you can try to cooperate with me for a while, and wait until the father finishes the practice, as long as there is a fact. As a basis, I can guarantee that I will be able to convince my father to agree."

"This suggestion sounds good" Chen Rui l smashed the sè "I need a small amount of light crystal coins now... Yes, it should be called magic crystal coin here, do you have this strength supply?"

The crystal mine belongs to the energy resource without any genius. Both humans and demons can directly absorb the power to assist the practice, so they are common currency in both worlds, although there are many human or demonic kingdoms in history. The empire has also issued its own exclusive currency, but it has been eliminated with the passage of time. Only this hard-flowing crystal coin has been going smoothly until now, just like Chen Rui knows another world of gold.

When Kanita was short of money, he felt a lot of money and suddenly frowned.

"This supply is not free of charge. It can get quite a lot of income. The earlier the investment, the higher the return. Now the initial period, the rate of return can be doubled. When everything is stable, the rate of return will be If you invest 10 million optical coins, you can get at least 20 million in return during the startup period. But when all projects are running continuously, the return rate will be stable at around 10 to 20 percent. It can only get a return of about 12 million."

Canita was shocked. This is equivalent to a kind of lending. He has tried investment several times. The rate of return can reach 200% in the short term. It is definitely a huge profit. Even in the latter stage, as long as the funds are accumulated. To the extent that it can continue to get 10 to 20 percent, it is also a stable and abundant source of income.

The question is, how can you believe in such a strange human being?

"Brothers, let me explain to Mr. Kanita slightly!" Samuel said. "I don't care about you. After I came to the devil world, something happened to the family. Because of the different camps, the family was affected. The second emperor Garfield’s yīn seeks sanctions, the sources of funds are frozen, and the Crystal City Card built by Rex’s command is in the final stage of completion. At the same time, many investment projects are forced because the start-up funds are not functioning properly. Suspension. Coupled with the interference of the hostile family, the former allies or the wait-and-see or the retreat, we can't get enough funding sources... Let's just say that now is the time of crisis, so the older brothers will venture into the devil and seek partners. ""

Canita nodded, and the Campotel family should be at a critical juncture in life and death. All parties are suppressing and standing by. Prior to this, Samuel has always been proud and self-sustaining, without any tension or anxiety. It seems that as he said, the family sanction should happen after he came to the devil world, otherwise Samuel would never stay in this small magical town, and he would go to a certain territory to contact the lord directly.

"Samuel, you have said enough!" Chen Rui brows and wrinkles "Lord Kanita, with your wisdom, you should be able to judge that this is a good thing for both sides, as long as you can get enough With the start-up funds, the Camplot family will be able to complete the construction of the Crystal City and maintain the operation of the investment project. Regaining the right to speak in front of Rex, the benefits that can be obtained are naturally huge. This is me. The reason for the early double rate of return was raised, but after all the recovery is stable, this rate of return will definitely decrease."

Canita carefully calculated for a while, contacted Samuel's performance, I feel that the truth of this matter is still very high, but even if it is true, the risk is not small: First, Campro The situation of the special family must be quite critical. Whether it can be defeated or not is unknown. Secondly, after the Campotte family is in the ground world, even if it is really profitable, he may not be able to obtain benefits in the devil world, and there is no corresponding guarantee. .

Chen Rui seems to have seen through his concerns and promptly said: "In order to show sincerity and ensure the smooth progress of cooperation, I am willing to provide treasures of equal value or value as the mortgage for the first funds."

Value-for-money treasure mortgage? Kanita’s eyes are bright, and as a result, the two concerns are gone. For him, it is a godsend opportunity. If you can grasp it, you can get rid of the biggest financial dilemma now, in the case with Joseph. The competition has the upper hand.

“What I want to know is, how much do you need for your first batch of funds?” Kanita thought about it and asked, “How long will it take to get a return?”

It seems that the fish has started to be hooked up. Chen Rui immediately answered this question. It is imperative to unfreeze the most important investment projects as soon as possible and bring some valuable funds back as soon as possible. The second step is to gradually start the rest of the project, to ensure that the huge commercial system will resume operation and benefits. After all the conditions are in place, the construction of Crystal City will be completed.

