Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 358: Autumn field

Sartre's old ān giant, such a tone is a certain kind of psychological tactics to a certain extent, he has considerable confidence in this 13th prison, where more than one emperor has been imprisoned, let alone "Charles" The "magic emperor".

It is the special kind of osteolytic toxin that can quickly corrode the strength of the body. The role of lightning is not only torture, but more importantly, it can accelerate the spread and erosion of toxins, plus the special imprisonment of the hands. So no extra torture is required. It can be said that Sartre should be foolproof this time.

"Reassure, you will die one inch and one inch, never too fast."

Despite this, Sartre still did not relax his vigilance, but he did not know. In fact, after he was a reliable preconceived concept for the 13th prison, it was equal to relaxing the vigilance - the enemy in front of him is not a demon. Emperor, but in a sense, it is more unimaginable than the devil or even the devil.

At this point, the flashing magic symbols began to extinguish one by one, it seems that Sartre is likely to have bought the fat warden, to torture and kill him the biggest enemy.

"Your hatred is so strong on the surface? Although Luo Dan is your son, I heard Rommel said that it is the pressure of the royal family to establish him as the heir, because the Lincoln family will definitely be merged into the royal family in the future. I killed Luo Dan, it should be... what you want in your heart, I am a little sympathetic to your dead son!"

Sartre snorted and did not explain. In his heart, Rummel shouted, and some things belonged to "potential rules." Which veteran family did not have a winding road? Rommel actually gave this thing to "Charles." And he was also told by the other generation's descendants in the two foreign families, and there was a strong anger in his heart.

Chen Rui glanced at the other two, with no hesitation in his face: "Similarly, you come to seek revenge, but it is only the revenge after the break of interest negotiations between me and the veteran family represented by Rommel. If I promised him at the beginning, then now you should be complimenting me with a smile and laughter...not the case. How easily can you be exchanged for the hatred of interest, or is it true hatred?"

Sartre originally wanted to use his words to shake Chen Rui. He couldn’t think that he would be moved by him. He knew that he could no longer continue to talk nonsense with him. At this time, the magic array had been completely closed, and the root of the secret cage began to shrink back to the ground, except In the hands of the imprisonment, Chen Rui has no restrictions.

After the magic array was closed, Chen Rui’s body was slightly soft. It seemed to be a kind of collapse feeling after the gravity was withdrawn. Sartre did not give him any chance to recover, and he was covered in flames and a long-awaited blow.

Sartre didn't look down on Chen Rui. When he came up, he was a heavy blow and he was determined to destroy the remaining resistance.

Just when Sartre’s fist was about to touch Chen Rui’s body, the target suddenly disappeared. This shot was shot down, and the powerful force slammed on the ground. The special prisoner's ground trembling did not tremble, showing the degree of solidity.

Sartre is in a desperate blow, and his heart is slightly shocked. The imprisonment can ban all skills, even the field. Why does this "Charles" be able to display the instantaneous movement skills like the big devil?

At this time, including Teresa and Tongte, suddenly felt the shaking of the heart, a strange sorrow breath, the indestructible 13th prison began to quickly decay, cracked, and the three forces were A strange force quickly weakened, and felt a sense of intense tiredness and exhaustion involuntarily. For a time, the body and spirit seemed to age a lot.


Teresa and Tongte wiped their eyes in the same breath, only Sartre's face was full of horror, this is the power of the field! And he can faintly feel that although the power is not particularly striking in this field (probably because the enemy has been imprisoned for a long time, the power is declining), but the "quality", that is, the level of the realm, seems to be more than he realized. high!

The most amazing thing is not this, but "Charles" can actually display the field in the case of wearing a ban! This is incredible!

No, that is enough to ban the emperor's embarrassment... How suddenly disappeared?

Is that the Kabang warden deliberately playing tricks? Or Duolun? Or this person himself...

Sartre didn't think about it, and when he shouted, it instantly became a battle form, with a long sword in his hand. The intense flame of the burning on the sword made a sly beast and rushed toward Chen Rui. However, this behemoth began to weaken and faint at the speed visible to the naked eye during the flight. When it was close, it was Chen Rui’s body. The translucent blue sè shield that appeared appeared blocked.

The shroud trembled, and after the faint disappearance of the giant beast, it also collapsed. Chen Rui’s eyes flashed in the eye, which was the first time he used the protective cover to take over the powerful attack of the demon. The reason was not only that the shield absorbed the damage. The ability to improve, and more importantly, the field.

This is the first time that he has demonstrated his field of insight in actual combat after he has practiced in the prison through the training ground.


Also known as the Autumn Field, Chen Rui's name for this field, effectively combined with the negative power of self-cultivation, can absorb and weaken the enemy's power for its own use. Although the artistic conception and effect are far from reaching a perfect state and time is limited, it has already deviated from the "star domain" skills that the super system comes with. It is an area of ​​real meaning that is independently displayed.

Nowadays, he has really taken the decision of the legal environment. Compared with the previous ones, the previous ones can only be regarded as awkward exploration. Now they have found the real direction. Next, they can take big steps. Going forward.

