Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 411: Blue melt

The 141st chapter of the blue melt

Busy days are always very fast. In the blink of an eye, General Kafu, the Lord of Blood Jinghua, has returned to China for a week. After the successful conclusion of the auction, the bustling trade will be completed. //The tofu novel has no pop-up window to see the latest chapter //

Monroe's son, Monroe Tevez, came to the Darkmoon to "learn" as Cafu said.

Monroe was originally an arrogant temper. Fortunately, he was repeatedly beaten by Kafu before coming, and it seemed to converge a lot. In a friendly "cutting and learning", the shadow martial art of the shadow emperor was defeated to the dark moon's genius female swordsman, the current head of the Flame Light Corps, Athena, and convinced to join the Flame Light Army. Become a special consultant and participate in the training of the battle ball, and soon really like this passionate sport.

Compared with the episode of the arrival of General Kafu’s son, people are more enthusiastic about the thrilling battle between the emperor’s strong and the elders in the auction. This battle has been vividly reproduced. In fact, the most vivid and vivid The good things that are not on the scene, the vivid scenes and the battle scenes of the feeding seem to be witnessed.

After the trial, the captured middle-aged emperor named Waum at the auction was the elder of the Toro family of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, and was ordered by the black scorpion to assassinate Kafu and destroy the dark moon. At the auction, the one who died was the Zong Lao Shalu of the Horn family.

The regent of the Angel Empire sent people to assassinate the visiting lords of the Allies. This is not a general event. Once it is open, it may also cause conflicts between countries, which is not good for the dark moon that is in urgent need of time development. Xia and Chen Rui considered repeatedly and decided to temporarily suppress this incident, so that they could hold the handle of the black scorpion and make it a rat. If the time is ripe, the key piece of Waum will play a more important role.

However, from this time, the emperor has successively dispatched two emperor-level assassins to see that the empire of the empire angels is really different, and the magician-level powerhouses that can be used in the hands of the black scorpion may not be a minority. This is also reasonable. Otherwise, with the power of blood, the empire has been subverted directly by force.

These democrat-level powerhouses are not directly under the black scorpion, but like Waum and Sharu, they are all super-male in the big family. They don’t show up easily on weekdays until the family or the empire has some urgent need. Will only be shot.

However, due to the fundraising, the contradiction between the black scorpion and the veteran family has become increasingly sharp. Many veteran families may not buy this account, and the shock and threat of this incident is that the black scorpion should not Incited.

The success of the "two sessions" in the Darkmoon Territory and the news of the friendship city with the Shadow Emperor's Blood Jinghua territory caused a shock throughout the Angel Empire.

The dark moon's long princess, His Royal Highness, took over as the lord. In just eight years, he managed a degraded and degraded territory to such a field. This is still under the premise that the imperial capital continues to exert oppression and control!

During this period, there were some small and medium-sized territories nearby. Because the capital of the capital was not returned, it caused economic distress and was forced to aggravate the taxation. As a result, the territory was in turmoil. In desperation, he tried to ask for help in the dark moon.

Xia can now be regarded as a rich and powerful, and did not refuse, but instead of asking for money and food for food, she sent special personnel to publicly fund the project in the name of the Darkmoon, and even sent troops to assist these territories. Order and clear thieves, making it a strong sense of dependence on the dark moon. Many people in those territories are grateful to the princess, and some even sneak into the dark moon.

Compared with the inferiority of the regents’ black shackles in the major territories and the major families’ funds, the “Yiyi” funded territory of Xia’s image is more brilliant. Including the emperor, there is already a voice in the empire of the angels that is gradually expanding. That is, the sacred empire of the sacred angelic empire, the glory of the white night emperor, will reappear in Lucifer family.

This black scorpion is very annoyed, but at the moment it is helpless. At present, his most urgent thing is to solve the big trouble of fund-raising. Otherwise, people will become more and more scattered. At present, several veteran families have expressed strong dissatisfaction and doubts to him. If this dissatisfaction is expanded, he will lose the right to mobilize the entire veteran family. Once these families fall to the side of Chia, even the position of the regent will be in jeopardy.

First eliminate the opposition voice around you, then concentrate on dealing with the dark moon! Black gnawed his teeth and made up his mind.

Darkmoon Palace Palace Chamber of Deputies.

Chia sat on the throne at the table and listened carefully to the information that the Dark Lord commanded Isabella. Isabella is a professional, and the Dark Lord has developed extremely rapidly under her leadership. Not only has the eyeliner set by many emperors and the rest of the forces removed, but the dark-eyed eyes and ears are successfully infiltrating into the surrounding territories.

For Isabella's talents, Xia is quite appreciative. As for the small grievances of the past, they are only their own masters. As a successful lord, they naturally do not account for these.

After listening to the report, Xia showed the indulgent color: "There are mysterious incidents in the blue melted territory, and the residents of the territory are missing a lot?"

