Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 377: Dark moon

Although Joseph's breath is getting weaker and weaker, and he is already on the verge of death, but Jiya is rich in experience, and does not dare to relax, and carefully cast a bound magic, only to let go of his heart.

"Jia, you are so powerful!" Alice had a surprise in her eyes, and she caught up with Jiya.

“Is there someone who said that I want to protect his little princess?” Kia smiled and looked away.

In the direction of Kia's line of sight, Delia's figure is gradually drifting away. It turns out that Delia has been pretending to be in the face of Athena. She always looked at her heart and saw that Jiya and Alice left, just in case, and followed up, and found out the situation, but Jiya has the ability to solve it herself, naturally will not intervene.

His little princess? Alice’s face was suddenly red and red, and her heart was hot.

Jiya's strength is actually no better than Joseph, but her absolute advantage in equipment is unmatched by Joseph, even if there is a magic equipment store in Joseph's hand.

It is the red rope bracelet on the sorcerer shì female wrist, which is the legendary magic jewelry made by Chen Rui, and the “Zhen Fanghua” that once became famous in the yīn Shadow Empire Masters. The magic attack increased by 42%. Increases speed by 35%, speeds up mental recovery, and comes with a shield's defensive magic.

It is because of that competition, so the style of the red rope bracelet is now popular in the devil world, but no one knows, this set of the dark shì female wrist is actually the real thing.

As for the combination of wind and fire, it is the experience that Chen Rui brought from the fairy dragon Rolla. Ji Ya experienced a rough, knowing the world is sinister, and determined to be strong in the morning. At least it can't be the burden of Chen Rui, so sī is also a hard practice. Finally mastered the mystery of some compound magic.

On the other side of the arena, the battle ball game is finally over, and the final score is fixed at three to one. After the team scored three goals, the red sè captain finally pulled back the ball, but could not change the result.

The audience of the arena cheered together, and Xia made an inspiring speech with the momentum and announced a series of favorable systems of appeasement. Under the influence of the people, the audience's emotions reached their zenith again. The whole audience called "Long live the princess".

Joseph originally laid down the sinister organs that had been destroyed. They were taken out by Royce one by one. After this "war", the dark moon has completely returned to the control of Xia. Some families who had been close to Joseph also expressed their surrender. It is a great victory.

Looking at the sea of ​​cheers, Xia recalls that she has just taken over the dark moon and the hardships that have been imposed on people all these years, and there is a feeling like a dream. The entire territory was finally firmly grasped in his own hands.

All this is the change that the man brought.

The dark moon is just the first step in his planning, and there is the emperor...and the whole empire.

From the current situation, it is not just a fantasy to really complete the father's life.

He, haven't you come back yet?

Just returned to the palace. Old Gauss immediately reported to Chia that Alice was swindled by Joseph’s tricks and was almost taken hostage. Chia was taken aback. Secretly blaming, just the attention is in the competition, I did not expect that Joseph still has this kind of poison, almost a hundred secrets, but fortunately there is Jiya, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

At present, Joseph has been killed by Gia, escorting Alice back to the palace hall, waiting for her life.

Xia walked to the main hall in two steps and saw the little Loli was talking and laughing with Jiya, and immediately blurted out: "Alice!"

"Sister!" Alice saw Xia and quickly came over.

"I will find you again after a while." Although I was very worried about my sister, but after seeing Alice safely, the majesty of her sister's lord came out again.

Little Loli has long been accustomed to it, spit out her tongue and made a face, no voice.

Xia’s eyes fell on Ji Ya’s body, and the succubus shì woman was still a pleasing and obedient, but she did not know how much respect she had in her heart.

For a long time, Xia has a little prejudice against Jiya in her heart, even after she learned that Jiya has no "problem". Perhaps this prejudice is more because of the embarrassing relationship between a man and a small shì woman. More precisely, it is the little princess in the heart of the princess who is not willing to admit it.

"Jia... Thank you."

There is no promise of praise, only this verbal thanks, although it is still a cold tone, but the succubus shì woman can feel the sincerity of His Royal Highness Princess, smiled and said: "This is what Jiya should do, because... Little Princess For Jiya, it is a very important person."

At the beginning, Jiya was sent to the dark moon by Sapulina to be undercover, and she was seen by Shia. She also wore a banned magic ring and had many surveillances. Only Alice did not regard Ji Ya as a suspicious individual, but as a real A friend-like close-fitting woman, for JIA who has been bullied since childhood and has no friends, is a rare warmth. This is the biggest reason why Yiya has always been willing to follow Alice.

Xia looked at Jiya deeply, and there was a little warmth in her cold eyes. She bowed her head and said: "So, please continue to take care of Alice in the future, please."

When Jiya’s eyes were bright, she finally began to take a serious look and gave her a look at Alice’s smile.

