Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 387: 3 words

Although Zhuo Che was surprised, he did not panic. Although the maneuvering and impact of the cavalry in the wilderness can be fully exerted, the cavalry of the team is at best 3,000 or so. The threat is limited, not to mention the red. There were also cavalry, and immediately ordered: "The magician brigade prepares the magic! The archer throws the fire!"

Rows of archers hold long bows and throw out arrows in the sky. However, the cavalry loses a lot. They are equipped with silver light armor and light shields, powerful maneuverability and effective defenses. The lethality of the vector has been greatly reduced.

At this time, Kagouli rushed to the forefront, and all the cavalry took out a strange bow. Accurately, it was a slap in the sky.

In the red secluded army, there is a disdainful laughter. The range of the arrow is much closer than the bow, and it is difficult to load. What is the use of such an archery?

At this time, the rushing arrows in the sky suddenly exploded, and injecting countless smaller arrows, like the secondary rockets, rushed toward the front of the red secluded army.

Suddenly, this change suddenly, the former army of the red secluded is almost too late to lift the shield. What is even more terrifying is that these small arrows will explode, which is equivalent to a small magic bullet, but the scope of the attack is wide, and the successive explosions are temporary. The chaos is overwhelming and the death and injury are heavy.

Zhuo Chee face color iron blue: so far away, 弩 is actually more powerful than the bow! It has simply subverted the conventional law of long-distance warfare. When did the Devils have such weapons?

When the former army was in chaos, the cavalry had already pulled the distance. Now, if the red cavalry is dispatched, it may be able to entangle and delay the pace of the other side, but Zhuo Che does not do this because the magic of the magician brigade is ready. Intensive magical bombardment will become the nightmare of these weird cavalry.

For a time, wind blades, fireballs, ice cones, and thunderstorms sprang up like rain, interweaving a gorgeous and colorful network of death.

Under the leadership of the cavalry captain Kaguli, the dark moon cavalry immediately dispersed, but many of them were affected, and several galloping figures were drowned in the magical light.

"The cavalry brigade, dispatched!" Zhuo Chee saw the opportunity, and the most elite cavalry brigade rushed out of the line, trying to annihilate the remaining dark moon cavalry. However, the Darkmoon Cavalry was quite arrogant and did not confront it. He did not wait for the other party to approach, and turned around and left. However, while running back, he fired a dagger.

It is still the kind of singular arrow that will split and explode. The scope of the killing is very wide. In the explosion, the red cavalry has fallen. It is obvious that the cavalry of the dark moon has not filled the arrow. It seems that the cockroach can not only launch once. .

Seeing that the companions fell down one by one, the red cavalry chased the red eyes and couldn’t wait to catch the enemy into a meat sauce, but the dark moon’s play was obvious, and playing remotely did not give you a chance to approach.

Zhuo Che’s misunderstanding, and his heart is also bleeding: these cavalry are all sharp and sharp, all piled up with large black coins! Nowadays, facing the dark moon army whose strength is obviously weaker than one's own side, it has lost so much!

In desperation, Zhuo Che had to order the cavalry to return, although the fire of a stomach, but the red cavalry still faithfully executed the order, no way, chasing and chasing, can not beat can only beat, What will not come to do?

At this time, the dark moon's cavalry was extremely ridiculously folded back, and even took the initiative to launch a shot on the red secluded, and that kind of smashing arrows, but also learned a lot of teams scattered very open, even the magician brigade The magic is also difficult to cause effective large-scale killing.

The red cavalry has fallen down a large number of people, not only the soldiers are blazing, but Zhuo Che himself is almost screaming - and there is no end!

These magic tricks were studied under the guidance of the master of the cloak. Each of the cavalry that can be fired five times and each dark moon is equipped with two, but due to the high cost and limited amount, Currently only available to this cavalry.

"Ancestral adult," Arus frowned. "The other party is very embarrassed, or ordered the whole army to assault. In the face of pure power, all tricks are just illusory."

Zhuo Chee nodded his teeth and regretted it. If he didn't want to save his strength, he wouldn't let the cavalry brigade suffer such a heavy loss. At least he lost nearly two thousand elite cavalry.

Although the dark moon was won by the quirky power for a while, the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides were still obvious. Even if they did not take advantage of the opportunity, even if they suffered unexpected losses, they would have to live in the dark moon. The guys are all killing!

The heavy horn blew, and the Red Army began to quickly adjust its formation and prepare for the military assault.