The feeling of the field of display is completely different from that of super system skills when it consumes aura and star power. This is a feeling of control. It seems that you are the core of a small world, and you can control the power of every atom in the world. However, it is still far from the true level of control.

The two early devils on the side were stunned by this change. They tried to resist the influence of the autumn field in the corner. They dared not go forward. In their eyes, this is already the battle of the senior powers beyond their level!

Sartre has recovered from the horror, feeling the strangeness of this field, the long sword faintly emits blue light, and integrates with the light and flame of the body, swiftly waving a strange trajectory in the void. In the prison, there is a group of strangely expanding electric awns that radiate the power of this tyranny. Although it is constantly absorbed and weakened, the speed of electricity production is much higher than the degree of absorption, and the whole eye has been flooded. field.

This is Sartre's trick "Lei Guanglie." He is a double master of magic and strength, all qualities have reached A-, very balanced, this big move combines more magical power and mental power, in this In the battle of the field, magic power is obviously more effective than ordinary energy attacks. Sartre does not expect this trick to defeat this terrible opponent, just want to take the opportunity to find a breakthrough in the field. As long as you find a breakthrough, you can maximize your own field and then defeat your opponent.

However, the effect of this move is much stronger in the imagination of Pisa. In the field, Chen Rui is only a newbie after all, and it is still used for actual combat for the first time. I feel that this lightning is not only amazing, but the most annoying is the kind of interference. The power made him unable to successfully continue to condense the power of the field. The surface of the whole field is still as usual, but in reality there is a sign of collapse.

Chen Rui’s eyes flashed, and he rushed directly toward Sartre. Sartre was shocked. The other party has obviously used the power of the strange field to take the advantage. However, it is impossible to understand that this advantage has not been continued. It is a very unwise positive attack.

Sartre’s heart was suspicious, and he did not hesitate in his hands. “Lei Guanglie” went to Chen Rui’s full force, Chen Rui did not avoid it, the five fingers opened, the huge light ball appeared, whistling and rushing toward Sartre, two shares The energy is worn over and they are attacked by two people. If you look at the situation, you will have to lose both.

Sartre immediately launched an instant move, avoiding the ball of light. In fact, it is a misjudgment. In the absence of the use of Yanlong possession, the power of the Aurora bomb is much smaller than imagined, and the effect on him is not great. Sartre is still at the very beginning. Misleading in the field of autumn.

The battle is changing rapidly, and a small judgment mistake can be lost.

Chen Rui does not use Yanlong because he has his own considerations. Once he uses Yanlong, he can't display any skills for 24 hours after "cooling", including the door of the starry sky. Now this place is different from the original Crystal Valley. A suitable place to display the gates of the stars. The current situation in front of him is good for him. I don’t know what enemies or unexpected situations I will encounter, and I have to leave myself behind.

Sartre has just settled in shape, and the other person's figure is instantly in front of him, and it is a teleport!

Sartre’s heart has a strong sense of crisis, and his years of experience have made him instinctively stabbed Chen Rui’s heart, forced him to avoid or save himself and resolve his own crisis. However, this is another mistake. The other party has no plans to avoid it. Sartre has passed through his ōng膛.

At the same time, Chen Rui also had a short slap in his hand. In the moment when Sartre had not had time to react, lightning broke into his heart.

This should be the first time Chen Rui used weapons in real battles, and he was also the secret weapon he made himself.

The shadow (dagger) - the legendary magic dagger, is xìng: double the attack speed, weaken the enemy's defense, tear the wound increased by 100%, have a chance to produce paralysis.

I have to say that it is a very dangerous weapon. It is very powerful to speed up the attack and break the defense. Not to mention the miraculous effect of tearing the wound and paralysis. It can be said to be the best weapon for the occupation of the assassin.

Sartre looked incredulously at the dagger of his heart, only to feel a terrible pain, the whole wound seemed to be torn by the teeth of the beast. It is hard to believe that this was caused by a small dagger. The wound, who has been pampered for many years, has not had such a thrilling pain for a long time.

Not only in physical function, but also psychologically, it seems to have lost the original ability to respond. It was hit by a knife. This knife is accompanied by the effect of paralysis.

The Mozu and the human being are still different. This kind of injury that is enough to make the fatality of ordinary humans does not let Sartre lose all the power. The wrists are shocked, and the thunder of the savings erupted. For a time, "Charles" was all surrounded by electric light. The whole person was shot and flew out and fell to the ground.

At the moment of flying out, the knife-like palm swept past Sartre's shoulder with a faint light, and the sharp knife in the air left a terrible wound on Sartre's shoulder. After all, the devil's physique is not a small thing, otherwise this broken Yuan knife can remove an arm.

The successive pains made Sartre scream, and there was a frustration in his heart. It was originally a slap in the face, and I couldn’t think of such a change!

Although Chen Rui’s power of the legal environment has made a great breakthrough and basically mastered the field, the gap between the current state and the demon level is still not small (the secret weapons such as Yanlong and the Seven Artifacts are not used). Therefore, it is possible to have the same result as the defeat of the first stage of the Emperor, the most important thing is the tactical aspect.

