Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 382: faith

Compared with the previous long-term battle, Chen Rui has a much shorter time with Lola. But that feeling is not comparable to the state of the involuntary state.

Lola looked at Chen Rui’s eyes and became different. It was full of a rare............... gentle? Yes, it is really gentle.

The hellish rainbow valley of the past has become a gentle township.

If it is normal, Chen Rui will stay with her, but now the situation of the dark moon is urgent, Chen Rui can not stay here.

"Sorry, Lola, as long as one month, and more than three months, I will definitely come back. There are many things when I go there. I will tell you in detail, you are here waiting for me to come back, okay?"

Rolla really did not even have the strength to nod, but Chen Ruixin read the answer from her eyes, and nodded with satisfaction, wěn wěn her forehead, hugged her to chuáng, covered Good quilt, left the rainbow valley.

(Awful man, really gone... However, my heart is particularly practical, as if I have the heart of my heart.........)

(It’s a bit strange, it seems that the communication with the elements is more delicate. Is it necessary to do this kind of thing to improve the strength? It seems that it is necessary to study and research, and those slate, finally got together.........)

(No, those who will talk about it later, now I am exhausted, I want to sleep...............)

(A month, you must not lie to Miss Ben, otherwise Miss Ben will find you at the end of the Dead Sea!)

Chen Rui left the Rainbow Valley. Under the influence of the newly acquired powerful force, he was not exhausted, but was spirited.

In fact, his original intention was to use a soft way to stabilize Lola, otherwise the unreliable dragon girl would attack, and I was afraid that even the entire dark moon would be turned over, even if it was the earth element king plus Paglio. The bottom of the scene, in the current situation, this beautiful wolf... The number of men is still successful.

No wonder Freudide has a famous saying: Sexuality is the source of all human achievements.

However, it seems that I remember that this adult later died of oral cancer.


By the way, Zhang Ailing’s sister seems to have said the same thing: the road to the woman’s heart passes the X road...

This is definitely a strong saying that needs a river crab, but Chen Rui really feels the heart of Lola in the moment when the two have just blended together. It is a hidden or suppressed emotion, not only for him, but also for herself. For thousands of years, they are all alone. The crazy experiment is just to enjoy the habit of loneliness.

That kind, the rare gentleness that inadvertently flows out, makes people intoxicated, as if the more intense the wine is more mellow.

(Pseudo-natural stay is good, belly black is also good, not reliable, after all, it is a woman, my female bottle of wine in the future is a time to slowly taste, the current first priority is to get back to the dark moon as soon as there is him Favorite woman and most trusted friend.

Chen Rui managed to find a horned beast and flew away in the direction of the dark moon at full speed.

Along the way, he finally had the leisure to quiet down, enter the super system, and take a good look at this "accidental harvest."

In the super system, the strange singularity of the stellar system has disappeared, and the tranquility of the past has been restored. However, as the master of the super system and the master of the entire galaxy, Chen Rui instinctively feels that the galaxy is different from the previous one. .

His gaze fell on the blue sè planet that once made a strange light. The consciousness wrapped the whole planet in an instant, ocean, land, mountains, rivers, forests............... Yes, those are animals, There are... humans? !

The human being is exactly the same as the earth, but the civilization is still quite backward.

Chen Ruil took amazed sè from the void space to the desolate galaxies, to the oceans and plants, and now this super system finally "simulates" the higher creatures such as animals and humans, not simulations, this feeling... It should be real life.

A life with thoughts and independence, not a controlled walking dead.

Chen Rui does not know what this means, but in any case, the emergence of higher life represents a qualitative change, that is, the evolution of star.

His consciousness returned to the Temple of Stars. Sure enough, in the state bar screen, the three-dimensional human body's light ball became five, except for the original white sè's "罡", the yellow sè's "煞", the blue sè's "strong" red Sè "Fa" has added a "chemical" of purple.

The environment!

Title: Yu Xingjun Evolutionary Level: Five Star Experience: %

Aura value: 154.8 million comprehensive strength rating: A-

Chen Rui almost burst into tears, it is not easy, count the practice time in the training ground, there are more than one hundred chapters from the last four-star evolution... that, more than one hundred years.

That legal environment is really a pothole! After comprehending for so long, Shura, the field, and the power of destruction have all turned around. In the end, I found a breakthrough in the "啪啪啪", and finally I was promoted in one fell swoop and reached the five-star evolution.

However, this huge harvest is indeed a move. The reason for the breakthrough may be the thorns of some mysterious power of the ancient slang, perhaps the role of the basic law that is understood, or the physique of the lord itself or the 啪It is related to the input of the soul.

Anyway, it is finally "upgraded".

Chen Rui habitually first looks at the five-star skill tree.

This time, there are four more skills.

Double repair (passive characteristics) - the technique of life and repair, the addition of spiritual and physical practice effects, the addition of skill power, and the effect of addition is directly proportional to the realm. Another note will have special effects at some point.