Isabella with a veil nodded: "Yes, due to the gap in the capital of the emperor, Chandler, the son of the blue melt lord, levied in the territory, causing distraction and a large-scale famine. Chandler continued Several orders were issued, including the escaping of the residents of Luping Town who had disappeared, which caused the strong dissatisfaction of Sumen, the head of the Zhanlan deputy army. At present, some soldiers led by Sumen have left the Azure Army and are in a state of trouble. With the latest intelligence analysis, Chandler is likely to be controlled."

Chen Rui, who was on the side, inserted a sentence: "How likely is this analysis?"

Isabella looked at Chen Rui coldly, her eyes chilling: "You are questioning my analytical ability? Do you know that the information needed for this analysis has caused the Dark Lord to lose a lot of people?"

Isabella did not live in the residence of the finance officer + the sheriff. I don’t know that this human being is a liar. Although she knows that the close friend Betty has a good relationship with him, Miss Ini used to seduce her. The "victims" who have tried and sinned have been very cold, perhaps because of hostility to all human beings (except for someone).

"Of course not." Chen Rui directly ignored Isabella's hostility and shook his head. "Only, if this judgment is correct, our plan will be slightly changed. The next step should be placed on the blue melt. ""

Shea looked at what she was interested in: "Talk about your thoughts first."

"In the history of our human world, there has been such a battle. The king of a small country died of illness. The confidant assisted the young son to ascend to the throne. There was a general rebellion. The young king was defeated and immediately asked for help from neighboring countries. The king immediately sent troops and destroyed the rebels. However, the elimination of the rebels was only the first step. The army of the neighboring countries excused the rebellion. In fact, it was to occupy the whole country. As a result, the young king was captured and the country was destroyed."

Chen Rui’s case of war is a battle in the Five Dynasties and Ten States. The Wuping Festival made Zhou Xingfeng seriously ill, and the confession of the confidant was assisted by Zhou Baoquan, who was only 11 years old, and led the military affairs. He said that Zhang Wenbiao, the governor of Hengzhou, would be opposed in the future and could send Yang Shizhen to crusade. After Zhou Xingfeng’s death, Zhang Wenbiao rebelled. Zhou Baoquan ordered Yang Shijun to go out to fight against the army, and at the same time asked Jingnan and Song Taizu Zhao Yu for help. As a result, Zhao Wei’s surface was sealed by Zhou Pingquan as a martial arts martial, but he excused himself to send troops. In one fell swoop, he occupied Jingnan and Zhou Baoquan’s place in Hunan. Zhou Baoquan himself was also captured.

Isabella’s thoughts turned around and she understood it. The tourmaline lit up: “What do you mean by saying, blue melt to dark moon for help?”

Xia frowned: "Blue melt does not ask us for help now."

"No, we have received a letter of help from Blue Melt, or Chandler wrote it myself." Chen Rui smiled slightly. "As for the content... I want to seek support from the Darkmoon. I will flatten the former Zunlan Legion deputy head Sumen. Rebellion."

Although Xia’s thinking did not turn these two conspirators fast, they also understood some things and said: “Our current power is rising rapidly, and the outside world’s public opinion is good for us. If at this time, it is publicly sent out to occupy other The territory is only worth the loss."

Chen Rui shook his head: "Who said to occupy the blue melt?"

Isabella interface: "Yes, we just ‘help’ Chandler for ‘friendly’.”

Chen Rui showed a smile of appreciation to Isabella, who reported a cold look.

"There is also a piece of information. One of the blue-smelling territories, the free-cultivator of the middle of the devil, Sotson, lives in Lupin Town where the disappearance occurred. As a result, he was attacked and killed when he investigated the disappearance. In terms of death, the strength of the other party is likely to have reached the level of the Emperor and even the Emperor. As for the disappearance, the incident happened very suddenly. Even if the secret agent we sent to it could not find out, it would damage several elites. ""

Chen Rui frowned: "Don Chandler not order the prohibition of the townspeople to leave? Will this matter be related to him...or to those who control him? Also, the reason why Sumen is separated from the Azure Army is likely to know Some insiders may also be subject to some kind of instigation. I need more information from this person."

The demon emperor was killed and the townspeople were missing. Chandler may be under control... Will it be that after a certain force’s failure against the dark moon, the focus will be shifted to the blue melt of the lord’s new mourning?

Xia’s voice sounded and interrupted Chen Rui’s thoughts: “Well, the next direction is decided by” said Princess Long, who stood up and looked deeply. A glance at the financial officer: "If you don't want to be late, let the two of you cooperate and arrange a specific action plan for me as soon as possible. ”

Isabella nodded and began to fall into meditation.

The financial officer’s heart has read the stern warning of the Princess’s Highness: with the cooperation, do not move any thoughts.

The financial officer immediately replied with an innocent look, but the doubtful color in the eyes of the princess of the princess was even stronger. Obviously, there was a "pre-existing" and it was not worth the trust.

(Accurately, it is very untrustworthy!)

The financial officer’s eyes turned into a resentment, and he quietly made a secret gesture—(Do not be so good, big enough to open your mind to the secret room tonight, to prove the reliability of the man to His Highness...)

Her Royal Highness read the meaning of this wretched gesture very helplessly, could not stand the same wretched eyes of someone, glanced at it and finally lost.


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