This tactic was in Sartre's arrival, he was already thinking about it. From the initial imprisonment, he had been making and using Sartre's illusion. As a result, he unexpectedly took his life and succeeded.

Sartre’s fear at this time is far from what the words can describe: the shoulders are heavy! Heartbreaking! Also accompanied by a strange sense of paralysis, I do not know whether it is poisoned - how many years have not been so severely injured?

What made him even more afraid was that the man who had just smashed his sword and took the power of the powerful elements of "Thunder and Light" had actually stood up again. His sharp eyes seemed to be straight through the blade, straight through his heart and soul. Full of powerful warfare, completely ignoring the blood flowing out of the mouth.

In fact, Chen Rui’s injury is not light. There is no Yanlong possession. The power of the Emperor’s level is really not what he can do in his current state. In particular, the strong “Lei Guanglie” is an outbreak from the inside out. Almost let his body collapse, despite the regenerative, spiriting and anti-magic physique, almost unbearable, and now it seems to be torn all over the body, but he still suppressed the pain with great willpower, stood up .

Only when you stand up can you let your opponent fall.

I don’t know if it’s a heavy-hearted relationship. Sartre’s sorrowful fear is unbridled. The power is weakly weak. In fact, he is not without the power of the last battle, and if the field is displayed, maybe There is also hope for victory.

However, Sartre was no longer the young and powerful brave young man of the White Nights, and the real blood and fighting spirits have been exhausted by the enjoyment and intrigue of the day. He has only one thought now - to escape, never to fight this terrible madman!

An enemy who has lost its fighting spirit and courage, even if the power is stronger, is nothing but an empty shell that has lost its spirit.

Chen Rui saw the other side's arrogance, biting his teeth and suppressing the pain. He was about to continue to take the initiative to attack Sartre. Suddenly, he had a warning and a wave of his hand. He had already pinched two strong shackles, and seemed to have quenched the poison. It is from a side of Teresa and Tongte, because the autumn domain has disappeared because it can not be maintained, so the two have restored their usual strength.

Tongte only saw Chen Rui and the Supreme level of Sartre contend, but also faintly prevailed, knowing that this strength is not enough for people to pinch, see Chen Rui voted over the sharp eyes, only fear of harming themselves, quickly pointed Teresa called: "It's her!"

There was a magical bow in the hands of Teresa, and her mouth was undulating, her face was mixed with tension and fear, but her eyes still had a bit of hatred.

Chen Rui suddenly frowned, turned his head and saw that Sartre had taken advantage of this precious opportunity to try his best to escape to the gate of the prison, and then started the mechanism, the door of the prison began to slowly close.

The speed of the demon emperor A- is too fast, Chen Rui has been catching up. Only Tongte has ran across the ground and pleaded with Sutter to open the door. But Sartre will manage so much at this time, and then continuously start the organs, and It was the sound of several doors closing.

Although the imprisoned cage has already played a role, the entire independent 13th prison has been closed down, which is equivalent to a larger cage.

"It's over!" Tongte almost collapsed. As soon as he greeted Chen Rui's cold eyes, he quickly thought of this terrible enemy. He quickly climbed up and fell to the ground: "The grown-up is forgiving, I am only ordered by the family. Pierce is just my distant uncle, even if it is usually rare to meet and meet. The old guy is looking for his own death, even against the adults..."

In order to kill his life, Tongte smashed the dead uncle in a ugly manner. Chen Rui’s eyes were filled with strong disgust. He didn’t give him the opportunity to finish his hand, and his hand was moving. Tongte’s face had already suffered a heavy blow. The sound sounded, and suddenly fell to the ground, gradually overflowing with blood, I do not know whether it is dead or alive.

Chen Rui defeated Tongte and turned his eyes to the Teresa who had just sneaked him with a smashing arrow. There was a tremor in the heart of Teresa, and she was mortal. She bite her teeth: "I had already married a person, and later married him as a tool for the martyr, and there was no feeling. Besides, as you said, you can be benefited. The hatred that is exchanged is not true hatred at all. But when he dies, I will marry other valuable people as a tool, so I hate you! I hate this hopeless life!"

Chen Rui’s heart is silent, the children of the big family Behind the glamorous, noble and luxurious, there are too many involuntary sorrows... His hand is still moving, and Teresa is coming. But it was just fainting.

"If you live, you will have hope." Chen Rui screamed at the slogan that was hit hard, and said that he did not know whether to tell her or tell himself.

"Damn madman!" The sound of Sartre's gnashing teeth in the prison should have been transmitted through some kind of magical device.

"Dorun and the Guards will soon be here, and you will be directly executed by the guy who is trying to escape!"

"Don't want to escape, even if you break free of the imprisonment, relying on the power of the emperor, you can't break through this closed prison!"

"I must see with your own eyes how you are broken!"

Chen Rui did not pay attention to Sartre, a dog who did not even dare to bite.

"The wind started to move, then, before the rainstorm, add a little thunder." Chen Rui said faintly, there is already a walnut-sized ball in his hand, and the delicate runes of the pulsing start The ball emerges. ! .

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