While paying attention to the situation, Xia has been looking for the trace of Chen Rui who just rushed out. The strange thing is that he has never found it. He heard the horn of the other party and knows that the real test is coming, and the magic of the cavalry is almost exhausted. Immediately ordered the cavalry to retreat quickly.

In the horn sound, the red squad army rushed over like a tidal wave. Although the morale of the dark moon was greatly encouraged in the previous small win, it was facing more than twice as many enemies as it was. It is inevitable that there is a slight uneasiness.

At this time, Zhuo Che suddenly felt something, looking into the air, in the line of sight, a group of black spots are rapidly expanding, densely, there are nearly ten, Zhuo Chee and Arushi Qiqi shocked, invariably moving : "Football!"

So many Wyverns? Is it... is the air regiment of the Darkmoon?

impossible! The general territory is impossible to have so many bipedal dragons, let alone the red secluded, even the only dragon cavalry regiment of the emperor is only a thousand people! How can there be a whole dragon cavalry regiment in the poor place of the dark moon?

Could it be that the fighting between the two armies alerted the secret big group of the two-footed dragons around?

"There is someone on the Wyvern!" Zhuo Chee’s eye was still above Arus, and he exclaimed.

The two-legged dragons quickly proved the suspicions of the two emperors with their actions. Some strange things fell from the back of the two-legged dragon, and fell into the charge of the red army, suddenly bursting open.

This is not the drizzle of the previous bursting arrow, but the magical thunder of the real wide-ranging killing. For a time, the fire is splashing, the ground is shaking, just a few round trips, let the whole army charge the intensive state of the red army. The casualties were heavy, and the speed and speed of the Wyverns prevented the archers from effectively killing them.

The Sorcerer's Brigade immediately launched an attack on the Wyvern. However, the strength of the Wyvern is extremely strong. After several dives, the Sorcerer's Brigade will be smashed. Some of the magicians are swept by poisonous claws and killed on the spot. Some were caught at high altitude and fell off the fracture.

The Air Force and the Army are indeed not in a grade.

However, the Wyvern is still strong, and the number is limited. In the face of the tens of thousands of troops, in addition to killing, more is caused by shock. The Darkmoon Army did not think that it was hidden in the eyes of such a powerful air force.

When the Red Army fell into chaos and panic, and its morale climbed to the top, Hija finally decisively issued an order for the charge, and the arrow of the Darkmoon army began to advance.

The previous battles also had the skills and temptations. The next step was the real hand-to-hand combat of the boxing-to-meat. The red-hearted morale was hit successively, especially in the air, which was constantly attacked by the two-legged dragon. The military was shaken and the dark moon morale was like a rainbow. And with the excellent equipment that Xia did not hesitate to build the blood, it was faintly occupied for a time.

Where did Zhuoqi think that the scene would be completely unexpected? I knew that I had to solve the biggest hidden danger of the flying dragon in the air. I immediately vacated, just as a two-legged dragon swooped over, and the mark of Zhuoqi’s windings shone with strange light. , emitting a horrible chill, and passing by the two-legged dragon.

The two-legged dragon and the knight on the back quickly freeze at the speed visible to the naked eye. The dragon can no longer flap the wings, falling from the air to the ground, and the body is shattered like an ice sculpture.

The strong man in the realm of the demon has the ability to fly in the air without the need of magical support. On the other side, Arus has the flying blood of the human flesh. The great sword wrapped in flames is waving in the air, and the black flame hits one. Flying only the two-legged dragon, the flying dragon made a miserable, and instantly turned into ashes.

Xia has been paying attention to Zhuoqi’s actions. Seeing that the two great emperors of Zhuoqi and Arus have finally shot, they know that there is no magic emperor on their side other than her. If this continues, the Wyvern of the Wyvern will be In the event of a devastating blow, the battlefield will be reversed. At the moment, no danger is allowed. Two pairs of black wings are born behind them, giving off a faint light and flying towards Zhuo Chee.

Zhuo Che was already prepared, and with a hand, a group of ice flames flew toward Xia. The purple eyes of Shia instantly turned into a black and white, and there was a long sword like a snow in the hand. The light arc rushed toward the ice flame, and the ice flame was divided into two.

"Oh?" Zhuo Che was slightly surprised, and then revealed the color of the setting: "I don't think that the Princess of the Long Princess has reached the realm of the Emperor, but unfortunately, it is only the first stage of the Emperor, and the actual combat experience is too bad, you are not my opponent."

