Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 343: Fairy dragon

The power of the lightning was very special, and Chen Rui’s voice seemed to slow down because of paralysis. "Is there still a power to escape?" The fairy dragon was slightly surprised. The moment he had appeared in front of him, "Magic damage seems to have been reduced by more than half. Is it the reason for physical fitness, or equipment? Try this again..."

Chen Rui’s words "slow motion" have not been finished yet. I saw that the surrounding space seemed to be distorted. In my heart, I was chilling and quickly launched a second teleport. However, this time the movement seems to be disturbed by strange effects. It is expected to be cut in half, so it is enough, so that the fairy dragon is once again surprised. The purple sè's scorpion is straight out: "Can you lie down and penetrate the blocked space? If you can still bear this magic, Miss Ben will let you go."

As soon as the words were dropped, the surrounding space was distorted again. Since the two teleports had been used up, Chen Rui immediately launched the protective cover skills. However, the shield was more fragile than the foam in front of this distorted force, and it shattered in an instant. The force of the distorted space wrapped Chen Rui up and rose into the air.

Chen Rui only felt that the bones and flesh of the whole body and even the spirit hún seemed to be twisted as if they were twisted, and there was a danger of being torn at any time. I couldn’t help but scream, but fortunately the power disappeared for a while, Chen Rui The body fell from the air, feeling the whole body was very painful, as if every inch of bones were broken.

This terrible magical power, Chen Rui's life is rare, the red lord lord Zhuo Chee will also compound magic, in front of this beauty, it is no different from the kindergarten children.

This is the fairy dragon, the strength of the fairy dragon is the weakest among the dragons, but it is the most powerful magician and scholar.

"Hey? Actually, there is no fainting?" The beautiful woman helped the glasses frame. Her original strength was controlled at the level of stunned opponents. Immediately interested in "I will try this again..."

"Wait! You are not saying that you will let me go after this magic?"

"Oh..." The beauty stayed, and then a smile came out "Now is the last time..."

Someone was rolled up by the ice whirlwind with lightning...

"Wow! The ice system is the same! Try the soil system again..."

There is a shēn吟 in the half-seat ice sculpture: "You just said the last..."

"You just got it wrong. This is the last time, it is a test before leaving."


"Try this again, I promise..."


"All the characters of this lady are bet this time!"


After a few half-hours after the last time, Chen Rui, who was baptized by various departments, finally couldn’t stand it, and he passed out very simply.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a stone platform, surrounded by strange instruments, and suddenly jumped up and quickly climbed up, only feeling sore and sore. Even the head is groggy.

This is where? Actually still being stunned!

Was it being robbed by a female gangster?

As soon as she thought of the woman, Chen Rui not only shuddered.

"You are waking up faster than I expected, and the physique seems to be stronger than the average person. It will be fine in less than a day." A familiar familiar female voice came out of the instrument pile, and Chen Rui was shocked and hurryed back. Going over, you know, he is purely a model. Nothing to wear.

A robes were smashed over and did not wait for Chen Rui to wear it in a hurry. The beautiful woman with glasses had already come over, holding a bowl of soup in his left hand and holding a spoon in his right hand. He did not avoid his body. It is estimated that this female hooligan has been seen when he passed out.

"Given you broke my test. I forced me to eat for three days. As compensation..." The purple sè after the spectacles flashed a murderous look. "I am now officially announcing that you are my servant now." It!"

“Wait!” Chen Rui said quickly: “Before this, we have never met, and your strength is very strong. How can I destroy your experiment and force you for three days... Yes, you are not eating now. ?"

According to the fairy dragon, he was fainted only one day.

The beautiful woman looked at the soup bowl in her hand and stayed for a moment: "This is your illusion."


"Actually, I am only studying the ingredients in the soup. For this great experiment, I will not hesitate to use myself as an experimental product."

"..." Chen Rui was speechless for a while, but after experiencing countless "last time" baptisms, he had already prepared himself for the beauty of the beauty. He quickly said: "So, I am willing to pay a certain amount of fortune compensation. The servant... Miss still don’t want to make such a joke.”