At first glance, this double repair also thought that it was a very cumbersome "啪啪啪" skill of "Xuan Xuanzi" and "Yu Nu Jing". It was originally a method similar to the 〗 〖National Taoism of the Inner Mongolian practice of **** and life. . In general, the harder it is to reach the peak, the more difficult it is to improve. This feature can speed up the practice and enhance the skill power. It is indeed a very characteristic.

Moving Stars (Active Skills) - Transfers all attacking skills of the opponent, maintaining time for ten seconds, and limiting them once per hour. Aura 0 is consumed each time.

This skill makes people think of the skill of the Murong family in the Jin Yong heroes' martial arts novels, "Take the stars to move", but the battle is to use the force to force the attack and counterattack to the other side. The effect of "shifting stars" is closer to the "moving huā picking wood" written by the ancient dragon hero. Although it is only ten seconds, for some big tricks, there are absolutely unexpected surprises.

Flight (active skill) - Flying skill, you can change speed and movement freely in the air... Additional aura of 0 points per minute, with "sound explosion" stunt, can fly at high speed, extra cost of aura... 2 times per hour .

Royal Star Change (active skill) - powerful combat form change, time limit, the specific form is unknown. An additional consumption of 100,000 reiki is required, and the belief is crystallized.

Transforming? The specific form is unknown? Wouldn't it be bump man? From the introduction, this should be the strongest combat skill of the five-star Yuxingjun.

Chen Rui noticed that in addition to the value of the aura consumption, there is also a "crystal of faith."

He thought about it fiercely... Lola once said that the field of the god-level powerhouse is different from the emperor and the emperor. It is not only the use of the natural forces of heaven and earth to structure the scene, but the existence of life, called For the kingdom of God.

Compared with the power of believers such as the devil and the human world, the power of faith in the kingdom of God is the most fundamental source of power for the gods. Otherwise, once the power of the outside world is lost, the gods are not to lose power to become mortals. ?

The crystallization of faith... should be related to the power of faith.

If you follow this theory, the whole super system itself is not a **** country? Then he is the **** of the kingdom...God 7

Chen Rui immediately shook his head: Impossible, he is still far from the power of God, do not know how many light years... and this is not just a country-like field, but a real galaxy - this leads him to the outside world The pothole system...the super system, originally a mysterious and special evolutionary system, should not be able to reinvent the concept of the world.

However, the "crystallization of faith" is really irritating.

In addition to the newly acquired four skills, the original "eye of analysis" has evolved into a "true, analytical eye."

When looking at the mount horned beast with a parsing eye, it shows: race: horned beast.

Comprehensive strength assessment: E (E).

Constitution E, Strength E, Spirit E, Agility E.

Analysis: Wind properties.

E+ is the current strength, the real strength of the forecast in the brackets... and the final wind attribute, which shows that the "true, analytical eye" has more analysis and judgment functions, which can more accurately locate the real power of the other party. It is already the final form of the eye of analysis.

It’s also a broken knife that becomes the ultimate skill of the “real system”.

True, broken Yuandao - Starpower attack skills, special reinforcement of the palm, like a sharp edge... When used, there is a chance to launch the "breaking yuan" attribute, weakening or ignoring the opponent's defense power, and directly attacking the spirit hún state. It consumes an additional 1000 per minute and has no time limit.

With the skills of "True, Kill Yuan Zhen" group attack skills, within 30 meters radius, all hostile creatures are instantly divided by high-speed knife gas, need to consume an additional 1000, choose to save the target, limited to 1 time per hour.

Being able to ignore the defense can be regarded as the true "breaking knife" also has a lethal effect on the spirit hún or the spirit body, and it also eliminates the time limit, and even the attached "Meng Yuan" has been upgraded, the scope of the group attack has greatly increased, and The ability to choose a target that is not harmed is quite intelligent.

In addition to the two evolutionary ultimate skills, the other skills have been upgraded and adjusted to the "Star Gate" star point increased to two, the star point effective time increased to three months.

After the implementation of "Zhenlong possession", the recovery time was shortened to six hours, and the skills can be used in the "cooling period", which is much more perfect than the previous restrictions.

Although the "Star Field" has not evolved into a "true, star field", the effect of enhancing itself and weakening the enemy has risen to 50%. This special field skill that ignores the restrictions imposed by the other side of the field, plus the body of the dragon, is the more he The biggest challenge of the order challenge.

In addition to the star field, Chen Rui’s own understanding of the autumn domain has reached a perfect state after the understanding of the law acquired in the semi-god space, and the power is not the same.

Inspired by the use of Nie's power to heal and strengthen Isabella in the battle with Bai Luo, he also has an idea of ​​comprehending the field of gain form, but the time is too tight, it is only an idea.