This sentence is not bragging. Hiyah used the power of light and darkness and the power of the Holy Light to open the ice flame, but the hand of the sword trembled because of the lightning power contained in the ice flame, but She did not hesitate to go straight to Zhuo Chee.

Zhuo Chee's flying ability is the realm of the Emperor and the magician's flight, but it is not as fast as the speed of the Holy Light. Once it is close, even if Xia's strength is far worse, it will be extremely passive.

Zhuo Chee's combat experience is rich, of course, will not let Xia approach so easily, the symbol of the hand shines, Xia feels an invisible shock force coming in, the cross sword is blocked, and the powerful shock wave is hit. Opened up, it was hard to stand up in the air.

At this time, the figure of Arus has appeared ghostly behind him, carrying a giant sword of horror and black inflammation, and Xia is in a vacuum period of power, and it is impossible to avoid it.

At this time, a figure appeared in the side of Xia, and this powerful sword was on the blue mask that appeared at the same time. It just left a faint crack, and black inflammation seemed to be absorbed by the mask. .

This person wearing a cloak can see strange masks on his face and can't see the true face.

Arus was taken aback and was a sword. Still couldn't break the mask. He saw that the cloak had already opened his fingers and pointed at him. Arus knew it badly and quickly retraced.

I saw three huge **** of light coming out in a row and flew toward Arus. If it wasn’t early, it was already hit.

It's him!

The mysterious strongman who launched the assassination!

Seeing the familiar light ball, Arus and Zhuoqi understood it at the same time. Then, this figure took Xia and it was a teleport, avoiding the ice storm that Zhuoqi issued.

The blue transparent shield made Zhuo Che a bit familiar, but still did not think of a human body, let alone that human beings could not appear here, even if it is true, it is impossible to hardly pick up Arus. Contains two swords of black inflammation.

But the eyes of Chia are instantly rounded, double teleport! safety mask!

The impression is too deep!

It is that guy!

The enemy who once sneaked into the Darkmoon Palace, stole the fragments of the gods mask, and glimpsed her most secret enemy, is also the biggest enemy of the Lucifer family - don't! WEAT! Bu!

The enemies who disappeared at this time appeared at this time, and they also inexplicably saved her.

There was a strong murderousness in the eyes of Xia, and the sword in his hand stabbed the cloak without thinking.

Although Zhuo Chee and Arus are also enemies, the battle with them is only the struggle within the Angel Empire. The Besib royal family is the biggest hidden danger of the entire empire. The descendants of the White Night Emperor will never be because of certain interests. Selling the entire empire, even if he saved her just now, there must be a conspiracy, no matter what, this biggest enemy will die!

The long sword in the hands of Xia has been tightly grasped by the other side, and it is impossible to enter.

Shia’s eyes began to turn into black and white, apparently using the strongest power of the dark heart.

"Stupid woman!" The cloak opened his mouth. "Remember, these three words!"

The familiar voice fell in the ear of Xia, like a thunder, this "stupid woman" was the last time in the palace of the palace, she said to herself...

This is one of her secrets. Only the man knows it and understands it.

Do not! can! can!

"A few hours ago, I thought I had forgotten these three words, but now, my memory is clearer than ever. Anyway, you should remember a promise."

The next time, when I say these three words, you can't kill me.

This is her promise.

"If you want to know the truth, you will survive in this battle. Then, I will wait for you in a place where you only know. Hia’s ear sounded a subtle voice. The sound of the cloak, the cloak of the whole person has turned into a light smoke, flew to Zhuo Chee.

Xia took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the horror and suspicion in her heart. Yes, live! Then wait for him to answer!

In any case, you must know the answer!

The long princess who made up his mind put aside all the distracting thoughts, stood in the void, pointed the sword to Arus in front of him, and an unprecedented powerful momentum broke out.

Both Arus and Chia are the first stage of the demon. Although experience and strength are still there, they don’t dare to neglect. There are also two pairs of black wings behind them. The giant sword is in front of the eyebrows, and the black flame burns. It’s up.

Without the restraint of Arus and Zhuoqi, the two-legged dragons began to attack the red-stricken army. The red-backed army and the Chinese army became the targets of intensive attacks. The battlefield entered a stalemate and was stagnant.

From this situation, the outcome of the battle between the two sides of the air will determine the outcome of the entire battle. Hey.

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