Said. He took out a string of sparkling beads, which were inlaid with delicate gems of five-six sè, each of which was more expensive than the one that he gave to the emerald dragon. It was in the Paglio treasure. One of the treasures.

The fairy dragon looked bright and picked it up. I praised a few words and looked at Chen Rui’s eyes brighter: “Where did you come up with this bead chain? I remember the time when I tried it. Everything on your body was lighted by me...”

Chen Ruiyi listened to the word "trial", suddenly a burst of creeps, when I was faint, I was not robbed, but made a more terrible mouse!

"In any case, this string of valuable treasures is enough to offset the little trouble I have brought to Miss, isn't it?"

The fairy dragon nodded and shook her head quickly: "No! You just ruined a piece of the best thunderstone, and it is the last piece! That precious magic material is not comparable to this kind of common thing. Unless you can Give me a piece of thunderbolt, otherwise I will not be able to compensate for my huge loss."

That is to say, the string of common things was taken up by her "hands-on" and there was no return.

"The best thunderbolt..." Chen Rui thought about it. There is just a magic material like thunderstone in the storage warehouse. Although it is not the best, he has a refining room that can make the thunderstone reach the highest purity.

When I saw a piece of thunderbolt that Chen Rui took out out of thin air, the fairy dragon once again stunned: "Do you also have space magic..." This sentence has not been finished yet, and the gaze is taken by the thunderbolt. I am attracted to it.

"This piece, almost no impurities! It is the best of the best!" Fairy Dragon said: "As long as you give me three more, I will... Hey, what is your expression?"

Chen Rui is quite speechless. I don't say that this "as long as..." related sentence is over. Obviously, this beauty can only be described as negative in terms of credit.

"Before I give the lady three pieces of the best materials. I want to take the liberty to ask the lady's name."

"I am called Rolla, okay, give me the material."

Although she is already psychologically prepared, Chen Rui still has a sharp jump in her heart. It is said that it is not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

Sure enough, it is Rolla! That Paglio is most afraid of the "female madman"!

Lola immediately noticed, and looked at him suspiciously: "Have you heard of me?"

In front of this beautiful beauty, regardless of appearance or special temperament, they are chasing Catherine, but the value of the exercise is a bit low... However, Chen Rui still remembers the terrible "Devil's Head" described in Paglio's mouth. Especially when she did not know her, she also made her little white rat, and now she strongly suppressed the fear in her heart and said: "No! Just... When you hear the admiration of the female name, it is inevitable that the heart beats faster."

"Admiration? You admire me?" Lola was surprised and looked a bit dull, but Chen Rui remembered that she had previously frozen him into ice sculptures in this situation.

"Compared with the peerless appearance of the lady, I admire the profound knowledge!" Chen Rui thought of some descriptions of the dragon by the poison dragon. I said in a good way: "My name is Richard, a fanatic of a magical array. I wandered around the Devils to learn the magical array. By chance, I came to the Rainbow Valley. Big strength, find this space... I call them nodes and veins, and finally open the space entrance. After entering here, I discovered that the magic array inside is more mysterious than I have mastered. It’s a hundred times deeper. I can’t think of the creator as a charming lady like Miss Laura. Please allow me to stay here and follow the lady to learn the magic array!”

Now that you have found the fairy dragon, you can't leave empty-handed again. This is the biggest opportunity to unlock the seal on Paglio. Moreover, there is the existence of Anúún fruit, the only hope to save the earth king. !

Speaking of knowledge. This time, Rolla did not show a natural stay, but a thoughtful look: "Yes, you broke through the space yourself... and also cracked the magical array of abandoned woods... for many years, First……"

Chen Rui’s heart was shocked, and the intricate magical array of the woods... was actually abandoned!

"You just said that you want to stay here to learn the magic array? Is it true?" Rolla l screamed suspiciously.