“The first step of thawing is the most important. The first batch of funds to be invested needs at least 40 million black crystal coins. At present, I am still 7 million yuan and will be returned in installments. The first phase is 3 million, and the second phase is 5 million. The third phase is six million, a total of 14 million. The first and second phases are the fastest, and one month should be able to return them all. If the third phase is to wait for the profit to reach the corresponding number, the time is longer. Within three months."

Seven million black crystal coins! Canita took a breath of cold, as one of the four major territories, the red secret land has been rich, and the tax on the entire territory is only about five million black crystal coins, and no extra expenses are calculated. .

This number is too surprising, but it will make a net profit of one million in the second period. This profit is indeed very high and very cost-effective.

"To tell the truth, if in the past, seven million is only a fraction in my eyes. Last year, the tax paid by the Campotel family to the Longhuang Empire had four billion black crystal coins, which was suppressed by the second emperor. As a result, this number is more than in previous years."

This number is not Hu Yu. Moreover, in that world, the tax of a building in a developed city can be worth a city in the mainland. It can be said that people are more dead than people, and the difference can be imagined.

Chen Rui sighed: "The world is unpredictable, I did not expect that one day I will come to the devil world for adventure because of the 7 million black crystal coins."

'District' seven million... Canita swallowed hard in the throat, the prosperity of the human world has long been heard, but did not expect to reach this level, a family pay taxes of forty Billion black crystal coins!

This four billion, no, even if only seven million into the magic bell town, it is definitely not only now, the level of prosperity, personal strength, at least will double, and the hand will be quite generous.

The most important thing is that this is only the first step of the plan! As long as you participate in the entry, the financial resources behind it are absolutely rolling in. As long as you have enough financial support, it is definitely not a problem to fight down Joseph.

This is a big opportunity, and it is too late! It's the dawn of the darkness - if everything is true.

Kanita has not been stunned by profiteering. After all, Samuel and Charles are humans: "If I can provide this money, how can you guarantee that the return will safely reach the Devil?"

"I did take a lot of danger this time, but as long as I have a plan, I can use the secret treasure to create a fixed space coordinate here. Half of this secret treasure is in the ground world. You can use some precious materials as a safe and safe way to go back and forth. Unfortunately, only one person at a time. And the magic crystal coin of the Devil has a certain dark elemental atmosphere. It takes a lot of brains to get rid of it..." Chen Rui said: "If you have already said this, you should know me. I have come to know that my time is very precious. Will you let me and the lord see you as soon as possible and discuss cooperation matters?"

Kanita thought and flew, and replied: "Why must you see the lord? I think what you need most is money, and it is not the identity of the partner."

Chen Rui opened his eyes: "You mean..."

Kanita will take a deep breath and take a deep breath, replied: "Seven million, I can provide."

Even if it is a hundred years of accumulation, it is not easy to get this money in this difficult period. It can be said that all of Kenita is exhausted, but it is impossible to lose. If Charles goes to other partners, it will miss it. This is a great opportunity for a big day.

"This is only the first batch of investment in the first step. The need for this later is far more than this goal of the Campolet family is not only to lift the crisis, but also to completely overturn it." Did not easily agree: "Are you sure you have this strength?"

The more this attitude, the more I want to make Kanita, if there is such a benefit, he certainly can't eat it alone, but the most profitable first-phase investment must not be missed.

"As long as you can prove the feasibility of this plan, I can introduce and guarantee you in front of my father. The truth is the best reason to persuade." Kenita said with confidence: "But in order to prove the sincerity, I want to see Look at the mortgage treasure you provided."

Nothing is empty, the most important thing is the actual thing.

The collateral displayed by humans is some equipment, but all are legendary! The brilliance of those equipments almost brightened the eyes of Canita, and he can be sure that he has never seen so many legendary items in his life. Moreover, this is only part of it.

Kanita is the person who knows the goods. These equipments are valuable, and some of them can't be measured by money. In the moment, the mind is big, and the face is smiling.

The same is a smile, and the new partner of "Carles" "Charles". ! .

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