This is a good start, representing the gradual breaking of the relationship between Xia and Jiya.

For a lord, dealing with a shì woman is a slippery world, but from the perspective of a woman, especially the "woman of a man", the lord, the princess, only I am afraid that it is better than shì women.

This may represent the key to the princess's mind. If a "damn man" is here, he will sneer and snicker.

On the second day, Xia officially announced a new appointment; the former acting security officer Athena officially served as the sheriff and guardian commander; the sheriff Chen Rui was re-appointed as the financial officer, due to "physical conditions", temporarily represented by the old Gauss Position; the West Road Guard was promoted to the defensive army, becoming the third army of the Darkmoon, commanded by the successor of the Safran family, the former mining officer Tim; the guard of the Guards reserve team, Agulie, remains unchanged, concurrently The quartermasters, the rest of the family have a reward.

The most unexpected thing about this appointment is Agulie. Didn't this guy betray the long princess and turned to Joseph? How did Joseph fall down again and still get the re-use of the princess?

Many people who are flexible and minded have already guessed it. Agulie, who has been the assistant of the long princess, has suddenly turned down Gossef at the regular meeting. It should be instructed by the princess, but Joseph’s man would actually believe it, it’s a little unbelievable, there must be some secrets that are unknown, but Certainly, Aguly must have played the most crucial role in this struggle.

As for Joseph’s guilty being made public, including the serious crime of attempting to kidnap the little princess. His body was sent back to the Red Sea Territory, and the little princess was a royal family. It is also the pulse of the White Night Emperor. Joseph can be said to be sinful. I believe that even if it is a red lord, it cannot be covered. By convention. Zhuo Che must also openly plead guilty to the emperor and apologize to Alice.

Not only that, Xia has received information from the emperor, the empire's large and small territories and the emperor's major families have all collected funds to the black scorpion. The mysterious "Charles" disappeared mysteriously after arriving at the Imperial Capital not long ago. There is also a relatively secret news, the financial adviser, Isabella, who has the reputation of the Emperor's flower, died unexpectedly. Under the insistence of his friend, Krobe L., he held a secret funeral. I don't know if it has "Charles". relationship.

The cause of "Charles" was actually blocked by the black scorpion, lest it cause confusion. But paper can't hold fire, especially the elders who are extremely sensitive to the imperial capital. Although the witnesses at the Yuyue Pavilion were only "remaining" black ones, many of the veteran families still had doubts - did Charles have a tuy with Isabella? Judging from the severely damaged scene of the Yuyue Pavilion, I was afraid that it was a terrible battle. Even Isabella was dead, then Charles...

Blackbird insisted that "Charles" has escaped safely into the human world. There is no way to prove it, but even Krobe L. has faintly guessed that there are many human beings, not to mention the old elite families. ?

At present, many people's attention is attracted by the mysterious organization that has been cleared up. However, some people can feel that a terrible storm seems to be brewing slowly in the emperor. Perhaps it is not just the emperor.

Judging from this situation, Chen Rui’s plan has been successful. Although human beings have not returned to the dark moon as originally planned, although they are suspicious of the strength of the legendary “Charles”, they have not Too much to go deeper, but to start the next step of planning step by step, this is the most important.

For a time, the emperor and the local rumors, mainly about the black scorpion, said how the regent of the Regent, how to use the means of madness to collect money, to name the pharmacist contest, extort and defraud the wealth of various territories and families.

The rumors made the hearts of the emperor more chaotic. There have been families and territories that began to ask questions about the fund-raising. The black cricket is very angry about this, but the first suspect is not the dark moon territory, but the recent "strike hard" The "bloody" organization under the series of tough measures of the black and fierce resilience, the **** blood of all places has been hit hard and the losses are heavy. The result of this check also makes the black scorpion secretly scared. I did not expect that this mysterious force has such a wide distribution, the roots are buried so deeply, and there are certainly many hidden strengths that have not been excavated. It seems that we must try to get rid of this power, otherwise it will endlessly endure.

Time passed by, just as the situation of the Angel Empire was unpredictable, and Chen Rui, the initiator of all this, continued his career as an assistant in the Rainbow Valley.

Since the last return of the Emperor Angel, the treatment of the assistant adults seems to have become a lot worse, and the time and intensity of the experimental products have increased a lot. Except for some academic discussions, the fairy dragon girl barely gave him. I have seen it with a good face, as if he had done something bad in the days of anger and disappointment.

In the heart of Miss Fairy Dragon, this **** who wastes the feelings of this lady and adds clothes to other women is really a bad animal, no! Not as good as animals!

PS: This chapter is more about confession and transition. The real one is coming soon, but... I have always been killed and not spoiled. I don’t kill or spoil. Please send a friend of Q and sī, please forgive me. . RQ! .

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