"Yes, Miss Rolla! Please don't question my enthusiasm for knowledge!" Chen Ruil took out a look of "moving" to further enhance his knowledge. I even huā the unimaginable power of others to study the unique characteristics of the dragon. Inscriptions on the dragon language, I dare say that it is the real dragon, and now I don't necessarily have my accomplishments. I thought that my knowledge has reached a bottleneck, and I can't break through. I can't think of Miss Rola!"

"Dragon inscriptions? Even the real dragons can't compare with you?" Rolla's eyes flashed with a strange look, and a few glowing symbols were drawn in the void. "First, what does this mean?"

"The original lady is also a master of this road!" Chen Rui pretending to have the same good joy "This is a composite inscription, simulation + mirror + transmission, the most suitable for use with plants on the ground."

Lola slightly decapitated, moving the symbols directly in the air with his hands, and asked a few questions, failed to stumble Chen Rui, the mind began to move, those symbols began to increase a lot, and then quickly overlap, combined into a strange Inscription.

Even at Paglio or Jacob, Chen Rui has not seen the arrangement of this kind of inscription, and he said: "This superimposed inscription is different from the ordinary compound inscription, I can't say it accurately. It means..."

Seeing the sè of the fairy dragon face, Chen Rui thought of the node he was looking for when he entered this space. The flash of light flashed in comparison with the deep-analyzed data in the brain. He said: "Space? Is it the meaning of space? So... ...this rainbow valley is an independent space composed of dragon inscriptions and some magical array?"

This discovery is so amazing that this is the only thing that Lola’s inscriptions on the dragon’s inscriptions are far above Paglio. After all, innovation and observance are two completely different concepts.

Lola couldn’t help but move. This is one of her most proud research results. It was actually broken by the other party. It seems that this guy’s inscriptions on the dragon’s inscriptions have indeed far surpassed the ordinary dragons, even if they are **** Duron, not too much to let!

"Good!" Lola nodded. "In this respect, at least you don't lie. If you are willing to hand over ten times the best materials and jewelry, then from now on, you are my official assistant!"

Seeing the suspicion of Chen Rui, Lola immediately added a murderous sentence: "If you don't hand it out, then you are ready to be a servant!"

It turned out that there was no choice at all, or the red fruit was robbed.

Beyond the knowledge, the Dragons are the Dragons.

Anyway, I have to stay, Chen Ruil pulled out a pair of dumplings, and he reluctantly took out the property and materials. Lola unceremoniously took all the orders and nodded with satisfaction. "Well, welcome, Richard, you will be my assistant in the future! If you can, I hope that you can start working right away!"

Finally have the opportunity to learn the ancient accent, and do not have to violently puglio! Chen Rui secretly rejoiced and asked: "Great! Excuse me, what are the main tasks of the assistants?"

"Your job is very simple. For example, wash the clothes behind me in the house first, then clean the whole house, clean up the test waste, make a hearty lunch, and help me later." Pour a shower of water..."

Chen Rui was stunned. What kind of assistant is this, clearly or servant!

"Miss Then when do I start to learn?"

"The best knowledge comes from practice, the usual experiment, you must participate." Chen Ruigang nodded, and the last sentence of Rolla made him change his face. "It’s like I don’t hesitate to try the taste of this bowl of soup with my own body. ""

Nima! It turned out to be a servant + a mouse!

This also makes people not live!

Chen Rui fled without thinking, but a silver sè lightning was faster than his movement. In the blink of an eye, Chen Rui was knocked down on the ground. His power was several times higher than the previous one. The paralyzed body could not move at all. It seems that this The second fairy dragon deliberately increased the magic according to his anti-magic physique.

"When you want to talk about credit, you can be an assistant, how can you escape?" The fairy dragon walked over with a smile, and the beautiful smile was even more terrible than the demon in Chen Rui’s eyes. "Your body has a rare anti-magic... As my most important assistant, I will do a good job of ‘pointing’ yours... rest assured, I promise you will not have anything to do.”

Rest assured your sister! When I thought of the "credit" in the fairy mouth of the fairy, Chen Rui’s heart burst into chills. It was a bit of a understanding of why Paglio had to turn around with a silver scorpion. ! .

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