After upgrading from the legal environment to the realm, the amount of skill consumption aura is 10 times or more than before. If it is placed before, it can be seen that it can not be used. However, Chen Rui now has the star huā garden and Lingyuan tower. The aura provided, the value of the aura has been hundreds of millions... and it does not include the 100 million aura that was previously evolved to the five-star. This skill consumption is definitely not a problem.

When the Aura conversion skill is more, it is played by other miraculous effects. For example, the smashing of the Emperor in the 13th prison will disappear.

Chen Rui left the skill tree, and consciousness entered the architectural light screen. Sure enough, a new tower-shaped model was added.

Tower of Faith.

Jī living conditions: aura.

Function: Collecting souls and beliefs and turning them into beliefs. When the power of faith in a certain region meets the requirements, it will automatically build a pillar of faith... the value of faith doubles.

Chen Rui immediately confirmed the construction without thinking, and a huge tower-shaped building appeared in the Temple of the Stars. When his mind moved to the Tower of Faith, a reminder appeared.

The Tower of Faith currently automatically generates 1 crystallization of faith every day, and the number can increase as the level of faith increases. The power of current belief: 0 current belief crystal: 0 (the power of unit belief can be converted into 1 crystal)

The source of faith - not entered.

Crystallization of faith - current number 0

The pillar of faith - the power of faith that can concentrate and add to all life within an effective range, translates into a crystallization of faith, and can be constructed automatically when the power of faith in a certain region meets the requirements. Current number: 0

To collect the power of faith requires the pillar of faith... Although it can be built automatically, there must always be the first one as a basis. Chen Rui has not found a pillar for faith for a long time. He has lost his attention to the source of faith. Above, faith refers to the sage's proposition, doctrine, or conviction and respect for God, fear of ghosts, demons, demons, or natural gas, and regards it as its own code of conduct.

The source of faith is equivalent to the norms of world outlook, values, and outlook on life. Providing faith is a truly human being with thoughts and consciousness rather than a data-based walking dead.

At this point, the inner voice sounded up: "Enter the killing, yínyù, fear these things in the source of faith.................. The dark side of human nature will be magnified infinitely, you will get countless mad believers, at the same time, Gain a lot of faith."

It is Shura.

Sure enough... even after the evolution of the five-star, Shura still did not disappear, or he was further yòuhu. At present, the human civilization on the blue sè planet is still extremely backward, or almost a piece of white paper. Once Chen Rui really does this, then the blue sè planet will become a dark and y look at the refining illusion. 〗 Real world.

But... Shura said yes, all he needs is the crystallization of faith. Compared with persuading people to be good, yòu is much easier to lead people, because it requires more self-discipline.

"Don't deny the darkness, isn't that your own? Look at yourself, greed for beauty, yīn, blackmail, murder, ruthlessness... can survive today, can get the power of the present, relying on the so-called The hypocrisy? Human nature is originally self-sī, even if you have given some hypocritical and useless kindness, one day, they will find the true face of cruel, cold-blooded, fallen! Why not give them a true world? ”

At the time of refining the heart, Shura once showed Chen Rui the darkness and ugliness of the original world. The root of all this is the self-satisfaction of human nature.

Chen Rui thought seriously and had to admit that what Shura said did make sense.

Chen Rui’s own hands are also covered with blood, and many yīn calculations, as far as “love sè” is not to mention, Athena, Jiya, Catherine, Xia, now also add a Luo With the increase of strength, the growth of y hope, once he can't hold his heart, he may become a real demon.

Why are you still doing this, and why do you want to influence the beliefs of others?

He suddenly thought of a classic line of "The Return of the King" in the magical classic "The Lord of the Rings".

Faced with countless Moto army, Aragorn said this: Gangdo, the people of Luohan, my brothers!

I saw from your eyes, my original fear inside.

Perhaps one day, human beings will shrink and weaken, abandon friends, and sever friendship, but it will never be today.

Perhaps one day, the wolf will break through the human city, and human beings will be extinct, but it will never be today!

I swallow our vows! In the name of everything you cherish, I command you to fight, the Western warriors!

Chen Rui took a deep breath: Maybe one day, these humans or some descendants will become worshipped of power, corruption, corruption, but not now.

Perhaps one day, people will become more and more cold-blooded, lack of love and ethics because of certain circumstances and influences, but not now.

The husband has something to do with How to be sharpened by reality, people should always have something to insist on.

With this kind of persistence, even in the darkness of despair, you can look up to the light when you look up.

If there is no such persistence, even in the sun, the pupil will only be a yīn霾.

Humanity is from sī.

However, we cannot let humanity be controlled by sī.

There is no denying the dark side, and it is impossible to deny the light.

Not only for the so-called hypocrisy or the "Mother of the Virgin" but only "self-sī" for the sake of their own sudden collapse in the darkness, that point of attachment.

Or, this is faith.

Chen Rui’s eyes were more and more determined. He felt that the voice of Shura yòuhuò was getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. His hand made a strange light and reached the tower of faith. ! .

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